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由于大气中温室气体的增加,导致世界气候变暖,可能影响到生态环境和社会经济。这是政府间一批专家关于全球气候变暖的影响所作的重要工作。来自24个国家和地区的150多名学者和专家参加会议并准备了  相似文献   
本文使用850hPa天气图和逐时雨量图,并结合雷达回波图和金华地区地形图对1989年9号台风在浙江沿海登陆后所带来的特大暴雨作一分析。分析结果表明(1)衰亡台风气旋是造成此次降水的重要系统。由冷、暖平流而引起的锋生,是此次强降水的一个重要特征。随着锋生作用消失,强降水现象也结束。(2)与气旋相联系的风向切变线起了动力因子的作用,随着切变线北抬,雨区也随之北移。(3)当回波自西向东移动时,受到小山体抬升,移速减慢,强度加强,又受到后面移来的小回波合并,进一步加强。由于山体较小,回波越过山体,从而在背风坡产生暴雨。在后方不断有小回波生成时,暴雨继续发展,当小回波消失后,暴雨减弱、消失。  相似文献   
A coupling model between the canopy layer (CL) and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) for the study of dry deposition velocity is developed. The model consists of six parts: chemical species conservation equation including absorptive factor; the species uptake action including detailed vertical variation of absorptive element in CL; momen-tum exchange in CL which is represented by a first-order closure momentum equation with an additional larger-scale diffusive term; momentum exchange in ABL which is described by a complete set of the ABL turbulent statistic parameters; absorptivity (or solubility or reflection) at the surface including effects of the physical and chemi-cal characters of the species, land type, seasonal and diurnal variations of the meteorological variables; and deposition velocity derived by distributions of the species with height in CL. Variational rules of the concentration and deposi-tion velocity with both height and time are simulated with the model for both corn and forest canopies. Results pre-dicted with the bulk deposition velocity derived in the paper consist well with experimental data.  相似文献   
This paper describes and tests two models for estimating net radiation(or the radiation balance)on sloping surfacesof alpine environments.They are an empirical method based on the linear relationship between net radiation and globalsolar radiation and a flux-by-flux method involving the estimation of all the individual components of radiation budgetindependently.The results show that the empirical method is capable of predicting hourly net radiation on sloping sur-faces to within about±53 W m~(-2) under all sky conditions.During clear sky conditions,it could predict net radiation onslopes to within±58 W m~(-2) or 16% of the measured values.The flux-by-flux method,although it did not perform aswell as the empirical method,performed adequately and could give estimates of net radiation on slopes with root meansquare error of less than 74 W m~(-2)(20%)and a mean bias error of 27 W m~(-2)(7%).  相似文献   
The Momentum Turbulent Counter-Gradient Transport in Jet-like Flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONIt is very well known from the observations that some atmospheric motions are accompanied by jets in the boundary layer, for example, breezes and circulations in the mountain valleys (Gutman, 1969); nocturnal increasing of wind (Byzova et al., 1989); cross-equatorial flow during the summer Indian monsoon (Das, 1986) and others. One of the important questions concerning a mathematical modelling of such motions is the problem of the turbulent closure of the equations set which describes the jet dynamics. It is still popular to use for the momentum turbulent flow (u'w') a closure, based within the framework of K-theory on the Boussinesq hypothesis  相似文献   
红土风化剖面内的粉状、粗粒状及块状金的出现对矿床成因论提出了新的问题。印度南部尼伦布尔地区表生金矿床中金的形态及结构特征是在风化环境下,由于低温溶液的化学溶解、迁移和再沉淀作用而形成的。剖面上部的金粒为似球形,并有许多蚀斑,而下部的金粒则呈不规则状,且很少被腐蚀。那些外形似海绵状、树技状或丛束状、花瓣状的结构以及在原生颗粒上“涂金”的包壳都表明,它们是次生金初期阶段的产物。根据金粒的赋存状态和外部形态特征,我们总结了一个包括黄铁矿的氧化作用在内的模式,即在酸性环境下,原生矿脉中的金发生溶解,并以氯化物络合物形式移迁。在高Eh值和中等酸碱度条件下,氧化带中的含金络合物就会被分解,以纯金属的形式沉淀下来,并导致金纯度的增加。  相似文献   
本文描述了一组新的天然化合物——金铋硫化物,它们产于闪长岩中的少硫化物石英细脉中,属于与毒砂和铁、铜、锌的硫化物共生的Au-Te-Bi系列矿物组合。  相似文献   
PVC(聚氯乙烯)基体和液膜电极直接电位法测定金(Ⅲ)已得到了发展,将膜同硝酸灵四氯金酸盐(Ⅲ)结合作为电活性物质,能迅速响应浓度范围10~(-5)—0.1M的金(Ⅲ),得到的响应斜率为52.8—55.2毫伏/组(十个一组),在许多阴阳离子存在的情况下,pH值为2—5时,电极对金(Ⅲ)有较好的选择性,PVC膜电极具有选择性较好(Cr~(3+)、Mn~(2+)和ClO_4~-除外)和热稳定性较高的优点,与PVC膜电极相比,液膜电极响应斜率高、响应时间短。在2微克/毫升—2毫克/毫升的测定范围内,AuCl_4~-的平均回收率为98.5%,平均值的标准偏差为1.0%,测定某些金合金(含金58.3—99.9%)和药品制剂中的金,平均回收率为99.4%,平均值的标准偏差为0.7%,该方法的测定结果可与孔雀绿分光光度法和美国药典重量法的测定结果相媲美。  相似文献   
在埃及东南部的汉默斯沙漠地区,黄铁矿、黄铜矿和金有的产于石英脉中和花岗岩中,有的则以星散状、浸染状矿体赋存于高度蚀变的变质火山岩剪切带中。这些矿物的形成部分与磁黄铁矿、蓝辉铜矿、锑黝铜矿、辉铜矿、斑铜矿和铜蓝有关。黄钞矿具有两种晶形:(1)含有原生硫化物包裹体的自形—半自形巨型晶体,(2)细晶集合体。黄铜矿具有三种晶形:(1)自形巨型晶体,(2)细晶含微包裹体,(3)它型残余物。硫化物矿物有三个形成阶段,这三个阶段与热液的连续冷却结晶过程有关。在无序的高温热液阶段金以基质存在于早期硫化矿物中,在温度逐渐降低的后期阶段,含金黄铁矿经过重新运移,产生了自然金,显微镜分析结果证明,金和铜在晚期的黄铁矿中相对富集,分析研究过的表层蚀变矿物有:针铁矿、褐铁矿、金以及铁和铜的碳酸盐矿物和硫化物。  相似文献   
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