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Zooplankton surveys were carried out on November 2-3 and December 8-10, 2001 at 12 stations in the Nan Wan Bay of Taiwan, China. Altogether 92 quantitative zooplankton samples were collected from subsurface water and bottom water layers with two conical plankton nets (180 cm in length, 45 cm in opening diameter, 333μm and 200 larn in mesh size). A total of 31 species of Siphonophores were identified, among them 7 species are new records in the waters around Taiwan Island, of which Rocacea cymbiformis is a new record in China. Dominated by Chelophyes appendiculata, Bassia bassensis, Diphyes bojani, Diphyes dispar, Abylopsis eschscholtzi and Chelophyes contorta, these species accounted for over 76 % and 63 % of the total abundance in November and December. The species number and Siphonophores abundance in December (25 species, 1.99 inds/m3) were more than those in November (19 species, 0.438 inds/m3), and they were more in the surface water layer than in the bottom layer at most sampling stations. In early winter, the offshore high salinity water mass was a main factor influencing the distribution. The sampling efficiency for two plankton nets is discussed and the seasonal variation of species number and abundance in the Nan Wan Bay is compared with that in the neighboring waters.  相似文献   
通过对乌拉斯泰地区的沉积相、侵入岩及火山岩的构造环境分析,结合前人成果认为,该地区经历了古准噶尔洋的形成和发展、乌拉斯泰泥盆纪裂陷槽的形成和发展、晚古北天山有限洋(陆表海)的形成和发展以及陆内造山及隆升4个阶段,乌拉斯泰泥盆纪裂陷槽的确立,修正了西天山造山带的构造区划及演化史。  相似文献   
2009年11月28日,《鹤壁市矿山地质环境保护规划(2009~2020年)》通过了该市财政局和市国土资源局的联合评审。  相似文献   
石家庄市污染日特征及其天气背景分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
对石家庄市2002年1月到2004年12月空气质量达到中度及以上典型污染日进行了统计分析,得出典型污染日的分布特点、对应的气象要素特征及3种天气型。结果表明:典型污染日多出现在采暖季节,出现时间具有相对连续性;污染日分为沙尘和非沙尘两类,气象要素特征前者表现为风速大、湿度小、多正变压等锋后特征;后者则表现为地面风小、湿度高、多逆温层、大里查逊数等稳定大气层结,这些均为锋前特征;还侧重指出由于石家庄的特殊地形作用,高压前部型是石家庄重污染出现几率最多的天气类型。并由此提炼出中度以上污染日的预报要点,可供空气质量预报业务参考。  相似文献   
福州峨嵋叶蜡石矿区围岩蚀变特征及成矿作用初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Emei pyrophyllite ore district is localized in the middle part of eastern Fujian volcanic eruptive belt, within the Mesozoic fault mobile zone along the coast region of Fujian and Zhejiang. Upper Jurassic (J3n) Nan Yan Formation, which is composed mainly of rhyolitic erystalclastic tuff-lava, rhyolite and rhyolitic crystal tuff, is widely distributed throughout this region. Pyrophyllite and alumstone ore bodies occur principally in the rhyolitic crystal tuff and volcanic breccia-bearing tuff in the IV litbofaeics of the Nan Yan Formation. As a result of hydrotbermal metasomatism closely related to volcanic activities, pyrophyllitization, silicifieation and alunitization, empholitization, pyritization, and etc. are extensively developed, causing a systematic migration, enrichment and resetting of the constituents in the tuffs.  相似文献   
塌隐地裂缝,改变了地层的几何结构,破坏了三维地震反射层的连续性,出现了反射波同相轴错断、反射层产状变化、反射波能量转换、反射波增多或减少等特征。据此利用石塘湾因果岸三维地震资料对其地裂缝地质灾害形成进行了研究。通过对实际资料的分析,指出本区地裂缝类型为张跌型,并以较多的资料翔实地说明了诱发本区地裂地质灾害不可分割的五个因素,从而为治理地裂缝地质灾害提供了丰富的地质资料和治理方向。  相似文献   
多旋翼微型无人机气象探测适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜明  史静  姚巍  庄庭  连高欣 《气象科技》2018,46(3):479-484
本文通过多种试验对多旋翼无人机搭载微型气象探测设备进行低空温湿度探测和数据传输进行了适用性分析。结果表明,采用433 MHz无线透传的数据通讯方式数据传输稳定性较好,选用的微型气象探测设备温湿度传感器通过了实验室计量检定,与百叶箱温湿度的对比观测中二者一致性较好;无人机在单纯悬停过程中,温湿度观测与对比观测设备误差较小,相关性较好;在低空连续飞行过程中,温湿度观测结果与探空仪观测结果具有较好的一致性(温度平均绝对误差0.84℃,相对湿度平均绝对误差4%),但存在温湿度小脉动变化无法捕捉的情况,可能与设备温湿度响应时间、通风防辐射罩结果、飞行速度等有关。  相似文献   
“廉政来自无私,腐败止于正气”、“廉政勤政,从我做起”……走进汝州市地矿局办公楼,一句句寓意深刻的廉政警句、一幅幅雅俗共赏的廉政漫画便映入眼帘,成为外来办事人员驻足欣赏的一道风景。近年来,汝州市地矿局把廉政文化作为加强廉政建设的一项重要内容,结合廉政文化进机关、进家庭活动,不断丰富廉政文化内涵,创新载体,弘扬廉洁新风,使清廉之风在全局荡漾,充分发挥了廉政文化潜移默化的作用。  相似文献   
日前,河南德海源诚矿业有限公司投资近亿元,占地112亩的铁精粉项目二期工程开工奠基仪式在河南省沁阳市原联盟铜厂旧厂址上隆重举行。这标志着沁阳市政府今年引进的总投资10.7亿元、占地近千亩的98个新建项目,在没有征用一分耕地的情况下,全部落户存量闲置土地。  相似文献   
“张所长,马庄村东西结洼之间的耕地上有8起违法建筑,其中6户房屋已经建成使用,1户基本建成,另外1户正在挖地基。”义马市东区国土资源所巡查人员在巡查的路上打回了电话。  相似文献   
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