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The degree to which dust emissions are controlled by geomorphic conditions, wind environments and land use was investigated using the dust storm frequency (DSF) and data from more than 300 meteorological stations throughout northern China. Our analysis showed that most dust emissions originated in gobi deserts that developed in piedmont alluvial fans of the Kunlun, Qilian and Helan mountains. Dust emissions are low from other gobi desert regions, such as the northern Gurbantunggut and eastern Taklimakan, where high vegetation coverage restrained dust emissions or where dust-size particles are not abundant after a long period of strong wind erosion. Sandy deserts with relatively high vegetation coverage or an extensive cover by mobile sands are not a major dust source. Although the highest dust emissions did not appear in regions with the highest wind energy, DSF trends in each region from 1960 to 2003 were closely related to local wind activity. DSF was low in regions with high levels of human activity, where the mean DSF from 1960 to 2003 did not exceed 4 days/year; even from the 1960s to the early 1970s, the period with the greatest DSF, frequency did not exceed 8 days/year, which indicates that extensive land use did not contribute to DSF. The low DSF in these areas might result from the fact that although land use could produce abundant fine soil fractions, vegetation coverage and soil moisture remained higher than in the gobi deserts of arid China, thereby decreasing dust-storm occurrence.  相似文献   
Using monthly average, maximum, minimum air temperature and monthly precipitation data from 5 weather stations in Mt. Qomolangma region in China from 1971 to 2004, climatic linear trend, moving average, low-pass filter and accumulated variance analysis methods, the spatial and temporal patterns of the climatic change in this region were analyzed. The main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) There is obvious ascending tendency for the interannual change of air temperature in Mt. Qomolangma region and the ascending tendency of Tingri, the highest station, is the most significant. The rate of increasing air temperature is 0.234 oC/decade in Mt. Qomolangma region, 0.302 oC/decade in Tingri. The air temperature increases more strongly in non-growing season. (2) Compared with China and the global average, the warming of Mt. Qomolangma region occurred early. The linear rates of temperature increase in Mt. Qomolangma region exceed those for China and the global average in the same period. This is attributed to the sensitivity of mountainous regions to climate change. (3) The southern and northern parts of Mt. Qomolangma region are quite different in precipitation changes. Stations in the northern part show increasing trends but are not statistically significant. Nyalam in the southern part shows a decreasing trend and the sudden decreasing of precipitation occurred in the early 1990s. (4) Compared with the previous studies, we find that the warming of Mt. Qomolangma high-elevation region is most significant in China in the same period. The highest automatic meteorological comprehensive observation station in the world set up at the base camp of Mt. Qomolangma with a height of 5032 m a.s.l will play an important role in monitoring the global climate change.  相似文献   
滑坡是现代公路、铁路等交通基建工程面临的一个难题。尤其是在重丘、山地等地段修筑公路工程极易出现滑坡地质灾害。这些滑坡的成因以及相关的边坡稳定性分析目前处于半理论、半经验状态。文章基于学堂湾滑坡的地理位置及地质环境条件,从滑坡区地质环境条件、滑坡周界、滑坡体与滑带的物质结构特征、滑床、滑坡变形破坏迹象等,深入分析了学堂湾滑坡的变形特征。在此基础上探讨了滑坡成因,指出大量的雨水和不合理的施工扰动是滑坡发育的外因;坡体本身的地质条件如岩石的裂隙、岩土体的透水性以及水的疏导条件等是其内因。文章将宏观定性分析与定量计算相结合,对滑坡稳定性进行了分析和评价。结合工程实际对滑坡治理措施进行了初步研究,取得了一些满意的效果。  相似文献   
基于有限差分法的抗滑桩计算机辅助设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于地基系数“m-m”法、“m-k”法、“k-k”法的原理,考虑桩顶和桩底边界条件以及桩在滑动面处位移、转角、弯矩和剪力的连续条件,可解得桩身各节点的位移和内力,提出了进行抗滑桩全桩内力计算的有限差分法。根据差分方程并用VB6.0编制了实用的计算程序,既可避免繁琐的查表计算,提高计算速度,又可提高计算精度,直观生动,真正实现了人机交互,在界面的引导下,设计人员可完成全部计算,并绘出内力图形和抗滑桩截面配筋图,使设计更方便快捷,该软件可以极大地提高生产效率,降低工程造价,从而实现抗滑桩的优化设计。最后采用上述方法对某滑坡的悬臂抗滑桩进行了设计与计算。  相似文献   
合成并表征了新螯合树脂———邻苯二酚螯合树脂(XAD-2-Catechol),研究了XAD-2-Catechol吸附铝的特性和茜素红-铝的显色反应,在pH4.5的HAc-NaAc缓冲介质中,茜素红和铝(Ⅲ)反应生成红色络合物,λm ax=500 nm,铝的含量在0-50μg/25 mL内符合比耳定律。建立了邻苯二酚螯合树脂分离/富集-茜素红分光光度法测定天然水样中铝的新方法,对水样中铝形态进行测定,结果满意。  相似文献   
Pressure–temperature grids in the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O and its subsystems have been calculatedin the range 15–45 kbar and 550–900°C, usingan internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and new thermodynamicmodels for amphibole, white mica, and clinopyroxene, with thesoftware THERMOCALC. Minerals considered for the grids includegarnet, omphacite, diopside, jadeite, hornblende, actinolite,glaucophane, zoisite, lawsonite, kyanite, coesite, quartz, talc,muscovite, paragonite, biotite, chlorite, and plagioclase. Compatibilitydiagrams are used to illustrate the phase relationships in thegrids. Coesite-bearing eclogites and a whiteschist from Chinaare used to demonstrate the ability of pseudosections to modelphase relationships in natural ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicrocks. Under water-saturated conditions, chlorite-bearing assemblagesin Mg- and Al-rich eclogites are stable at lower temperaturesthan in Fe-rich eclogites. The relative temperature stabilityof the three amphiboles is hornblende > actinolite > glaucophane(amphibole names used sensu lato). Talc-bearing assemblagesare stable only at low temperature and high pressure in Mg-and Al-rich eclogites. For most eclogite compositions, talccoexists with lawsonite, but not zoisite, in the stability fieldof coesite. Water content contouring of pressure–temperaturepseudosections, along with appropriate geotherms, provides newconstraints concerning dehydration of such rocks in subductingslabs. Chlorite and lawsonite are two important H2O-carriersin subducting slabs. Depending on bulk composition and pressure–temperaturepath, amphibole may or may not be a major H2O-carrier to depth.In most cases, dehydration to make ultrahigh-pressure eclogitestakes place gradually, with H2O content controlled by divariantor higher variance assemblages. Therefore, fluid fluxes in subductionzones are likely to be continuous, with the rate of dehydrationchanging with changing pressure and temperature. Further, eclogitesof different bulk compositions dehydrate differently. Dehydrationof Fe-rich eclogite is nearly complete at relatively shallowdepth, whereas Mg- and Al-rich eclogites dehydrate continuouslydown to greater depth. KEY WORDS: dehydration; eclogites; phase relations; THERMOCALC; UHP metamorphism; whiteschists  相似文献   
深层地震勘探野外资料采集的关键是在保证原始资料一定信噪比的基础上,同时兼顾分辨率,激发井深是决定资料品质的重要因素之一。通过对虚反射滤波作用分析,提出了充分利用虚反射能量设计最佳激发井深,增强下传地震波能量的采集方法。理论分析和试验资料表明,在高速层下4~7m的最佳激发岩性深度是深层勘探的理想井深。  相似文献   
根据测量数据处理的特点,通过对C++Builder6.0和MATLAB特点的分析,得出C++Builder6.0和MATLAB语言两者结合,能够大大提高测量数据处理效率。详细介绍了一种以C++Builder为系统开发平台,利用MATLAB进行测量数据处理的过程。并列举平差程序的一部分源码供参考。  相似文献   
高分辨率格网空间重力异常的精密确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍高分辨率格网空间重力异常精密确定的方法,并利用深圳及周边地区5 213个高精度实测重力值、高分辨率数字地形模型和WDM94地球重力场模型,采用移去-恢复技术和加权平均法计算深圳市1 km和2 km分辨率的格网空间重力异常.计算结果表明:该地区1 km和2 km分辨率的格网空间重力异常的精度分别为±1.560 mGal和±4.442 mGal.1 km分辨率的格网空间重力异常成果已应用于该地区似大地水准面的精化,产生了较大的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   
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