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刘慧  姚鹏  孟佳  王金鹏  赵彬 《海洋学报》2017,39(8):115-128
磷是一种重要的生源要素,在河口、边缘海的初级生产中发挥重要作用,了解沉积物中磷的形态分布和迁移转化有助于深入了解该区域生态系统动力学。于2013年3月在长江口及邻近海域采集了表层沉积物样品,利用水淘选方法对沉积物进行了分级,并采用化学连续提取法分析了未分级和分级沉积物样品中的6种磷形态含量:可交换态磷、活性有机磷、铁结合态磷、自生磷灰石磷、碎屑磷和难分解有机磷,讨论了该区域沉积物中磷的形态分布、选择性输运过程和迁移转化。沉积物中总磷含量在14.0~18.4 μmol/g,其中碎屑磷是其主要成分,占54.5%,其次是有机磷和难分解有机磷,分别占到15.1%和13.1%。不同粒级沉积物中磷形态含量不同,可交换态磷、活性有机磷、铁结合态磷、自生磷灰石磷和难分解有机磷随粒级增加含量逐渐降低,而碎屑磷主要集中在粗粒级(大于32 μm)沉积物中。基于各粒级磷形态的质量分布,发现小于32 μm粒级的沉积物中各磷形态含量从长江口向浙闽沿岸逐渐增加,向外海方向逐渐减小,而大于32 μm沉积物的变化趋势与此相反,体现了不同形态磷的选择性输运。随粒径增大,总有机碳对有机磷比值(TOC/Or-P)先降低后升高,在大粒级沉积物中,TOC/Or-P比值较高主要是因为陆源有机碳贡献较高,而在小粒级沉积物中,主要是由于有机磷的迁移和转化更为活跃,体现了细颗粒物中有机磷相对有机碳的优先分解。本研究表明,从分级的角度可以对河口、边缘海的磷循环有一个更全面的认识。  相似文献   
基于海口站1976~1997年逐时潮位和逐日最大风速资料,利用阿基米德Copula函数构建海口年最大增水与相应日期最大风速的联合概率分布模型。结果表明:1)广义极值分布可作为海口站年最大增水和相应日期最大风速的边缘分布。两个序列之间存在强正相关关系,G-H Copula函数更适用于作为海口站年最大增水和相应日期的最大风速联合概率分布的连接函数。2)两变量联合作用的同频率增水高度设计值与增水的单变量边缘分布设计值之间的相对差值约为7.5%。3)条件概率1(P(Y≥y|X≥x))中同频率的年最大增水和相应风速的遭遇概率介于78.2%~80.9%,条件概率2(P(Y≥y|X≤x))中同频率的年最大增水和相应风速两者的遭遇概率小于4.8%。  相似文献   
基于受激电磁耦子散射原理,采用已报道的利用非线性光学参量振荡方法产生可调谐太赫兹波的实验条件作为理论分析的实验模型,以GaAs,GaP, InP,ZnTe晶体为代表,计算分析了在闪锌矿晶体中参量振荡产生太赫兹波的吸收、增益特性,对输出THz波的调谐特性给出了详尽分析.分析太赫兹波高效耦合输出的腔型结构,并与掺氧化镁铌酸锂晶体组成的太赫兹波参量振荡器做对比.  相似文献   
以生物芯片技术为核心,结合生态毒理学与功能基因组学的方法,制备了海洋青鳉鱼专用型生物芯片,包含180个与细胞分裂、解毒反应、缺氧反应、氧化应激反应、凋亡、生长和发育、性别决定和性腺分化以及生殖激素分泌等功能相关的基因.我们提取了雌性海洋青鳉鱼成体在正常培养和缺氧处理12周后的肝脏和卵巢组织总RNA,利用自制的基因芯片进行了基因表达谱分析,结果显示海洋青鳉鱼在缺氧压力环境下,肝脏和卵巢组织的差异性表达基因分别检测出9个和6个,表明应用此类自制良好的芯片可有效获得海洋青鳉鱼的组织特异性基因表达图谱,也将加强对海洋缺氧状态、氧化应激等反应的分子生物学机制的理解.本研究对于识别异常环境状态下的基因表达模式和组织特异性标志物,进一步开展监测海洋生态毒理因素的研究奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   
0716号超强台风“罗莎”是建国以来登陆浙闽交界最晚的一个台风.它经我国台湾岛东北侧打一个圈后登岛,然后在台湾海峡北上,于浙闽交界处登陆,沿温州海岸线缓慢北上后再次入海.“罗莎”的特殊路径一方面与台风附近物理量场分布有关,另一方面可能与全球气候变暖趋势的背景有关.本文分析发现0716号超强台风“罗莎”登陆大陆前后,其附近中低层的物理量场分布对移动路径有密切关系;美国NCEP再分析资料提供的很多物理量如温度、湿度、垂直速度等热力和动力要素对台风未来移动的路径有指示作用;多普勒雷达径向速度演变趋势对台风的短时移动路径预报也有很好的指导意义.  相似文献   
为支撑海洋生态修复决策,推动海洋生态修复产业发展,文章分析当前我国海洋生态修复面临的问题,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明:当前我国海洋生态修复主要面临政策、资金和技术3个方面的问题,三者不是互相促进而是互相交织和抑制的关系;建议发挥我国体制优势,以政策为切入口,设立“细水长流”式海洋生态修复基金,以金融助力海洋生态修复,注重与银行贷款等政策的结合,与金融机构的要求衔接,发挥海洋生态修复基金的杠杆作用,用政策红利吸引社会资金,借鉴已有的“民办公助”“以奖代补”和“两项指标”等模式,设置修复效果的阶段性目标和最终目标,加强新技术的扶持和示范推广,充分发挥利益相关者的作用。  相似文献   
We conducted studies of phytoplankton and hydrological variables in a semi-enclosed bay in northern China to understand the spatial–temporal variability and relationship between these variables. Samples were collected during seven cruises in Jiaozhou Bay from November 2003 to October 2004, and were analyzed for temperature, nutrients and phytoplankton pigments. Pigments from eight possible phytoplankton classes (Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Caynophyceae) were detected in surface water by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Phytoplankton pigment and nutrient concentrations in Jiaozhou Bay were spatially and temporally variable, and most of them were highest in the northern and eastern parts of the sampling regions in spring (May) and summer (August), close to areas of shellfish culturing, river estuaries, dense population and high industrialization, reflecting human activities. Chlorophyll a was recorded in all samples, with an annual mean concentration of 1.892 μg L−1, and fucoxanthin was the most abundant accessory pigment, with a mean concentration of 0.791 μg L−1. The highest concentrations of chlorophyll a (15.299 μg L−1) and fucoxanthin (9.417 μg L−1) were observed in May 2004 at the station close to the Qingdao Xiaogang Ferry, indicating a spring bloom of Diatoms in this area. Although chlorophyll a and other biomarker pigments showed significant correlations, none of them showed strong correlations with temperature and nutrients, suggesting an apparent de-coupling between the pigments and these hydrological variables. The nutrient composition and phytoplankton community composition of Jiaozhou Bay have changed significantly in the past several decades, reflecting the increasing nutrient concentrations and decline of phytoplankton cell abundance. The unchanged total chlorophyll a levels indicated that smaller species have filled the niche vacated by the larger species in Jiaozhou Bay, as revealed by our biomarker pigment analysis.  相似文献   
Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   
为探究雾、霾、沙尘等多种天气下生物气溶胶中细菌群落结构特征,于2017年12月-2018年4月采集了青岛晴天和多种特殊天气下的大气生物气溶胶样品,运用16 S rRNA高通量测序方法分析了样品中细菌群落结构.结果表明,在雾、霾、沙尘天均检测到对人体健康存在潜在危害的条件致病菌,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria...  相似文献   
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