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We have carried out stratigraphic mapping in the Upper Miocene basalt lava pile around the fjords Mjoifjördur and Seydisfjördur, eastern Iceland. The mapping is based on conventional methods including the use of interbasaltic clastic horizons and petrographically distinct lava groups. These units are also used to provide correlations with the Nordfjördur area south of Mjoifjördur. We present a 3-km composite stratigraphic column for the area between Mjoifjördur and Seydisfjördur. The geology of this area shows some differences from the classical model of Walker for the structure of eastern Iceland partly due to the fact that most of Mjoifjördur is not in the vicinity of central volcanoes. Detailed laboratory measurements of remanent magnetization were carried out on oriented core samples from 363 lavas in 10 selected profiles. The local paleomagnetic polarity stratigraphy supports correlations made on the basis of other criteria. Over 20 geomagnetic reversals are recorded in the eastern Iceland lava pile in a period approximately 13-10 Ma ago. The geomagnetic field during this period averages to a central axial dipole field, and its overall statistical properties resemble those obtained in earlier surveys in Iceland.  相似文献   
The basaltic, phreatomagmatic eruption of Grímsv?tn volcano, Iceland, in November 2004 (G2004) lasted for 5?days, during which time two separate vents were active. Significant deposition of tephra occurred in the first 45?h only. We have subdivided the deposit into seven units (A–G) on the basis of differences in texture, grain size and componentry, and the presence of sharp contacts between the layers. The distribution of tephra lobes was used to infer the vent of origin for each unit. The G2004 deposit is poorly sorted overall and consists of non-vesicular to highly vesicular juvenile components. Units A and B comprise almost exclusively non- to poorly vesicular glass fragments, whereas units C–G contain at least 30?vol.% highly vesicular pumice. The proportion of non-juvenile fragments increases significantly in the final unit (unit F) of the main phase; non-juvenile fragments are restricted to the coarse (>0 Φ) fraction of the deposit. Main phase units C and E account for 80% of the total deposit volume, including the entire distal portion, and are interpreted to represent a mixture of (1) a widely dispersed component that fell from the upper margins of a strongly inclined (~45°), 6–10?km high plume and (2) a locally dispersed (<3?km from source) component originating from pyroclastic density currents and minor tephra jets.  相似文献   
Internationally, individual vessel quotas (IVQ) have become an increasingly popular management tool. The main attraction of IVQs is the incentives they create for cost savings, autonomous capacity adjustment and, subsequently, rent generation. In this paper, the extent to which different IVQ systems have facilitated resource rent generation and capacity adjustment in five European countries—Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the UK—is examined. The potential economic rents and the capacity reduction necessary to achieve these rents in each of the fisheries are also estimated. Reasons why IVQs have not achieved their potential economic benefits in these fisheries are also examined.  相似文献   
The Tjörnes facture zone (TFZ) connects the EW extension of the Mid-Atlantic ridge north of Iceland to the extension of the North volcanic zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Earthquakes up to magnitude 7 (Ms) can occur in TFZ, volcanic eruptions have been observed and large crustal deformations are expected in similar way as have been observed in the NVZ. Most of the zone is below ocean, which limits the historical information and geological observations. For studying the dynamics of the zone we must rely on interpretation and modelling based on seismic observations, especially on microearthquake observations for the last 10 years. In this paper we demonstrate how microearthquakes can be applied to map the details of the plate boundary, and how this information can be applied to find epicenters and fault planes of large historical earthquakes, also how seismic information can be applied in dynamic modelling and to infer spatial and temporal interplay in activity, and to enhance hazard assessment.  相似文献   
We have obtained U - and R -band observations of the depletion of background galaxies resulting from the gravitational lensing of the galaxy cluster CL0024+1654 ( z =0.39). The radial depletion curves show a significant depletion in both bands within a radius of 40–70 arcsec from the cluster centre. This is the first time that depletion is detected in the U band. This gives independent evidence for a break in the slope of the U -band luminosity function at faint magnitudes. The radially averaged R -band depletion curve is broader and deeper than in the U band. The differences can be attributed to the wavelength dependence of the slope of the luminosity function and to the different redshift distribution of the objects probed in the two bands. We estimate the Einstein radius, r E, of a singular isothermal sphere lens model using maximum-likelihood analysis. Adopting a slope of the number counts of α =0.2 and using the background density found beyond r =150 arcsec, we find r E=17±3 and 25±3 arcsec in the U and R bands, respectively. When combined with the redshift of the single background galaxy at z =1.675 seen as four giant arcs around 30 arcsec from the cluster centre, these values indicate a median redshift in the range 〈 z S〉≈0.7 to 1.1 for the U AB≥24 mag and R AB≥24 mag populations.  相似文献   
Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is well suited for the production of digital elevation models (DEM), and can, in contrast to photographic methods, be used to acquire a DEM independently of surface texture and external light sources. ALS thus serves as a tool to generate DEMs of firn areas where photogram- metric methods often fail.
The potential of an integrated ALS system – comprising a laser scanner, precise differential global positioning system, and a gyro platform – for DEM generation of firn areas is currently being assessed. The Unteraargletscher, Bernese Alps, Switzerland, has been chosen as a test site. As part of a pilot project aimed at determining the mass balance distribution of that glacier without the use of in situ information, ALS measurements were conducted in autumn 1997. The DEM derived from laser measurements is extremely sensitive to the position and attitude of the aircraft. Currently the main work focuses on assessing and improving the system's accuracy by error modelling and by the development of error-correction algorithms.
Preliminary results from Unteraargletscher are presented, and the potential of this method for the generation of DEMs of firn areas is discussed.  相似文献   
The initial coda of teleseismic P‐waves contains considerable information about the crust and upper mantle structure directly beneath a receiver. When this information can be recovered for a dense network of seismographs much can be learned about the structure of the earth. Data from the high quality broadband seismic stations of the SKIPPY and KIMBA projects along with permanent stations are used to investigate the upper crustal structure of Australia. A dataset of 65 shear‐velocity models derived from receiver functions has enabled the sedimentary and upper crustal structure of Australia to be summarised. Regions of thick soft sediment show good agreement with topographical lows. A simple relation between upper‐crustal velocity and magnetisation, as has been suggested by other investigators, has not been observed, but this may be due to the magnetic signal being muted by overlying sediments. A prominent mid‐crustal discontinuity is apparent in the Tasman and New England mega‐elements. This may represent a mid‐crustal décollement that had structural control during accretion.  相似文献   
Experimental tests of garnet peridotite oxygen barometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have performed experiments aimed at testing the calibration of oxygen barometers for the garnet peridotite [garnet (Gt)-olivine (Ol)-orthopyroxene (Opx)] phase assemblage. These involved equilibrating a thin layer of garnet sandwiched between layers of olivine and orthopyroxene at 1300°C and 23–35 kbar for 1–7 days. Oxygen fugacity was controlled (but not buffered) by using inner capsules of Fe?Pt alloy or graphitc or molybdenum sealed in welded Pt outer capsules. Post-experiment measurement of fO2 was made by determining the compositions of Pt-Fe alloy sensors at the interface between garnet and olivine + orthopyroxene layers. The composition of alloy in equilibrium with olivine + orthopyroxene was approached from Fe-oversaturated and Fe-undersaturated conditions in the same experiment with, in general, excellent convergence. Product phase compositions were determined by electron microprobe and a piece of the garnet layer saved for 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The latter gave the Fe3+ content of the garnet at the measured P-T-fO2 conditions. Approach to equilibrium was checked by observed shifts in Fe3+ content and by the approach of garnet-olivine Fe?Mg partitioning to the expected value. The compositions of the phases were combined with mixing properties and thermodynamic data to calculate an apparent fO2 from two possible garnet oxybarometers:- (1) $\begin{gathered} 2Ca_3 Fe_2 Si_3 O_{12} + 2Mg_3 Al_2 Si_3 O_{12} + 4FeSiO_3 = 2Ca_3 Al_2 Si_3 O_{12} \hfill \\ Gt Gt Opx Gt \hfill \\ + 8FeSi_{0.5} O_2 + 6MgSiO_3 + O \hfill \\ Ol Opx \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $ and (2) $\begin{gathered} 2Fe_3 Fe_2 Si_3 O_{12} = 8FeSi_{0.5} O_2 + 2FeSi_3 O_2 \hfill \\ Gt Ol Opx \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $ Comparison of calculated fO2s with those measured by the Pt-Fe sensors demonstrated that either barometer gives the correct answer within the expected uncertainty. Data from the first (Luth et al. 1990) has an uncertainty of about 1.6 logfO2 units, however, while that from equilibrium (2) (Woodland and O'Neill 1993) has an error of +/- 0.6 log units, comparable to that of the spinel peridotite oxybarometer. We therefore conclude that equilibrium (2) may be used to calculate the fO2 recorded by garnet peridotites with an uncertainty of about +/- 0.6 log units, providing the potential to probe the oxidation environment of the deep continental lithosphere. Preliminary application based on data from Luth et al. (1990) indicates that garnet peridotite xenoliths from Southern Africa record oxygen fugacities about 3.0 log units below the FMQ (fayalite-magnetite-quartz) buffer. These are substantially more reducing conditions than those recorded by continental spinel lherzolites which typically give oxygen fugacities close to FMQ (Wood et al. 1990).  相似文献   
In addition to socio-economic factors, major landforms may affect the city structure and urban form. Here we show that landforms have significant effects on the city shape and street patterns of the fast-growing Iranian cities of Dezful (a river) and Khorramabad (moun- tains and valleys), but no clear effects on the cities of Yazd and Nain. Also, where the street orientation is peaked, the Gibbs/Shannon entropy (a measure of dispersion or spread) is low, but increases as the distribution becomes more uniform because of landform constraints. The streets in the old inner parts of all the cities are, on average, shorter and denser (more streets per unit area) than the streets of the newer outer parts. The entropies of the outer parts are also greater than those of the inner parts, implying that the street-length distribution gradually becomes more dispersed or spread as the city expands. All these cities have been fast growing in the past decades, with the newer outer parts expanding rapidly. As shown here, the rapidly formed outer parts (with greater dispersion in street patterns) have significantly different textures from those of the older inner parts, indicating different functionality and growth processes. These quantitative methods for street-network analysis can be used worldwide, particularly for analysing the effects of landforms on city shape and texture.  相似文献   
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