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我国炼焦煤资源丰富,但优质炼焦煤一直处于短缺局面。根据全国已有煤质数据分析,从优质(主要考虑挥发分指标)、环保(主要考虑硫分和灰分指标)两个方面结合有害微量元素含量,将炼焦煤划分为四种类型,确定了优质环保型炼焦煤资源的评价步骤,对全国五个赋煤区优质环保型炼焦煤的资源量等级进行了统计分析。  相似文献   
Neogene volcanic rocks in the Belog Co area, Qiangtang, northern Tibet, are represented by a typical intermediate-basic and intermediate alkaline rock association, with latite-trachyte as the main rock type. The results of chemical analysis are: SiO2=52%–62%, Al2O3>15%, Na2O/K2O>1 and MgO<3.30%. In addition, the volcanic rocks are LREE-enriched with LREE/HREE=10–13, (La/Yb)N=15–19, and show a weak negative Eu anomaly with δEu=0.71–0.89. The close relationship between Mg# and SiO2 and the co-variation of the magmatophile elements and ultra-magmatophile elements such as La/Sm-La and Cr-Tb indicate that this association of volcanic rocks is the product of comagmatic fractional crystallization. The rock association type and lower Sm/Yb values (Sm/Yb=3.23–3.97) imply that this association of volcanic rocks should have originated from partial melting of spinel lherzolite in the lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the weak negative Eu anomaly and relative depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti reflect the features of terrigenous magma. So the Neogene Belog Co alkaline volcanic rocks should be the result of partial melting of the special crust-mantle transition zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
The Sawuershan region, one of the important gold metallogenic belts of Xinjiang, is located in the western part of the Kalatongke island arc zone of north Xinjiang, NW China. There are two gold deposits in mining, namely the Kuoerzhenkuola and the Buerkesidai deposits. Gold ores at the Kuoerzhenkuola deposit occur within Carboniferous andesite and volcanic breccias in the form of gold‐bearing quartz–pyrite veins and veinlet groups containing native gold, electrum, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Gold ores at the Buerkesidai deposit occur within Carboniferous tuffaceous siltstones in the form of gold‐bearing quartz veinlet groups and altered rocks, with electrum, pyrite and arsenopyrite as major metallic minerals. Both gold deposits are hosted by structurally controlled faults associated with intense hydrothermal alteration. The typical alteration assemblage is sericite + chlorite + calcite + quartz, with an inner pyrite–sericite zone and an outer chlorite–calcite–epidote zone between orebodies and wall rocks. δ34S values (0.3–1.3‰) of pyrite of ores from Kuoerzhenkuola deposit are similar to those (0.4–2.9‰) of pyrite of ores from Buerkesidai deposit. δ34S values (1.1–2.8‰) of pyrite from altered rocks are similar to δ34S values of magmatic or igneous sulfide sulfur, but higher than those from ores. 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb data of sulfide from ores range within 17.72–18.56, 15.34–15.61, and 37.21–38.28, respectively. These sulfur and lead isotope compositions imply that ore‐forming materials might originate from multiple, mainly deep sources. He and Ar isotope study on fluid inclusions of pyrites from ores of Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits produces 40Ar/36Ar and 3He/4He ratios in the range of 282–525 and 0.6–9.4 R/Ra, respectively, indicating a mixed source of deep‐seated magmatic water (mantle fluid) and shallower meteoric water. In terms of tectonic setting, the gold deposits in the Sawuershan region can be interpreted as epithermal. These formations resulted from a combination of protracted volcanic activity, hydrothermal fluid mixing, and a structural setting favoring gold deposition. Fluid mixing was possibly the key factor resulting in Au deposition in the gold deposits in Sawuershan region.  相似文献   
典型构造蚀变岩型金矿远景资源量数学模型与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王庆飞  万丽  刘学飞 《矿床地质》2007,26(3):341-345
数学模型是矿床深部资源量定量化预测一个重要手段,其中品位-吨位模型是一个广泛应用的数学模型,在该模型中,远景资源量为研究区源岩中成矿元素总量的函数。利用该模型,计算胶东构造蚀变岩型金矿远景资源量时,发现由于成矿源岩范围难以确定,而使模型应用准确性受到制约。基于断裂带蚀变岩型金矿的特征,修正了品位-吨位模型。在修正后的模型中,远景资源量为蚀变岩总质量的函数,另包括3个参数:蚀变区元素背景含量(由多标度分形决定)、元素工业品位及矿体品位分布分维值。利用修正后的品位-吨位模型,有效地估算了胶东大尹格庄金矿-1000m以上的理想金属量,得出远景矿石量为5.26×107t,金属量为2.89×105kg,与实际地质情况相吻合。  相似文献   
结合恒源煤矿六八采区实例,采用因子分析方法研究矿井涌水水源。取各充水含水层样品与采区涌水样品的主要离子含量指标为分析对象,经过系列处理得到正交因子载荷矩阵。用因子1和因子2分别代表太灰水和煤系砂岩水,在因子载荷坐标系中,六八采区涌水水样则分布在因子1和因子2之间,并同时具有很高的共同度,充分证明了六八采区涌水属于太灰水与煤系砂岩裂隙水之间的过渡类型。  相似文献   
In this study, a ca. 4000 cal. yr ancient lacustrine (or wetland) sediment record at the southern margin of Tarim Basin is used to reconstruct the history of climate change. Six radiocarbon dates on organic matter were obtained. δ18O and δ13C of carbonate, pollen and sediment particle size were analysed for climate proxies. The proxies indicate that a drier climate prevailed in the area before ca. 1010 BC and during period 1010 BC–AD 500 climate then changed rapidly and continuously from dry to moist, but after about AD 500 climate generally shows dry condition. Several centennial‐scale climatic events were revealed, with the wettest spell during AD 450–550, and a relatively wetter interval between AD 930–1030. Pollen results show that regional climate may influence human agricultural activities. Spectral analysis of mean grain size (MGS) proxy reveals statistically pronounced cyclic signals, such as ca. 200 yr, ca. 120 yr, ca. 90 yr, ca. 45 yr and ca. 33 or 30 yr, which may be associated with solar activities, implying that solar variability plays an important role in the decadal‐ and centennial‐scale climate variations in the study area. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在贯彻执行我国现行有关煤炭资源勘查规范及相关规定的基础上,对国际国内煤炭地质勘查阶段划分进行了对比,论述了建国以来中国煤炭地质勘查规范的主要技术内涵,对加强贯彻新规范,促进标准化体系建设和适应社会主义市场经济体制改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   
煤层冲刷带预测方法评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了沉积分析法、矿井物探法以及地质统计法三种煤层冲刷带预测方法.实例证明,根据煤矿生产的具体情况,选择一种或综合运用几种方法,能较好地预测冲刷带的位置和范围.  相似文献   
河流水系的形成是在一定地质、地形、气候等条件下,水流自由发展的结果,具有自组织临界性。采用元胞自动机模型,对水系自组织形成的随机过程进行了模拟。通过改变地质、地形、气候等条件,模拟了与自然水系相吻合的多种河流水系。结合水槽实际,模拟了与水槽试验结果相似的水系形成。并通过概化形式,模拟了黄河源头东昆仑阿拉克湖地区第四纪水系演化过程,取得了良好的模拟效果。  相似文献   
超高温变质作用:以华北内蒙古土贵乌拉地区为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
刘守偈  李江海 《地学前缘》2007,14(3):131-137
超高温麻粒岩(富Mg-Al)是指温度高于900℃、压力为0.7~1.3GPa条件下形成的麻粒岩相变质岩,它记录了下地壳超高温极端变质作用的地质信息。富Mg-Al典型超高温矿物组合有:假蓝宝石+石英,尖晶石+石英,大隅石+石榴石,斜方辉石+夕线石+石英,高氟黑云母和钙镁闪石,刚玉+石英。目前世界上发现的超高温麻粒岩带(块)地区有非洲阿尔及利亚、南非、东南极、巴西中部、澳大利亚中部、印度南部和东南部等地。我们在华北克拉通北部内蒙古中南部地区孔兹岩区中发现了超高温麻粒岩,岩性主要为灰黑色条带状夕线石榴黑云片麻岩,其中含有尖晶石+石英、假蓝宝石+石英、斜方辉石+夕线石+石英以及刚玉+尖晶石+石榴石等超高温矿物组合,指示温度达1000℃,压力超过1.0GPa的变质作用。独居石定年获得了(1927±11)Ma以及(1819±11)Ma两个峰期年龄,代表变质年龄。华北克拉通北部超高温麻粒岩的发现对研究华北克拉通与哥伦比亚超大陆的演化关系有重要意义。  相似文献   
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