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The problem of ore-bearing potentiality of the strata involves metallogenic theory and ore-search orientation. Studies of the spatial distribution of endogenic Au-Ag polymetallic ore deposits in North Hebei indicated that the strata in which ore deposits occurred range in age from Paleozoic, Proterozoic to Mesozoic. In addition the ore deposits are characterized as being strata-bound in nature. The arise and establishment of “extracting” viewpoint may be attributed to the following three reasons: 1) influence by the idea of “ore-source bed”; 2) limitation of analytical techniques in the 1980s’ (especially gold element); and 3) a small number of samples (sampling locations were mostly disturbed by mineralization). Studies have shown that ore-forming materials would most probably come from the deep interior of the Earth. Deep-seated ore-bearing materials including Au-Ag polymetals were brought to the shallow levels by way of mantle plume-mantle sub-plume-mantle branch structure multi-stage evolution, finally leading to the formation of ore deposits.  相似文献   
储层地震反演在辽河油田大民屯凹陷的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对大民屯凹陷构造复杂、薄互层储层横向变化快等特殊地质条件, 在叠前时间偏移和叠后高分辨处理的地震资料基础上, 利用以已知地质规律和测井资料为约束的储层地震反演新技术, 对地下岩层空间结构和物理性质进行反演、综合岩性解释、定量预测和描述储层空间分布及变化规律.通过叠前高分辨地震资料波阻抗反演、测井多属性反演方法的研究和应用, 提高了该区储层预测的纵向分辨率, 加强了对薄互层砂体的识别能力, 提高了储层预测的可靠性, 落实了有利的岩性圈闭, 获得了较好的地质效果, 为该区隐蔽油气藏的勘探做了有意义的探索.   相似文献   
Numerical experiments in an idealized river mouth are conducted using a three-dimensional hydrodynamics model (EFDC model) to examine the impacts of suspended sediment concentration (SSC), settling velocity of sediment and tidal mixing on the formation and maintenance of estuarine hyperpycnal flows. The standard experiment presents an illustrative view of hyperpycnal flows that carry high-concentrated sediment and low-salinity water in the bottom layer (>1.0 m in thickness) along the subaqueous slope. The structure and intra-tidal variation of the simulated hyperpycnal flows are quite similar to those previously observed off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth. Results from the three control experiments show that SSC of river effluents is the most important parameter to the formation of hyperpycnal flows. High SSC will increase the bulk density of river effluents and thus offset the density difference between freshwater and seawater. Low SSC of river effluents will produce a surface river plume, as commonly observed in most large estuaries. Both the settling velocity of sediment particles and the tidal mixing play an important role in maintaining the hyperpycnal flows. Increasing settling velocity enhances the deposition of sediment from the hyperpycnal layer and thus accelerates the attenuation of hyperpycnal flows, whereas increasing tidal mixing destroys the stratification of water column and therefore makes the hyperpycnal flows less evident. Our results from numerical experiments are of importance to understand the initiation and maintenance of hyperpycnal flows in estuaries and provide a reference to the rapidly decaying hyperpycnal flows off the Huanghe river mouth due to climatic and anthropogenic forcing over the past several decades.  相似文献   
华南二叠纪层序地层与盆地演化   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
陈洪德  王成善 《沉积学报》1999,17(4):528-535
新兴的层序地层学,是盆地分析的重要手段。华南二叠纪是华南板块海西-印支阶段盆地演化的重要时期,沉积盆地类型划分为克拉通盆地、板内及板缘伸展盆地,以及东吴运动后出现的前陆盆地和弧后盆地。南方二叠系由11个层序和1个半超层序组成,不同类型沉积盆地中层序地层具有不同的层序特征和充填形式。二叠纪是海西-印支期盆地演化由成熟到消亡的转折阶段,它们发育于扩张环境下,总体上是由两个克拉通盆地夹持一个伸展盆地。两个克拉通盆地的发展不均衡,中央伸展盆地沿着加里东的拼合带发育。这一古地理古构造格局与加里东期十分相似,由此认为,华南晚古生代沉积的构造背景,并不是稳定的克拉通环境。  相似文献   
新疆经济增长特征与驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
分析了新疆经济增长的特征以及影响经济增长的因素,选取可能对经济增长有影响的几个指标,通过灰色系统的关联分析法,对这些因素进行定量分析,从分析结果我们可以得出投资与消费是目前新疆经济增长的第一驱动力,科学技术是新疆未来经济增长的主要驱动力,传统要素自然资源、交通、人力资本等仍然是新疆经济增长的基础驱动力,政府行政体制的作用正在慢慢下降,城市化是经济增长潜在的驱动力,环境也越来越成为新疆经济增长的制约因素,并对这些结论进行分析,剖析新疆经济增长的内在原因,对今后新疆经济的发展有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
在柴达木盆地北缘地区,分别选取有机碳含量很低和较高的侏罗系泥岩样品,对比分析了它们在生物标志物组成上的差异。结果发现,高有机质丰度泥岩的生标组成与我国西北地区侏罗纪煤系有机质的特征差异不大,相比而言,低有机质丰度泥岩的正烷烃以前主峰为特征,Pr/Ph比值在1.0左右,三环萜烷和伽马蜡烷丰度较高,并在部分样品中检出了25 降藿烷系列。结合泥岩的有机岩石学特征,认为这些差异可能反映了泥岩沉积环境和生烃母质的不同:高有机质丰度泥岩的有机显微组分以相对弱还原条件下的形态有机质为主,包括藻类体、孢子体和角质体等,而低有机质丰度泥岩的有机显微组分以相对强还原条件下的矿物沥青基质为主,其母质可能来源于低等显微菌藻类。进一步通过对比不同有机质丰度泥岩,以及区内原油生标组成之间的相互关系,讨论了研究区的油源问题。  相似文献   
地表变形、活动断裂和地球物理的综合分析表明,菲律宾洋壳向欧亚大陆的俯冲导致的地幔对流是控制中国东部沿海地区晚新生代以来构造作用的主导因素,是长江口地区地面沉降的主要深部动力学机制。由于地幔对流和青藏高原挤压共同作用导致的地壳热流值的差异则是长江口地区西部隆升、东部沉降且向东沉降速率增大的直接驱动力。预测未来长江口地区的基岩沉降范围将以>10cm/a的速率向西扩大,沉降速率将呈明显加速趋势,40000a之内上海市可能被海水淹没,但板块构造演化的“渐变”特征决定其对当地未来的人类活动不会造成显著影响。根据“地壳均衡理论”,建议在长江口南西部(浙江省北东部)的丘陵山区加大重力载荷如加快城市化进程或人工造山以减小和控制上海地区的沉降。  相似文献   
We simulated the impact of anthropogenic heat release (AHR) on the regional climate in three vast city agglomerations in China using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with nested high-resolution modeling.Based on energy consumption and high-quality land use data,we designed two scenarios to represent no-AHR and current-AHR conditions.By comparing the results of the two numerical experiments,changes of surface air temperature and precipitation due to AHR were quantified and analyzed.We concluded that AHR increases the temperature in these urbanized areas by about 0.5℃-1℃,and this increase is more pronounced in winter than in other seasons.The inclusion of AHR enhances the convergence of water vapor over urbanized areas.Together with the warming of the lower troposphere and the enhancement of ascending motions caused by AHR,the average convective available potential energy in urbanized areas is increased.Rainfall amounts in summer over urbanized areas are likely to increase and regional precipitation patterns to be altered to some extent.  相似文献   

本文利用测试粒子模拟的方法研究离子在通过垂直无碰撞激波结构时的加速.我们首先探究了在理想激波条件下,离子通过激波结构后的能量增益与其初始参数(包括回旋相位角、初始位置和上游平均能量)的关系; 然后进一步探索了离子通过由自洽的一维混合模拟给出的更接近真实的激波结构时获得的加速,研究了激波内部的电场和磁场结构对离子能量增益的影响.结果显示,当离子能量较低(离子回旋半径小于激波面厚度或相当)时,激波横越电势和磁过冲对离子的能量增益起到促进作用; 而当能量较高时,激波内部结构对于离子能量增益的影响逐渐可以忽略. 此外,与激波横越电势相比,激波磁过冲的强度对离子能量增益的影响占主导,离子的能量增益随着磁过冲的增强而增强.最后,我们发现激波的磁场过冲和横越电势对于离子能量增益的影响之间的关系比较复杂,不能简单叠加,甚至有互相抵消的效应.作为示例,我们给出了一个激波法向电场的双极结构使得离子加速变弱的例证.

袁长迎  炎正馨  蒙瑰  李智慧  尚丽平 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6908-6913
采用恒流驱动耦合机械斩波技术在激光光声光谱装置上系统测量了5%—100%宽浓度范围甲烷气体的共振光声信号,发现在高浓度区共振光声信号呈现异常的饱和特征.基于气体吸收和光声光谱原理定量分析了光声信号饱和的主要原因及影响因素,研究表明,气体样本对入射光强吸收而导致的声源与本征共振模式的耦合系数改变是异常饱和的主要原因,并导出判定光声信号饱和深度的准则以用于判定高浓度气体饱和深度.  相似文献   
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