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全球导航卫星系统干涉反射测量(global navigation satellite system-interferometric reflectometry,GNSS-IR)技术能探测浅层地表的土壤湿度。针对多系统组合的土壤湿度反演问题,基于轨迹聚类方法,从全球定位系统(global positioning system,GPS)、北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou satellite navigation system,BDS)、格洛纳斯(GLONASS)、伽利略(Galileo)导航系统的信噪比观测数据中提取多径干涉相位,利用经验模型求解轨迹聚类后的土壤湿度估计值,以加权平均方式得到系统组合后的估计结果。结果表明,BDS、Galileo反演精度相当且优于GPS、GLONASS,基于轨迹聚类的多系统组合土壤湿度估计方法的均方根误差为0.041 4 cm3/cm3,相比于单系统的综合反演精度提升约16.3%,相比于单系统的最佳频段反演精度提升约5.2%,所提方法能有效监测土壤湿度的变化。

雅布赖地区位于阿拉善地块北缘,埃达克岩岩石类型主要为闪长岩和石英闪长岩。用LA-ICP-MS方法测得埃达克岩中的锆石206Pb/238U年龄为275±1 Ma(MSWD=1.00,n=27,闪长岩)和277±2 Ma(MSWD=0.64,n=26,石英闪长岩),故认为雅布赖地区埃达克岩侵位年龄为275±1~277±2 Ma,形成时代为早二叠世。地球化学特征表明,该岩体具有较高的SiO2(60.56%~63.41%)、Al2O3(15.86%~17.33%)、Sr(572×10-6~758×10-6)含量,较低的MgO(1.45%~3.06%)、Y(11.10×10-6~14.7×10-6)、Yb(1.06×10-6~1.55×10-6)含量,富集大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Ba、Sr等,亏损高场强元素Ta、Nb、Ti、P等。岩石重稀土元素强烈亏损,轻、重稀土元素分馏明显,Eu异常较弱(0.81 < δEu < 1.04),Mg#值较高(38~53),Y/Yb值为7.35~11.89,Na2O/K2O值为1.18~1.77,具有C型埃达克岩特征,为拆沉下地売部分熔融产生的流体与地幔橄榄岩相互作用形成的产物。结合前人研究,其可能形成于碰撞后伸展环境。  相似文献   

基于达州市2015年10月-2016年9月的闪电定位和探空观测资料,以850 hPa与500 hPa温差、大气可降水量、K指数、对流有效位能、对流抑制和抬升指数作为雷暴预警因子,利用投影寻踪动态聚类方法对该时段内的雷暴个例构建了预警模型。结果表明:(1)模型预报结果定量评估的临界成功指数为72.00%,该模型对个例达到了识别和预警效果;(2)该预警模型与常规预警方法相比,具有识别率高,计算简便,客观性强等特点,可为雷暴预警提供了一种新的客观预报方法。

历史时期(1765-1980年)西藏水旱雪灾规律的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林振耀  吴祥定 《气象学报》1986,44(3):257-264
本文利用近千份藏文灾情历史档案和清政府驻西藏办事大臣有泰的日记和联豫的奏稿,以及西藏气象观测记录(1951—1980年),对西藏高原历史时期的水、旱、雪灾作了初步探讨,主要结论如下: 1.近百年来藏南的水旱灾是交替出现的,有三个多水期(1883—1906,1916—1934,1947—1962)和三个干旱期(1907—1915,1935—1946,1963—1980)。干旱期有逐渐加长的趋势。 2.西藏除了有变干的总趋势外,水旱灾还有明显的3.8—2.6年的周期。这与普遍存在的“准两年脉动”周期大体上一致。 3.藏南农区的降水量即使高于常年的一倍也不易形成洪水泛滥和大面积的内涝,但年降水量比常年少100mm以上就可造成严重干旱,农业生产大幅度减产。 4.造成西藏干旱的原因很多也很复杂,除高原气候近期有变干暖的总趋势外,近20年来水浇地和有效灌溉面积的扩大,以及农作物的种植比例不适当,象过份扩大冬小麦种植面积等亦会造成农业干旱。 5.19世纪以来,藏北高原共发生15次严重大雪灾,其中尤以1828—1829年,1927—1928年,1887—1888年三次雪灾最为严重。但近50年,发生的雪灾较过去有所减轻。不过,1967—1968年雪灾也较为严重。  相似文献   
积雪对自然环境和人类活动都有极其重要的影响。积雪参数(雪面积、雪深和雪水当量)反演对水文模型和气候变化研究有着实际的意义。然而,目前森林区的雪深遥感反演精度一直有待于进一步提高。东北地区是我国最大的天然林区和重要的季节性积雪区之一,本文利用FY3B卫星微波成像仪(MWRI)L1级亮温数据和L2级雪水当量数据,以及东北典型林区野外实测雪深数据,对Chang算法、NASA 96算法和FY3B雪深业务化反演算法进行了验证与分析。结果表明:在东北典型林区的雪深反演中,Chang算法和NASA 96算法反演的雪深波动都比较大,当森林覆盖度f≤0.6时,NASA 96算法表现比较好,均方根误差值在3种算法中较小,但当f >0.6时,NASA 96算法失真严重。当考虑纯森林像元(f=1)时,Chang算法低估了雪深47%。当f≤0.3时,FY3B业务化算法始终优于Chang算法。整体上,FY3B业务化算法相对稳定,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
Breaking wave induced nearsurface turbulence has important consequences for many physical and biochemical processes including water column and nutrients mixing,heat and gases exchange across air-sea interface.The energy loss from wave breaking and the bubble plume penetration depth are estimated.As a consequence,the vertical distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE),the TKE dissipation rate and the eddy viscosity induced by wave breaking are also provided.It is indicated that model results are found to be consistent with the observational evidence that most TKE generated by wave breaking is lost within a depth of a few meters near the sea surface.High turbulence level with intensities of eddy viscosity induced by breaking is nearly four orders larger than υwl(=κuwz),the value predicted for the wall layer scaling close to the surface,where uw is the friction velocity in water,κ with 0.4 is the von Kármán constant,and z is the water depth,and the strength of the eddy viscosity depends both on wind speed and sea state,and decays rapidly through the depth.This leads to the conclusion that the breaking wave induced vertical mixing is mainly limited to the near surface layer,well above the classical values expected from the similarity theory.Deeper down,however,the effects of wave breaking on the vertical mixing become less important.  相似文献   
To reveal the effect of shale reservoir characteristics on the movability of shale oil and its action mechanism in the lower third member of the Shahejie Formation(Es3l), samples with different features were selected and analyzed using N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure(MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), high-speed centrifugation, and displacement image techniques. The results show that shale pore structure characteristics control shale oil movability directly. Movable oil saturation has a positive relationship with pore volume for radius > 2 μm, as larger pores often have higher movable oil saturation, indicating that movable oil is present in relatively larger pores. The main reasons for this are as follows. The relatively smaller pores often have oil-wetting properties because of organic matter, which has an unfavorable effect on the flow of oil, while the relatively larger pores are often wetted by water, which is helpful to shale oil movability. The rich surface provided by the relatively smaller pores is beneficial to the adsorption of immovable oil. Meanwhile, the relatively larger pores create significant pore volume for movable oil. Moreover, the larger pores often have good pore connectivity. Pores and fractures are interconnected to form a complex fracture network, which provides a good permeability channel for shale oil flow. The smaller pores are mostly distributed separately;thus, they are not conducive to the flow of shale oil. The mineral composition and fabric macroscopically affect the movability of shale oil. Calcite plays an active role in shale oil movability by increasing the brittleness of shale and is more likely to form micro-cracks under the same stress background. Clay does not utilize shale oil flow because of its large specific surface area and its block effect. The bedding structure increases the large-scale storage space and improves the connectivity of pores at different scales, which is conducive to the movability of shale oil.  相似文献   
由空间直角坐标计算大地坐标的简便公式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大地测量教科书中给出的空间三维直角坐标与大地坐标的转换公式进行了大量的计算与分析,总结得出一组由空间直角坐标计算大地坐标的简便公式。  相似文献   
岩石嵌固掏挖基础目前已经广泛应用于电力基础工程中。原状土由于受扰动较小,胶结性强,具有良好的抗剪强度,对掏挖基础抗拔承载力具有重要影响,因此研究原状土参数变化对基础上拔承载性能的影响规律具有重要意义。结合现场试验,建立数值模型,研究土体黏聚力、内摩擦角、弹性模量对基础上拔承载性能的影响规律。研究表明:土体内摩擦角和黏聚力对基础抗拔承载力具有较大影响,而弹性模量影响程度较低;参数的变化对土体塑性区发展规律影响较小。  相似文献   
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