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农村居民点作为乡村区域空间人口集聚形态的一种表现,是构成乡村聚落景观的一个重要部分,对其特征的分析研究对于推动城乡一体化建设和美丽乡村建设等政策的理论研究和实践开展和促进农村土地节约集约利用有重要意义.运用Ripley's K函数和ArcGIS 10.2中的核密度法来研究广东省揭阳市农村居民点的空间分布特征,建立河流和...  相似文献   
基于社会网络分析方法,利用国家交通运输物流公共信息平台2018年全国地级及以上城市的公路零担专线数据,从城市节点、城际联系、子网络3个层面对中国城市网络结构特征进行识别,结果表明:1)上海、天津、郑州、广州、杭州在网络中处于主导性地位,根据货流组织系数,可将城市节点划分为强中心、次强中心、弱中心、从属型4种类型。2)在首位联系总量排名前十的城市中,输出型城市和输入型城市的比例为4∶1,反映货流流向的不均衡性。由公路零担专线数据刻画的网络空间呈现显著的距离衰减规律,集中在500 km的专线数量占比为41.9%。3)公路零担专线网络形成东北―冀鲁蒙社区、中原社区、关中社区、江淮社区、泛珠三角―长三角社区、长株潭社区6个具有显著地域特征的城市社区,社区结构表现出明显的空间集聚和跨行政区特征。最后,提出以下建议:增强成渝城市群公路零担专线服务能力,发挥核心城市产业集聚和带动作用;优化边缘城市产业结构,加强交通与产业融合;积极引导无车承运人平台发挥网络规模化效应,提高公路货运组织效率。  相似文献   
一种改进的图像边缘检测算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对传统的微分边缘检测算法的缺陷进行分析和评价,并针对微分边缘检测算法的缺陷,提出了一种改进的边缘检测算法。新算法摈弃了传统边缘检测算法中将每个像素单独进行考虑的模式,而是将待检测像素及与其相邻的像素作为一个整体来考虑,通过将待检测像素为中心的某个领域进行整体计算,得出能够反映这个领域性质的某些参数,并以此作为边缘检测的判据,进行检测。此算法充分考虑到了中心像素与周围像素之间的关系,从而增加了梯度运算的可靠性。实验表明:新算法能够检测到更细的边缘,并且在椒盐噪声的情况下要优于常用的微分边缘检测算法。  相似文献   
This study deals with a unusual cooling event after Typhoon Mujigea passed over the northern South China Sea(SCS) in October 2015. We analyze the satellite sea surface temperature(SST) time series from October 3 to 18,2015 and find that the cooling process in the coastal ocean had two different stages. The first stage occurred immediately after typhoon passage on October 3, and reached a maximum SST drop of –2℃ on October 7 as the usual cold wake after typhoon. The second stage or the unusual extended cooling event occurred after 7d of the typhoon passage, and lasted for 5d from October 10 to 15. The maximum SST cooling was –4℃ and occurred after 12d of typhoon passage. The mechanism analysis results indicate that after landing and moving northwestward to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(YGP), Typhoon Mujigea(2015) met the westerly wind front on October 5. The lowpressure and positive-vorticity disturbances to the front triggered meridional air flow and low-pressure trough,thus induced a katabatic cold jet downward from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP) passing through the YGP to the northwestern SCS. The second cooling reached the maximum SST drop 4d later after the maximum air temperature drop of –9℃ on October 11. The simultaneous air temperature and SST observations at three coastal stations reveal that it is this katabatic cold jet intrusion to lead the unusual SST cooling event.  相似文献   
So far, large uncertainties of the Indonesian throughflow(ITF) reside in the eastern Indonesian seas, such as the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea. In this study, the water sources of the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea are diagnosed at seasonal and interannual timescales and at different vertical layers, using the state-of-the-art simulations of the Ocean General Circulation Model(OGCM) for Earth Simulator(OFES). Asian monsoon leaves clear seasonal footprints on the eastern Indonesian seas. Consequently, the subsurface waters(around 24.5σ_θ and at ~150 m) in both the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea stem from the South Pacific(SP) during winter monsoon, but during summer monsoon the Maluku Sea is from the North Pacific(NP), and the Halmahera Sea is a mixture of waters originating from the NP and the SP. The monsoon impact decreases with depth, so that in the Maluku Sea, the intermediate water(around 26.8σ_θ and at ~480 m) is always from the northern Banda Sea and the Halmahera Sea water is mainly from the SP in winter and the Banda Sea in summer. The deep waters(around27.2σ_θ and at ~1 040 m) in both seas are from the SP, with weak seasonal variability. At the interannual timescale,the subsurface water in the Maluku Sea originates from the NP/SP during El Ni?o/La Ni?a, while the subsurface water in the Halmahera Sea always originates from the SP. Similar to the seasonal variability, the intermediate water in Maluku Sea mainly comes from the Banda Sea and the Halmahera Sea always originates from the SP. The deep waters in both seas are from the SP. Our findings are helpful for drawing a comprehensive picture of the water properties in the Indonesian seas and will contribute to a better understanding of the ocean-atmosphere interaction over the maritime continent.  相似文献   
从组织原则、资料收集、技术手段等方面阐述了地理国情监测与国土三调的相同点;同时从主要目标、主要任务、分类和定义等方面展开对比分析,表明了两项工作的科学性,并展望了自然资源调查监测的下一步工作。  相似文献   
晚三叠世—早侏罗世,基墨里大陆和泛华夏陆块与欧亚大陆的碰撞,形成了4000 km 长的基墨里造山带。位于三大陆之间、现今青藏高原北部的松潘 甘孜地体的造山属性的确定,对于探索松潘 甘孜锂矿链的成因有重要意义。松潘 甘孜地体西部和北部的早侏罗世陆相火山岩、底砾岩和煤系地层(~201 Ma)不整合在晚三叠世褶皱地层及花岗岩体之上,为晚三叠世—早侏罗世的基墨里造山时限提供了直接证据。松潘 甘孜地体中的甲基卡、可尔因、扎乌龙和白龙山 大红柳滩等稀有金属矿集区具有共同特征:赋存在由核部高分异S型花岗岩和幔部中晚三叠世浊积岩组成的片麻岩穹隆构造中、经历了巴罗 巴肯变质作用、含锂伟晶岩脉侵位在花岗岩体上部的伸展空间。通过对松潘 甘孜地体区域地质调查和对矿集区的变质、变形、岩浆和成矿作用及同位素年代学研究,提出该地体经历晚三叠世—早中侏罗世的基墨里造山过程:① 230~220 Ma:地壳缩短和加厚阶段,以盖层大规模强烈褶皱、逆冲带,盖层与基底之间向南的滑脱变形为特征,伴随深熔和巴罗式变质作用;② 220~190 Ma:地壳减压折返阶段,大量花岗岩侵位在中晚三叠世浊积岩中、形成片麻岩穹隆并伴随巴肯式变质作用。由于花岗质岩浆的高度分异及岩浆不混溶作用,导致侵位在片麻岩穹隆顶部伸展空间的伟晶岩稀有金属富集成矿。此外,伟晶岩型锂矿科学钻探(JSD)揭示了甲基卡矿集区多层次穹状花岗岩席控制含锂伟晶岩脉的成矿机制,推测大规模中下地壳基底深熔驱动岩浆上升,岩浆体沿上地壳中的构造面推叠形成岩席。  相似文献   
地幔早先经核- 幔- 壳分异形成,后受不同尺度对流和循环的影响,因而具有不均一性特征。近三十年来,地幔化学通过研究大洋玄武岩发现了多样地幔端元和非放射性同位素证据并证明了地幔不均一性,逐渐建全了地幔地球化学体系。然而,地幔不均一性如何对应于时空尺度的地幔循环,以及地球演化如何影响地幔不均一性等,仍不清楚。此外,地球物理研究显示,岩石圈厚度差异、中下地幔的波速异常体以及俯冲板片形态的观测为纵横向对流系统提供了空间不均一性证据支持。联合地球化学和地球物理手段对研究地幔不均一性至关重要,用好透视地幔成分与结构的“双目镜”已成为共识。本文从地幔不均一性结合地球化学场、地球物理的不同表现形式,以及现今及历史时期的洋陆格局的对比,多维度联系地幔循环和演化,思考了超大陆旋回与地幔不均一化的内在逻辑。强调了从全球演化角度看地幔不均一性的重要性和提出多手段联合建立地幔循环驱动模型的展望。  相似文献   
分析引起自动站与人工观测降水量差异的原因,并提出解决问题的着眼点。  相似文献   
位于巴西东岸的南大西洋被动大陆边缘盆地——桑托斯盆地是我国海外油气勘探的重要区块.通过地震资料分析,结合叠合盆地演化原理以及南大西洋演化历程,将桑托斯盆地的构造演化阶段划分为前裂谷期、裂谷期、过渡期、漂移期4个阶段,对应克拉通、裂谷、坳陷、被动大陆边缘4类原型盆地.原型盆地的时空匹配关系为桑托斯盆地形成超大型的含油气系...  相似文献   
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