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It is well established that A-type granites enriched in high field strength elements, such as Zr, Nb and the REE, form in anorogenic tectonic settings. The sources of these elements and the processes controlling their unusual enrichment, however, are still debated. They are addressed here using neodymium and oxygen isotope analyses of samples from the 1.24 Ga Strange Lake pluton in the Paleoproterozoic Core Zone of Québec-Labrador, an A-type granitic body characterized by hyper-enrichment in the REE, Zr, and Nb. Age-corrected εNd values for bulk rock samples and sodic amphiboles (mainly arfvedsonite) from the pluton range from ?0.6 to ?5.7, and ?0.3 to ?5.3, respectively. The εNd values for the Napeu Kainiut quartz monzonite, which hosts the pluton, range from ?4.8 to ?8.1. The 147Sm/144Nd ratios of the suite and the host quartz monzonite range from 0.0967 to 0.1659, large variations that can be explained by in situ fractionation of early LREE-minerals (Strange Lake), and late hydrothermal HREE remobilization. Oxygen isotope analyses of quartz of both Strange Lake and the host yielded δ18O values between +8.2 and +9.1, which are considerably higher than the mantle value of 5.7 ± 0.2‰. Bulk rock oxygen isotope analyses of biotite-gneisses in the vicinity of the Strange Lake pluton yielded δ18O values of 6.3, 8.6 and 9.6‰. The negative εNd values and positive δ18O values of the Strange Lake and Napeu Kainiut samples indicate that both magmas experienced considerable crustal contamination. The extent of this contamination was estimated, assuming that the contaminants were sedimentary-derived rocks from the underlying Archean Mistinibi (para-) gneiss complex, which is characterized by low εNd and high δ18O values. Mixing of 5–15% of a gneiss, having an εNd value of ?15 and a δ18O value of +11, with a moderately enriched mantle source (εNd = +0.9, δ18O = +6.3) would produce values similar to those obtained for the Strange Lake granites. Based on analogies between the Nain Plutonic Suite and the Gardar alkaline igneous province (SW-Greenland), we conclude that the Strange Lake pluton and associated REE-mineralized anorogenic bodies formed from a combination of subduction-induced fertilization of the sublithospheric mantle, crustal extension and in situ magma evolution.  相似文献   
Approximate first- and second-order analytical solutions of wave diffraction of a semi-submerged horizontal cylinder of rectangular cross-section are presented. The solutions are based on the assumption that the pressure in the fluid domain underneath the cylinder is linearly dependent on the horizontal space coordinate. Basically, this approach is valid when the clearance between the bottom of the cylinder and the sea bottom is small in comparison with the wave length and is recommended for a cylinder of substantial draught where due to the small clearance other methods are difficult to apply. Boundary conditions are satisfied by a choice of a proper form of the potential functions and by making use of the properties of matching conditions. Theoretical results reveal that the magnitude of the vertical second-order time-dependent loads could be significant and even exceed the corresponding first-order quantities. This phenomenon, which occurs even at moderate steepnesses, as well as the assumption of a linear pressure distribution, are confirmed by experiments performed in a wave tank.  相似文献   
This study aims to determine the influence of torsional coupling on the inelastic response of a series of models representing typical structural configurations in real buildings. The lake bed (SCT) east-west component of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake was employed in the analysis, and is representative of a severe ground motion known to have induced large inelastic structural deformations in a high proportion of those buildings having asymmetrical distributions of stiffness and/or strength. Material non-linearity in lateral load-resisting elements has been defined using a hysteretic Ramberg-Osgood model. Structural eccentricities have been introduced into the building models by (i) asymmetrical distributions of stiffness and/or strength, (ii) asymmetrical configuration of lateral load-resisting elements, or (iii) varying post-elastic material behaviour in the resisting elements. The dynamic inelastic response of these models has been obtained by a numerical integration of the relevant equations of motion, expressed in a non-dimensional incremental form.

In the elastic range, the results correlate well with those of previous studies. In the inelastic range, it is concluded that the peak ductility demand of the worst-affected element increases with the ground excitation level across the range of building periods considered, and that the influence of torsional coupling on the key response parameters is model dependent. Most significantly, the strength eccentricity relative to the centre of mass has been shown to influence the peak edge displacement response more than conventionally employed stiffness eccentricity.  相似文献   

Results from an ionoipheric founding rocket of the “mother-daugther” type, equipped with an 8 keV electron accelerator, is reported. The emphasis is on the results obtained from the three plasma probes which monitored both the electron- and the ion-population. It is shown that no significant increase of the electron density was observed during the beam injections. However, the electron temperature varied rapidly during these pulses. The influence of the vehicle charging on the measurements is also discussed.  相似文献   
The current study is aimed at the behaviour right upto collapse of a retaining wall embedded in overconsolidated clay. It is found that the excess pore pressures generated due to the excavation are fairly well simulated. The rupture lines on the passive side in the centrifuge model test were closely matched by two lines along which the stress state was reaching the critical state in the analysis. The displacements on the active side were not well matched especially the vertical settlements near to the wall. The bending moments were significantly overpredicted. The prop force due to excavation was also overpredicted. This is to be expected because the prop was modelled as rigid in the analysis.  相似文献   
New UBV photometric observations of IU Aur were made at McDonald Observatory in December 1984 and January 1985, showing that the eclipse depth had kept on increasing and the light minimum time had shown periodic changes. Orbital elements were obtained using the Wilson-Devinney method. The inclination is now close to 90°. The continuous variation of inclination over the last few decades suggests the presence of a third body. Absolute parameters of IU Aur were calculated with the help of Mammano's spectral data.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the impact of ambient temperature changes on the gravity reading of spring-based relative gravimeters. Controlled heating experiments using two Scintrex CG5 gravimeters allowed us to determine a linear correlation (R \(^{2}>\) 0.9) between ambient temperature and gravity variations. The relation is stable and constant for the two CG5 we used: ?5 nm/s\(^{2}/^\circ \)C. A linear relation is also seen between gravity and residual sensor temperature variations (R \(^{2}>\) 0.75), but contrary to ambient temperature, this relation is neither constant over time nor similar between the two instruments. The linear correction of ambient temperature on the controlled heating time series reduced the standard deviation at least by a factor of 2, to less than 10 nm/s\(^{2}\). The laboratory results allowed for reprocessing the data gathered on a field survey that originally aimed to characterize local hydrological heterogeneities on a karstic area. The correction of two years of monthly CG5 measurements from ambient temperature variations halved the standard deviation (from 62 to 32 nm/s\(^{2}\)) and led us to a better hydrological interpretation. Although the origin of this effect is uncertain, we suggest that an imperfect control of the sensor temperature may be involved, as well as a change of the properties of an electronic component.  相似文献   
Arps递减开发模型   总被引:22,自引:8,他引:14  
本文在Arps递减产能预测模型的基础上提出了Arps递减开发模型,提出了开发速度,采出程度等开发指标的数学关系式,分析了参数Arps递减开发模型的影响,提出了开发初期Arps递减开发模型的确定方法,便于开发初期决策,制作了Arps递减开发模型的logVd-logRp图版,logVd-log(Dt)图版,logRp-log(Dt)图版,提出了开发中晚期Arps递减开发模型的判断方法,三点抛物线法和三  相似文献   
This article deals with the right-tail behavior of a response distribution \(F_Y\) conditional on a regressor vector \({\mathbf {X}}={\mathbf {x}}\) restricted to the heavy-tailed case of Pareto-type conditional distributions \(F_Y(y|\ {\mathbf {x}})=P(Y\le y|\ {\mathbf {X}}={\mathbf {x}})\), with heaviness of the right tail characterized by the conditional extreme value index \(\gamma ({\mathbf {x}})>0\). We particularly focus on testing the hypothesis \({\mathscr {H}}_{0,tail}:\ \gamma ({\mathbf {x}})=\gamma _0\) of constant tail behavior for some \(\gamma _0>0\) and all possible \({\mathbf {x}}\). When considering \({\mathbf {x}}\) as a time index, the term trend analysis is commonly used. In the recent past several such trend analyses in extreme value data have been published, mostly focusing on time-varying modeling of location or scale parameters of the response distribution. In many such environmental studies a simple test against trend based on Kendall’s tau statistic is applied. This test is powerful when the center of the conditional distribution \(F_Y(y|{\mathbf {x}})\) changes monotonically in \({\mathbf {x}}\), for instance, in a simple location model \(\mu ({\mathbf {x}})=\mu _0+x\cdot \mu _1\), \({\mathbf {x}}=(1,x)'\), but the test is rather insensitive against monotonic tail behavior, say, \(\gamma ({\mathbf {x}})=\eta _0+x\cdot \eta _1\). This has to be considered, since for many environmental applications the main interest is on the tail rather than the center of a distribution. Our work is motivated by this problem and it is our goal to demonstrate the opportunities and the limits of detecting and estimating non-constant conditional heavy-tail behavior with regard to applications from hydrology. We present and compare four different procedures by simulations and illustrate our findings on real data from hydrology: weekly maxima of hourly precipitation from France and monthly maximal river flows from Germany.  相似文献   
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