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被动微波反演裸露区土壤水分综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
被动微波具有全天候、穿透性以及不受云的影响等特征,使其在反演土壤水分时具有很大的优势。通过研究发现,被动微波遥感是反演土壤水分的各种技术中最有效的方法之一。概括了主要的被动微波传感器并从被动微波遥感的原理出发,针对被动微波遥感裸露区地表随机粗糙面的模型以及土壤水分反演算法作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
设计了一套基于图像测量技术的花键套端面尺寸检测系统,采用高分辨率工业相机获取零件图像信息,使用相机标定技术标定相机参数,以校正光学系统导致的零件图像畸变,通过图像处理技术处理并分析图像,得到图像特征尺寸信息,最后采用分区域标定像素当量的方法得到零件实际尺寸.使用该检测系统与三坐标测量仪检测系统进行对比实验,实验结果显示,该系统尺寸检测结果与三坐标测量仪检测结果比照相差不超过10 μm.每个零件检测时间不超过20 s,速度远远快于平均检测时间需约2 min的三坐标测量仪检测方法,因此在满足检测精度的基础上大大提高了检测速度,实现了花键套尺寸批量检测.  相似文献   
China has experienced unprecedented urbanization in the past decades, resulting in dramatic changes in the physical, limnological, and hydrological characteristics of lakes in urban landscapes. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics in distribution and abundance of urban lakes in China remain poorly understood. Here, we characterized the spatiotemporal change patterns of urban lakes in China’s major cities between 1990 and 2015 using remote-sensing data and landscape metrics. The results showed that the urban lake landscape patterns have experienced drastic changes over the past 25 years. The total surface area of the urban lakes has decreased by 17,620.02?ha, a decrease of 24.22%, with a significant increase in the landscape fragmentation and a reduction in shape complexity. We defined three lake-shrinkage types and found that vanishment was the most common lake-shrinkage pattern, followed by edge-shrinkage and tunneling in terms of lake area. Moreover, we also found that urban sprawl was the dominant driver of the lake shrinkage, accounting for 67.89% of the total area loss, and the transition from lakes to cropland was also an important factor (19.86%). This study has potential for providing critical baseline information for government decision-making in lake resources management and urban landscape design.  相似文献   
Do collective behaviors of the daily routine of a city's inhabitants form the periodical cycling of human activity at the city level (here termed the “city's diurnal rhythm”)? If the answer is yes, do there exist geographical patterns in the city's diurnal rhythm? Using a nationwide dataset of observed uses of location‐aware services in the largest Chinese social media platform, we first confirm the significant periodicity in city‐level human activity from the perspective of the aggregate degree of social media uses over a day. We then investigate geographical changes in the diurnal rhythm of human activity and its local variations in different parts of the city, and between weekdays and weekend days, over 340 Chinese cities. Our results show that a city's diurnal rhythm across the whole country exhibits both regular, nationally conspicuous shifts along geographical gradients and locally distinct spatiotemporal changes within the city. Our findings could provide insights into the characterization of the daily routine of city‐level human activity and its geographical patterns, and have potential for several issues in terms of planning, management, and decision‐making related to human population dynamics.  相似文献   
Liu  Lushi  Lu  Jilong  Tao  Chunhui  Liao  Shili  Chen  Shengbo 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(2):971-987

With the depletion of mineral resources on land, seafloor massive sulfide deposits have the potential to become as important for exploration, development and mining as those on land. However, it is difficult to investigate the ocean environment where seafloor massive sulfide deposits are located. Thus, improving prospecting efficiency by reducing the exploration search space through mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) is desirable. MPM has been used in the exploration for seafloor deposits on regional scales, e.g., the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Arctic Ridge. However, studies of MPM on ultraslow-spreading ridges on segment scales to aid exploration for seafloor massive sulfide have not been carried out to date. Here, data of water depth, geology and hydrothermal plume anomalies were analyzed and the weights-of-evidence method was used to study the metallogenic regularity and to predict the potential area for seafloor massive sulfide exploration in 48.7°–50.5° E segments on the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. Based on spatial analysis, 11 predictive maps were selected to establish a mineral potential model. Weight values indicate that the location of seafloor massive sulfide deposits is correlated mainly with mode-E faults and oceanic crust thickness in the study area, which correspond with documented ore-controlling factors on other studied ultraslow-spreading ridges. In addition, the detachment fault and ridge axis, which reflect the deep hydrothermal circulation channel and magmatic activities, also play an important role. Based on the posterior probability values, 3 level A, 2 level B and 2 level C areas were identified as targets for further study. The MPM results were helpful for narrowing the search space and have implications for investigating and evaluating seafloor massive sulfide resources in the study area and on other ultraslow-spreading ridges.

根据河南省104个气象站1957 2000年降水量资料,以冬小麦全生育期降水负距平(%)为干旱指标,提取不同等级干旱的资料矩阵进行经验正交函数分解,并取主要模态特征向量值和时间系数进行分析,结果表明:河南省冬小麦干旱以轻旱和中旱为主要特征,40余年轻旱、中旱发生频率达59.71%和32.24%;各等级干旱的空间分布均表现为豫北、豫东以及豫西北的部分地区是干旱频发区,而豫西南和豫南地区则是干旱低发区;干旱的时间变化呈波峰波谷交替的振动形式,大规模轻旱2~3 a一遇,中旱3~4 a一遇,重旱约10 a一遇。降水负距平(%)平均值的分布特征可从总体上体现干旱的时空变化规律。  相似文献   
再论水平和垂直分辨率之间的协调   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
廖洞贤  朱艳秋 《气象学报》1995,53(2):129-137
在计算域面积为常数的约束下,给出了几种不同精度的平流方程和ω方程的“最优垂直网格距”,以及在极限情况下的“协调垂直网格距”的表达式。还讨论了在水平和垂直分辨率不协调时数值解对能量传播和计算稳定性的影响。  相似文献   
不同采样率水位同震响应能力及其特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析同种仪器不同采样率水位资料同震响应记录情况,发现存在很大差异,不但形态上明显不同,响应能力及响应幅度上也差别很大.在此基础上认为,秒采样率数据能更好记录同震响应.指出,为了记录到真实完整可靠的同震响应,观测仪器应在采样率、数据存储容量、GPS授时、触发阈值、时值及分钟值取值方式等方面作改进.最后指出,同震响应分析可能是今后地震分析预报有所突破的一个研究方向.  相似文献   
一个有限区变网格模式的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在国家气象中心业务运行的有限区球面均匀网格模式的基础上设计了一个有限区变网格模式。使预报的窗口区设计为均匀细网格0.5°,而窗口区以外则以0.1°经纬度均匀向外递增。采用廖洞贤1995年提出的坐标变换方法,变网格中的模式方程可以在相应的均匀网格上进行计算。利用实际资料对绝热模式进行了变网格与全场均匀细网格0.5°的对比试验。3个个例的试验结果表明:对窗口区变网格模式预报几乎与全场均匀细网格模式预报水平相当。但由于窗口区外网格点数减少而所用计算机时(CPU)节省了一半以上。  相似文献   
广西南宁盆地渐新世孢粉植物群及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统研究南宁盆地琅东高坡邕宁组下含煤段的孢粉,建立1个孢粉组合和3个亚组合.孢粉组合以木本被子植物蕈树科、壳斗科、榆科、胡桃科、杨柳科和木犀科为主,同时见有槭树科、桦木科、芸香科、漆树科、椴树科、冬青科、大戟科、山龙眼科、楝科、珙桐科、忍冬科、山矾科和桑寄生科等成分;草本被子植物花粉少量见到,含莎草科、毛茛科、唇形科、禾本科、菊科、百合科、蓼科、黑三棱科和睡莲科;裸子植物花粉主要为杉科和松科,少量见到罗汉松科;蕨类植物孢子包括凤尾蕨科、水龙骨科、紫萁科、石松科、水藓科和海金沙科.此外,还见有部分藻类分布,含疑源类的皱面球藻属、瘤面球藻属和光面球藻属,亲缘关系不明的环纹藻属以及绿藻门水网藻科的盘星藻属.组合中,裸子植物花粉尤其松科的含量自下而上逐渐减少,藻类主要分布在剖面的中部,蕨类植物孢子更多地见于剖面的上部;因此进而分出3个亚组合.孢粉植物群反映沉积时期的气候温暖湿润,植被类型为亚热带湿生常绿、落叶阔叶混交林.结果表明当时的植物生境稳定、气候温暖,湖泊和湿地逐步发育,在后期形成沼泽环境;孢粉组合一定程度上反映了全球气候在始新世末期急剧变冷后,在渐新世早中期的逐渐回暖过程.  相似文献   
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