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The Qinghai–Tibet Highway and Railway (the Corridor) across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau traverses 670 km of permafrost and seasonally frozen-ground in the interior of the Plateau, which is sensitive to climatic and anthropogenic environmental changes. The frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology along the Corridor is complicated by the variability in the near-surface lithology, and the mosaic presence of warm permafrost and talik in a periglacial environment. Differential settlement is the major frost-effect problem encountered over permafrost areas. The traditional classification of frozen ground based on the areal distribution of permafrost is too generalized for engineering purposes and a more refined classification is necessary for engineering design and construction. A proposed classification of 51 zones, sub-zones, and sections of frozen ground has been widely adopted for the design and construction of foundations in the portion of the Corridor studied. The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT), near-surface soil types and moisture content, and active faults and topography are most commonly the primary controlling factors in this classification. However, other factors, such as local microreliefs, drainage conditions, and snow and vegetation covers also exert important influences on the features of frozen ground. About 60% of the total length of the Corridor studied possesses reasonably good frozen-ground conditions, which do not need special mitigative measures for frost hazards. However, other sections, such as warm and ice-rich or -saturated permafrost, particularly in the sections in wetlands, ground improvement measures such as elevated land bridges and passive or proactive cooling techniques need to be applied to ensure the long-term stability of thermally unstable, thick permafrost subsoils, and/or refill with non-frost-susceptible soils. Due to the long-history of the construction and management of the Corridor by various government departments, adverse impacts of construction and operation on the permafrost environment have been resulted. It is recommended that an integrated, executable plan for the routing of major construction projects within this transportation corridor be established and long-term monitoring networks installed for evaluating and mitigating the impact from anthropogenic and climatic changes in frozen-ground conditions.  相似文献   
Experiments at 6.0–7.1 GPa and 1500–1700°C were carried out to explore the boundary conditions of diamond nucleation and growth in pyrrhotite-carbon melt-solutions. Pyrrhotite is one of the main sulfide minerals of the pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblage of mantle rocks and primary inclusions in diamond. Solutions of carbon in sulfide melts oversaturated with respect to diamond at the expense of the dissolution of starting graphite (thermodynamically unstable phase) are formed owing to the difference between the solubilities of graphite and diamond, which increases under the influence of temperature gradients in experimental samples. We determined the fields of carbon solutions in pyrrhotite melt showing labile and metastable oversaturation with respect to diamond, which correspond to the spontaneous nucleation of the diamond phase and diamond growth on seeds, respectively. The linear growth rate of diamond in sulfide-carbon melts is rather high (on average, 10 μ/min during the first 1–2 min from the onset of spontaneous crystallization). The nucleation density is estimated as 180 grains per cubic centimeter. Diamonds crystallized from sulfide melts show octahedral and spinel twin shapes. Diamond polycrystals were synthesized for the first time from a sulfide medium as intergrowths of skeletal (edge) or “cryptocrystalline” microdiamonds, from 1 to 100 μm in size, their spinel twins and, occasionally, polysynthetic (star-shaped) twins. During diamond growth from sulfidecarbon melts on smooth faces of cuboctahedral diamond seeds synthesized in metal systems, smooth-faced layer-by-layer step-like growth was observed on their octahedral (111) faces, whereas growth on the (100) cubic faces produced rough-surfaced layers of intergrown micropyramids, whose axes were oriented normal to the (100) face. The obtained experimental results were applied to the problem of diamond genesis under the conditions of the Earth’s mantle in the framework of the model of carbonate-silicate parental melts with blebs of immiscible sulfide melts.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a study of the composition of mica (biotite) crystallizing in the system of phonolite melt-Cl- and F-bearing aqueous fluid at T ~ 850°C, P = 200 MPa, and \(f_{O_2 } \) = Ni-NiO, as well as data on F and Cl partitioning between coexisting phases. It was established that Cl content in mica is significantly lower than in phonolite melt and, especially, in fluid. Fluorine shows a different behavior in this system: its content in mica is always higher than in phonolite melt but lower than in fluid. The mica-melt partition coefficients of Cl and F also behave differently. The Cl partition coefficient gradually increases from 0.17 to 0.33 with increasing Cl content in the system, whereas the partition coefficient of F sharply decreases from 3.0 to 1.0 with increasing total F content. The apparent partition coefficients of F between biotite and groundmass (melt) in various magmatic rocks are usually significantly higher than the experimental values. It was supposed that the higher Bt/glassDF values in natural samples could be related to the influence of later oxidation reactions, reequilibration of biotite at continuously decreasing \(f_{H_2 O} \)/f HF ratio, and an increase in this coefficients with decreasing total F content in the system.  相似文献   
The structure of anomalously uplifted areas in transverse ridges of the Vema, S o Paulo, and Romanche fracture zones is considered. It is concluded that their formation and eventual development in the present-day structure of the central Atlantic bottom proceeded during two stages. The first stage that corresponds to a short period at the Tortonian-Messinian transition (10 Ma ago) was marked by transportation of deep-seated rocks into the upper part of the lithosphere along thrust faults with mass motion in the meridional direction along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The second stage was characterized by contrasting highamplitude vertical movements from 10 to 3 Ma ago. It is suggested that near-meridional compression in the domains surrounding the Western Tethys in the Tortonian-Messinian resulted in deformation of the upper lithosphere within large transform fracture zones of the central Atlantic. The deformation that occurred 10 Ma ago was a manifestation of the global neotectonic epoch of the Earth.  相似文献   
The paper is devoted to the conditions under which opacite rims developed around hornblende grains in andesite of the catastrophic eruption (March 30, 1956) of Bezymyannyi volcano, Kamchatka. The opacite rims were produced by a bimetasomatic reaction between hornblende and melt with the development of the following zoning: hornblende → Px + Pl + Ti-MagPx + PlPx → melt. Biometasomatic reaction was accompanied by the active removal of CaO from the rim, addition of SiO2, and more complicated behavior of other components. The hornblende also shows reactions of its volumetric decomposition under near-isochemical conditions. The opacite rims developed under isobaric conditions, at a pressure of approximately 6 kbar. The main reason for the instability of the hornblende was the heating of the magma chamber from 890 to 1005°C due to new hot magma portion injection. The time interval between the injection and the start of eruption was estimated from the thickness of the opacite rims and did not exceed 37 days. Hence, the March 30, 1956, eruption was not related to the volcanic activity in November of 1955 but to the injection of a fresh magma portion in February–March of 1956.  相似文献   
在2005-2007年期间,先后3次对中国-俄罗斯原油管道漠河-大庆段沿线的冻土工程地质条件等进行科学考察,开展了冻土工程地质条件及其在气候变化和人类活动作用下的评价和预测研究.考察研究结果表明:管道沿线多年冻土在各类融区、季节冻土和水系等分隔作用下呈片状或岛状分布,沿线岛状、稀疏岛状及零星岛状占多年冻土区段的40%左右;管道沿线多年冻土随着气候的转暖和人类活动的影响不断退化.地形地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化等局部因素对多年冻土的分布和地下冰的赋存产生重要的影响,管道沿线大约分布有50 km左右的沼泽湿地,其表层为腐殖质土及泥炭层,泥炭层下面分布着含土冰层或地下冰,是管道沿线最差的冻土工程地质地段;由于中俄原油管道沿线水系发育多,冻胀丘、冰椎和冰幔等不良冻土现象广泛分布.科学考察的成果为管道沿线冻土工程地质条件评价和预测、管道的稳定性影响分析以及后期的长期检测系统设置等研究奠定坚实的基础,进一步为即将开工的中俄原油管道漠河-大庆段工程的设计、施工提供科学依据.  相似文献   
河南洛宁段河金矿流体包裹体研究和矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
河南省洛宁县段河石英脉型金矿主要包括石寨沟和岭东两个矿区,分别由3~4条含金石英脉构成。矿化过程从早到晚包括石英-黄铁矿、石英-多金属硫化物和石英-碳酸盐等3个阶段.其中中阶段金矿化最强,次为早阶段。各阶段石英中流体包裹体以气液两相包裹体为主.次为纯液体包裹体。激光拉曼测试表明,气液两相包裹体的液相为H2O,气相主要为Ho和CO2混合、纯H2O,次为纯CO2;纯液体包裹体为纯H2O。石寨沟矿区包裹体均一温度从早到晚依次为240.9~315.9℃.188.7~304.5℃,137.3~259.3℃:流体盐度变化依次为(6.74~12.85)wt%NaCl.eq,(2.41~8.68)wt%NaCl.eq,(2.24-7.86)wt%NaCl.eq。岭东矿区均一温度从早到晚依次为303.7-343.1℃,251.8-325.4℃,305.7~355.0℃:流体盐度变化依次为(5.11~11.70)wt%NaCl.eq,(2.74-10.11)wt%NaCl.eq,(0.53-6.74)wt%NaCl.eq。两矿区主成矿期流体均为中温、低盐度,早阶段流体为改造热液和变质热液的混合体,含一定量CO2,且流体CO2含量和盐度从早到晚逐渐降低。石寨沟矿区包裹体均一温度逐渐降低,而岭东矿区包裹体均一温度先降后升,加之岭东矿区各阶段成矿温度均高于石寨沟矿区.表明成矿流体系统主要受岩浆热驱动,岭东矿区更靠近岩体,且在晚阶段又有脉动性的岩浆加热.段河金矿区南部存在隐伏岩体。  相似文献   
Резюме Описаны этапы развития сейсмического моделирования, взаимоотношения между сейсмическим моделированием, теоретическими разработками и полевыми наблюдениями и формулированы перспективные задачи сейсмического моделирования.

Address: B. Gruzinskaja 10, Moskva G-242, USSR.  相似文献   
川蔓草(Ruppia)是一种广泛分布在咸水、半咸水生境中的广义海草, 其形成的川蔓草床具有重要的生态学价值。然而, 对于其在中国境内的分布情况尚缺乏大范围的调查。基于此, 本研究于2016—2019年对中国辽宁-浙江沿海区域的川蔓草分布情况进行了初步调查, 探究了调查区域内川蔓草的生境分布类型, 及生态特征, 分析了川蔓草床的主要威胁, 并提出了对川蔓草床科学管理的建议。结果表明: 川蔓草在中国浙江省、江苏省、山东省、天津市、河北省、辽宁省均有分布; 分布面积超过2 100 ha; 该区域内分布的川蔓草物种均为中国川蔓草, 主要分布生境包括咸水养殖池塘、咸水沟渠(池塘)、盐场、瀉湖(湖泊)、潮间带(围堰)5类; 人类活动影响(人工清捞、施药、河道工程等)与极端气候事件(极端干旱事件)都会导致川蔓草床退化, 但大部分川蔓草床可以依靠沉积物中的种子库在环境适宜时进行种群恢复; 不同生境中的川蔓草种群特征差异较大, 因此, 对不同生境中的川蔓草应制定差异性管理措施。  相似文献   
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