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Gelatin from the sea cucumber(Paracaudina chinens var.) was hydrolyzed by bromelain and the hydrolysate was found to have a high free radical scavenging activity. The hydrolysate was fractionated through an ultrafiltration membrane with 5 kDa molecular weight cutoff(MWCO). The portion(less than 5 kDa) was further separated by Sephadex G-25. The active peak was col-lected and assayed for free radical scavenging activity. The scavenging rates for superoxide anion radicals(O2·-) and hydroxyl radi-cals(·OH) of the fraction with the highest activity were 29.02% and 75.41%,respectively. A rabbit liver mitochondrial free radical damage model was adopted to study the free radical scavenging activity of the fraction. The results showed that the sea cucumber gelatin hydrolysate can prevent the damage of rabbit liver and mitochondria.  相似文献   
一、引言 本文是对爱琴张性构造区新构造正断层带为期五年的野外调查结果所作的综台与分析(图1).着重介绍爱琴地区的三个地带.(1)希腊大陆的科林斯地区(图1a).(2)西土耳其的伊密兹尔地区(图1b).(3)柯雷特的中部及西部(图1c).在这三个地带正断层使中生代碳酸岩同第四纪沉积物直接相接,  相似文献   
When seismic thrust faults emerge on the ground surface,they are particularly damaging to buildings,bridges and lifelines that lie on the rupture path.To protect a structure founded on a rigid raft,a thick diaphragm-type soil bentonite wall(SBW) is installed in front of and near the foundation,at sufficient depth to intercept the propagating fault rupture.Extensive numerical analyses,verified against reduced–scale(1 g) split box physical model tests,reveal that such a wall,thanks to its high deformability and low shear resistance,"absorbs" the compressive thrust of the fault and forces the rupture to deviate upwards along its length.As a consequence,the foundation is left essentially intact.The effectiveness of SBW is demonstrated to depend on the exact location of the emerging fault and the magnitude of the fault offset.When the latter is large,the unprotected foundation experiences intolerable rigid-body rotation even if the foundation structural distress is not substantial.  相似文献   
在过去25年里,对沿加利福尼亚州的圣安德烈斯断层系的运动速率和长期地震记录的认识已显著提高了。这些认识使得对地震发生概率,尤其是30年周期概率的长期估计成为可能(Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities,1999)。但是,我们对断裂产生的物理过程的了解仍然非常不足——关于短期预报的可行性问题、一个断层产生地震是否会增加另一断层  相似文献   
In recent years,scholars at home and abroad have method,and that vanous disasters would be analyzed assynthetically studied natural dlsaste‘theoretically and an Integral.SHI Peilun(1991)putforwad a scientificmethodologlcally,as well as its cases analys。s(CND,term—regional disaster system,which Indicates that1987; MA et al,1990; MARBLE,1990; NE et al,the situation of a disaster(calamity loss)results from1999; PATAK et al,1982; SHI,1991;VAN et al,h…  相似文献   
如果应力路径足够高,正断层应力机制下的流体注入可以稳定储层。当储层由于注入而显著冷却时,这种稳定性将消失。此外,本文还提出了一种新的激发剪切储层的策略,以减少诱发大震级地震的可能性。本文提出的方法适用于逆断层应力状态,包括初始应力预处理阶段,在该阶段,储层被冷却,压力增加受到限制。这一过程降低了水平总应力,从而也降低了差异应力。然后,储层受到孔隙压力快速增加的刺激,在较低的差异应力下导致剪切破坏,比储层中最初出现的差异应力要小。由于古登堡—里克特b值和差异应力之间的联系,以这种方式激发的储层将表现出更高的b值,从而也减少了发生大地震的可能性。该方法的适用范围包括正断层和走滑断层的应力机制。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionCKBoowasdiscoveredandconfirmedtobeacontactbinarybyBond ( 1 975 ) .Afteritsdis coverythesystemisobservedfrequently (e .g .Aslan ,1 978;AslanandDerman ,1 986 :PajdoszandZola ,1 987;Krzesinskietal.,1 991andJiaetal.,1 992 ) .Asreportedbyseveralauthors,thelightcurveofthesy…  相似文献   
We present a case study of the relevance of the radially pulsational instability of a two-temperature accretion disk around a neutron star to anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). Our estimates are based on the approximation that such a neutron star disk with mass in the range of 10^-6-10^-5M⊙ is formed by supernova fallback. We derive several peculiar properties of the accretion disk instability: a narrow interval of X-ray pulse periods; lower X-ray luminosities; a period derivative and an evolution time scale. All these results are in good agreement with the observations of the AXPs.  相似文献   
沃姆瑟塔拉河是一条中等河流,起源于山口东部的丘陵区.流域盆地的主要地质建造由榴英硅线变质岩、紫苏花岗岩和花岗岩组成.时代属太古代.流域盆地属半干旱-干旱气候。  相似文献   
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