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臭氧和海温对夏季大气的影响机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用球圈范围的P-σ坐标模式对O3和海温的影响进行了数值试验,第一种方案不包含O3,第二种包含了O3,第三种既包含了O3又引入了海洋混合层。结果表明,O3对大气的直接作用表现为高层大气的加热率增大,改变了100hPa的气象场。间接作用则表现为O3引入促发了积云对流加热的变化,从而影响中、低层大气的加热率。海洋混合层的影响是直接的,主要通过海面感热和蒸发量的变化影响低层大气。  相似文献   
钱永甫  郑琼 《大气科学》2001,25(5):641-649
用P-σ混合坐标系原始方程模式(Nju-PσM),以观测的瞬时气象要素场作为模式初始场,作了24个月动力延伸预报试验,利用距平符号一致率(P)、距平相关系数(AC)和均方根误差(RMS)对预报结果进行了评估和分析。试验表明Nju-PσM对月平均环流有一定的预报能力,气候漂移证正和预报结果的线性、势力的线型两种合成方法都对预报效果有明显的改进,把动力延伸预报与年际和月际持续性预报进行对比后,表明动力预报结果的各项评估分均为最高。预报场和实况场的空间滤波和经验正交函数(EOF)分析表明,模式对大尺度天气系统的预报能力较强,而对较小尺度天气系统的预报能力则差一例。  相似文献   
The seasonal variations of convective activities over the South China Sea(SCS) and its neighborhood.as well as the similarities and differences of convection in the different key regions during the strong and weak convection years are analyzed by using the pentad data of TBB from 1980 to 1993.The results show that in winter and summer the seasonal variations of the convective activities are synchronous over the SCS and its neighborhood,the anomalous convection amplitudes are obviously different in different regions.The significant extents of convective activities have somewhat seasonal differences in the strong and weak convection years.In the strong convection years,it is in winter,spring and autumn that the convection anomaly is more evident than that in the normal years,however,after the summer monsoon onset the convection is sustained.stable and similar to that in the normal years.In the weak convection years.the convection weakens greatly in each season.but the primary weakening occurs in spring.summer and autumn.No matter in the strong or the weak convection years.the convective activities are somewhat of difference in the Bay of Bengal.the Indochina Peninsula.the SCS and the Philippines.In addition.the convective activities are also different over the south and the north parts of the SCS.the convection variation in the strong year is similar to that in the weak year over the north part of the SCS.but over the south part there are great differences.  相似文献   
本文用美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式(POM)的南海版本(SCS-POM) 模拟了持续冬季风风应力作用下,南海海流的响应特征。结果表明,从静止的海洋 出发,定常冬季风风应力驱动下的南海海流有明显的时间变化,垂直积分后的海流 (全流)约需120天左右的时间,方能达到准稳定态,表层、次表层和深层海流的时 间演变也有类似特征。模拟结果还表明,SCS-POM有能力模拟出南海边界流、沿 岸流和海流的涡旋状结构。  相似文献   
By using the NCEP reanalysis data set in 1979-1995, the fluxes of the latent heat, thesensible heat and the net long-wave radiation in the South China Sea (SCS) are expanded by meansof EOF in order to discuss the basic climatological features in the SCS. The detailed analysis showsthat the air-sea heat exchanges in different SCS regions have different seasonal variations. Themiddle and the north of the SCS are the high value regions of the air-sea heat exchanges during thewinter and the summer monsoon periods, respectively, the seasonal variations of air-sea heatexchanges in the south of the SCS are small. In addition, the proportions of different componentsin the total air-sea heat exchanges have different seasonal variations in different regions. Theresults show that the SCS monsoon and the air-sea heat exchanges in the SCS region are theaccompaniments of each other, the great difference of the sensible heat flux between the IndochinaPeninsula and the SCS before the SCS summer monsoon onset may be one of the triggers of thelatter. There maintains a high value center of the sensible heat flux before the 13th dekad, itsdisappearing time consists with that of the summer monsoon onset. It means that as far as the SCSlocal conditions are concerned, the northwest of the Indochina Peninsula is probably a sensitiveregion to the SCS summer monsoon onset and the land may play a leading role in the SCS summermonsoon onset.  相似文献   
南亚高压的季节变化与趋暖性   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了南亚高压的季节变化,讨论了对流层中高层温度、整层大气视热源和非绝热加热率的时空变化对南亚高压季节变化的影响。结果表明,南亚高压存在两个季节平衡态,即夏半年的大陆高压和冬半年的海洋高压,大陆高压又可分为青藏高压和伊郎高压。加热场对南亚高压的季节变化有重要作用,南亚高压是一个暖性高压,其中心有“趋热性”,通常位于或趋于加热率的相对大值区。南亚高压的年循环过程,主要受南亚地区潜热和感热季节变化的支配。夏季北方地区和高压地区的强烈短波辐射加热对高压中心北移和维持也有作用,长波辐射的冷却作用则是高压减弱的重要原因。  相似文献   
植被变化对中国区域气候的影响Ⅱ:机理分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在利用区域气候模式(RegCM2)对中国植被变化的气候影响进行了数值模拟研究的基础上,该文着重对其中可能的机理进行了分析,结果表明:植被变化对地-气系统的能量平衡具有重要影响。植被变化使地表释放的有效通量(感热+潜热)发生变化,同时有效通量中的感热。潜热分配,即波恩比亦会发生改变,从而导致大气湿静力能分布的变化,使大气层结及垂直运动发生相应改变,这会进一步影响到大气水汽输送情况,井与相应的垂直运动变化结合最终导致降水的变化。另外,由于植被变化造成的地表蒸散及上壤持水能力的变化,会使土壤含水量、地表径流等也发生明显的变化。  相似文献   
应用一个嵌套了海洋生物地球化学循环的太平洋环流碳循环模式,分析了1960~2000年太平洋不同海区海气碳通量随时间的变化。模拟结果显示,赤道太平洋为大气CO2的排放区,南、北太平洋(南、北纬15°至模式计算区域南、北边界)为吸收区。3个海区海气碳通量随时间均存在显著的波动,其中赤道太平洋海气碳通量年际波动最显著。3个海区海气碳通量年际波动对气候事件的响应并不一致,在El Niño年赤道太平洋冷舌的强度和总溶解无机碳(DIC)的浓度以及输出生产力均会受到上升流减弱的影响而降低,La Niña年这些海气碳通量控制要素的分布情况则正好相反,但在南北太平洋副热带以及高纬度海区,El Niño和La Niña对这些要素带来的影响却并不一定相反,对输出生产力的影响甚至是一致的。以海表温度(SST)为例考察海气碳通量与物理场之间的关系表明,在赤道太平洋上升流对DIC的影响是控制海气碳通量变化的主要因素,而在其他海区,尤其是副热带海区,由于垂直运动的年际变化较小,且生物生产力水平较低,SST的波动对海气碳通量年际变化的影响更加重要。  相似文献   
Mesoscale atmospheric wind, temperature, and density fluctuations are described in terms of their power spectra. In the early 1980s, VanZandt[1] showed that the observed spectrum of the atmospheric fluctuations can result, as in the ocean, from an interna…  相似文献   
The effects of the land-sea contrast and the topography on the climatic properties are simulated in this paper by use of a p-σ incorporated coordinate system model in a zonal domain. In this paper we firstly discuss the statistical features of the model and find that the capability of the model is stable, with the same land-sea distribution and topography seven monthly mean climate states are close to one another, their variance is even less than the initial one. Secondly, we focally discuss the effects of the land-sea contrast and the topography on the modeled climate fields. It is pointed out that the land-sea contrast and the topography influence the atmosphere mainly through the heating effect and the former has larger influences on the simulated large scale climate fields than the latter. Supported by the National Key Project of Fundamental Research “Climate Dynamics and Climate Prediction Theory” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
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