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休瓦促钨钼矿区位于义敦地体南段,是该区域唯一存在晚三叠世、晚白垩世和新生代酸性侵入体直接接触形成复式岩体的矿区。目前尚未对该复式岩体的岩浆演化过程开展过系统深入研究,限制了对该矿区及区域构造事件和岩浆演化的认识。本文通过系统梳理前人研究成果,开展东矿段黑云母花岗岩,西矿段二长花岗岩、花岗斑岩地质年代学和地球化学分析,探讨休瓦促复式岩体岩浆演化过程及其对区域构造的指示意义。研究表明,东矿段黑云母花岗岩结晶年龄为205.4±4.3 Ma,属高钾的钾玄质系列,偏铝质,富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素Rb、Nd、Sm等,亏损重稀土和高场强元素Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等,具有较明显的负Eu异常,氧逸度较高(fO2=-22.8~-6.8,平均-12.2),εHf(t)为正值(0.0~3.9),εNd(t)=-2.11~-1.18,87Sr/86Sr=0.707248~0.708070,锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄TDM2=1.32~1.68 Ga;西矿段二长花岗岩、花岗斑岩和细晶岩具有相同的物质来源和极为相似的地球化学特征,花岗斑岩年龄为80.2±1.5 Ma,与黑云母花岗岩相比,具有更强烈的负Eu异常,更低的氧逸度(fO2=-33.2~-3.2,平均-23.0),更低的εHf(t)值(-8.4~-2.1)、εNd(t)值(-8.59~-5.14);更高的87Sr/86Sr值(0.709987~0.713559),更老的锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄(1.62~2.36 Ga)。研究认为:晚三叠世黑云母花岗岩在甘孜-理塘洋西向俯冲的开放系统中通过岩浆结晶分异作用形成,岩浆主要来源于亏损地幔和少量俯冲洋壳物质;晚白垩世岩体物质来源于区域拉张环境下的古老下地壳和少量幔源物质,在相对封闭系统下通过岩浆结晶分异作用形成,同时在岩浆演化过程中受围岩同化混染作用影响。与成矿相关花岗岩的成因研究对揭示区域构造和成矿事件具有重要意义。  相似文献   
化探样品中微量硼和锡的光谱定量测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical difficulties for mapping and for estimating river regime characteristics in a large-scale basin remain because of the nature of the variable under study: river flows are related to a specific area, i.e. the drainage basin, and are hierarchically organized in space through the river network with upstream-downstream dependencies. Another limitation is there are not enough gauge stations in developing countries. This presentation aims at de-veloping the hydro-stochastic approach for producing choropleth maps of average annual runoff and computing mean discharge along the main river network for a large-scale basin. The approach applied to mean annual runoff is based on geostatistical interpolation proce-dures coupled with water balance and data uncertainty analyses. It is proved by an applica-tion in the upstream at Bengbu in the Huaihe River Basin, a typical large-scale basin in China. Hydro-stochasitic approach in a first step interpolates to a regular grid net and in a second step the grid values are integrated along rivers. The interpolation scheme includes a con-straint to be able to account for the lateral water balance along the rivers. Grid runoff map with 10 km × 10 km resolution and the discharge map along the river with the 1 km basic length unit are the main results in this study. This kind of statistic approach can be widely used be-cause it avoids the complexity of hydrological models and does not depend on the meteoro-logical data.  相似文献   
浙江舟山金塘岛北部围填海工程使其周边海域的地形产生了较大的变化。本文利用数值模拟方法研究了该围填海工程引起的地形变化对金塘岛周边海域的潮流、余流以及泥沙冲淤的影响。研究结果表明:地形变化对沥港水道影响较大,水道北部入口位置向北移,入口处流速明显增大,涨急流速由0.50 m/s增强为0.92 m/s,增强了84%,落急流速由0.30 m/s增强为0.53 m/s,增强了77%,余流流速由0.05 m/s增强为0.12 m/s,增强了140%;沥港水道中部转角处落急流速减弱;围填海工程新生成的岬角处流速变化也较大,2个岬角凹处形成旋转流场,涨急流速由0.46 m/s减弱至0.14 m/s,减弱了70%,落急流速由0.61 m/s减弱至0.17 m/s,减弱了72%,余流流速由0.55 m/s减弱至0.04 m/s,减弱了93%。金塘岛北部海域泥沙淤积分布与余流变化大小分布一致,表明两者密切相关且均受地形变化影响显著。  相似文献   
层状云微物理过程的数值模拟(一)——微物理模式   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一个比较完整的层状云参数化微物理方程组。根据理论和实验结果推导了18种层状云中常见的微物理过程中云滴、雨滴、冰晶、雪团和霰的群体比水量和比浓度的转化率,它们包括凝结(蒸发)、凝华、碰并、聚合、凇附、冰晶的核化、繁生以及冰—霰、雪—霰、云—雨的自动转化率等。  相似文献   
基于卫星高度计的北极海冰厚度变化研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
A modified algorithm taking into account the first year(FY) and multiyear(MY) ice densities is used to derive a sea ice thickness from freeboard measurements acquired by satellite altimetry ICESat(2003–2008). Estimates agree with various independent in situ measurements within 0.21 m. Both the fall and winter campaigns see a dramatic extent retreat of thicker MY ice that survives at least one summer melting season. There were strong seasonal and interannual variabilities with regard to the mean thickness. Seasonal increases of 0.53 m for FY the ice and 0.29 m for the MY ice between the autumn and the winter ICESat campaigns, roughly 4–5 month separation, were found. Interannually, the significant MY ice thickness declines over the consecutive four ICESat winter campaigns(2005–2008) leads to a pronounced thickness drop of 0.8 m in MY sea ice zones. No clear trend was identified from the averaged thickness of thinner, FY ice that emerges in autumn and winter and melts in summer. Uncertainty estimates for our calculated thickness, caused by the standard deviations of multiple input parameters including freeboard, ice density, snow density, snow depth, show large errors more than 0.5 m in thicker MY ice zones and relatively small standard deviations under 0.5 m elsewhere. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is implemented to determine the separate impact on the thickness estimate in the dependence of an individual input variable as mentioned above. The results show systematic bias of the estimated ice thickness appears to be mainly caused by the variations of freeboard as well as the ice density whereas the snow density and depth brings about relatively insignificant errors.  相似文献   
目的:探讨腹内硬纤维瘤(DT)的CT表现及病理学特征。材料和方法:回顾性分析10例经手术病理证实的腹内DT的CT表现,并与病理进行对照分析。结果:10例腹内DT中,位于腹腔6例,腹膜后4例。肿瘤最长径4.3~17.1 cm。4例DT形态不规则,6例呈椭圆形;5例边界清楚,5例边界不清或部分不清;3例可见完整或部分包膜。10例均行CT平扫加增强检查,平扫3例密度均匀,7例密度不均匀,其中1例可见不规则出血灶,所有病灶内均未见坏死及钙化,肿瘤密度均低于髂腰肌密度;增强扫描10例动脉期均呈轻度不均匀强化,门脉期呈渐进性强化。病理:镜下梭形纤维母细胞呈束状、编织状排列,无明显异型性,核分裂罕见,呈浸润性生长,伴胶原纤维增生及粘液样变。免疫组织化学:Vimentin阳性率100%(10/10),CD34、S-100阴性率均为90%(9/10),CD117阴性率100%(10/10),SMA阴性率80%(8/10)。结论:腹内DT的CT表现具有一定的特征性,对该肿瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断有一定的意义。  相似文献   
严从容 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):199-202
为了确定沿江断裂在南京长江第四大桥桥址区的位置及对设计和施工的影响,根据遥感、物探及钻探等多种方法取得的有关沿江断裂的资料,归纳出断层破碎带的各种不同特征,较为准确地确定了断层破碎带的具体位置、产状及规模。根据断层破碎带的特征,进行了科学评价,提出了工程设计和施工措施建议,对涉及断层破碎带的工程设计和施工具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统-GPS的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为了适应上海经济建设高速发展和超大型城市防震减灾工作的需要,建立城市防震减灾应急决策信息系统已成为必然.本文将地理信息系统(GIS)技术应用于上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统(宝山试点区),介绍了此系统各功能模块的结构和作用.此系统由7个功能模块组成,即地震地质基本信息、地震灾害快速评估子系统、地震应急决策信息子系统、信息查询、系统维护管理、帮助和退出等.其核心部分是地震灾害快速评估子系统和地震应急决策信息子系统.本文还介绍了彩红外航片遥感技术在上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统中的应用.  相似文献   
西藏冈底斯成矿带拉抗俄斑岩铜钼矿床位于西藏特提斯构造域拉萨地块东段中南部,是近年来青藏高原地质大调查项目评价的重点矿床之一。本文在钻孔地质编录的基础上,采用辉钼矿Re-Os同位素测年技术,对拉抗俄铜钼矿床中8件产于花岗闪长斑岩中的辉钼矿进行定年,获得了拉抗俄矿床辉钼矿成矿年龄,辉钼矿Re-Os模式年龄为(13.20±0.20)Ma~(13.64±0.21)Ma,加权平均值为(13.38±0.15)Ma,等时线年龄为(13.12±0.44)Ma,代表了拉抗俄斑岩铜钼矿床的成矿时代,成矿作用发生于中新世。辉钼矿中Re的含量为343.6×10-6~835.7×10-6,平均557.8×10-6,指示其成矿物质中有幔源物质加入。拉抗俄斑岩铜钼矿床形成于印度—亚洲大陆碰撞造山带碰撞过程的伸展背景,其成矿年龄与冈底斯斑岩铜矿带东段中亚带众多斑岩-矽卡岩成矿系统年龄基本一致(17~12 Ma),相对于同一矿集区的驱龙、甲玛、邦铺斑岩-矽卡岩型铜多金属矿的成矿年龄小2~3 Ma,但其形成受控于相同的成矿地球动力学背景。  相似文献   
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