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干旱区水环境叶绿素遥感估算模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2006年10月14~18日在甘肃省庆阳市境内环江、柔远河和马莲河实测的水体波谱数据,模拟水色卫星传感器波段,根据目前广泛应用于各种水色卫星传感器的五种叶绿素浓度估算模式计算叶绿素含量;利用平均绝对误差(MAE)、均方差(RMSE)、一致性指数(IA)和线性相关系数(LCC)等模式性能检验指标,结合与光谱数据测定同步获取的叶绿素含量分析数据,对模式性能进行评价,试图从地面遥感的角度来深入分析这些模式的应用精度;模式的性能分析结果表明:(1)Clark(1997)具有最小MAE和RMSE,最大的IA和LCC,因而是比较适用研究区域叶绿素浓度的估算模式;(2)虽然Clark(1997)性能相对来说比较高,但是估算误差仍在37%以上。进一步利用本次实验中获取的26个样本数据,对Clark(1997)模式参数进行优化和改进,得到了修正后的模式,并利用预留的8个叶绿素实测样本进行验证,对优化后的模式进行的对比分析,结果表明精度提高了16%。  相似文献   
反演地表温度三要素获取途径研究及其应用价值   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
根据2002年和2004试验中,利用红外辐射计获取的地表辐射温度、方向比辐射率仪获取的地表比辐射率和长波辐射计秋取的大气下行辐射等试验数据,探讨了反演地表温度所需三要素的获取途径;对地表辐射温度的热方向性进行研究,分别建立30°、60°和90°高度角辐射温度观测值与半球积分值的回归方程;在给出几种温度的详细定义之后,计算了考虑及不考虑大气下行辐射和地表比辐射率影响所对应的温度,比较了它们之间的差值,并从理论上分析了造成差值的原因;进一步讨论大气下行辐射、地表比辐射率对地表温度反演结果的影响。  相似文献   
以广东省现有的"岸基雷达网综合监控系统"为基础,构建一个服务于海上执法的智能平台。针对构建该智能平台所涉及的关键技术展开分析,包括全省近海20 nmile范围内5万以上海上目标数据10 s实时更新、雷达网数据清洗、船舶航行态势估计等。结果表明:(1)采用线性池和连接池技术,可实现全省近海5万海上目标数据10 s实时更新,确保目标数据实时动态入库;(2)建立针对不同目标的检测与数据清洗算法,可解决静态目标、目标断续ID不统一、虚假目标等数据的去除问题,确保实时输入数据的有效性;(3)依据雷达、船舶身份自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)、天气和海浪等数据,可有效地构建基于概率图的船舶航行态势估算模型,实现对小型船舶航行危险、违规违法和导致危险等方面进行智能判断,辅助海上执法。  相似文献   
海水石油类物质吸收系数遥感化提取算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Establishing the remote sensing algorithm of retrieving the absorption coefficient of seawater petroleum substances is an efficient way to improve the accuracy of retrieving a seawater petroleum concentration using a remote sensing technology. A remote sensing reflectance is a basic physical parameter in water color remote sensing. Apply it to directly retrieve the absorption coefficient of seawater petroleum substances is of potential advantage. The absorption coefficient of waters containing petroleum [ACWCP, a_o(λ)], consists of the absorption coefficient of pure water [ACPW, a_w(λ)], plankton [ACP, a_(ph)(λ)], colored scraps [ACCS, a_(d,g)(λ)], and petroleum substance [ACPS, a_(oil)(λ)]. Among those, ACCS consists of the absorption coefficient of nonalgal particle [ACNP, a_d(λ)] and colored dissolved organic matter [ACCDOM, a_g(λ)]. For waters containing petroleum, the retrieved ACCS using the existing method is a combination absorption coefficient of ACNP,ACCDOM and ACPA [CAC, a_(d,g,oil)(λ)]. Therefore, the principle question is how to extract ACPS from CAC.Through the analysis of the three proportion tests conducted between the year of 2013 and 2015 and the corresponding remote sensing data, an algorithm of retrieving the absorption coefficient of petroleum substances is proposed based on remote sensing reflectance. First of all, ACPS and CAC are retrieved from the reflectance using the quasi-analytical algorithm(QAA), with some parameter modified. Secondly, given the fact that the backscatter coefficient [BC, b_(bp)(555)] of total particles at 555 nm can be obtained completely from the reflectance, the relation between BC and ACNP in petroleum contaminated water can be established. As a result, ACNP can be calculated. Then, combining the remote sensing retrieving algorithm of a_g(440), the method of achieving the spectral slope of the absorption coefficient can be established, from which ACCDOM,can be calculated. Finally, ACPS can be computed as the residual. The accuracy of ACPS based on this algorithm is 86% compared with the in situ measurements.  相似文献   
利用半湿润季风气候类型夏季近地层气象观测资料,对得到广泛应用的十种晴天大气下行辐射估算模型和两种昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行检验。指出其中Iziomon(2003)晴天大气下行辐射估算模型是半湿润季风气候类型夏季较适用的估算模型。然而,在有云天空,Iziomon(2003)昙天估算模型误差比较大。本文依据实测资料,对Iziomon(2003)昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行修正,修正后的模型估算值与实测值非常接近。由于应用常规气象站的大气温湿度来估算大气下行辐射仅代表近地层大气对其的贡献,不能反映整层大气的贡献,尤其在近地层与高空大气的水汽状况不一致时,上述模型将有较大的误差。为此本文结合Iziomon(2003)晴天模型中大气比辐射率的表达式,提出了运用红外辐射计以37°高度角对天空的观测值,来推算大气下行辐射的新方法。小汤山的试验数据表明,新模型的反演精度优于上述传统模型。  相似文献   
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