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在城镇化和工业化的驱动下,中国丘陵山区耕地逐渐被边际化,耕地撂荒范围也迅速从劣质的坡耕地延展至优质的梯田,大规模梯田撂荒将会引发一系列社会和生态效应,科学评估中国山区梯田的撂荒程度及空间分布将有助于有效地应对耕地撂荒问题。本文通过全国抽样调查的方式对中国梯田的撂荒程度进行了调查,利用获取的中国329个县的560份村问卷测算了中国梯田撂荒规模,并进一步分析了梯田撂荒空间分异特征及驱动因素。结果显示:(1)全国梯田撂荒现象分布广泛,发生梯田撂荒的村庄占总调查村庄的比例为54%,撂荒面积占梯田总面积的比例达到9.79%;(2)梯田撂荒程度呈现“南高北低”的特征,南方丘陵山区较为严重,尤以长江中下游地区为最;(3)梯田撂荒的主要因素可归结为农业劳动力外出务工、梯田耕作机械化程度、灌溉条件、耕作交通条件等。减缓梯田撂荒,应因区精准施策,提高梯田区机械化水平等措施具有普适性,针对质量较差的梯田,可有序“退耕”,对于质量较好的梯田,可采用调整种植结构、加强农业基础设施建设、鼓励流转与规模经营等方式。  相似文献   
1999-2013年中国耕地复种指数的时空演变格局   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
耕地复种是中国普遍的农业种植制度,对保障国家粮食安全和促进农村经济发展十分必要。本文基于1999-2013年1 km×1 km旬SPOT-NDVI数据和3期耕地数据,利用S-G (Savitzky-Golay)滤波方法,重建了农作物生长NDVI曲线;基于二次差分算法及相关阈值限定,提取了各时相复种指数;分析了1999-2013年中国耕地复种指数的时空变化过程。结果表明:① 中国耕地复种指数从北到南逐渐增加,其中种植制度上43.48%的耕地实行一年一熟,56.39%的耕地实行一年两熟,仅有0.13%的耕地实行一年三熟。② 1999-2013年间,中国耕地复种指数整体上呈现显著上升趋势,年均增加约为1.29%(P < 0.001);但空间差异明显,复种指数显著降低(P < 0.1)的耕地仅占全国耕地的2.12%,主要分布在河北、北京、天津交界地区,安徽中部,四川的成都平原,江西的鄱阳湖平原,湖南的北部和南部以及广西的中部;16.40%的耕地复种指数显著上升(P < 0.1),主要分布在甘肃的东部,陕西的渭河平原,山西的西部,河北、山东和天津交界处,山东的山东半岛和湖北的江汉平原。③ 耕地复种指数年际变化率与地形起伏和经济发展水平具有较好的相关关系:起伏度增强,复种指数上升;经济发展水平提高,复种指数降低。  相似文献   
土地利用集约度的测度方法   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
针对土地利用集约度测度混乱的状况,文章从投入指标还是产出指标、实物指标还是价值指标、综合测度 还是分项测度、单纯测度还是复合测度以及初级集约度还是次级集约度测度等五个方面,辨析了土地利用集约度 的概念,评价了各种测度方法的特点和应用范围。认为土地集约利用或粗放利用,本身不是土地利用的目标,是实 现土地合理利用的两种基本途径。其本质是资源的替代。把土地集约利用定义为用资本和劳动来替代土地资源的 现象,使集约度变化与用途转换这两种土地利用变化类型联系起来。提出从土地利用变化研究的角度出发,土地利 用集约度的基本测度指标应为单位时间单位土地面积上的资本和劳动的投入数量, 产出指标只可以作为代用指 标。从土地利用变化研究需求的角度,对土地集约度指标的选择提出了建议。  相似文献   
The south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay is one of the typical salt-water intrusion areas in China, the occurrence and development of which was closely related with the palaeoenvironment evolution. Systematic analyses of pollen, foraminifera and grain size composition based on ^14C and luminescence dating from two sediment cores were performed for the purpose of understanding the salt-water intrusion in the coastal plain of Laizhou Bay from the perspective of environmental evolution since late Pleistocene. It could be classified into seven evolution stages since 120 kaBP: 120-85 kaBP was a transition period from cold to warm; 85-76 kaBP was a period with warm and wet climate having swamp lakes developed in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 76-50 kaBP was characterized by grassland vegetation and coarse sediments in terrestrial environment, which was the early stage of Dali Ice-Age; 50-24 kaBP was a period with alternate sea deposition in the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 24-10 kaBP was the late stage of Dali Ice-Age with coldest period of Quaternary, the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was dry grassland and loess deposition environment; 10-4 kaBP was another warm and wet climate period, sea level was high and regressed at 4 kaBP; and has been the modern sedimentary environment since 4 kaBP. Among the three warm stages, including 85-76 kaBP, 50-24 kaBP and 10-4 kaBP, corresponded to late Yangkou, Guangrao and Kenli seawater transgression respectively. The duration of the latter one in south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was longer than that in west coast of Bohai Sea and east coast of Laizhou Bay. The three periods of seawater transgression formed the foundation of salt-water intrusion in this area.  相似文献   
济南张夏黄土堆积及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲁中南山地西北边缘的山麓地带、大沙河沿岸阶地广泛分布厚度不一的黄土堆积。其中出露在河岸阶地的济南市长清区张夏镇的黄土物质来源复杂,既有西北气流,东部渤海湾气流搬运而来的物质,又有当地生成的坡洪积碎屑物质。张夏黄土下部呈现明显的水流侵蚀痕迹,中间夹有围岩碎屑,应属于风成-洪积、坡积成因的黄土状土。  相似文献   
Land circulation is an important measure that can be utilized to enable agricultural management at a moderate scale.It is therefore imperative to explore spatiotemporal changes in land circulation and the factors that drive these variations in order to maintain and increase the vitality of the land rental market.An initial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in land circulation is presented in this study on the basis of data from 169,511 farm households between 2003 and 2013.The rural fixed observation point system advocated by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture was utilized for this analysis,and Heckman two-stage models were developed and estimated in order to identify the drivers of regional differences in land circulation at the national scale and at the levels of different terrains.The results of this study show that the rate of land circulation in China rose from 15.09% to 25.1% over the course of the study period,an average rate of 0.8%.More specifically,data show that the rate of land circulation in the south of China has been higher than in the north,that the average land rental payment was 4256.13 yuan per ha,and that 55.05% of households did not pay such a fee during the land circulation process.In contrast,the average rent obtained was 3648.45 yuan per ha nationally even though 52.63% of households did not obtain any payments from their tenants.The results show that land quality,geographic location,transaction costs,and household characteristics have significantly affected land circulation in different regions of China.Specifically,the marginal effects of land quality and geographic location were larger in the plain regions,while transaction cost was the key factor influencing land circulation in the hilly and mountainous regions.The signal identified in this study,rent-free land circulation,is indicative of a mismatch that has led to the marginalization of mountainous regions and higher transaction costs that have reduced the potential value of land resources.Thus,as the opportunity cost of farming continues to rise across China,the depreciation of land assets will become irreversible and the phenomenon of land abandonment will become increasingly prevalent in hilly and mountainous regions in the future.The transaction costs associated with the land rental market should be reduced to mitigate these effects by establishing land circulation intermediaries at the township level,and the critical issues of land abandonment and poverty reduction in hilly and mountainous regions should arouse more attention.  相似文献   
土地流转是实现农业适度规模经营的必经之路,理解土地流转的空间差异及影响因素具有重要意义。基于2003-2013年农业部农村固定观察点系统的169511个住户样本,本文揭示了中国土地流转的区域差异,并采用Heckman两阶段模型识别土地流转区域差异的影响因素,旨在为促进土地流转提供科学参考。结果发现:① 2003-2013年间,土地流转率从17.09%上升到24.1%,年均增幅近0.7个百分点;南方土地流转较为活跃,比如福建等地流转率超过30%,而北方土地流转率较低;② 转入土地支付租金平均为283.74元/亩,55.05%的转入户并未支付租金;相反,转出土地获得租金为243.23元/亩,52.63%的农户转出土地未获得租金;目前中国土地的“零租金”流转率超过50%;③ 土地质量、地理区位、交易费用、家庭及村庄特征等对土地流转的区域差异具有显著影响;土地质量和地理区位在平原地区的边际效应较大,但在丘陵和山区,交易成本已成为影响土地流转的重要因素。土地“零租金”流转的实质是土地资源错配的一种表现,丘陵和山区边际化及交易费用偏高降低了土地资源的潜在价值。政府应努力降低土地流转中面临的各类交易费用,建立健全土地流转的补偿机制,同时关注丘陵和山区的土地资产贬值和撂荒现象。  相似文献   
近年来,耕地撂荒因与耕地流失及粮食安全紧密联系而备受关注。反映撂荒现状并揭示其影响因素,有利于政府制定科学的政策、规划和计划。现有的研究多将农户作为一个整体,较少考虑到不同类型农户撂荒的差异。以重庆市12 个典型村为例,在农户类型划分的基础上,分析不同类型农户撂荒的差异,运用多元线性回归模型定量分析不同类型农户撂荒的影响因素。研究表明:① 不同类型农户撂荒的差异主要体现在撂荒户数比重、户均撂荒面积、撂荒面积占承包地面积比重随耕作半径的变化情况、撂荒地现状及不同时间段撂荒面积;② 野生动物影响和人均耕地面积是影响不同类型农户撂荒的共同原因。此外,影响基本型农户的因素包括户主外出经历、耕作半径和房屋离集镇距离;影响自然资产型农户的因素包括农业劳动力比重、户主外出经历、地块平均面积和耕地收益;影响人力资产型农户的因素包括家庭人口、非农收入、耕地转出面积和耕作半径。  相似文献   
莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区晚更新世以来的古环境演变   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
莱州湾南岸是我国典型的咸水入侵区,古环境变化构成了现代咸水入侵发生的背景。本文通过对潍河下游地区A1、A5孔岩芯系统的孢粉、有孔虫、粒度、14C及热释光测年资料的分析,结合100余个钻孔的沉积特征,论述了莱州湾南岸地区晚更新世以来的古环境演化特征。本区经历了三次明显的冷暖气候波动,三次显著的暖湿期为85~76kaBP、50~24kaBP、10~4kaBP,为海陆过渡相沉积环境,这三个时期分别与晚更新以来的三次海侵相对应,与相邻区域相比,全新世海侵开始早、结束晚;两次冷干期为76~50kaBP、24~10kaBP,分别对应于早大理冰期、晚大理冰期,为陆相沉积环境。  相似文献   
绿化带被认为是英国城乡规划的核心元素之一,其在控制城市增长和保护乡村景观方面起着非常重要的作用。土地利用是绿化带政策关注的主要内容。该文首先简要介绍了英国绿化带的功能和范围;然后剖析了英国的规划系统。由于区级(相当于中国的乡镇级)规划在英国的土地利用和绿化带保护中占有重要的地位,因此,该文以位于伦敦绿化带中的斯佩尔索恩...  相似文献   
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