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曲线拟合法对路基小变形情形适用性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王星运  陈善雄  余飞  周博 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2763-2769
双曲线法、三点法、指数曲线法和Asaoka法等曲线拟合法在软土路基的沉降预测中已经得到广泛应用,但在路基小变形情形的应用研究尚少。结合某铁路客运专线施工现场观测的路基小变形数据,对这4种方法,探讨了时间起点和样本值的起止时间间隔对相关系数的影响,且验算后期观测值的预测效果;并综合考虑了相关系数和相对误差,研究每种方法的适用性;指出了4种拟合方法在路基小变形情形应用的优缺点。研究表明:数据的波动会造成指数曲线法无法计算;沉降数据波动较小时,双曲线法、三点法、Asaoka法的拟合效果均较好;当沉降数据波动较大时,仅三点法、Asaoka法的拟合效果较好,双曲线法较差。  相似文献   
稀土元素对鲁西铜石、铜井、龙宝山杂岩体的同源性制约   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代,在山东省平邑县发现归来庄大型金矿床,实现了鲁西黄金找矿的重大突破。此后,鲁西相继发现卓家庄、磨坊沟和龙宝山金矿。近年,又在沂南金矿的深部发现新的矿体,鲁西良好的金矿成矿前景引起了地质学界的广泛关注。目前,鲁西发现的金矿床主要分布在铜石、铜井和龙宝山等燕山期杂岩体的附近。这些岩体在成因上有什么关系值得研究。通过对上述岩体稀土元素的地球化学分析,每种岩体不同期次侵入的岩浆岩的稀土元素分布形式和3种岩体综合稀土元素分布形式均呈向右陡倾的弧形线,且配分曲线形态基本相似,都没有明显的Ce、Eu异常,指示了岩体之间存在同源性,均来自深部同一岩浆房。该认识对于指导鲁西黄金找矿具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李震  曾群柱 《冰川冻土》1996,18(4):366-372
在分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像机理及雪盖参数散射特性的基础上,利用航天飞机搭载的成像雷达(SIR-C)获取的天山C波段、多极化SAR数据,进行提取雪盖信息的实验。数据通过预处理、散射系数图像的计算、去噪、入射角改正等处理后,利用BAYES监督分类方法产生该地区的雪盖分类图。实验结果表明,利用多波段、多极化SAR进行雪盖制图是可行的。  相似文献   
在系统整理以往岩土工程勘察报告的基础上,利用本区第②层黄土状粉土的物理力学指标及载荷试验成果,通过三元一次方程得出第②层黄土状粉土的承载力的经验公式,该公式的建立对本区工程建设规划具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
A sequential waveform method is developed to simulate the seismic response of basin-edge structure excited by a plane incident P-wave. The full procedure involves: (a) a previous parameterization of the investigated model using the seismic wave velocities and depths of the sedimentary stratifications; (b) an input motion determined from the records at stations installed on hard rock; (c) forward computation of the P-SV elastic wave field by means of a two-dimensional finite difference (FD) method; (d) the optimization of the model vector using simulated annealing technique and comparing the simulated seismic response of the tested structure with the observed wave field; (e) the correction of the initial model by trial-and-error by testing the differences between synthetics and observed data, and (f) the final solution obtained by iteration using the conjugate gradient algorithm. The search of an optimal basin-edge model has been parallel processed by varying the shapes and velocities of strata on the basis of the fitting of relative timing, amplitude and phase between the output and the observed data. The input motion and sensitivity have been checked and the validity of the method has been demonstrated by numeric analysis. Using the teleseismic records generated by 7 earthquakes recorded at 26 broadband seismic stations, we have studied the seismic velocity structure of the southern edge of the Jiyang depression located in the Bohai Bay basin, northern China. Two cross sections show an agreement between the velocity results and the geological sections available in the region. In addition, we obtain evidence of three hidden faults under the sections and features that suggest major extensions at the Paleogene.  相似文献   
Conclusions When the aseismic test of large scale structure is performed, it is a major performance that the actual response waveform is identical to the input signal waveform under the condition of analog control, especially when the damping of the structure tested is small. The rotational motions of the simulator are induced due to the structure inertia, so that it is a key technique for the simulator design that realizes independent control of the simulator with six degrees of freedom and suppresses the rotational motions. In the design, the modern control techniques are applied and a high performance of the three dimensional earthquake simulator is developed successfully. The simulator can simulate actual earthquake load and it is an important test device for aseismic research. This paper is a main project of the Eighth Five Plan, State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   
Creep and saltation are the primary modes of surface transport involved in the fluid‐like movement of aeolian sands. Although numerous studies have focused on saltation, few studies have focused on creep, primarily because of the experimental difficulty and the limited amount of theoretical information available on this process. Grain size and its distribution characteristics are key controls on the modes of sand movement and their transport masses. Based on a series of wind tunnel experiments, this paper presents new data regarding the saltation flux, obtained using a flat sampler, and on the creeping mass, obtained using a specifically designed bed trap, associated with four friction velocities (0·41, 0·47, 0·55 and 0·61 m sec?1). These data yielded information regarding creeping and saltating sand grains and their particle size characteristics at various heights, which led to the following conclusions: (i) the creeping masses increased as a power function (q = ?1·02 + 14·19u*3) of friction wind velocities, with a correlation (R2) of 0·95; (ii) the flux of aeolian sand flow decreases exponentially with increasing height (q = a exp(–z/b)) and increases as a power function (q = ?26·30 + 428·40 u*3) of the friction wind velocity; (iii) the particle size of creeping sand grains is ca 1·15 times of the mean diameter of salting sand grains at a height of 0 to 2 cm, which is 1·14 times of the mean diameter of sand grains in a bed; and (iv) the mean diameter of saltating sand grains decreases rapidly with increasing height whereas, while at a given height, the mean diameter of saltating sand grains is positively correlated with the friction wind velocity. Although these results require additional experimental validation, they provide new information for modelling of aeolian sand transport processes.  相似文献   
萨尔图油田南二区东部140号断层以东地区葡11—4油层,以多段多韵律和正韵律沉积为主,平均孔隙度30.0%,平均空气渗透率1980×10^-3μm2。水驱结束时该油层平均含水92%,采出程度39.5%。计划对该区块实施聚合物驱开采。以往经验认为,组合段塞调整注聚技术能够有效改善流度控制作用。然而对组合注入情况下如何进一步提高驱油效果、注入井分注时机、层段注入强度对开发效果有何影响却很少探讨。通过室内驱油实验,在聚驱的组合段塞注入不同时机(水驱空白阶段、含水下降阶段、含水稳定阶段、含水回升阶段)下调整注入强度实施分注以及在含水回升分注基础上进一步调整注入强度,同时对比不分注实验,评价各方案驱油效果。实验表明:不实施分注时聚驱采收率在水驱基础上提高了19.07个百分点,而组合段塞注入时实施分注均能够在不分注基础上进一步提高驱油效果;空白水驱时实施分注采收率提高幅度最大,为26.55个百分点;随着分注时机的滞后采收率提高幅度增加值依次递减,分注时机越早越好。  相似文献   
精细化风暴潮预报是目前风暴潮预报重点发展方向之一,本文首次建立起了一个覆盖整个中国沿海地区的精细化台风风暴潮数值模型,克服了以往分区域数值模型的不足,该模型在中国沿海地区的分辨率达到300m左右。模型采用了并行计算,并对2012年和2013年灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了数值检验,计算精度和计算所用时间都能够满足业务化运行的要求。本文同时还根据中国气象局、美国国家气象局等5家主要台风预报机构给出的24h台风预报,对2013年度灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了24h数值预报检验,检验结果表明:根据中国气象局台风登陆前24h预报可以得到更准确的风暴潮预报结果,其预报结果优于其他各家预报结果。该结论可以为今后的台风风暴潮预报中台风路径的选取提供重要的参考。  相似文献   
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