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前言中国震旦亚界蓟县层型剖面厚约万米,层序清楚,受构造变动破坏的程度轻微,基本上代表了晚前寒武纪沉积的主要部份,多年来已成为我国震旦亚界划分、对比的标准剖面,亦为世界上该时代地层发育最完好的剖面之一。其上,与含大古油节虫Mega palaeolenus的下寒武统府君山组呈不整合接触,其下,不整合在太古界迁西群片麻岩之上,其本身现划分为四个系(原为三个系),十一个组。  相似文献   
面向工业检测领域提出了一种工业构件螺栓孔的空间位置检测方法,解决了大型工业钢结构特征位置的检测问题。通过三维激光扫描获得构件的完整点云,提取螺栓孔的点云,利用非线性的最小二乘方法拟合螺栓孔的中心,获得螺栓孔中心在点云坐标系中的坐标。同时,根据设计尺寸建立构件的标准模型作为检测的基准,将模型特征转换成一组点表示,拟合对应的螺栓孔中心,获得螺栓孔中心在模型坐标系中的坐标。利用两个坐标系中若干个公共点计算平移矩阵和旋转矩阵,最后将点云坐标系中的坐标转换到模型坐标系中,计算出标准模型与构件对应点之间的误差,从而实现对工业构件螺栓孔的空间位置精度检测。  相似文献   
在完成中国水质站网规划工作的基础上,对下列问题作了进一步探讨:(1)水质站网规划单元的划分;(2)聚类分析在水质站网规划中的应用;(3)站网密度与人口和经济发展的关系;(4)中国水质站网的分区特征。  相似文献   
本文收集了1966—1986年期间34起震群及1971年太谷4.6(M_L)、1979年介休5.5(M_L)、1980年平遥5.0(M_L)地震的序列资料.讨论了这些震群和3个非震群序列的基本特征(含时间序列、能量释放等)及其震兆特征(含衰减、U值等).  相似文献   
厦门城市空间拓展的生态敏感性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在综合分析海湾型城市自然生态与社会生态属性的基础上,选取了高程、坡度、河流水库、植被覆盖、土地覆盖和生态保护区等6个因子,作为生态敏感性评价的指标。另外,借助GIS空间分析单因子评价与多因子加权综合评价方法,研究了生态敏感性程度及其空间分布特征,将厦门的生态敏感性划分为4级:不敏感、较敏感、中敏感和高敏感。综合评价结果表明,厦门市生态敏感性在空间分布上差异显著:高度敏感区占研究区总面积的28.1%,低敏感区和不敏感区分别占研究区总面积的27.9%和33.6%。中度敏感区占的比例较小,仅为10.4%。  相似文献   
  1.贯彻“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的总要求。“照镜子”主要是学习和对照党章、对照廉政准则、对照改进作风要求、对照群众期盼、对照先进典型,摆问题、找差距、明方向;“正衣冠”主要是正视问题、改正缺点,端正行为、维护形象,把自身问题整改好;“洗洗澡”主要是听取意见、自我批评、相互批评,除思想之尘、祛行为之垢,增强自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高能力;“治治病”主要是对症下药、治病救人,把存在的突出问题解决好。  相似文献   
Vibrio fluvialis incubated in trypticase soy broth (TSB) showed stronger adhesion to the skin mucus of Epinephelus awoara than V. fluvialis grown on trypticase soy agar (TSA), and this bacterial adhesion was assessed in terms of saturation kinetics. Treating bacteria with antibody against O-antigens resulted in significantly reduced bacterial adhesion. In the early growth stage, the adhering bacteria numbers increased with incubation time, peaked at 24 h, and then dropped sharply. Prior heat treatment of the mucus at various temperatures resulted in different effects on bacterial adhesion. No remarkable effect on bacterial adhesion was detected after treating mucus with protease K and trypsin, whereas periodic acid treatment significantly enhanced bacterial adhesion. Extracts of V. fluvialis surface structures at high concentrations significantly inhibited bacterial adhesion, while relatively low concentrations enhanced adhesion. V. fluvialis had strong affinity for a high molecular weight mucus component. These results indicate that V. fluvialis adhered strongly to E. awoara mucus by specific adhesion and that this adhesion was influenced by many factors, including bacterial conditions, mucus, and the environment.  相似文献   
<正>7月中旬以来,光山县连续普降大雨,造成地处西南山区的殷棚乡出现多处山体滑坡和泥石流,毁坏民房29户,冲毁县乡公路、村村通水泥路28处,共计4600米,冲垮桥梁6座、塘坝多处,给全乡群众的生命和财产安全带来巨大威胁。殷棚国土资源所迅速启动应急预  相似文献   
Green tides have occurred every year from 2007 to 2014 in the Yellow Sea. Ulva prolifera(Müller) J. Agardh has been identified as the bloom-forming alga,co-occurring with U. intestinalis. We observed distinct strategies for both algal species during green tides. U. prolifera exhibited a high abundance initially and then decreased dramatically,while U. intestinalis persisted throughout. The antioxidant system responses of these two macroalgae were compared in the late phase of a green tide(in-situ) and after laboratory acclimation. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system responses differed significantly between the two. Malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide contents increased significantly in-situ in U. prolifera,but not in U. intestinalis. In U. prolifera,we observed a significant decrease in total antioxidant ability(T-AOC),antioxidant enzymes(SOD and Apx),and non-enzyme antioxidants(GSH and As A) in-situ. U. intestinalis showed the same pattern of T-AOC and SOD,but its Gpx,Apx,and GSH responses did not differ significantly. The results suggest that U. prolifera was more susceptible than U. intestinalis to the harsh environmental changes during the late phase of a Yellow Sea green tide. The boom and bust strategy exhibited by U. prolifera and the persistence of U. intestinalis can be explained by differences in enzyme activity and antioxidant systems.  相似文献   
正党的十八大以来,按照中央和省委、省政府的部署,青海省国土资源系统先后开展了党的群众路线教育实践活动,"三严三实"专题教育、"两学一做"学习教育以及从严治党和党风廉政建设等系列教育活动。这些教育培训涉及面广,有党政领导干部、技术管理干部、基层党务干部、县处级后备干部等,也有基层业务骨干、地勘测绘一线职工等;在教育培训内容上,有政治理论学习、坚定理想信念教育、政策法律学习、专业  相似文献   
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