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新型测绘是未来测绘行业发展的趋势,在分析目前全国大学生测绘技能大赛与高校测绘教学现状的基础上,构建面向新型测绘的技能竞赛体系,并根据新型测绘的基本构架设计对应的理论与实践教学模块和基本的理论教学改革方案,提出基于CDIO模式进行测量实践教学改革,以实现技能竞赛引导下的创新性、应用性人才培养。  相似文献   
为研究岩相潮间带大型海藻有机碳含量及δ~(13)C值的季节变化特征,分别于2016年11月(秋)和2017年2月(冬)、5月(春)、8月(夏)对獐子岛岩相潮间带(39°01′E,122°43′N)的大型海藻进行调查,并对其有机碳含量和δ~(13)C值进行分析。结果表明:共鉴定出大型海藻3门49种,其中红藻门24种,占总数的48.98%;褐藻门17种,占总数的34.69%;绿藻门8种,占总数的16.33%。大型海藻种类数为春季(35种)冬季(24种)=夏季(24种)秋季(23种)。不同种类海藻体内的有机碳含量为15.54%~35.03%,δ~(13)C值在–33.42‰~–7.43‰之间变动。不同季节海藻体内有机碳含量为冬季春季夏季秋季,δ~(13)C值为夏季春季冬季秋季。  相似文献   
为获得海月水母不同频率下声学特征,在水池条件下,运用鱼探仪对海月水母开展目标强度(TS)测量实验。结果表明:伞径约为10 cm海月水母,姿态角在60°~90°时,单频(120 kHz)条件下,目标强度测量值为–66~–63 dB,接近高通液球模型;宽频(90 kHz~170 kHz)条件下,目标强度测量值为–61~–59 dB,接近Mutlu目标强度和伞径的关系式模型。并进一步分析了相同伞径水母目标强度测量值产生差异的原因,研究结果将为核电站冷源致灾生物的浅海宽频探测提供参考。  相似文献   
To quantify the impacts of native vegetation on the spatial and temporal variations in hydraulic properties of bank gully concentrated flows, a series of in situ flume experiments in the bank gully were performed at the Yuanmou Gully Erosion and Collapse Experimental Station in the dry-hot valley region of the Jinsha River, Southwest China. This experiment involved upstream catchment areas withone-and two-year native grass(Heteropogon contortus) and bare land drained to bare gully headcuts, i.e., Gullies 1, 2 and 3. In Gully 4, Heteropogon contortus and Agave sisalana were planted in the upstream catchment area and gully bed, respectively. Among these experiments, the sediment concentration in runoff in Gully 3 was the highest and that in Gully 2 was the lowest, clearly indicating that the sediment concentration in runoff obviously decreased and the deposition of sediment obviously increased as the vegetation cover increased. The concentrated flows were turbulent in response to the flow discharge. The concentrated flows in the gully zones with native grass and bare land were sub-and supercritical, respectively. The flow rate and shear stress in Gully 3 upstream catchment area were highest among the four upstream catchment areas, while the flow rate and shear stress in the gully bed of Gully 4 were lowest among the four gully beds, indicating that native grass notably decreased the bank gully flow rate and shear stress. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor(resistance f) and flow energy consumption in the gully bed of Gully 4 were notably higher than those in the other three gully beds, clearly indicating that native grass increased the bank gully surface resistance and flow energy consumption. The Reynolds number(Re), flow rate, shear stress, resistance f, and flow energy consumption in the gully beds and upstream areas increased over time, while the sediment concentration in runoff and Froude number(Fr) decreased. Overall, increasing vegetation cover in upstream catchment areas and downstream gully beds of the bank gully is essential for gully erosion mitigation.  相似文献   
2001-2015年中国植被覆盖人为影响的时空格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于MODIS-NDVI和气温、降水数据,使用基于变异系数的人为影响模型定量计算了2001-2015年中国植被覆盖人为影响,辅以趋势分析、Hurst指数等方法探讨了中国植被覆盖人为影响的时空变化特征及未来演变趋势。研究发现:① 2001-2015年,中国植被覆盖人为影响由南向北空间分异愈发明显,年均值为-0.0102,植被覆盖在人类活动影响下轻微减少,负影响面积占51.59%,略大于正影响面积。② 中国植被覆盖人为影响年际变化特征明显,整体呈负影响波动减少趋势,降速为0.5%/10a,其中正影响、负影响均呈增大趋势,正影响增速(0.3%/10a)远大于负影响(0.02%/10a)。③ 2001-2015年间,中国植被覆盖人为正影响重心向东北方向移动,负影响重心向西南方向移动,东北部植被覆盖在人为影响下不断改善,西南部人类活动对植被破坏程度不断增大。④ 中国植被覆盖人为影响主要呈负影响减少和正影响增大趋势,面积占比分别为28.14%和25.21%,生态环境趋于改善。⑤ Hurst指数分析表明,中国植被覆盖人为影响未来演变趋势的反向特征强于正向特征,主要呈人为负影响先减少后增大趋势,面积占比15.59%。  相似文献   
1960-2015年青海三江源地区降水时空特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青海三江源地区是中国生态系统最为敏感和脆弱的地区,其降水特别是生长季降水的波动,是影响本区及江河中下游水资源安全、生态系统可持续发展的关键因素。综合线性趋势、Mann-Kendall检验、BG分割算法、R/S、EEMD等多方法细致辨识了1960-2015年研究区降水量序列的时空特征。结果显示:① 三江源降水量总体呈现弱增趋势,21世纪以来降水量显著增加,各子源区气候倾向率不尽相同;② 年、季降水量自东南向西北递减,澜沧江源区夏季降水和黄河源区秋季降水呈弱减趋势,雨量弱减区在空间上呈斑块状分布;③ 年、季降水量年代际变化和增湿率的空间差异较明显,春夏季降水气候倾向率与经纬度、海拔的复相关性显著高于冬季;④ 20世纪90年代中后期,各子源区降水总体显现增强信号,并于2002年前后发生突变;⑤ 年际和低值年代际显著周期是造成降水量变动的主要因素;⑥ 除澜沧江源区夏季降水趋于减少外,其他年、季降水量变化呈现增幅不一的转湿趋势;⑦ 横向比较各子源区可见,长江源区降水变化更能表征高原气候变化。研究结果显示,研究区降水时空序列变化具有明显的区域和季节差异性特征,与以往类似研究存在些许差异,可见为有效提高气候序列演变过程及突变诊断的准确性,仍需进一步融合多方法实施集成分析。  相似文献   
盛科荣  张红霞  赵超越 《地理研究》2019,38(5):1030-1044
城市网络关联格局影响因素的测度及其作用机理的解析是建立城市网络理论模型的关键环节。基于2017年中国电子信息100强企业网络视角构建城市网络,采用指数随机图模型定量测度了中国城市网络的影响因素,解析了城市网络生长发育的微观过程,并探索性的提出了理解中国城市网络发育机理的概念框架。研究发现:偏好依附效应和接收者(GDP)效应构成了中国城市网络中心性格局的微观基础,中国城市网络生长发育表现为择优选择的地理过程;互惠性链接深刻影响着城市间的关系格局,网络闭合机制逐步成为城市间链接关系的重要影响因素;空间距离对基于电子信息企业网络的城市网络约束作用并不明显,城市网络表现出在“流动空间”中生长发育的特征。  相似文献   
本文综合构建了产业生态化评价指标体系,并利用熵值法、耦合协调分析、探索性空间数据分析方法、空间计量等多种计量方法对2005—2016年山东省17地级市产业生态化水平时空分异特征与影响因素进行了综合研究,结果表明:① 产业生态化依赖于产业化物质消耗型规模增长,但不以结构优化为基础的产业化势必忽视经济要素的横向转移反馈作用与集群效应,导致资源配置的低效现象;② 产业生态化水平逐年递增反映出产业系统与生态环境系统由拮抗向良性共轭方向发展,但其增长率较低说明了产业轻型化与清型化进程滞缓,其质量提升之路漫长而艰巨;③ 产业生态化呈现东中西递减的空间梯度分异特征,东部沿海地区始终是热点区,西部地区尤其是鲁西南地区始终是冷点区;④ 产业生态化水平空间相关性较为显著,经济发展水平、产业结构、外商投资等因素负向溢出效应比较明显,而政府调控以及环境规制强度等因素正向溢出效应突出。  相似文献   
Recently, various toppling slopes have emerged with the development of hydropower projects in the western mountainous regions of China. The slope on the right bank of the Laxiwa Hydropower Station, located on the mainstream of the Yellow River in the Qinghai Province of Northwest China, is a typical hard rock slope. Further, its deformation characteristics are different from those of common natural hard rock toppling. Because this slope is located close to the dam of the hydropower station, its deformation mechanism has a practical significance. Based on detailed geological engineering surveys, four stages of deformation have been identified using discrete element numerical software and geological engineering analysis methods, including toppling creep, initial toppling deformation, intensified toppling deformation, and current slope formation. The spatial and time-related deformation of this site also exhibited four stages, including initial toppling, toppling development, intensification of toppling, and disintegration and collapse. Subsequently, the mechanism of toppling and deformation of the bank slope were studied. The results of this study exhibit important reference value for developing the prevention–control design of toppling and for ensuring operational safety in the hydropower reservoir area.  相似文献   
The forest litter is an essential reservoir of nutrients in forests, supplying a large part of absorbable base cations(BC) to topsoil, and facilitating plant growth within litter-soil system. To characterize elevational patterns of base cation concentrations in the forest litter and topsoil, and explore the effects of climate and tree species, we measured microclimate and collected the forest litter and topsoil(0-10 cm) samples across an elevational range of more than 2000 m(1243 ~ 3316 m a.s.l.),and analyzed the concentrations of BC in laboratory. Results showed that: 1) litter Ca concentration displayed a hump-shaped pattern along the elevational gradients, but litter K and Mg showed saddle-shaped patterns. Soil Ca concentration increased with elevation, while soil K and Mg had no significant changes. 2) Ca concentration in the forest litter under aspen(Populus davidiana) was significantly higher than that in all other species, but in topsoil, Ca concentration was higher under coniferous larch and fir(Larix chinensis and Abies fargesii). Litter K and Mg concentrations was higher under coniferous larch and fir, whereas there were nosignificant differences among tree species in the concentrations of K and Mg in topsoil. 3) Climatic factors including mean annual temperature(MAT), growing season precipitation(GSP) and non-growing season precipitation(NGSP) determined BC concentrations in the forest litter and topsoil. Soil C/N and C/P also influenced BC cycling between litter and soil. Observation along elevations within different tree species implies that above-ground tree species can redistribute below-ground cations, and this process is profoundly impacted by climate. Litter and soil Ca, K and Mg with different responses to environmental variables depend on their soluble capacity and mobile ability.  相似文献   
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