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青藏高原统计数据分析--以人口为例   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在自然地理单元与行政单元交叉情况下,如何根据行政单元统计数据获得该自然地理单元的精确数据是当前研究的难点和重点之一。以青藏高原为自然地理单元和人口数据为例,选用并设计了数据统计的运算方法(实际数值模型、边缘等密度法推算模型、最小值模型、最大值模型和估测值模型等5个线性统计模型)及试验应用。主要研究结论为:(1)在青藏高原中国境内分布于6个省区的221个县(市),其中155个县(市)位于高原内部,其余66个县市位于高原边缘地区,文中给出了边缘县在高原内外的面积比;(2) 边缘等密度法的计算结果更接近实际, 而估测值模型与边缘等密度法计算结果相差最小;截止2001年,青藏高原人口约1204万人; (3)结合居民点的实际空间数据进行叠加分析或结合多源数据融合技术,将进一步提高测算的精确度。  相似文献   
由于在数据同化过程中远距离的观测与同化状态之间存在着虚假相关,局地化方法受到广泛关注。同时,在集合数目较少的同化情况下,观测数据难以得到有效利用,使得同化效果欠佳。因此,提出了一种新的模糊控制局地化同化方法,通过模糊控制算法判断观测点与状态更新点之间的距离,构造观测位置模糊权重。利用非线性Lorenz-96模型,比较分析模糊控制局地化同化(FLETKF)算法与模糊控制同化(FETKF)方法、局地化分析同化(LETKF)算法和集合转换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)算法在非线性强迫参数变化时的性能,同时探讨了4种算法在不同强度下的优劣。研究结果表明,新方法能够获得更有效的观测权重,避免了远距离观测与状态变量之间的虚假相关,减小由于观测数据难以得到有效利用而带来的误差,在不同观测误差协方差情况下,随着集合数的增加,4种算法中FLETKF能够保持较好的鲁棒性,在观测误差协方差较大时,FLETKF方法的均方根误差(RMSE)相对FETKF方法的RMSE值减小98.2%,提高了同化精度,但在同化所需时间上,由于模糊控制局地化同化方法在判断观测点与状态更新点之间的距离,构造观测位置等价权重需要较长的额外时间,因此,并行计算的性能需进一步研究。  相似文献   
采用联合暴露的方法研究久效磷和林丹共同作用下对细小色矛线虫种群动态的毒性效应。结果表明:久效磷和林丹联合暴露极显著降低了细小色矛线虫子一代和子二代种群增长率,具有剂量-效应关系;并导致子一代种群偏雌性化。与对照相比,Ⅰ(0.1μg/L久效磷和0.005μg/L林丹)、Ⅱ(1.0μg/L久效磷和0.05μg/L林丹)、Ⅲ(10.0μg/L久效磷和0.5μg/L林丹)联合暴露组子一代种群增长率分别降低了64.82%、74.90%、78.28%,联合暴露组Ⅳ(100.0μg/L久效磷和5.0μg/L林丹)子一代种群呈负增长;Ⅰ、Ⅱ联合暴露组子二代种群呈负增长。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ联合暴露组的亲代总产卵量分别降低了68.27%、72.88%、80.81%和83.76%;Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ联合暴露组的子代总产卵量分别降低了73.66%、78.67%和85.66%。此外,细小色矛线虫子一代和子二代卵的受精率和胚胎孵化率的降低、胚胎发育持续时间时间的延长、L1幼虫畸形率的升高与种群动态的变化密切相关。久效磷和林丹共同作用下对细小色矛线虫种群动态具有较强的毒性效应。  相似文献   
陆面数据同化系统误差问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
同化系统中的误差问题一直被认为是制约数据同化性能的瓶颈问题。从分析陆面数据同化系统的误差问题研究现状出发,统一定义了同化系统的误差来源及误差表现,简要综述了顺序同化方法及连续同化方法中的误差定义和相关理论问题。从误差估计的角度,重点介绍了目前研究中各种误差估计的方法和面临的困难。针对误差处理方法的研究,介绍了在集合数据...  相似文献   
汞的污染已经引起地学和环境工作者的关注,尤其是作为全球两大汞-锑矿带之一的我国西南地区.近年来,我们系统研究了西南地区自然过程和人为活动向大气的排汞通量、土法炼锌和土法炼汞对生态环境的影响、大规模汞矿开采造成的环境汞污染、高汞背景和多汞污染来源地区水库汞的生物地球化学循环演化特征.研究表明,无论自然过程还是人为活动,西南地区尤其是贵州省是全球大气汞的重要释放源;矿业开采造成了严重的环境汞污染,对当地居民的身体健康构成了严重的危害;这一地区的新建水库是汞甲基化的重要场所,对生态环境有潜在的危害.  相似文献   
Based on the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI data(8 km spatial resolution) for 1982–2000, the SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data(1 km spatial resolution) for 1998–2009, and observational plant biomass data, the CASA model was used to model changes in alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). This study will help to evaluate the health conditions of the alpine grassland ecosystem, and is of great importance to the promotion of sustainable development of plateau pasture and to the understanding of the function of the national ecological security shelter on the TP. The spatio-temporal characteristics of NPP change were investigated using spatial statistical analysis, separately on the basis of physico-geographical factors(natural zone, altitude, latitude and longitude), river basin, and county-level administrative area. Data processing was carried out using an ENVI 4.8 platform, while an ArcGIS 9.3 and ANUSPLIN platform was used to conduct the spatial analysis and mapping. The primary results are as follows:(1) The NPP of alpine grassland on the TP gradually decreases from the southeast to the northwest, which corresponds to gradients in precipitation and temperature. From 1982 to 2009, the average annual total NPP in the TP alpine grassland was 177.2×1012gC yr-1(yr represents year), while the average annual NPP was 120.8 gC m-2yr-1.(2) The annual NPP in alpine grassland on the TP fluctuates from year to year but shows an overall positive trend ranging from 114.7 gC m-2yr-1in 1982 to 129.9 gC m-2yr-1in 2009, with an overall increase of 13.3%; 32.56% of the total alpine grassland on the TP showed a significant increase in NPP, while only 5.55% showed a significant decrease over this 28-year period.(3) Spatio-temporal characteristics are an important control on annual NPP in alpine grassland: a) NPP increased in most of the natural zones on the TP, only showing a slight decrease in the Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The positive trend in NPP in the high-cold shrub-meadow zone, high-cold meadow steppe zone and high-cold steppe zone is more significant than that of the high-cold desert zone; b) with increasing altitude, the percentage area with a positive trend in annual NPP follows a trend of"increasing-stable-decreasing", while the percentage area with a negative trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "decreasing-stable-increasing", with increasing altitude; c) the variation in annual NPP with latitude and longitude co-varies with the vegetation distribution; d) the variation in annual NPP within the major river basins has a generally positive trend, of which the growth in NPP in the Yellow River Basin is most significant. Results show that, based on changes in NPP trends, vegetation coverage and phonological phenomenon with time, NPP has been declining in certain places successively, while the overall health of the alpine grassland on the TP is improving.  相似文献   
黄河源地区草地退化空间特征   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
There are about 400 million hm2 of grassland in China, which account for 13% of the grassland in the world and 41% of the total land area of China. It is the biggest terrestrial ecosystem in China (Liu et al., 2003). Due to impacts of global change and ec…  相似文献   
构建了基于"敏感性—人为脆弱性"的脆弱性评价指标体系,运用ArcGIS的空间叠加分析和脆弱性评价模型,开展拉萨河流域湿地脆弱性评价,并运用障碍度计算方法,分析了影响脆弱性的主要因素。研究结果表明,拉萨河流域湿地脆弱性范围为0.115 3~0.742 7,可分为轻度脆弱、中度脆弱和重度脆弱3个等级,其中,中度脆弱面积最大,占湿地总面积的59.59%,集中分布在河谷区和高山盆地区,主要类型为藏北嵩草(Kobresia lit?tledalei)沼泽化草甸、杂类草湿草甸和河流;其次是轻度脆弱湿地,占湿地总面积的38.25%,主要分布于河源区的嘉黎县;重度脆弱湿地仅占2.16%,分布在河源区的那曲县和河谷区的桑日县。轻度和重度脆弱湿地的类型都以藏北嵩草沼泽化草甸、河流和湖泊为主。影响湿地脆弱性的主要因素有9个,其重要性从高到低依次为年降水量、污染源、牲畜密度、人均牧业产值、植被盖度、人均耕地面积、污水排放量、猪的密度和高程,其中,年降水量、放牧和植被盖度是普遍存在的最重要的影响因素。降低湿地脆弱性的关键在于保障水源供给、控制污染和限制过度放牧。  相似文献   
介绍国医大师潘敏求教授治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(简称慢性乙肝)的经验。潘教授认为慢性乙肝的病位在肝,与脾胃、胆、三焦密切相关,因外感湿热、饮食不节、情志失畅、正虚体弱等导致肝郁脾虚、湿毒内蕴,从而病情缠绵,迁延不愈,并以郁、毒、虚概括其基本病机,其中肝郁贯穿慢性乙肝的始终。潘教授根据这一基本病机确立了疏肝解郁、清热解毒、扶正补虚的基本治法,治疗上祛邪以清热解毒利湿为主,扶正以补益先天后天、扶助阳气为主,并以经验方肝复方为基础方,根据疾病阶段灵活用药,疗效显著。  相似文献   
拉萨河流域高寒湿地分布(英文)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
The Lhasa River Basin is one of the typical distribution regions of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau.It is very important to get a better understanding of the background and characteristics of alpine wetland for monitoring,protection and utilization.Wetland construction and distribution in the basin were analyzed based on multi-source data including field investigation data,CBERS remote sensing data and other thematic data provided by 3S technology.The results are(1) the total area of wetlands is 209,...  相似文献   
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