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以河南省为例,从社会剥夺视角系统检测了传统农区粮食连增背景下县域社会不平等空间模式、地域差异及形成机制。结果表明:河南省县域社会不平等强度整体较高,社会发展水平呈西高东低格局,总体上形成核心—边缘半环形空间结构。河南省县域社会不平等地域差异特征显著,中原城市群社会发展水平最高,但县区间差距最大;豫东地区县域社会发展呈较低水平空间均衡,粮食主产县区的“粮财倒挂”和“粮食与民生倒挂”现象并存;农村县域社会发展水平显著滞后于城市辖区,但其县区间差距更大,约为城市辖区的2倍。河南省县域社会不平等空间格局受区域经济发展、社会政策、空间战略及历史发展路径依赖等因素共同影响,有着显著社会经济综合转型的结构性特征。  相似文献   
随着区域土地利用研究的日益深入,区域土地利用的转化及其驱动机制成为学术研究的新热点。国内外区域土地利用转化的研究表明,人文因素是区域土地利用转化主导驱动力的观点已得到共识,但其驱动机制及其驱动力的传导机制仍需进一步探讨。本文通过文献资料搜索和实地调研,揭示了90年代以来温州市土地利用转化的基本特征。指出土地利用转化的关键性人文因素主要是政策驱动力、经济驱动力与城镇化发展驱动力,这三种驱动力共同存在,相互作用,但同时也具有各自的主导传导机制。为此国家在实施区域土地利用宏观调控时,应当因地制宜,更加关注主导人文驱动力在具体区域环境下的重要程度及其结合过程。  相似文献   
2008年4月2日,是我国杰出的地理学家、中国科学院资深院士、中国地理学会名誉理事长、国际地理联合会(IGU)原副主席、<地域研究与开发>特聘顾问、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员吴传钧先生九十华诞.  相似文献   
极端降水对娘子关泉流量的补给研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用广义极值Pareto分布模型(GPD)研究娘子关泉域的月最大降水,并在剔除人类活动造成的泉水流量下降趋势(亦即平稳化)后,研究不同重现期的极大月降水量与平稳化后的泉水年平均流量的关系,以获得极端降水与泉水流量的相关关系。结果表明,娘子关泉域的极大月降水与之后第2 年的泉水年均流量关系最为密切。此外,文中还给出了相应的量化关系表达式,并据此估算娘子关泉域重现期为20、30、50、100年的月降水量分别为280 mm、295 mm、315 mm、338 mm,其对之后的第2年的年均泉流量补给分别为1.58m3/s、1.83m3/s、2.16m3/s和2.55m3/s。   相似文献   
在对陕西省农业土地资源适宜性评价研究的基础上,对农业土地资源适宜性评价的理论与方法等问题进行了较深入的讨论。拓宽和深化了土地资源适宜性评价的理论与方法,提高了土地资源适宜性的精度和效率。  相似文献   
基于小波多尺度变换的渭河水沙演变规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关中平原地区是推动陕西省经济社会发展的引擎,其生产总值占陕西省的70%以上,但是水资源短缺、时空分布不均、河流含沙量高等问题严重制约其经济社会的发展。运用小波变换、滑动t检验、累积距平以及Yamamoto、Mann-Kendall等方法系统分析了1935-2011年渭河水沙序列演变规律。研究结果显示:77 a间除20世纪70年代、80年代外,其它年代渭河华县站水沙变化波动下降的匹配趋势均一致,其中径流量减流速度大于输沙量减沙速度;渭河水沙序列周期变化不一,径流量变化的主周期依次为38 a、14 a、4 a,输沙量变化的主周期依次为15 a、49 a、43 a、4 a;除输沙量49 a变化周期外,其他水沙变化周期大致相近;由于渭河输沙量变化所受气候及人类活动的影响远较径流量复杂,加之水沙异源,所以渭河华县站输沙量周期变化及突变点分布情况比径流量变化复杂,且其第一主周期变化呈现独特的变化态势。  相似文献   
1990-2005年广州城市土地覆被景观变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Urbanization has been the most important process that changed land cover landscape in Guangzhou since reformation, especially since 1990. It is essential for monitoring and assessing ecological consequences of urbanization to understand landscape quantitative characteristics and its changes. Based on four land-cover type maps interpreted from remote sensing TM images of 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005, combining gradient analysis with landscape metrics, the quantified spatial pattern and its dynamics of urbanization in Guangzhou was got. Three landscape metrics were computed within different regional areas including the whole study area, two transects along two highways (one N-S and the other W-E) and radiation zones with equal distance outwards the city center were set. Buffer zones for transects N-S and W-E were outlined along highways. The following questions should be answered in this paper: What responses were implied with changing spatial grain size or extent for landscape pattern analysis? Could gradient progress of urbanization be characterized by landscape pattern analysis? Did landscape metrics reveal urban expanding gradually? Were there directional differences in land cover landscape pattern during urbanizing development? The results gave some affirmative answers. Landscape pattern exhibited obviously scale-dependent to grain size and extent. The landscape metrics with gradient analysis could quantitatively approach spatial pattern of urbanization. A precise location for urbanized area, like city center and sub-center, could be identified by multiple landscape metrics. Multiple adjunctive centers occurred as indicated by analysis of radiation zones around the city center. Directional differences of landscape pattern along the two transects (N-S and W-E) came into being. For example, fragmentation of landscape in the transect W-E was obviously higher than that in the transect N-S. All in all, some interesting and important ecological implications were revealed under landscape patterns of two transects or radiation zones, and that was the important step to link pattern with processes in urban ecological studies and the basis to improve urban environment.  相似文献   
《物权法》的颁布对国土资源管理工作的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年3月16日,十届全国人大五次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国物权法》。土地、矿产资源作为《物权法》的主要调整对象之一,直接关系到国家的基本经济制度和普通百姓的切身利益,这也对国土资源管理工作提出了更加严格的要求。具体来讲,《物权法》的颁布对国土资源管理工作主  相似文献   
Summer precipitation patterns of Shandong Province are relatively independent with regard to the whole eastern China region.To study the rules and causes of precipitation variations,three main climate modes-on the annual,seasonal,and climatic intra-seasonal oscillation(CISO) scales-are extracted using a harmonic analysis method based on daily precipitation of Shandong during 1965-2009 and multi-year averaged pentad precipitation at 722 stations in China during 1971-2000.Among the three precipitation climate modes,the annual mode is closely related to the annual cycle of Earth-Atmosphere thermal system,which is characterized by the periodic dry and wet seasons.The seasonal mode reflects the monsoon effect on precipitation and the main flood season’s contribution to annual precipitation variations.As an important climatic signal,the CISO mode is more evident during summer monsoon.The gradual modulations of the CISO mode,seasonal mode,and annual mode control the annual variation of precipitation.To study the relationship between precipitation climate modes and atmospheric circulations,an East Asian Westerly Jet Index(EAWJI) is defined in this paper.It is revealed that precipitation of Shandong is closely related to EAWJI in all climate modes.A wet or dry phase of each climate mode corresponds to a specific atmospheric circulation pattern.The phase of the annual mode is reverse to that of EAWJI.During the wet phase of the seasonal mode(weak phase of EAWJI),the atmospheric circulation in and around Shandong is characterized by upper-level divergence and low-level convergence.A reversed atmospheric circulation exists for the dry phase(strong phase for EAWJI).In the summer wet phase of CISO mode(strong phase of EAWJI),Shandong is controlled by upper-level divergence and low-level convergence.Again,the dry phase is corresponding to a reversed circulation structure.The methodology employed in this research,i.e.studying the precipitation climatic variations in terms of independent components of different temporal scales,provides a new approach for annual and seasonal precipitation prediction.  相似文献   
应用基本气象资料,对2010年4月24—25日阿拉善盟强沙尘暴天气过程进行了天气和动力诊断分析。结果表明:气旋后部有强冷暖空气交汇,造成水平温度梯度增大,从而加大了垂直切变偏差风。同时,强变压梯度和强斜压性形成了变压风,引起了不稳定能量的释放,从而引发地面大风,产生强沙尘暴。高空急流的活动会促使下沉运动,有利于地面气旋加强,造成低层辐合,高层辐散,非常有利于对流的发生与发展。  相似文献   
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