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Özgüç  Atila  Üçer  Cumhure 《Solar physics》1988,114(1):141-146
The north-south asymmetry has been studied using the green emission corona brightness in the period of 1947–1976. (N - S)/(N + S) values are constructed with the 5-deg opposite coronal belts brightnesses between ± 5 and ± 60 deg. Power spectra analyses were performed to study periodicities of these (N - S)/(N + S) values. Two noticeable periodicities (14.5 and 5 yr) have been found.  相似文献   
We present a fiber sensor based on an active integrated component which could be effectively used to measure the longitudinal vibration modes of telescope mirrors in an interferometric array. We demonstrate the possibility to measure vibrations with frequencies up to ⋍100 Hz with a precision better than 10 nm (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The frequency intervals in which O VI ions get in resonance with ion–cyclotron waves are calculated using the kinetic model, for the latest six values found in literature on O VI ion number densities in the 1.5R–3R region of the NPCH. It is found that the common resonance interval is 1.5 kHz to 3 kHz. The R-variations of wave numbers necessary for the above calculations are evaluated numerically, solving the cubic dispersion relation with the dielectric response derived from the quasi-linear Vlasov equation for the left-circularly polarized ion-cyclotron waves.  相似文献   
Yngve Öhman 《Solar physics》1969,10(1):178-183
During a stay at the Kitt Peak National Observatory the writer has tried to find an influence of flare radiation on the high photospheric and low chromospheric lines of the area occupied by the flare. Observations have been made in the H region and in the region of the H and K lines. When flare emission is present in sunspots some of the faint (molecular) lines seem to be weakened. When a flare appears near the solar limb some of the Evershed-type (chromospheric) lines are strongly influenced.Kitt Peak National Observatory Contribution No. 481.Visiting Astronomer to the Solar Division, Kitt Peak National Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
A report is given of some laboratory experiments on the thermal emission of glowing iron flakes. Clear effects of polarization are found sometimes in flakes of small size, indicating polarization of a kind similar to that appearing in the thermal emission from narrow metallic filaments. Sudden flashes of light appear in the thermal emission from flakes produced in a grinding wheel. At the same time the flake splits into two parts. It is suggested that the flash is due to tribo-thermoluminescence. It seems possible that the infrared radiation of the solar corona may contain a faintly polarized component due to thermal emission from dust particles.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes. Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   
The AMS study has been performed on various types of the basement – Variscan granitic and surrounding – Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Velká Fatra Mountains, Tatric Superunit of the Central Western Carpathians. The Velká Fatra Mts. provides good opportunity for AMS study because of composite S-type and I-type granite character of pluton and clear relations to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the cover and nappe positions. The granitic massif consists of the three types of weakly magnetic peraluminous granites (350 – 340 Ma in age), ranging from two-mica granites to biotite granodiorites in composition and carrying accessory monazite and ilmenite; whereby they resemble common S-type and/or Ilmenite Series granite. This pre-existing granitic body was intruded by relatively young (304 Ma old) metaluminous to subaluminous, strongly magnetic (due to magnetite) tonalitic intrusion of the I-type and/or Magnetite Series granite. In all S-types investigated as well as in the I-type tonalite body, the magnetic fabrics are not uniform, but slightly variable within a body and differing from body to body. The magnetic fabrics in all granitic rocks can be classified as mostly magmatic in origin, only subordinately affected by ductile deformation. The Alpine overprint of the magnetic fabric of the Variscan granite frequent in the central areas of the Central Western Carpathians was only weak in the Velká Fatra Mts. and the magnetic fabrics of these granites thus mostly comprise the original Variscan magmatic fabrics. On the other hand, in the marginal parts of the Velká Fatra Mts. the magnetic fabrics in granites are locally conformable to the deformational magnetic fabrics in surrounding sedimentary rocks (Mesozoic in age) thus indicating at least local effects of the Alpine deformation. The magnetic fabrics in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks covering the crystalline basement are partially (Cover Formation) to entirely (Nappe Units) deformational in origin.  相似文献   
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