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The history of Korean tidal flat management and the process for designating Coastal Wetland Protected Areas (CWPAs) are described. Korean coastal wetlands have a long history of intensive use through reclamation for agricultural and industrial uses in the 20th century. Recently, the management policy is shifting away from intensive use towards the conservation of wetlands. This shift is caused by increasing public awareness of the value of wetlands and strong institutional support from the government. Since the Wetlands Conservation Act was passed in 1999, a total of twelve CWPAs have been designated through both top-down and bottom-up processes. Three designation paths are classified based on the relevant drivers, namely government-driven designations (seven CWPAs), local community driven designations (three CWPAs), and conflict resolution (trade-offs) driven designation (two CWPAs). The lessons learned from the designation of Korean CWPAs is that diversification of designation process could facilitate voluntary participation of local stakeholders and thereby enhance the chance of successful implementation of wise use strategy of tidal flats.  相似文献   
The transfer function of time-dependent models is classically inferred by the ordinary least squares (OLS) techniques. This OLS technique assumes independence of the residuals with time. However, in practical cases, this hypothesis is often not justified producing inefficient estimation of the transfer function. When the residuals constitute an autoregressive process, we propose to apply the Box-Jenkins' method to model the residuals, and to modify in a simple manner the primary convolution equation. Then, a multivariate regression technique is used to infer the transfer function of the new equation producing time-independent residuals. This three-step autoregressive deconvolution technique is particularly efficient for time series analysis. The reconstitution and the forecasting of real data are improved efficiently. Theoretically, the proposed method can be extended to the convolution equations for which the residuals follow a moving average or an autoregressive-moving average process, but the mathematical formulation is no longer direct and explicit. For this general case, we propose to approximate the moving average or the autoregressive-moving average process by an autoregressive process of sufficient order, and then the transfer function. Two case studies in hydrogeology will be used to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   
This study on the cytological changes of the body wall ,aspiratory intestine and crissal bursa in Urechis unicincuts by light microscope(LM) and transmission electron microscope(TEM) showed that the difference between the body wall and the natural environment rich in H2S was not obvious,that the wall color of the aspiratory intestine in H2S rich environment changed from normal semitransparency to dark brown.that its epithelia were disassembled and the electron density of its cytoplasm matrix was lower;and that in H2S rich environment many basoplhilic granules occurred in the epithelia of the crissal bursa.Granules with single membrane and myelinefingure were found with TEM.  相似文献   
油气成藏流体动力系统分析原理及应用   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
阐述了油气成藏流体动力系统分析的基本原理,把油气成藏流体动力系统分为重力驱动型、压实驱动型、滞流型和封存型四种类型。结合国内外的研究实例,分析了不同类型流体动力系统油气藏形成和分布的规律,强调在不同类型的流体动力系统中,油气藏形成的机理不同,在成藏动力学研究中有不同的侧重点。加强重力驱动型和封存型流体动力系统动力系统油气成藏条件研究对我国南方海相盆地和其它勘探程度较高的盆地深部的油气勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Locked in stresses,creep and dilatancy of rocks,and constitutive equations   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
SummaryLocked in Stresses, Creep and Dilatancy of Rocks, and Constitutive Equations A micro rheological analysis is presented of the deformation characteristics of rocks based on the multi mineral and polycrystalline structure of igneous metamorphic and some sedimentary rocks; in addition the polygranular structure of sandstone-type rocks is also considered. Due account is taken with the history of rock formation and tectonics.Torsional creep test results on Ichang sandstone are presented and analysed. A new method of testing is introduced whereby the sample is subjected to a step wise loading function and the deformation measured as a function of the time. In this manner the creep as a function of stress and time can be obtained very easily from tests on only one sample.A hypothesis is presented on the origin and formation of locked in stresses the release of internal strain energy is studied at the hand of some typical test results. The practical importance of these stress pockets is discussed and it is stressed that creep and locked in stresses are fundamental factors in the behaviour of rocks which must be carefully studied in practice.On the basis of experimental results and physical reasoning constitutive equations are set up, which are three dimensional generalisations of the experimental Griggs equation: =a +b logt +ct, whereby the material parameters are scalar functions of the stress invariants.
ZusammenfassungRestspannungen, Kriechen und Dilatation von Gesteinen, und Ausgangsgleichungen Es wird eine Analyse der rheologischen Verformungseigenschaften von Fels gezeigt, die auf dem Mineral- und Kristallgefüge von metamorphen Erstarrungs-und einigen Sedimentgesteinen beruht; außerdem wird das Korngefüge von Gesteinen mit einem Aufbau ähnlich dem von Sandsteinen berücksichtigt. Ebenso werden Gebirgsbildungsvorgänge und Tektonik beachtet.Ergebnisse von Torsionskriechversuchen an Ichang-Sandstein werden vorgelegt und analysiert. Eine neue Versuchsmethode wird vorgestellt, wobei der Probekörper einer stufenweise gesteigerten Belastung unterworfen wird und die Verformungen als Funktion der Zeit gemessen werden. Auf diese Weise wird durch Versuche mit nur einem Probekörper das Kriechen als Funktion der Belastung und der Zeit ermittelt.Es wird eine Hypothese über den Ursprung und die Bildung von Restspannungen vorgelegt. An Hand von typischen Versuchsergebnissen wird die Freiwerdung von innerer Verzerrungsenergie untersucht und die praktische Bedeutung von Kriechvorgängen und Restspannungen betont.Basierend auf Versuchsergebnissen und physikalischen Gesetzen werden Ausgangsgleichungen aufgestellt, die Verallgemeinerungen der experimentell von Griggs gefundenen Gleichung =a +b logt +ct in 3 Dimensionen darstellen. Dabei sind die Materialparameter skalare Funktionen der Invarianten des Spannungszustandes.

RésuméFluage et dilatation des roches, contraintes figées dans le massif et relatiens de comportement On présente une analyse micro-rhéologique des caractéristiques de déformation des roches, basée sur la structure multiminérale et polycristalline des roches ignées ou métamorphiques et de quelques roches sédimentaires. La structure polygranulaire des roches du type des grès est aussi envisagée. On prend en compte l'histoire de la formation des roches et de la tectonique.Des résultats d'essais de fluage en torsion sur des grès d'Echang sont données et analysés. On présente une nouvelle méthode d'essais où l'échantillon est soumis à un chargement par échelon et où la déformation est mesurée en fonction du temps. De cette façon, le fluage en fonction des contraintes et du temps peut être obtenu très facilement à partir d'essais sur un seul échantillon.On présente une hypothèse sur l'origine et la fonction des contraintes figées dans le massif et le relachement de l'énergie de déformation est étudié au moyen de résultats d'essais typiques. L'importance pratique de ces noyaux de contraintes est discutée et l'on montre que le fluage et les contraintes figées sont des facteurs fondamentaux du comportement des roches qui doivent être étudiés avec soin dans la pratique.A partir de résultats expérimentaux et au moyen de raisonnements physiques, on établit les relations de comportement et la généralisation à trois dimensions de l'équation expérimentale de Griggs =a +b logt +ct où les paramètres du matériau sont des fonctions scalaires des invariants des contraintes.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
1998年“4.18”强沙尘暴分析及数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
许东蓓  康凤琴  郑新江 《气象》2002,28(8):9-14
对1998年4月18-19日发生在新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古等地的一次强沙尘暴天气过程从天气事实、天气学成因等方面进行了分析和诊断,然后利用非静力MM5模式对这次沙尘暴天气进行了数值模拟。结果表明,西西伯利亚强冷空气迅速东移,在新疆西部上空形成强锋区,对应的地面冷锋东移至前期增暖显著的新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏等地形成了本次大风、强沙尘暴天气。用非静力MM5模式较好地模拟出了此次强沙尘暴天气过程的地面强风系统、高空锋区的发生发展。  相似文献   
中子仪测定土壤湿度田间标定方法初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
康桂红 《气象》1996,22(10):42-43
《农业气象观测规范》规定:应用中子仪测定土壤湿度前必须进行田间标定,在实践中发现其标定方法时间局限性强,工作难度大,且存在客观误差,而采用分段标定时间,改变标定地点的方法,有效地解决了上述不足。  相似文献   
A variety of soft‐sediment deformation structures formed during or shortly after deposition occurs in the Cretaceous Seongpori and Dadaepo Formations of the southeastern Gyeongsang Basin exposed along coastal areas of southeastern Korean Peninsula for 0.5–2 km. These are mostly present in a fluvial plain facies, with interbedded lacustrine deposits. In this study, the features of different kinds of soft‐sediment deformation structures have been interpreted on the basis of sedimentology of structure‐bearing deposits, comparison with normal sedimentary structures, timing and mechanism of deformation, and triggering mechanisms. The soft‐sediment deformation structures can be classified into four morphological groups: (i) load structures (load casts, ball‐and‐pillow structures); (ii) soft‐sediment intrusive structures (dish‐and‐pillars, clastic dykes, sills); (iii) ductile disturbed structures (convolute folds, slump structures); and (iv) brittle deformation structures (syndepositional faulting, dislocated breccia). The most probable triggering mechanisms resulting in these structures were seismic shocks. These interpretations are based on the following field observations: (i) location of the study area within tectonically active fault zone reactivated several times during the Cretaceous; (ii) deformation structures confined to single stratigraphic levels; (iii) lateral continuity and occurrences of various soft‐sediment deformation structures in the deformed level over large areas; (iv) absence of depositional slope to indicate gravity sliding or slumping; and (v) similarity to the structures produced experimentally. The soft‐sediment deformation structures in the study areas are thus interpreted to have been generated by seismic shocks with an estimated magnitude of M > 5, representing an intermittent record of the active tectonic and sedimentary processes during the development and evolution of two formations from the late Early Cretaceous to the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   
马忠  李丹  王康 《中国沙漠》2014,34(1):284-290
实物型投入产出模型更适合用于核算与量化分析经济系统与资源环境间直接及间接的耦合关联。采用Helga Weisz的方法,通过价值型向实物型表转换,编制完成张掖市实物型投入产出表。基于实物型投入产出模型,对张掖市各部门水资源利用在社会经济系统中迁移特点和部门关联程度及乘数进行分析。结果表明:实物表为我们提供了新的分析视角,此方法的应用在资源环境领域的应用具有相当的适用价值。间接需求对水资源影响不容忽视,每个部门的乘数作用很大程度影响该部门在虚拟水战略中的地位和作用。畜牧业、制造业、建筑业在张掖市水资源利用部门关联中作用突出,应作为水资源的社会化管理重点关注的部门。  相似文献   
The Sonneratia apetala artificial mangroves in the intertidal zone of Da Wei Bay at Qi’ao Island of Zhu-hai, South China were chosen as the macrofauna succession plots while bare tidal flats of the same size were established as control plots in surrounding interference-free areas. Conventional change indicators of community structure, such as biomass and biodiversity, and indicators, such as exergy and specific exergy, which reflect the information change of overall communities, were used to analyze the succession of macro-fauna communities inS. apetala artificial mangroves. The similarities and differences in variation tendency of the different ecological indicators and their reflected ecological principles were compared. The results showed that from D-1 to D-1275 after plantingS. apetala, the biomass of the macrofauna communities first increased, which was then followed by an increase in the network relationship between the macrofauna communities (analysis of the Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). The system in-formation (specific exergy) increased the slowest. Between D-1460 and D-2370 after plantingS. apetala, there was a decrease in biomass, network structure, and system information in the succession plots. After the decrease in the system information (the specific exergy), there was a decline in the network relationships (Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). Biomass was the last indicator to decrease. The similarities and differences among the different ecological indicators varied during the succession pro-cess, which reflected the relativity and differences among the indicators. This study suggested that, although the species diversity index can be an effective indicator of two types of changes (network structure and system information), it was quite clear that species diversity measurement was not suitable for expressing the changes in biomass during the succession process. While exergy and specific exergy can provide useful information  相似文献   
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