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???????GPS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1/2??2/3??????????????????????????????????????? ????????????  相似文献   
三峡库区水位消落带岩体劣化松动使得部分岸坡加速朝不稳定方向演化,给溶蚀岩体岸坡带来了工程灾变效应问题.本文提出了利用高程175 m附近区域的岩体替代未受蓄水影响的岩体的"比拟法",统计分析岩体劣化情况.定义、改进和统计了岩体劣化变量Det、岩体体积节理数增量△Jv和地质强度指标变化值ΔGSI.通过对库区10个典型溶蚀岩...  相似文献   
贵州关岭大寨高速远程滑坡碎屑流研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
2010年6月28日,贵州关岭因突降暴雨发生高速远程滑坡,滑程约1.5km,体积约174.9万m3,两个村组被毁,99人遇难。滑坡区位于西南地区常见的煤系地层区,上部为灰岩、白云岩,中部为相对较缓的砂岩地层,下部为页岩、泥岩地层,局部含煤,具有上硬下软的山体地质结构和上部富水下部隔水的水文地质结构,极易形成滑坡地质灾害。从地形上看,斜坡上陡下缓,形似靴状地形,上部陡峭地形导致山体易于失稳,而中下部开阔伸展良好的沟谷提供了远程的运动条件,较大的势能向动能的转化,容易形成高速远程滑坡碎屑流。6月27日和28日的降雨是触发此起特大灾害的主要原因,其24h降雨量达310mm,超过了当地近60a来的气象记录,分析表明,降雨产生的沟谷径流量是平时强降雨(100~150mmd-1)的沟谷径流的2倍之上,一是在滑源区砂岩裂隙岩体中形成静水压力和渗透压力,触使滑坡的失稳下滑; 二是在沟谷中产生地表径流,为碎屑流远程流动形成饱水下垫面,导致了碎屑流流动距离和速度的显著增加。近年来随着极端强降雨等灾害性天气的重现期缩短,高速远程滑坡造成的群死群伤特大地质灾害在我国呈逐渐增加趋势,应加强对这种灾害类型的调查与防范,特别是要进行滑坡安全避让范围和逃逸速度的研究。  相似文献   
The Niumiangou Creek rock avalanche was triggered by an Ms 8.0 earthquake that happened on 12 May 2008 in the Sichuan Province, China. The rock avalanche traveled a horizontal distance of 3.0 km over a vertical elevation difference of 0.89 km, equivalent to a coefficient of friction of only 0.29. The travel path of the rock avalanche can be divided into three segments: (1) failing and disintegrating, (2) flying, (3) flowing. In the failing and disintegrating segment, the rock slope failed because of the coupled action of horizontal and vertical force of the earthquake, then smashed into the opposite mountain and disintegrated. In the flying segment, the disintegrating rock mass changed direction and flew into the Lianhuaxin Creek, which was different from the previous research results that concluded rock debris flowed in Lianhuaxin Creek. A great amount of air trapped and compressed under the rock debris acted as air cushion and supported the rock debris to fly a further distance. In the flowing segment, the rock debris flowed on the ground surface in Niumiangou Creek. The flowing velocity has been estimated from the maximum elevation and runup according to the damaged trimlines of the debris. The saturated fine material in Niumiangou Creek entrained by the failed debris mass is thought to have contributed to the long runout of the debris. The Niumiangou Creek rock avalanche is one of the three longest rock avalanches triggered by Wenchuan earthquake. The conclusions of the paper have implications for hazard assessment of potential rock avalanches in the earthquake area and the other similar mountainous area in west China.  相似文献   
Landslide-related impulse waves are catastrophic but accidental, so limited data on field measurements are available; scaled physical experiment is therefore a functional method to simulate and analyze this phenomenon. A large-scale physical Froude-similar model to produce impulse waves was constructed based on the Chinese Gongjiafang landslide, which occurred on the main stream of Three Gorges after the impounding in the reservoir in China. With a scale of 1:200, the model had the dimensions of 24, 8, and 1.3 m. Four water levels, 145, 156, 172.8, and 175 m, were modeled for the experiments, and marble coarse sands were used to imitate the actual cataclastic rock mass. Wave height gauges, high-speed cameras, and run-up measuring instruments were used to monitor wave fluctuations in the model. Among the experiments, the ones modeled using a water level of 172.8 m best confirmed the actual conditions in the Gongjiafang landslide, representing a good validation of the experiments. This study obtained, for the first time, specific data on the reproduced impulse waves’ convergence and superposition during propagation, and of the energy change between impulse waves and reflected waves. The test data describe a rapid decaying and gradual decaying rule for the wave heights and run-ups. The Froude-similar experiments presented in this article help us to understand the whole procedure of impulsive wave generated by cataclastic rock mass failure, and the results acquired contribute to studies of impulse waves caused by similar bank destabilizations worldwide.  相似文献   
自动气象观测站远距离数据采集方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用以太网技术实现自动气象观测站采集器与上位计算机的数据通信,解决超远距离数据采集,对调整站网布局、特殊环境下自动气象观测站的布设提供了一种解决方法。  相似文献   
利用山西地震带3 期GPS复测资料(1996~1998),计算并分析了该带近期的水平运动状态,结果表明: 山西断裂带现主要受来自北西、北西西—南东、南东东向压应力场的控制,不存在明显的走滑运动;运动强度在空间上表现为北强南弱,在时间上表现为前弱后强;局部区域的应变量级达到10- 6。  相似文献   
介绍了用二维关系表存储树型结构的原理,在此基础上提出层次类型编码数据的递归录入法,并给出一个通用递归录入程序。  相似文献   
印尼地震对我国川滇地区地壳水平活动的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
2005年1~2月用GPS技术对中国川滇地区及中国南部进行了精密流动与连续监测,综合利用1999年、2001年和2004年的数据及GPS处理技术获取了2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊地震(Ms8.7)对监测区所产生的同震水平位移场。由水平位移图可知,此次地震对川滇地区及其以东及中国南部地区的影响是显著的,其特征为对四川地区的影响相对较小,数值为数毫米,优势位移方向为西;对云南地区的影响较大,数值一般为10~20mm,变化趋势为“北小南大”,优势位移方向为西南。应变分析表明,此次地震对该区造成的区域应变非常突出,并且占主导地位,南北方向表现为整体拉伸,东西方向为“北张南压”,面应变除南缘为收缩外几乎整个区域为面膨胀,并呈现“北大南小”的变化特征,最大剪应变则恰好相反。由此反映的相对位移在该区南北端的差别接近20mm,与背景应变场的结果相比有很大的差异。另由拉萨、昆明和广州等连续监测站的结果可知,西藏地区没有受到显著的影响,西沙群岛和海南地区向西南位移了大约20mm,云南地区向西南位移了大约12mm,泸州及福建沿海地区没有明显的变化。  相似文献   
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