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以往地质工作中野外工作和图件编制往往脱节,大大降低了报告编制的效率。近些年涌现的快速绘制图件的方法均不具备普遍适用性。该文利用MEMapGIS软件实现由地质人员在野外快速绘制槽探素描图和钻孔柱状图等图件。该方法大大提高了图件绘制效率,同时减少了人为因素造成的误差,降低了人员成本。  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下我国南方旱涝灾害时空格局变化   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
我国南方地区各季节降水异常主要包含三种优势模态:长江及其以南地区降水呈整体偏多或偏少的一致型,长江中下游流域与华南呈反相变化的南北反相型以及东南与西南呈反相变化的东西反相型。其中一致型是南方地区各季节降水变率的第一优势模态。总体而言,在1961—2013年南方地区平均降水存在明显的年代际和长期趋势变化。其中,夏季和冬季南方区域平均降水具有相似的年代际变化特征,而秋季降水的年代际演变几乎与上述两个季节的相反。不过,在近30年南方各季降水量发生年代际转折的时间不尽相同:春季和秋季降水分别在21世纪初期和20世纪80年代中后期之后进入干位相,冬季和夏季降水则分别在80年代中期和90年代初期之后进入湿位相。自21世纪初期以来,南方夏季和冬季降水逐渐转入中性位相。此外,南方春季和秋季降水均呈减少趋势;而夏季和冬季则相反,均呈增多趋势。对于西南地区,除了春季外,其他三个季节的降水均呈减少趋势,出现了季节连旱的特征,尤其是秋旱最为严重。不过,不管是季节降水量还是旱/涝日数,在我国南方大部分地区其线性变化趋势并不十分显著,这与南方降水年代际分量对降水变率存在较大贡献相关。分析还发现,我国南方区域洪涝受灾面积具有比较明显的年代际变化,而干旱受灾面积则没有明显的年代际变化特征,近十多年来西南地区干旱和洪涝受灾出现了交替互现的特点。  相似文献   
陈毓川院士自1977年在新疆从事铁矿研究迄今近40年来,尤其是近年来仍然坚持每年赴新疆考察研究和指导工作,在新疆成矿理论创新和地质找矿重大突破中做出了重大贡献.在他带领和指导下,开展了新疆成矿系列4个专题研究和1∶150万《新疆维吾尔自治区矿床成矿系列图》编制和出版工作;圆满地完成了新疆固体矿产两轮成矿区划和矿产资源潜力评价,促使新疆成矿理论研究成果居全国领先水平;在国家科技攻关“305”项目中发挥了技术指导的核心作用,主持了4个重大课题(专题)的研究,出版了6部学术专著,有1项获得新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖;在新疆新一轮固体矿产普查、新一轮国土资源大调查、21世纪新疆“358”专项、新疆深部找矿专项、新疆地质勘查中央基金专项等方面也起到了关键性的技术指导作用,促进了新疆地质找矿重大突破,为把新疆建设成我国重要战略资源基地做出了突出贡献.  相似文献   
Using the optical images of a cloud-to-ground lightning flash with multiple grounding points obtained by a highspeed video system in the Qinghai Province of China along with synchronous radiated electric field information, the propagation characteristic and the electric field change features of the leaders and the grounding behavior of discharge channels are analyzed.In addition, the two-dimensional velocity of the leader was estimated and its correlation with the time interval of the corresponding subsequent return stroke, and that with the peak current of return stroke are investigated. The results show that the average distance between the three obvious grounded points of the first return stroke channel is about 512.7 m, and the average time interval between the pulses of the corresponding electric field fast changes is 3.8 μs. Further, the average time interval between electric field pulses from the stepped leader is smaller than that of normal single grounding lightning. The observed lightning in our study has two main channels, namely the left and right channels. Based on our observations, it is clear that the dart leader comes close to the ground in case of the left channel after the first return stroke, but it fails to form a return stroke.However, the right channel exhibits a relatively rare phenomenon in that the subsequent return stroke R2 occurred about 2.1 ms after the dart leader arrived at the ground, which was unusually long; this phenomenon might be attributed to the strong discharge of the first return stroke and insufficient charge accumulation near the grounded point in a timely manner. The two-dimensional velocities for the stepped leader of the two main channels are about 1.23×105 and 1.16×105 m s-1, respectively. A sub-branch of stepped leader for the left channel fails to reach the ground and develops into an attempt leader eventually; this might be attributed to the fact that the main branch connects considerably many sub-branches, which leads to the instantaneous decline of the potential difference between the sub-branch and ground. Furthermore, it might also be because the propagation direction of this sub-branch is almost perpendicular to the atmospheric electric field direction, which is not conducive to charge transfer. The two-dimensional velocities for the dart leaders of five subsequent return strokes are all in the normal range, and they positively correlate with the peak current of the subsequent return stroke.  相似文献   
Sample preparation for isotopic determination of boron in clay sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The procedures of sample preparation for isotopic determination of boron in clay sediments is very cumbersome, by far, there haven’t been relevant reports on that. In order to establish an effective method for sample preparation, a series of experiments were carried out. In this paper, boron in clay sediments was extracted with HCl solution and purified by two-step ion exchange method. Extracted HCl solution should be adjusted to alkalescency before passing through the Amberlite IRA 743 resin column due to the fact that Amberlite IRA 743 resin absorbs boron only from alkalescent solution. However, a mass of hydroxides of Al and Fe will be precipitated when the extracted HCl solution becomes alkalescent. Hydroxides of Al and Fe have a strong adsorption capacity for boron, which can cause boron isotope fractionation. To treat precipitated hydroxides of Al and Fe, four procedures, namely direct ion exchange (DRIE), decationizing ion exchange (DCIE), once sedimentation ion exchange (OSIE) and repeated sedimentation ion exchange (RSIE) were used and assessed. The influences of the four procedures on separation and extraction and isotopic composition of boron in experimental solutions and clay sediments were also discussed. According to the results, the DRIE, DCIE and OSIE are improper. The result of sample determination indicates that when extracting boron via RSIE, with the increase of precipitation times, there’s an obvious decrease in boron content in the precipitated hydroxides while a sharp increase in recovery of boron and it is favorable for weakening the influence of boron isotope fractionation. But the process of RSIE is time consuming and it may introduce boron. It needs further research to establish a more effective sample preparation method for isotopic deter- mination of boron in clay sediments.  相似文献   
黄淮海平原封丘试区水生植被   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对封丘试区水生植被的研究表明:挺水植物的种类少,但其分布和生物量在该地区占有绝对优势。在本地区的两大代表水体中其生物量(鲜重)可达2.9×10~(?)kg和0.13×10~(?)kg。沉水植物的分布面积在其中一个主要水体(曹岗湖)分布较广,但其生物量仅为3.2×10~3kg(鲜重),其生长的制约因素是水体中过多的草食性鱼类和水体过低的透明度。对植被中的主要经济种类芦苇的生长研究得出了其生物量与时间、密度和均长之间关系的函数。  相似文献   
探讨了基于ArcEngine的土地利用规划修编系统的架构和功能模块,分析了系统实现中地类转换、面积重算、自动出图等关键技术,对土地利用规划的信息化建设具有一定参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
依据中国西北干旱区生态环境的特性和演化规律,从气候条件、土地资源、生境状态及人为干预4方面筛选12个指标,构建西北干旱区自然保护区生态脆弱性评价指标体系,并对各指标进行分级.采用层次分析法确定指标权重,建立生态脆弱性综合评价模型.在甘肃敦煌西湖自然保护区和苏干湖自然保护区应用表明,指标体系合理,模型适用.评价认为,西湖自然保护区目前总体状态为中,高度脆弱,苏干湖自然保护区为轻,中度脆弱.在原生脆弱性方面,两者等级相当,但西湖更脆弱;在次生脆弱性方面,西湖已受到显著影响,次生脆弱性严重.  相似文献   
不同营养状态下3种沉水植物的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过静态模拟实验,比较研究了不同营养水平(贫营养、中营养、富营养、重富营养)培养的苦草(Vallisneria spirolis)、伊乐藻(Elodea nattalii)和金鱼藻(Ceracophyllurn dernersurn)的过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性及丙二醛含量变化.研究发现,3种沉水植物的过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶活性及丙二醛含量均随N,P浓度的增加而上升;3种沉水植物的丙二醛含量均随时间延长而上升,POD活性随时间变化呈先上升后下降的趋势;苦草和伊乐藻的SOD活性及伊乐藻CAT活性随时间延伸呈下降的趋势;金鱼藻的CAT活性随时间延伸呈上升的趋势.  相似文献   
Ziyuan-3 (ZY-3) satellite is the first civilian stereo mapping satellite in China and was designed to achieve the 1: 50,000 scale mapping for land and ocean. Rigorous sensor model (RSM) is required to build the relationship between the three-dimensional (3D) object space and two-dimensional (2D) image space of ZY-3 satellite imagery. However, each satellite sensor has its own imaging system with different physical sensor models, which increase the difficulty of geometric integration of multi-source images with different sensor models. Therefore, it is critical to generate generic model, especially rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) of optical imagery. Recently, relatively a few researches have been conducted on RPCs generation to ZY-3 satellite. This paper proposes an approach to evaluate the performance of RPCs generation from RSM of ZY-3 imagery. Three scenario experiments with different terrain features (such as ocean, hill, city and grassland) are designed and conducted to comprehensively evaluate the replacement accuracies of this approach and analyze the RPCs fitting error. All the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieved the encouraging accuracy of better than 1.946E?04 pixel in both x-axis direction and y-axis direction, and it indicates that the RPCs are suitable for ZY-3 imagery and can be used as a replacement for the RSM of ZY-3 imagery.  相似文献   
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