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地球表层系统是一个极其复杂的巨系统,为了更精确地表达地球表层系统各种过程的动态演进,解决数据同化系统观测误差的估计与处理已经成为地球科学领域备受关注的问题之一。在地球科学系统数值模拟中,一般采用集合数据同化来探讨地学变量预报时的各种误差。集合类卡尔曼滤波通常会由于集合数过小而带来欠采样、协方差低估、滤波发散和远距离虚假相关等问题。针对背景误差协方差被低估问题,局地分析方法(Local Analysis, LA)在一定程度上能起到抑制作用,但无法彻底解决背景误差协方差的虚假相关问题。因此,本文在集合卡尔曼滤波的算法框架下提出了一种与模糊逻辑控制算法相耦合的局地化分析方法(Fuzzy Analysis, FA)。在强非线性Lorenz-96模型中,对不同模型误差下的LA和FA方法进行了性能优劣方面的探讨,并比较分析了2种方法在集合数、观测数和观测位置、放大因子以及强迫参数变化时的同化性能。实验采用均方根误差作为算法评判依据,同时用功率谱密度(Power Spectral Density, PSD)更直接地对2种算法性能优劣作出了评价。结果表明:在完美模型下,FA相对于LA降低了17.5%的均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE);随着模型误差增大,RMSE减小的百分比和减小幅度都在降低;在严重模型误差下,FA降低了8.6%的RMSE。总体而言,新算法FA的有效性和鲁棒性都得到了验证,并且在EnKF同化基础下有效改进了传统的局地化分析方案,优化了观测误差处理,为今后的数据同化研究提供了一个较为全面的观测误差研究平台。  相似文献   
在集合数据同化过程中,由于远距离的观测与同化状态之间存在着虚假相关,局地化方法受到广泛关注.此外,由于集合数的限制,容易引起欠采样和协方差被低估等现象,使得滤波效果欠佳.因此,提出模糊控制算法,模糊控制算法主要用于判断观测点与状态更新点之间的距离来匹配相应的观测权重,进而调整局地化系数来更新背景误差协方差和观测误差协方差矩阵,从而得到有效的状态估计.基于背景误差协方差局地化方法和观测误差协方差局地化方法,耦合模糊控制,形成了新的算法—模糊控制的背景误差协方差局地化方法和模糊控制的观测误差协方差局地化方法.利用Lorenz-96模型,在小集合数和局地化半径下,得出模糊控制的背景误差协方差局地化方法和模糊控制的观测误差协方差局地化方法有较好的同化性能.通过分析泰勒图谱甄别出新算法与观测点具有高度的相关性以及较小的空间变异性.最后,在不同维数的模糊控制器下,新算法的有效性进一步得到验证.为今后数据同化误差处理方面提供了良好的研究平台.  相似文献   
精准的风速预报对风力发电系统具有重要意义,但风速信号自身固有的随机性使其波动复杂且不可控,以往的研究采用单一或固定的组合模型很难把握风速序列的特征.提出一种基于分解的机器学习模型择优风速预测系统,采用变分模态分解算法降低原始风速序列的复杂度.进而利用模糊神经网络、非线性自回归神经网络、Elman神经网络、反向传播神经网络和自回归差分移动平均模型构成机器学习模型择优系统,分别对子序列的验证集进行预测,通过均方根误差等性能指数选择其最优模型,提高了整体模型的预测精度.试验采用宁夏地区4个站点的实测风速数据,仿真实验结果表明,所提模型相比于单模型以及较新的深度学习组合模型,具有更高的预测精度.  相似文献   
GPRS技术以其网络覆盖范围广、传输速率快、安全性高等优点广泛应用于各行各业,文章结合自动气象站组网要求,介绍了GPRS网络的数据传输特点和原理,将GPRS技术应用于昌吉州中小尺度自动气象站组网系统中.  相似文献   
An evolutionary strategy-based error parameterization method that searches for the most ideal error adjustment factors was developed to obtain better assimilation results. Numerical experiments were designed using some classical nonlinear models (i.e., the Lorenz-63 model and the Lorenz-96 model). Crossover and mutation error adjustment factors of evolutionary strategy were investigated in four aspects: the initial conditions of the Lorenz model, ensemble sizes, observation covariance, and the observation intervals. The search for error adjustment factors is usually performed using trial-and-error methods. To solve this difficult problem, a new data assimilation system coupled with genetic algorithms was developed. The method was tested in some simplified model frameworks, and the results are encouraging. The evolutionary strategy-based error handling methods performed robustly under both perfect and imperfect model scenarios in the Lorenz-96 model. However, the application of the methodology to more complex atmospheric or land surface models remains to be tested.  相似文献   
大渡河上游林区森林资源退化及其恢复与重建   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
虽然森林采伐后的恢复重建一直是青藏高原东部地区森林经营管理的主要实践活动之一,但有关该区大规模森林恢复重建实践及其存在的问题还不清楚。本文选择大渡河上游林区,分析了该区目前森林资源现状、森林退化及其恢复重建及特点,阐明了该区目前资源管理与恢复重建存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的技术对策。结果表明,该区林地资源丰富,但森林资源量小,覆盖率不足23%,长期采伐导致森林生态系统结构和功能严重恶化;现有恢复重建技术体系不健全,人工成林成功率在高山同峡谷区不足30%,高丘区不足15%;造林树种单一,造林密度过大,抚育管理不力,人工林质量低下;强化对迹地退化过程的深入研究和监测,充分认识迹地环境的制约作用,强化抚育管理,改进和完善现有的森林重建技术体系,增加造林树种,特别是乡土阔叶树种的多样性应该是该区生态恢复重建的关键对策。  相似文献   
通过应用GPS在哈密野马泉煤田资源勘查中的实践,可以得出,GPS技术完全可以满足煤矿资源勘查的精度要求,为投资煤炭开发领域提供可靠的地质依据。可供同行参考。  相似文献   
要保证数字测绘产品的质量,必须严把数字测绘产品生产的全过程质量检查关,针对生产过程的检查内容,探讨检查数据源(数据生产)的重要意义,介绍控制数字测绘产品的质量检查方法。  相似文献   
青藏高原植被覆盖变化与降水关系   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
The temporal and spatial changes of NDVI on the Tibetan Plateau, as well as the relationship between NDVI and precipitation, were discussed in this paper, by using 8-km resolution multi-temporal NOAA AVHRR-NDVI data from 1982 to 1999. Monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall were used to analyze the seasonal changes, and annual maximum NDVI, annual effective precipitation and growing season precipitation (from April to August) were used to discuss the interannual changes. The dynamic change of NDVI and the corre- lation coefficients between NDVI and rainfall were computed for each pixel. The results are as follows: (1) The NDVI reached the peak in growing season (from July to September) on the Tibetan Plateau. In the northern and western parts of the plateau, the growing season was very short (about two or three months); but in the southern, vegetation grew almost all the year round. The correlation of monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall varied in different areas. It was weak in the western, northern and southern parts, but strong in the central and eastern parts. (2) The spatial distribution of NDVI interannual dynamic change was different too. The increase areas were mainly distributed in southern Tibet montane shrub-steppe zone, western part of western Sichuan-eastern Tibet montane coniferous forest zone, western part of northern slopes of Kunlun montane desert zone and southeastern part of southern slopes of Himalaya montane evergreen broad-leaved forest zone; the decrease areas were mainly distributed in the Qaidam montane desert zone, the western and northern parts of eastern Qinghai-Qilian montane steppe zone, southern Qinghai high cold meadow steppe zone and Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The spatial distribution of correlation coeffi- cient between annual effective rainfall and annual maximum NDVI was similar to the growing season rainfall and annual maximum NDVI, and there was good relationship between NDVI and rainfall in the meadow and grassland with medium vegetation cover, and the effect of rainfall on vegetation was small in the forest and desert area.  相似文献   
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