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Windows下静止卫星云图处理软件   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
使用可视化开发工具在微软Windows操作系统下开发了一套针对科研和教学使用的GMS-5静止卫星云图处理软件,它使用方便灵活,基本功能完备,能够完成气象研究中对静止卫星云图处理的基本要求。该软件的主要功能有:云图叠加地图与经纬网格、亮温等值线处理、云图平均、云图数字增强、云图转存为常用格式图像文件等。  相似文献   
The production efficiency of shale gas is affected by the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures. This study presents a simulation of natural fractures in shale reservoirs, based on a discrete fracture network (DFN) method for hydraulic fracturing engineering. Fracture properties of the model are calculated from core fracture data, according to statistical mathematical analysis. The calculation results make full use of the quantitative information of core fracture orientation, density, opening and length, which constitute the direct and extensive data of mining engineering. The reliability and applicability of the model are analyzed with regard to model size and density, a calculation method for dominant size and density being proposed. Then, finite element analysis is applied to a hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation of a shale fractured reservoir in southeastern Chongqing. The hydraulic pressure distribution, fracture propagation, acoustic emission information and in situ stress changes during fracturing are analyzed. The results show the application of fracture statistics in fracture modeling and the influence of fracture distribution on hydraulic fracturing engineering. The present analysis may provide a reference for shale gas exploitation.  相似文献   
We present a numerical simulation of drag partition over rough surfaces. A computational fluid dynamics model is applied with high resolution to simulatingturbulent flows over arrays of roughness elements positioned on asmooth surface. The skin drag on the surface and the pressure drag on the roughnesselements are computed. The simulated drag partition compares well with wind-tunnelmeasurements and theoretical estimates for similar rough surfaces. This confirms that the computational approach offers an alternative to wind-tunnel and field experiments in studying drag and drag partition. The model is then applied to studying drag partition over rough surfaces with various roughness configurations. It is shown that drag partition depends not only on the magnitude of the roughness frontal area but also on the sizes and arrangement of roughness elements, because (1) the pressure drag coefficient is sensitive to roughness-element dimensions and (2) the arragement of roughness elements lead to different interferences of turbulent wakes. The impact ofthe latter factor is not insignificant.  相似文献   
四川盆地地下卤水资源丰富,尤其川东北地区地下卤水富含高品质钾资源。本项目以四川普光地区富钾卤水为研究对象,根据卤水组成,采用模拟计算并结合实验验证的方法,研究了高温蒸发时,氯化钠、氯化钾、光卤石、硼酸等矿物的析出阶段及特点。研究结果表明,当蒸失水率约80%时,体系中约85%的NaCl析出,同时KCl达到饱和,继续蒸发可获取钾石盐。控制总蒸失水率94%~95%时分离,体系中大于80%的钾可在这一阶段析出,且湿基中KCl品位可高达约45%;析出钾石盐后的卤水降至室温可获得NaCl、KCl、KCl·MgCl2·6H2O及H3BO3的混合物,硼的析出率可达到约80%。同时,研究表明,将蒸失水率约80%时分离石盐后的卤水直接降温可以获得湿基品位约高达70%的钾石盐矿,钾析出率约50%。综合对比分析,提出两条以钾资源开发为主的工艺路线:其一为“高温蒸发析氯化钠-高温蒸发析氯化钾-冷却析钾硼混盐”,通过加工获得KCl及H3BO3产品;其二为“高温蒸发析氯化钠-冷却析钾”,通过加工获得高端KCl产品。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important expenditure in water and energy balances, especially on cold and high‐altitude land surfaces. Daily ET of the upper reach of the Shule River Basin was estimated using Landsat 5 TM data and the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model. Based on observations made at the Suli station, the algorithms of land surface temperature and soil heat flux in SEBAL were modified. Land surface temperature was retrieved and compared with ground truth via three methods: the radiative transfer equation method, the mono‐window algorithm, and the single‐channel method. We selected the best of these methods, mono‐window algorithm, for estimating ET. The average error of daily ET estimated by the modified SEBAL model and measured by the eddy covariance system was 16.4%, with a root‐mean‐square error of 0.52 mm d?1. The estimated ET means were 3.09, 2.48, and 1.48 mm d?1 on June 9 (DOY 160), June 25 (DOY 176), and July 27 (DOY 208) of the year 2010, respectively. The average estimated ET on the glacier surface of all days was more than 3 mm d?1, a measurement that is difficult to capture in‐situ and has rarely been reported. This study will improve the understanding of water balance in cold, high‐altitude regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料对2018年4月14日下午—15日凌晨左右发生在桂西南的一次强对流天气过程进行分析,结果表明:此次强对流天气过程具有持续时间长、影响范围广、小时雨强较大、前期以降雹为主、后期以短历时强降水为主的特点;近地层锋面和辐合线是此次强对流天气发生的重要触发机制;200 hPa高空辐散流场有利于底层辐合上升运动的加强,可以弥补500 hPa弱槽槽前动力抬升机制的不足;对流层中层具有干冷空气的侵入是预报强对流天气的关键因子,而地面强对流天气容易发生在干空气侵入700 hPa层之后数小时内;强对流天气容易发生在θse大值区或者舌区;对流层正涡度从中层下传到底层对于预报强对流天气的出现具有一定的指示意义;雷达产品分析表明回波具有明显的悬垂回波、弱回波区、辐合区、中气旋、三体散射长钉和旁瓣回波特征。  相似文献   
海洋生态产品价值实现作为一项系统性、复杂性战略工程,尚处于实践初期阶段,明确其关键影响因素,对于建立健全海洋生态产品价值实现机制具有重要意义。文章在厘清海洋生态产品价值实现机理与影响因素的基础上,构建海洋生态产品价值实现影响因素指标体系,运用DEMATEL-ISM方法建模分析各因素的相互影响程度、因果性质以及影响因素多层递阶结构,并采用MICMAC方法划分各影响因素属性,进而依据建模结果提出推进海洋生态产品价值实现的综合性建议。结果表明,海洋生态产品价值认知、资本投入、生态产业化、消费意愿、市场交易平台构建、激励机制与政策支持、利益相关者参与度与生态保护补偿机制是关键因素;海洋生态产品价值实现影响因素的多层递阶结构为4个层级,其中海洋生态产品价值认知与生态保护补偿机制作为独立因素位于最深层L4,市场交易平台构建作为依赖因素位于中心层L2。  相似文献   
利用四川省雅安市30 m分辨率基础高程数据,提取栅格的坡向和坡度参数,将雅安307个区域自动站在2017年汛期(6—9月)共50次的降水天气个例,分为16次大尺度降水和34次中小尺度降水,使用对应时次的欧洲中心细网格0.25°×0.25°再分析风场资料,根据不同的站点地形高度将风场合成平均风场,和各站点地形的坡向和坡度计算出其动力抬升作用,同时使用当天日照和天文太阳辐射值来计算地形的热力抬升作用,与对应降水过程的降水分布进行多元线性回归,根据回归的标准系数的大小确定各自变量对降水分布的影响,得出以下结论:(1)中小尺度降水中,地形的热力抬升作用对降水分布的影响作用最大,其次是海拔高度,地形的动力抬升作用在三者中对降水分布的影响最小;(2)在大尺度降水中刚好相反,地形的动力抬升对降水的分布影响作用最大,海拔次之,热力抬升作用在三者中影响作用最小;(3)日降水量最大值的站点海拔高度基本位于1 000 m左右,与抬升凝结高度对应较好;(4)从长期的统计来看,地形的动力作用和地表的植被情况对降水分布的影响最大。在实际预报工作用,根据不同的降水类型,关注不同的动力和热力作用对于判断降水分布大值区的位置有较好的参考作用。  相似文献   
青藏高原沙漠化土地空间分布及区划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用野外调查数据、遥感影像和已有研究成果,构建了一套适用于青藏高原沙漠化土地的分类分级指标体系及遥感解译标志。以此为基础,选取目视解译法监测青藏高原沙漠化土地的空间分布特征。结果表明:2015年青藏高原沙漠化土地面积392 913km2,占高原土地总面积的15.1%,主要包括沙质沙漠化土地、砾质沙漠化土地和风蚀残丘3种类型。沙漠化土地以中度和轻度沙漠化土地为主,重度和极重度沙漠化土地面积仅占沙漠化土地总面积的12.2%。空间上,沙漠化土地集中分布在高原的北部和西部地区,其他地区零散分布。自东南向西北,沙漠化土地面积逐渐增大,沙漠化程度不断加重。以沙漠化土地空间分布数据(面积、类型、程度、空间特征和驱动因素)为基础,结合气候、地貌、第四纪沉积物和人类活动等数据,将青藏高原沙漠化区划分为雅鲁藏布江半干旱高山宽谷沙漠化区、藏北青南高寒高原面沙漠化区、柴达木干旱盆地沙漠化区、黄河上游半干旱河流盆地沙漠化区和“三江”流域湿润半湿润高山沙漠化区。  相似文献   
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