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南极长城湾夏季领鞭毛类的分布和丰度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈波  何剑锋 《南极研究》1994,6(2):53-61
A Gram negative bacterium Ar/W/b/75°25′N/1 producing extracellular alkaline protease was isolated from surface water of latitude 75°25′N, and longitude 162°25′W in Chukchi sea, Arctic. The strain can grow at the temperature range from 7℃ to 30℃, and grow better at 30℃. It can not grow at 40℃. Keeping certain salinity concentration in medium is necessary for cell growth. It grows well in medium containing salinity concentration from 0.5% to 10% sodium chloride. Glucose, sucrose and soluble starch can be utilized by the strain, among which glucose is the optimal carbon source. Peptone is the optimal organic nitrogen source for cell growth and protease producing, and ammonium nitrate is the optimal inorganic nitrogen source. About 75 7% of total protease of the strain are extracellular enzyme. Optimal temperature for proteolytic activity is at 40℃. Protease of the strain keeps stable below 40℃, and shows high proteolytic activity within the pH range from 7 to 11.  相似文献   
In order to study the adaptability of Arctic mieroalgae to different environmental temperatures, the growth curves and antioxidase system of three microalgae ( Skeletonema marinoi, Chlorella sp. and Chlam ydomonas sp. ) that were separated from the Ny-Alesund, the high Arctic, at different low temperatures (0 ℃, 4 ℃ and 8 ℃ ) were determined. The result showed that the adaptability of the microalgae to temperatures depended on the species. The growth rate, SOD and CAT activities of Skeletonema marinoi were the highest at 4 ℃,but MDA content was the lowest. The growth rate and enzyme activity of Chlorella sp. were the highest at 8 ℃, while the lowest MDA content presented at 0 ℃. The growth of Chlamydomonas sp. at the different temperatures was not so significant, the lowest MDA content presented at 8 ℃. The change of antioxidase system also depended on species and temperatures. Three indexes of antioxidase system of Skeletonema marinoi between 0 ℃ and 4 ℃ showed extremely significant difference (p < 0. 01 ). SOD activity of Skeletonema marinoi and Chlorella sp. between 0 ℃ and 8 ℃ showed significant difference (p<0.05),and the other two indexes of them differed insignificantly. Antioxidase systems of Chlamydomonas sp. at the three temperatures differed insignificantly. In conclusion, the three microalgae had good adaptability to the three temperatures;their MDA content presented a low level, and had unique physiological mechanism to adapt to the environment with different low temperatures.  相似文献   
南极长城湾南极帽贝的营养组成及评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用常规的生化分析方法对南极帽贝软体部分的营养成分进行测定。结果表明:南极帽贝软体部分(干样)中粗蛋白含量为58.39%,粗脂肪含量为11.54%,灰分含量为9.97%;氨基酸总量为27.51%,必需氨基酸含量11.25%,占氨基酸总量的40.89%,第一限制氨基酸为缬氨酸,必需氨基酸指数为45.79;三种不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的21.20%;矿质元素含量丰富。综合分析认为南极帽贝能为其捕食者如黑背鸥和企鹅提供优质的食物来源,同时也有一定的开发利用价值。  相似文献   
实现网上银行产品新功能、提供便捷优质的用户体验,是网上银行产品设计与开发中的热点问题。针对一种基于jQuery企业网上银行中的账户日程模块进行了实例设计。该模块为用户提供了在日历中显示转账信息、快速添加转账、查看每日余额等功能。其界面设计采用了OPOA(One Page One Application)理念,用户从浏览器端发送Ajax请求,根据返回结果局部动态刷新页面。模块设计也考虑了国际化和安全性等关键技术的实现。实践表明,该模块的设计为企业网上银行系统提供了更安全、可靠、高效、友好的日程服务。  相似文献   
文章通过荧光显微分析和分子生物学分析方法,对斯瓦尔巴群岛周边海域微型浮游生物群落中的浮游细菌丰度、微型浮游植物丰度及优势种进行了重点调查,分析了微型浮游生物群落与海洋环境之间的相关性。结果表明,浮游细菌的丰度为4.2×105~1.2×106cells/ml,微型浮游植物的丰度为2.7×103~4.1×104cells/ml;微型浮游植物优势种包括微胞藻、微型海链藻和微型角毛藻。冰川融水会给附近海域带来陆源微生物,并在一定程度上促进微型浮游植物的生长,而海冰的存在和低温则是导致微型浮游生物丰度较低的主因。北冰洋升温和海冰(冰川)消融会导致海洋浮游生物群落的微型化,这种趋势会明显影响大型海洋生物对它们的利用效率,从而影响整个北冰洋海洋生态系统。  相似文献   
何剑锋  陈波  吴康 《极地研究》1999,11(1):28-36
对1992年4月至12月间中山站近岸海冰营养盐状况以及与生物量的关系进行了分析。为了能与海水中的营养盐进行对比,对海冰融化样的营养盐数据进行了同期冰下海水表层盐度的校正。结果显示,海冰中多数层次的硝酸盐浓度低于冰下表层海水的浓度,而磷酸盐和硅酸盐浓度则正好相反,亚硝酸盐浓度在观测期间均高于冰下表层海水的浓度。海冰营养盐浓度无明显的变化规律,呈现较大的波动,它可以是冰下表层海水的数分之一直至高出一个数量级,除显著的冰底水华期外并不构成冰藻生长的限制因素。海冰营养盐的分布与叶绿素a含量无明显的相关性。  相似文献   
极地科学考察标准对规范极地调查、观测、监测等实施过程具有重要意义。本文在全面梳理现行的与极地相关的国家和行业标准基础上,根据极地科学考察工作的迫切需求,指出了我国极地科学考察标准化工作中的薄弱环节和急需解决的问题。对我国极地科学考察标准的统计和分析表明,现行的国家标准有6项,行业标准有10项,仅为海洋标准总数的3.4%,是自然资源标准总数的1.1%,且大多数为基础通用类标准,缺乏极地调查、观测、监测等技术类标准。根据自然资源领域标准体系的构建思路,提出了极地科学考察标准的分类方法,初步构建了极地科学考察标准体系框架,提出了应尽快开展极地科学考察技术标准化建设、优先开展极地考察安全标准制定、探索极地科学考察国际标准研制的建议。  相似文献   
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