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南海大陆边缘动力学研究进展:从陆缘裂解到海底扩张   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海处于印度—澳大利亚、欧亚和太平洋三大板块汇聚中心,地理位置独特,地质作用复杂,是研究大陆裂解—海底扩张过程以及大陆边缘动力学的天然地质实验室。通过总结近年来对南海大陆边缘动力学研究的最新进展认为:①南海北部陆缘为非火山型被动陆缘,其东段虽有岩浆底侵活动,但其为海底扩张结束后的产物,南部陆缘未发现下地壳高速层,也为非火山型陆缘;②南海陆缘上下地壳的拉张因子存在差异,表明陆缘的张裂变形在纵向上并非是均一的,而具有随深度变化的特点;③南海海盆是通过2期扩张形成的,具有由NE向SW渐进式扩张的特点,其东侧表现为成熟的洋盆,而西侧保留了更多陆缘裂谷的特征;④南海海盆形成的动力学模型存在碰撞挤出模型和古南海拖曳模型2种争论,2种模型各有优缺点,需要今后进一步综合研究。  相似文献   
本文以2014年-2017年间广东省8个通过填海项目竣工海域使用验收的填海工程为案例,分析了填海工程出现界址、面积偏差的原因以及偏差的大小,提出了填海项目竣工海域使用验收的审批建议,以期为今后填海项目竣工验收、规范海域使用事后监管行为提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
利用地震反射法评价海底天然气水合物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海底天然气水合物是21世纪的重要新能源,本文介绍了利用地震反射法来识别海底天然气水合物的存在和分布特征,并春资源量进行评价的方法。根据地震剖面上的拟海底反射层(BSR)识别水合物的存在,并结合地震弹必参数和利用沉积物的孔隙率等等征,来评估海底天然气水合物的资源前景。  相似文献   
Li  Yinxia  Liu  Bibo  Liu  Shuaixia  Li  Dunhai 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(2):415-422
Although biomass variations in Microcystis and microcystin have been widely reported,few studies have addressed whether different trophic states of natural lake water affect the spatial-temporal variations in abundances of microcystin-producing Microcystis in a given bloom.In this study,we used a harmful algal bloom in Chaohu Lake,eastern China,as an example to investigate the mutual relationship between different nutrient states and environmental factors,and the impact on Microcystis.Overall,cyanobacteria and Microcystis were more abundant in the middle and western parts of the lake under high nutrients levels,while in the eastern part,nutrient concentrations were low enough to limit biomass,and their fluctuations affected the contents of toxic Microcystis.Moreover,microcystin concentration was correlated positively to nutrient levels and Microcystis biomass during bloom developing in 2013 from June to August.Temporally,the cellular content of total microcystin was lowest when the bloom peaked in intensity.Our results suggest that lake eutrophication not only results in cyanobacterial blooms,but may also increase the proportion of toxic Microcystis species and their cell-bound MCs contents(i.e.microcystin cell quotas) under mild eutrophication.The present investigation provided molecular evidence for the selection of MC-producing and non-MC-producing genotypes.The current study provides new evidence advocating the monitoring of partitions of large lakes when studying cyanobacteria and toxin-contaminated freshwaters,which will be beneficial for both water agencies and water researchers.  相似文献   
田原  陈灵  唐立梅  高鹏  方银霞 《地球科学》2021,46(3):840-852
俯冲带地幔演化与岩浆作用是地球各固体圈层之间发生物质和能量交换的重要地质过程.西太平洋雅浦海沟因其极短的沟-弧距离和洋脊碰撞等独特的地质构造特征成为研究复杂条件下俯冲带演化的理想场所.为了探究雅浦海沟地幔演化与岩浆作用,本文将前人对雅浦海沟火成岩的研究数据进行整合,分析了雅浦海沟火成岩的成因,并根据火成岩形成的制约条件,对卡罗琳板块俯冲到菲律宾海板块的地幔演化与岩浆作用过程进行了讨论.结果显示雅浦海沟火成岩均具有与俯冲相关火成岩的典型特征.橄榄岩地球化学特征指示雅浦海沟地幔熔融程度为20%~25%,地幔在部分熔融过程中受到了流体与熔体的双重交代作用.Re-Os同位素特征指示雅浦海沟地幔中存在约1.16 Ga非常古老的残余地幔,表明地幔可能经历过多期熔融事件,从而导致雅浦海沟地幔非常亏损.雅浦岛弧成因至今仍存争议,主要包括:(1)现今雅浦岛弧为帕里希维拉海盆洋壳的一部分,在中新世因卡罗琳洋脊的碰撞导致帕里希维拉海盆洋壳逆冲到原雅浦岛弧之上.(2)雅浦岛弧在不同构造时期经历过多期岛弧岩浆作用,包括俯冲初始阶段(~52 Ma)的弧前玄武岩、俯冲开始后的岛弧玄武岩(~25 Ma)、与卡罗琳洋脊碰撞(21 Ma)后的岛弧拉斑玄武岩(7~11 Ma).其中7~11 Ma的岛弧拉斑玄武岩指示雅浦岛弧岩浆活动并未因卡罗琳洋脊的碰撞完全停止,很有可能在晚中新世短暂恢复活动.   相似文献   

We calculated the sedimentary budget of the Northwest Sub-basin (NWSB), South China Sea for different geological times based on interpretations of four multichannel seismic profiles across the basin with constraints from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expeditions 367 and 368 drilling results. Sedimentation was generally dominated by regional tectonic events and climate change, but complicated by local tectonic events and geographic position, which resulted in a specific sedimentary budget in the NWSB compared with other marginal basins and the Southwest Sub-basin. The sedimentation rate was relatively low following the opening of the NWSB but increased gradually during the Middle Miocene, corresponding to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Asian monsoon. It reached its peak in the Late Miocene, corresponding to uplift of the Dongsha Island region that caused intensive bypass of eroded sediments from the Baiyun Sag into the abyssal basin, and reduced again during the Pliocene because of sediment storage on the wide northern continental shelf area compared to the abyssal basin during a period of high-stand sea level. Increase in sedimentation during the Pleistocene suggests that continental erosion and sediment transport to the abyssal basin were enhanced by an intensified Asian summer monsoon and glacial-interglacial climate fluctuations. Since the opening of the NWSB, the primary sediment provenance has been from southern China, with minor contributions from the Red River, Hainan Island, as well as local uplifts on the continental shelf.  相似文献   
南海表层黏土矿物组合主要包括伊利石、绿泥石、高岭石和蒙皂石,这些矿物在不同地区不同水深有着不同的分布特征,而物源区的不同是导致分布特征存在差异的主要因素。结合在南海西部和北部的工作以及近年来其他学者发表的南海表层黏土矿物资料将其大致分为东南西北4个部分,并确定各自的物源区。台湾和吕宋岛是南海东部表层黏土矿物的主要来源;湄公河、婆罗洲、巽他陆架和印度尼西亚岛弧是南海南部的主要物源区;南海西部表层黏土矿物主要来自红河、湄公河、珠江、台湾、巽他陆架、印度尼西亚岛弧以及婆罗洲;珠江、台湾、长江和吕宋岛则是南海北部的主要来源。  相似文献   
As one of the biggest marginal seas in the western Pacific margin, the South China Sea (SCS) experienced continental rifting and seafloor spreading during the Cenozoic. The northern continental margin of the SCS is classified as a passive continental margin. However, its depositional and structural evolution remains controversial, especially in the deep slope area. The lack of data hindered the correlation between continental shelf and oceanic basin, and prevented the establishment of sequence stratigraphic frame of the whole margin. The slope basins in the mid-northern margin of SCS developed in the Cenozoic; the sediments and basin infill recorded the geological history of the continental margin and the SCS spreading. Using multi-channel seismic dataset acquired in three survey cruises during 1987 to 2004, combined with the data of ODP Leg 184 core and industrial wells, we carried out the sequence stratigraphic division and correlation of the Cenozoic in the middle-northern margin of SCS with seismic profiles and sedimentary facies. We interpreted the seismic reflection properties including continuity, amplitude, frequency, reflection terminals, and 15 sequence boundaries of the Cenozoic in the study area, and correlated the well data in geological age. The depositional environment changed from river and lake, shallow bay to open-deep sea, in correspondence to tectonic events of syn-rifting, early drifting, and late drifting stages of basin evolution.  相似文献   
非洲陆缘的油气资源潜力越来越受到人们的广泛关注,并逐渐成为世界主要的油气产区和投资热点之一。但目前为止,油气产出主要集中于非洲西部陆缘,非洲东部陆缘至今还没有显著的石油发现。以非洲东、西陆缘构造演化为基础,通过对比鲁伍马盆地和尼日尔三角洲盆地烃源岩、储集层、盖层、油气系统及构造圈闭等油气成藏条件,对两者油气资源差异的主控因素进行分析。由于非洲大陆东、西两侧分别与不同的板块相邻,非洲东、西陆缘的形成时间和构造演化不尽相同,导致二者油气资源分布存在较大差异。非洲西部陆缘油气成藏条件优越,优质烃源岩发育,盖层条件较好,油气成藏富集。非洲东部陆缘油气成藏条件较西非差,烃源岩品质不好,火山活动多发,其周围圈闭破坏严重。但可以从西非陆缘成功的勘探经验中得到启发:高品质的烃源岩、可以形成局部盖层和盐构造圈闭的盐层序可能成为未来重点考虑的勘探目标;赞比西三角洲的深水区域可能是今后勘探的重点。  相似文献   
海岛是海洋资源开发利用价值的核心内容之一。为合理保护及开发利用粤港澳大湾区海岛资源,促进海岛产业布局优化,从海岛资源空间分布角度出发,探析海岛在粤港澳大湾区发展中重点平台的作用。以粤港澳大湾区纳入中国海域海岛标准名录的850个海岛为研究对象,在对其地理坐标、陆域面积等基础数据进行数理统计的基础上,通过ArcGIS软件平台,采用最邻近距离法、核密度估计法、洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数方法,对粤港澳大湾区海岛的空间分布特征进行了分析与研究。结果表明:粤港澳大湾区海岛在空间上趋于集聚分布,呈现总体带状分布,局部组团分布的特点,形成了湾区西部海岛分布带和大鹏湾-大亚湾区、九州列岛区、万山-佳蓬担杆列岛区、川山群岛区4个明显的集聚区;粤港澳大湾区海岛以沿岸岛为主,面积分布呈现不均衡性的特点,基尼系数达0.58。  相似文献   
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