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两种主流空间数据库国际标准与应用分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
空间数据库标准在数据库空间扩展过程中发挥着重要作用。基于SQL的简单要素访问(Simple Feature Access-Part 2:SQL option,SFA SQL)和SQL多媒体与应用程序包第三部分空间(SQL Multimedia and Application Packages-Part 3:Spatial,SQL/MM Spatial),是目前两种主流的空间数据库国际标准,在地理信息系统(GIS)和数据库行业得到广泛的遵循。本文主要研究了这两种标准,首先,着重从几何对象模型和要素表实现模式两方面内容进行阐述。除了几何对象模型,SFA SQL中还定义了文本标注对象模型,SQL/MM Spatial根据自身特色也定义了方向和角度对象模型。要素表的实现模式决定了要素在数据库中的存储方式,SFA SQL有两种要素表的实现模式:预定义数据类型方式和扩展Geometry类型方式,SQL/MM Spatial只定义了扩展Geometry类型的实现方式。然后,对两种标准进行了对比分析,为空间数据库SQL标准的选择提供一定的参考依据。两种标准在扩展环境、对象模型、空间函数几个方面存在一些差别,但通过对其发展历史的研究和趋势分析,这种差别将越来越小。最后,通过调查分析了两种标准在空间数据库产品中的应用现状和问题。 相似文献
协同GIS软件体系结构研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
分布式的异构地学信息处理与分析,需有支持协同工作的GIS平台。但是现有的GIS基础平台大都只具有部分协同功能,真正意义上的协同GIS基础平台尚未出现。本文结合计算机支持协同工作的相关理论,提出协同GIS的体系结构,分析了协同逻辑在协同GIS体系结构中各部分的特征和作用,并论述了所涉及的研究内容。 相似文献
地理学正在经历“剧变”时代,愈发强调决策支持。地理决策过程中往往涉及众多因素,需要通盘考量不同因素、权衡利弊,并提出最优方案,是典型的多目标优化过程。数学领域的多目标优化算法因而在地理决策中具有广阔的应用潜力和重要意义,其最新进展是地理学中新方法、新工具的重要来源。本文综述了多目标优化领域最前沿、最流行的算法代表“非支配排序遗传系列算法”(Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms,NSGAs),对其三代不同算法的原理、适用性进行对比,并综述了这些算法在地理决策领域的应用现状、改进方法、问题与局限。研究发现:在三代算法中,NSGA-Ⅱ因其在计算复杂性和使用场景方面的优势在地理决策中最为流行;NSGA-Ⅲ对建模要求较高,尚未得到广泛关注。在地理决策的各领域中,水资源管理领域是NSGA算法应用最多、最成熟的领域,该领域的问题建模和在NSGA算法中融入局部搜索的经验值得其它领域借鉴和推广;土地利用规划领域提出了较多的NSGA改进算法,为更好地融合NSGA算法进行地理决策树立了典范。未来研究中,可通过凝练行业共性问题、构建通用优化模型降低NSGA算法的应用门... 相似文献
地理几何数据是GIS软件的基础与核心。介绍了OGIS、Oracle Spatial和ArcGIS的地理几何数据模型,通过对比分析了3种数据模型的优缺点。OGIS的地理几何数据模型结构简单、清晰,易于理解,有一定可扩展性,但模型对部分聚合关系描述得不够抽象,影响了模型的稳定性,而且模型对Polygon和MuhiPolygon的表达能力十分有限: Oracle Spatial的地理几何数据模型层次简单,有较强的可扩展能力和很强的表达能力,但它更象是数学几何的数据模型,而非地理几何的数据模型;ArcGIS地理几何数据模型的表达能力最强、最为完善,但模型的结构比较凌乱, 而且与OGIS的模型标准相差较远。最后,笔者呼吁业界应当积极参与到OGC互操作规范的制定和完善中.以早日实现OGC的互操作计划。 相似文献
Analyses of the soil moisture evolution trend and the influence of different types of radiation on soil moisture are of great significance to the simulation and prediction of soil moisture.In this paper,soil moisture(2–60 cm) and various radiation data from 2014–2015 at the A’rou superstation were selected.The radiation data include the net radiation(NR),shortwave and longwave radiation(SR and LR).Using adaptive fractal analysis(AFA),the long-range correlation(LRC) of soil moisture and long-range cross correlation(LRCC) between moisture and three types of radiation were analyzed at different timescales and soil depths.The results show that:(1) Persistence of soil moisture and consistency between soil moisture and radiation mutate at 18-d and 6-d timescales,respectively.The timescale variation of soil moisture persistence is mainly related to the influence process of radiation on soil moisture;(2) Both the soil moisture persistence and soil moisture-radiation consistency vary substantially with soil depth.The soil depth variation of soil moisture persistence is related to the influence intensity of radiation;(3) From 2–6 day timescales,LR displays the strongest influence on soil moisture at depths of 2–10 cm through negative feedback of radiation on the soil temperature.The influence intensity decreases with depth from 2–15 cm.Therefore,the soil moisture persistence is weak and increases with depth from 2–15 cm;and(4) At more than 6 day timescales,SR and NR display a stronger influence on the soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–40 cm through positive feedback of radiation on the soil temperature,especially at depths of 2–10 cm.This influence also weakens with depth.The soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–10 cm is the weakest and increases with depth from 2–40 cm.The research results are instructive for determining timescales and soil depths related to soil water in hydrological models. 相似文献
近40年中美地缘政治关系波动及背景解析 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
基于GDELT数据利用概率分析和自适应分形分析方法,从合作与冲突的角度分析1979年以来历届美国总统任期内中美态度的差异以及中美态度的持久性。结果分析表明:① 中美地缘政治关系经历3个时期,分别是冷战期、转变期和经贸合作期。这3个时期的特征是中美关系的战略基础历经从联合抗苏到经贸关系转变;② 美国对华的冲突态度在老布什和克林顿时期发展和提高,在小布什时期和奥巴马前期有所缓和,但是在奥巴马后期趋于严重。③ 美国对华整体态度持续性存在约4 a时间尺度,而且主要受冲突态度的影响。在当前特朗普政府时期,中美地缘政治关系的政治和经济要素已经发生重大转变,建议中美关系政策制定者和研究者要重视这种转变,寻求新思维和新途径应对进入新阶段的中美关系。 相似文献
中美两国之间激烈的贸易竞争不仅集中在双边贸易领域,而且延伸为全球市场范围内的博弈。尤其在中国周边地区,厘清两国贸易影响力此消彼长的竞争态势,对维护中国的经济安全与发展具有重要现实意义。基于1996—2017年国家间商品贸易数据,利用时间约束聚类识别中国及周边地区贸易发展的阶段,构建贸易网络对比各阶段中美两国在中国周边地区的贸易发展及影响力变化。研究发现:①1996—2017年间中国及周边地区贸易呈三阶段跳跃式发展,贸易规模不断扩大。②中国在周边地区贸易的总体规模和覆盖程度均超越美国,中国在周边地区贸易收支中普遍存在日益扩大的顺差,而美国在中国周边地区始终保持着稳定大量的贸易逆差。③中国在周边地区的贸易影响力实现了对美国的赶超,中国的出口影响力优势突出,而美国仍旧拥有不俗的进口影响力。④中国与日本的贸易呈阶段式跳跃发展,而美国与日本始终保持着稳定的贸易联系。中国同日本在机电产品上的垂直型产业内贸易发达,但处于产业分工下游的相对不利地位,美国是日本的机电制成品和运输设备等高端产品的最终消费市场。研究结果对于中国维护周边地区经贸合作的稳定与发展和应对美国的冲击有所启示。 相似文献
The Babao River Basin is the "water tower" of the Heihe River Basin.The combination of vulnerable ecosystems and inhospitable natural environments substantially restricts the existence of humans and the sustainable development of society and environment in the Heihe River Basin.Soil temperature(ST) is a critical soil variable that could affect a series of physical,chemical and biological soil processes,which is the guarantee of water conservation and vegetation growth in this region.To measure the temporal variation and spatial pattern of ST fluctuation in the Babao River Basin,fluctuation of ST at various depths were analyzed with ST data at depths of 4,10 and 20 cm using classical statistical methods and permutation entropy.The study results show the following: 1) There are variations of ST at different depths,although ST followed an obvious seasonal law.ST at shallower depths is higher than at deeper depths in summer,and vice versa in winter.The difference of ST between different depths is close to zero when ST is near 5℃ in March or –5℃ in September.2) In spring,ST at the shallower depths becomes higher than at deeper depths as soon as ST is above –5℃;this is reversed in autumn when ST is below 5℃.ST at a soil depth of 4 cm is the first to change,followed by ST at 10 and 20 cm,and the time that ST reaches the same level is delayed for 10–15 days.In chilling and warming seasons,September and February are,respectively,the months when ST at various depths are similar.3) The average PE values of ST for 17 sites at 4 cm are 0.765 in spring > 0.764 in summer > 0.735 in autumn > 0.723 in winter,which implies the complicated degree of fluctuations of ST.4) For the variation of ST at different depths,it appears that Max,Ranges,Average and the Standard Deviation of ST decrease by depth increments in soil.Surface soil is more complicated because ST fluctuation at shallower depths is more pronounced and random.The average PE value of ST for 17sites are 0.863 at a depth of 4 cm > 0.818 at 10 cm > 0.744 at 20 cm.5) For the variation of ST at different elevations,it appears that Max,Ranges,Average,Standard Deviation and ST fluctuation decrease with increasing elevation at the same soil depth.And with the increase of elevation,the decrease rates of Max,Range,Average,Standard Deviation at 4 cm are –0.89℃/100 m,–0.94℃/100 m,–0.43℃/100 m,and –0.25℃/100 m,respectively.In addition,this correlation decreased with the increase of soil depth.6) Significant correlation between PE values of ST at depths of 4,10 and 20 cm can easily be found.This finding implies that temperature can easily be transmitted within soil at depths between 4 and 20 cm.7) For the variation of ST on shady slope and sunny slope sides,it appears that the PE values of ST at 4,10 and 20 cm for 8 sites located on shady slope side are 0.868,0.824 and 0.776,respectively,whereas they are 0.858,0.810 and 0.716 for 9 sites located on sunny slope side. 相似文献
针对矢量数据多尺度显示中的若干常见关键技术问题进行了讨论,并提出了相应的解决方案,同时结合具体的研究实例进行了实验,较好地实现了利用离散尺度模拟无级比例尺显示。 相似文献