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应用常规天气观测资料、地面加密自动气象站资料、大风灾情报资料、京津冀地区7部多普勒天气雷达组网观测资料及VDRAS资料,从多个角度对2013年8月4日京津冀地区一次飑线过程产生的大范围大风天气过程进行了分析,结果显示:此次过程是在高空冷空气南下、低层暖湿气流北上、系统前倾及位势不稳定的有利层结条件下,由多单体风暴演变为中α尺度的强飑线所致。飑线形成于低层垂直切变加强、冷池合并之后;大风主要发生在飑线主体回波中,其次是主体回波前和中前,主体回波后很少发生。大风发生的位置取决于飑线结构中气流的性质,气流的性质与冷池前进的程度和对流的强度关系密切。大风大部分由下沉冷气流产生,少数为近地面上升暖气流导致。大风发生的范围和强度与低层风垂直切变的强度呈正比,大范围低层风垂直切变的加强增强了飑线入流和出流的强度,是大范围大风、局部强风形成的重要原因。大风发生站次与冷池的强度和范围密切相关,冷池的加强和范围的扩大加强了后侧冷入流和前侧暖入流的强度和范围,也是大范围大风形成的重要因素。  相似文献   
2018年9月和12月,两次调查了广东雷州珍稀海洋生物国家级自然保护区海域海水的环境质量。结果表明,该保护区平均综合水质指数为0.38,一类海水平均达标率为93.59%,海水中铅、磷酸盐、锌的含量达标率偏低,分别为53.85%、73.1%、96.15%。12月保护区海水中的无机氮、磷酸盐、溶解氧、叶绿素a含量明显高于9月,保护区实验区和缓冲区站位的水质优于核心区站位的水质。该保护区海域综合水质定性评价结果为优。靠近康港附近站位的营养盐相对偏高,磷酸盐的平均达标率仅为73.1%,因此,需加强对康港附近海域养殖情况的监控,尽量减少养殖废水对保护区海域的排放,保持保护区海水清洁,以利于对保护区内珍稀海洋生物及其栖息地的保护。  相似文献   
天津滨海吹填场区典型的“上软下硬”的双层软黏土地基具有复杂的物理性质和工程特性,其在不同荷载作用模式下的变形特性有所不同,在工程实践中往往会产生较大的工后沉降和不均匀沉降,从而导致修建于其上的建筑物出现诸多工程问题。现阶段对于不同荷载作用下吹填场区形成的“上软下硬”双层软黏土地基的变形特性及机理研究甚少,导致理论研究远远落后于工程实践,制约了吹填场区经济建设的快速发展,因此对此类地基的变形特性展开研究显得尤为重要。基于此,本文针对吹填场区“上软下硬”的双层软黏土地基,开展了反复荷载和恒定荷载作用下的一维固结试验和扫描电镜试验(SEM),得到了不同荷载模式作用下的压缩特性及其微观机理,为吹填场区双层软黏土地基变形模型建立及长期工后沉降预测提供理论依据。研究表明:双层软黏土地基的压缩系数和固结系数在反复荷载作用初期明显减小,而后缓慢减小直至趋于稳定; 与反复荷载相比,恒定荷载作用下试样的压缩系数初期值增加,固结系数初期值减小,其变化量均在40% ~50%的范围内; 当荷载等级一定时,反复荷载作用引起双层软黏土地基产生的沉降量相比于恒定荷载作用多30% ~45%; 随着荷载等级的增加,土样内部大孔隙受到挤压而减少,孔隙的圆度和定向性加强,土体结构更密实,均一化程度提高; 相比于恒定荷载模式,反复荷载作用下土样内部孔隙形状更接近于圆形,孔隙定向性更好,土体内部结构强化程度大,但有序性相对较差。  相似文献   
根据核工业行业标准"硫酸亚铁还原/钒酸铵氧化滴定法测铀"(EJ267.2-84)进行不确定度评定。通过不确定度来源识别,不确定度分量的量化,并以标定好的钒酸铵溶液滴定铀质量分数,得出方法本身带来数据的不确定度。对整个过程的不确定度来源和大小进行分析研究,应用统计学基础对数据进行科学处理。报告出了不同铀质量分数的合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度。  相似文献   
桑沟湾扇贝养殖对甲藻数量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
研究了1983-1984年和1999-2000年桑沟湾的扇贝养殖区内、外甲藻密度的变化。结果表明:扇贝养殖区内甲藻细胞的绝对密度和相对密度均低于养殖区外;在扇贝存养生物量高且摄食活跃的8月,扇贝养殖区内浮游植物的主要优势种也由甲藻变为硅藻。这表明桑沟湾的扇贝养殖对于甲藻的密度有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   
农作物气候适宜度实时判定系统   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以旬、月、季、作物生育期为单位时段,根据农作物生长发育所需要的气象条件,把单位时段内气候因子的数量变化,通过模糊数学中隶属函数的方法,转化成对作物生长发育的适宜程度,计算各时段内的温度、降水、日照及光温水综合因子对作物生育影响的适宜度,计算结果以表格和图形的方式输出。经过业务试应用,效果良好,所计算的不同作物不同时段的温度适宜度、降水适宜度、日照适宜度、光温水综合适宜度符合实际情况,为定量判定气象条件对农作物影响提供了依据。  相似文献   
厦门寨后垃圾填埋场释气影响及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是在承担厦门市寨后“垃圾埋场”工程环境影响评价的基础上,对该填埋场的垃圾释气规律作进一步研究。研究结果表明,(1)厦门煤气的普及率较高;(2场营运11a左右,废气产物量及排一达到最大值;(3)于小风条件下,在下风向50m处,CH4浓度可达爆炸极16 ̄31%,所产生的恶臭气体H2S的影响距离经NH3大,在下风向500m下才能达到2级场界标准;(4)严格按卫生填埋的技术标准进行规范操作,确保排气管  相似文献   
The hydrogen isotopic composition(δD) of leaf wax long-chain n-alkanes(C27, C29, and C31) from lacustrine sediments has been widely applied to reconstruct terrestrial paleoclimatic and paleohydrological changes. However, few studies have addressed whether the aquatic-derived n-alkanes can affect the δD values of lake sedimentary long-chain n-alkanes, which are usually regarded as a recorder of the terrestrial hydrological signals. Here we systematically investigated δD values of long-chain n-alkanes from modern aquatic plants, both near-shore and off-shore surface sediments, surrounding terrestrial plant litters, as well as river water and lake water in Lake Qinghai and its satellite lakes on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Our data showed that(i) δD values of long-chain n-alkanes from aquatic plants varied from-184‰ to-132‰ for n-C27, from-183‰ to-138‰ for n-C29, and from-189‰ to-130‰ for n-C31, respectively, with no significant differences among the three n-alkanes homologues;(ii) δD values of long-chain n-alkanes from aquatic plants were generally more positive than those from surrounding terrestrial plants, possibly because that they recorded the D-enrichment of lake water in this semi-arid region;(iii) δD values of long-chain n-alkanes from surface sediments showed significant differences among the three n-alkanes homologues, due to the larger aquatic input of n-C27 to the sedimentary lipid pool than that of n-C31, and(iv) n-C27 δD values of near-shore aquatic plants and near-shore sediments are more negative than those from off-shore as a result of lower δD values of near-shore lake water. Our findings indicate that in this region(i) the offset between sedimentary n-C27 and n-C31 δD values(ΔδDC27-C31) could potentially be used to evaluate if sedimentary long-chain n-alkanes are derived from a single source;(ii) while δD values of n-C27 may be influenced by lake water hydrological changes, sedimentary n-C31 is derived predominantly from terrestrial plants and thus its δD can serve as a relatively reliable indicator for terrestrial paleoclimatic and paleohydrological reconstructions.  相似文献   
Controlled by climate changes, there were three large-scale transgressions and regressions around the Bohai Sea during the late Quaternary, which were accepted by most geologists. However, a big controversy still exists about the time when the transgressions occurred separately. In order to find out the process of the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary, the foraminifera assemblages from a new borehole Lz908 in the southern coast of the Laizhou Bay were studied, and then the transgressive strata were indentified. Combined with accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon 14C(AMS14C) and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages, the occurrence time of these transgressions were re-determined. The result showed that three major large-scale transgressions occurred separately at the beginning of marine isotopic stage 7(MIS7), the last interglacial period(MIS5) and the Holocene. In addition, a small-scale transgression occurred in the mid-MIS6, and the corresponding transgressive stratum was deposited. The transgressive deposition of MIS3 was also discovered in this study. However, the characteristics of the foraminifera indicated the environment during this period was colder than that in the MIS5. By comparison with the global sea-level changes, the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary can be consistent with the global climate changes.  相似文献   
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