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中国畜禽养殖的空间分析及分区研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The capacity of livestock breeding in China has increased rapidly since 1949, and the total output of meat, poultry and eggs maintains the world’s top first in recent 20 years. Livestock emissions and pollution is closely associated with its population and spatial distribution. This paper aims to investigate the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry breeding in China. Using statistical yearbook and agricultural survey in 2007, the county-level populations of livestock and poultry are estimated as equivalent standardized pig index (ESP), per cultivated land pig index (PCLP) and per capita pig index (PCP). With the help of spatial data analysis (ESDA) tools in Geoda and ArcGIS software, especially the Moran’s I and LISA statistics, the nationwide global and local clustering trends of the three indicators are examined respectively. The Moran’s I and LISA analysis shows that ESP and PCP are significantly clustering both globally and locally. However, PCLP is clustering locally but not significant globally. Furthermore, the thematic map series (TMS) and related gravity centers curve (GCC) are introduced to explore the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry in China. The indicators are classified into 16 levels, and the GCCs for the three indicators from level 1 to 16 are discussed in detail. For districting purpose, each interval between gravity centers of near levels for all the three indicators is calculated, and the districting types of each indicator are obtained by merging adjacent levels. The districting analysis for the three indicators shows that there exists a potential uniform districting scheme for China’s livestock and poultry breeding. As a result, the China’s livestock and poultry breeding would be classified into eight types: extremely sparse region, sparse region, relatively sparse region, normally sparse region, normal region, relatively concentrated region, concentrated region and highly concentrated region. It is also found that there exists a clear demarcation line between the concentrated and the sparse regions. The line starts from the county boundary between Xin Barag Left Banner and Xin Barag Right Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the west coast of Dongfang County, Hainan Province.  相似文献   
It is well known that the Hetao Basin is one of the most seriously arsenic-affected groundwater areas in China. In order to understand the characteristics of high arsenic(As) groundwater in the Basin, a brief overview of arsenic in groundwater follows. High arsenic in the Basin commonly occurs in shallow groundwater and the total arsenic concentrations range from 0.58 to 572 μg/L(average 99.73 μg/L), exceeding the maximum mandated value of 10 μg/L for drinking water in China; As(Ш) is the predominant species. The regional distribution pattern of arsenic in the groundwater increases from south/southeast to north/northwest. Hangjinhouqi and Wuyuan counties are considered as the most seriously affected areas, with high incidences of endemic arsenicosic diseases in the Hetao Basin. High groundwater arsenic correlates with the increase of well depth. Previous studies proposed that groundwater arsenic in the Basin is mainly originated from desorption of some natural solid materials in the sediments, under reducing condition. Generally, reducing condition is believed to be the primary factor for arsenic releasing from the sediment to groundwater in the region. Under inorganic or bacterial processes, Fe2O3 changes to Fe S and arsenic adsorbed to Fe(OH)3 dissolves into groundwater, and As(V) is reduced to As(Ш). Besides, reducing environments, groundwater hydraulic gradients, organic matter, p H, evapotranspiration, and soil texture are presumed to be the predominant factors that control arsenic mobilization.  相似文献   
浙北双溪坞群的构造特征及地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在野外地质工作基础上,通过对双溪坞群的岩层对比和构造分析,认为本区的双溪坞群与上覆地层间在构造样式上的存在着较大差异。双溪坞群的章村组和北组具有相似的地质特征,为同一火山放心回的产物。神功运动使早期形成的双溪坞群褶皱造山,开怀 竖线型平臣褶皱构造,并受后期构造的叠加改造,形成轴向北东的叠加褶皱构造格局。  相似文献   
车贝雪夫多项式约简算法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱应珍  黄永玉 《气象》2000,26(1):25-29
解释了车贝雪夫多项式化整计算通用算法中关于化整后的车贝雪夫多项式约简处理的技术原理,给出了一种可快速实现多项式约简处理的实用求算方法。  相似文献   
中国地区近10年地表反照率变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王艺  朱彬  刘煜  李维亮 《气象科技》2011,39(2):147-155
利用EOS-MODIS卫星的地表反照率数据(MCD43C3的L3等级)和一元线性回归法分析了2000年3月至2009年2月中国区域地表反照率的分布特征及年际、季节变化趋势.结果表明:中国区域地表反照率分布西高东低,随海拔和纬度分布;中国大部分地区近10年的年平均地表反照率有增长趋势,东南部的增长范围最广,高海拔和高纬度...  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔中Ⅰ号坡折带上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩灰岩发生了少量白云石化作用。白云石化主要发育在溶洞充填的钙质渗流粉砂,泥晶生物碎屑灰岩的泥晶基质,亮晶颗粒灰岩的钙藻屑、藻砂屑、藻泥屑等三种组构中。白云石化直接贡献了平均1%的孔隙度,同时产生的白云石晶间孔为进一步溶蚀提供了通道,对有效储层的形成起到了重要作用。高镁方解石生物是白云石化所需镁离子的重要来源。这套与生物白云石化相关的礁滩储层地质预测需要深入研究钙藻、海百合等生物的古生态、岩相环境及分布。  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰库威伟晶岩中绿柱石形成的物理化学条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴长年  杨升祖 《矿物学报》1995,15(3):346-351,T001
本文利用包裹体研究探讨了新疆阿尔泰库威伟晶岩中绿柱石形成时的物理化学条件。绿柱石中包裹体类型主要有二类:含硅酸盐子晶流体包裹体和不含硅酸盐子晶气液流体包裹体。含硅酸盐子晶流体包裹体代表岩浆-热液过渡阶段时的一种超临界流体相。结合显微镜观察和含硅酸盐子晶流体包裹体喇曼探针成分测定,得出绿柱石形成时体系中二氧化碳密度较高,ρco2=0.68 ̄0-.96g/cm^3;盐度很低,NaCl(wt%)=3.2  相似文献   
正态分布检验在地下水检测质量控制中的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李松  饶竹  黄毅  贾静 《岩矿测试》2010,29(5):585-589
对地下水调查中37种必测组分检测过程的替代物进行筛选,应用D’Agostino法对替代物的测量结果进行正态性检验。利用正态分布函数"3σ"原则,定义了各替代物质量控制指标的有效区间。应用正态函数随机变量的数学期望和方差,计算得到各替代物有效区间内的正态函数分布概率均大于97%,替代物过程能力指数计算结果表明,二溴氟代甲烷、甲苯-d8、对溴氟苯、1,2-二氯苯-d4、氟苯等挥发性有机污染物分析过程选用的替代物质量控制过程处于稳定的监控状态;2,4,5,6-四氯间二甲苯、二丁基氯菌酸酯、p-三联苯、十氯联苯等半挥发性有机污染物分析过程选用的替代物监控指标分析过程能力不足。建议参考美国EPA方法中有关监控指标质量控制区间的要求,适当放宽对半挥发性有机物检测流程中选用的替代物质量控制区间的有效范围。正态分布在地下水检测过程质量控制中的应用,为实验室检测过程的质量管理提供了科学、有效的数学依据。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地东河砂岩沉积和储层特征及综合分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
东河砂岩是一套海侵初期的沉积产物,东河砂岩不是一个等时沉积体,相当于晚泥盆世晚期至早石炭世早期沉积,具体沉积时间各地有差异。由于东河砂岩是覆盖广泛的海侵初期沉积,因此具有海侵初期填平补齐的特征,其沉积相决定于海侵的速度、沉积物的供给和海侵前的古地貌。塔北地区受塔北古隆起的阻挡,海水在古隆起周围滞留时间较长,又有较粗粒的物源供给,其沉积产物主要是滨岸海滩沉积;塔中地区由于地形复杂,沉积类型也比较复杂,底部砾岩段有河流相沉积,而块状砂岩段和砂砾岩段有河口湾和滨岸海滩沉积,不同段在成分、分选性和粒级上有较大的差异;而其它低平地区主要是海侵期快速的滨岸和陆架沉积。受沉积因素影响,东河砂岩有效储层的分布具有地域性;除沉积因素外,低的地温梯度和短期的深埋藏是优质储层发育的重要控制因素。  相似文献   
地震经济损失快速评估是应急救灾的重要决策依据。本文选取了震级、极震区烈度、极震区烈度和抗震设防烈度之差ΔI、人口密度、人均GDP等5个指标作为输入层节点,将地震灾害的直接经济损失作为输出层节点,通过对1996—2013年的地震灾害损失资料进行训练和仿真分析,构建了Elman神经网络地震经济损失快速估计模型。运用该模型,对近年来的7个破坏性地震的直接经济损失进行评估分析,评估结果和实际直接经济损失有较好的一致性,该方法为地震经济损失快速评估提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   
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