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Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   
BTEX异常对海域油气藏指示作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常规的油气化探方法一般是应用烷烃类作为油气勘探的基本指标,但是烷烃类易受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,使常规的化探技术在油气勘探中一直受到限制。人们开始考虑采用直接的生物标记化合物来预测油气藏,如芳烃系列中的苯系化合物苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)、二甲苯(xylem),简称BTEX。国内外研究表明,BTEX基本不受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,对油气藏具有良好的指示作用。依据南海某区的实测资料,采用自主研发的油气化探可视化评价软件进行数据处理,剥离背景异常,圈出有效的BTEX异常,并与靶区地层剖面进行了对比,结果证实了BTEX对海域油气藏具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
煤层气开采过程中储层渗透率的变化对产气量影响较大,通过引入S&D渗透率变化模型,建立了考虑渗透率变化的煤储层三维气水两相渗流数学模型,完成模型检验后应用所编制软件研究了煤储层参数、吸附参数及渗透率模型特征参数对开发效果的影响。结果表明,煤层气产量随着初始含气量、煤层有效厚度、裂缝渗透率和Langmuir压力的增大而增大,随储层原始压力、裂缝孔隙度和Langmuir体积的增大而减小,而解吸时间对产气量影响不大;裂缝渗透率随着杨氏模量和基质收缩/膨胀系数的增大而增大,随泊松比和裂缝压缩系数的增大而减小。引入S&D模型后计算的累积产气量要比常规模型低1.3%,因此不可忽视煤层气产出过程中渗透率的变化。  相似文献   
杨晓飞 《地质与勘探》2020,56(1):94-101
贵州苗匡热矿水地热区大地构造位于江南复合造山黔南坳陷铜仁复式褶皱变形带,区域构造为红石古断裂带与苗匡断裂交汇锐角区,区内出露的地层有前南华系板溪群、南华系、震旦系、寒武系;热矿水水化学类型为HCO_3-Na型,含高氟、锶、锂、偏硅酸;弱碱性水;呈带状中低温热储;区域大地热流供给热量;地下热矿水补给为构造破碎带深远程补给;区域性红石活动断裂带具有导热导水储水性,热矿水被温差、压力差等驱动循环运移至断裂破碎带富集,苗匡次级断裂带在该热储起到连通传导作用;热矿水井口温度45℃,出水量560 m~3/d。研究结果可对该区热矿水勘查开发及利用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
膏盐岩脆塑性变形特征及封闭能力定量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膏盐岩盖层作为全球许多含油气盆地最重要的盖层之一,本身物性封闭能力毋庸置疑,野外观察和三轴试验证实随埋深的增加膏盐岩存在脆塑性转化的过程。为了明确其在不同脆塑性域的变形特征和封闭能力定量评价方法,本文以野外露头观测、三轴压缩试验和镜下观察为基础,从变形机制、破裂模式、力学行为和声发射等方面系统总结了不同脆塑性阶段膏盐岩的变形特征。应用莫尔—库伦准则、拜尔利摩擦定律和应力降规律厘定了膏盐岩脆塑性转化的围压和深度。研究结果表明:1针对脆性膏盐岩盖层,首先应用保持力定量评价水力破裂风险性,保持力越小,盖层发生水力破裂的风险就越大。同时利用断接厚度定量表征脆性盖层内断层垂向封闭性;2应用SSF定量评价脆—塑性膏盐岩盖层中涂抹型断裂的垂向封闭性,野外断层解剖确定出膏岩涂抹连续的临界SSF值为3.5~4;3塑性膏盐岩盖层具有流动特征,伴随断层逆冲滑动,膏盐岩沿断面流动,此阶段断层垂向是封闭的,但在差异压实作用下,盐岩流动形成缺失区——"盐窗"可以为油气沿断层向上运移提供通道。因此,膏盐岩盖层封闭性分析要综合考虑盖层脆塑性、不同脆塑性盖层内断裂变形机制及断裂带内部结构,从而完善盖层垂向封闭性评价体系。  相似文献   
Classical bearing capacity expressions can not afford variant engineering requests, since they were deducted under hypotheses of strip footing on homogeneous soil. An often met case was taken into account that circular footing on two-layered ground, which has firm crust and weak subgrade. Weighted method and layered method were used in capacity deduction, respectively. The former counts layered soils as single layer of weighted structure and material parameters. But it is restricted to conditions with close strength to each layer. The latter is preferred in engineering calculation, which regards the whole bearing capacity as subgrade’s capacity under the influence of the upper layer. Thus the issue is transformed to K. Terzaghi model plus stress reduction and dispersion effects. At last, the expressions gained from both methods and finite element analysis (FEA) were used in an example calculation, respectively. It approves layered calculating method and suggests the corresponding security coefficient based on elastoplastic FEA results.  相似文献   
云南大硐厂铅锌矿床中的硫碲铋矿A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战新志  蒋国贤 《矿物学报》1995,15(4):422-424
硫碲铋矿A产于云南省大硐厂铅锌矿床,与自然铋、辉铋铅矿共生。晶体呈柱状,粒度0.02 ̄0.3mm。反光显微镜下呈淡黄色,弱非均质性,反射率Rc′=52.4%,R0=48.8%(波长为540nm),显微压入硬度Hv=46 ̄72kg/mm^2。主要粉晶谱线:3.065(10),2.120(7),1.346(5),2.220(4)。三方晶系,空间群为D3d^5-R3↑-m,晶胞参数a=0.4241nm,  相似文献   
Metallogenesis in the gold ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula is closely related to deep processes.The region in the eastern part of North China entered into the stage of mantle plume evolution during the Yanshanian movement,following the long-time stage of stable platform evolution during Paleozoic time.At that time,the ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula just entered into the development-evolution stage of the Laiyang sub-mantle plume and the Guojiadian mantle branch structure in its periphery.The core-mantle-source gold was present in the gas-liquid form,and it migrated through mantle plume→sub-mantle plume→mantle branch structure→favorable tectonic expansion zone to the favorable loci of the mantle branch structure,where gold was deposited as ores,thereafter constituting a series of large-to medium-sized gold deposits distributed around the Guojiadian mantle branch structure.This study also dealt with the Jiaojia fault as the main detachment(fault altered rock) belt on the northwestern margin of the mantle branch structure and also presented a basic cognition about the fact that the Sanshandao fault as the listric fault on the hanging wall of the detachment belt.Furthermore,on this basis,this study also pointed out the orientation for further ore prospecting in this region.  相似文献   
简要概括了“十三五”规划实施以来,江西省开展温室气体浓度监测及关键领域排放核算相关工作及研究进展。1) 阐述了江西省温室气体观测站网建设现状,分析了各监测站浓度变化特征,对监测数据质量进行了评估,规范了业务服务产品;2) 基于景德镇站温室气体观测数据,开展了大气CO2和CH4浓度变化及其源汇特征相关研究,摸清其区域输送影响及源汇特征;3) 通过对卫星资料的分析研究,揭示了江西省大气温室气体浓度时空分布特征;4) 通过连续多年重点企业碳排放核查,促进了碳排放权交易市场的建立;5) 完成江西全省及11个设区市农业温室气体清单的编制,掌握了农业温室气体排放动态变化,编制发布了相关技术规范。江西省温室气体监测起步较晚,相较于山西、广东、江苏等省仍存在一定差距,亟待配备充足的资金和人员,规范台站观测业务运行,加强数据质控和技术队伍建设;此外,有必要加强各类排放过程排放因子本地测算,进一步规范碳核查工作流程,为江西省生态文明建设、绿色低碳发展及应对气候变化提供支撑。  相似文献   
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