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低空无人机倾斜摄影测量技术可以快速获取实景三维影像,具有可量测、现实感逼真、纹理清晰等特点。该技术应用于农村房屋不动产登记权籍调查中,减少了外业实地丈量的工作量,克服了不通视房屋拐点量边的困难,可快速生成数字线划图,通过三维不动产模型可以查看测量三维数据,解决了外业调查耗时费力、界址边丈量人为误差等问题。  相似文献   

Visibility determination is a key requirement in a wide range of national and urban applications, such as national security, landscape management, and urban design. Mobile LiDAR point clouds can depict the urban built environment with a high level of details and accuracy. However, few three-dimensional visibility approaches have been developed for the street-level point-cloud data. Accordingly, an approach based on mobile LiDAR point clouds has been developed to map the three-dimensional visibility at the street level. The method consists of five steps: voxelization of point-cloud data, construction of lines-of-sight, construction of sectors of sight, construction of three-dimensional visible space, and calculation of volume index. The proposed approach is able to automatically measure the volume of visible space and openness at any viewpoint along a street. This approach has been applied to three study areas. The results indicated that the proposed approach enables accurate simulation of visible space as well as high-resolution (1 m × 1 m) mapping of the visible volume index. The proposed approach can make a contribution to the improvement of urban planning and design processes that aim at developing more sustainable built environments.  相似文献   
黑潮是北太平洋副热带环流系统的一支重要的西边界流。前人对不同流段黑潮的季节和年际变化进行了诸多研究,然而基于不同数据所得结论仍存在差异,尤其是不同模式计算所得流量差别很大,而且以往研究往往着眼于某一流段,对不同流段黑潮变化之间的异同及其原因涉及较少。本文基于卫星高度计数据,评估了OFES(Ocean generalcir culation model For the Earth Simulator)和HYCOM(Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model)两个模式对吕宋岛和台湾岛以东黑潮季节与年际变化的模拟能力,进而对两个海域黑潮变化的异同及其物理机制进行了分析。结果表明:HYCOM模式对黑潮季节变化的模拟较好,而OFES模式对黑潮年际变化的模拟较好。吕宋岛以东黑潮和台湾岛以东黑潮在季节与年际尺度上的变化规律均不相同,且受不同动力过程控制。吕宋岛以东黑潮呈现冬春季强而秋季弱的变化规律,主要受北赤道流分叉南北移动的影响;而台湾岛以东黑潮呈现夏季强冬季弱的变化特点,主要受该海区反气旋涡与气旋涡相对数目的季节变化影响。在年际尺度上,吕宋岛以东黑潮与北赤道流分叉及风应力旋度呈负相关,当风应力旋度超前于流量4个月时相关系数达到了-0.56;而台湾岛以东黑潮的流量变化则受制于副热带逆流区涡动能的变化,且滞后于涡动能9个月时达到最大正相关,相关系数为0.44。本研究对于深入理解不同流段黑潮的多尺度变异规律及其对邻近海区环流与气候的影响具有重要意义,同时对于黑潮研究的数值模式选取具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
利用多普勒雷达网对一次典型飑线过程的分析   总被引:18,自引:16,他引:2  
利用天气学原理和新一代多普勒天气雷达网,对2005年3月22日发生于广东的一次大范围飑线过程进行了详细分析。分析表明,南岭横切变和500 hPa南支槽为过程提供了大尺度天气背景,地面小股冷空气的入侵则是其触发条件;弓形回波后部弱反射率因子通道的出现标志着飑线发展到最强盛阶段;线性波状飑线南北段不断新生对流单体并有向弓形回波中间传递合并的趋势;雷暴群产生的下沉辐散在其右前方一定距离产生的长弱回波线,是识别雷暴群变化的一个标志。  相似文献   
公共服务设施是城市社会服务最基本的承载体,公共服务设施分配的公平与否,事关城市健康发展和社会公正运行.目前由于城市微观尺度人口数据的缺失,鲜有研究将供给侧(公共服务设施)与需求侧(人口)统一起来.鉴于此,论文以互联网地图API为支撑,建立了5min、10 min、15min三个层级的社区生活圈,并模拟了高分辨率、高精度...  相似文献   
中国北方疆域辽阔,多种植被类型交错分布,陆面过程较为复杂.研究该区域地表能量平衡及分配过程,有助于进一步了解其生态系统的生产力及气候变化.本文使用"中国北方协同观测实验"观测资料,选取中国北方四种植被类型——高寒草甸、荒漠草地、玉米农田及半干旱草地,在深入认识地表能量分配特征的基础上,讨论了环境因子对能量分配的影响.结...  相似文献   
1978年以来,中国体制改革重塑了个体日常时空行为及其在生命过程中的活动轨迹,但鲜有文献解析长时间序列下不同代际群体对职住政策调整做出的响应及其代际差异。基于时间地理学视角与代际差异理论,将广州市微观个体职住地变动历程与代际问题相结合,利用问卷调查分析1988年和1998年居民职住制度改革前后,不同代际居民职住地变迁行为时空特征及其影响因素的结构性差异。结果发现:① 在居住地和就业地变迁方向方面,各代际居民住房迁出地主要集中于老城区,就业地变迁围绕两个城市中心,形成由老城核心地域向内城、近郊扩散的变迁过程。② 职住地距离变化方面,居民平均职住距离由1988年之前的4.91 km增至1998年之后的6.46 km,20世纪90年代出生居民(简称90后,下同)的职住分离度大于其他群体。③ 在职住地变迁率方面,住房商品化和就业社会化极大地增加了居民职住地选择自由度,60后和70后在1998年之后的迁居率分别为113.16%与112.33%,就业地变迁率分别为148.68%与197.26%,二者都远高于住房改革前的比例。④ 驻留时长方面,职住自由化使得驻留时长明显缩短。60后变化最为明显,该群体在一个居住地的居住时长由1988年以前的14.43年缩至1998年以后的5.43年,就业地驻留时长由12.43年降至3.95年;80后与90后在1998年以后的职住地驻留时长明显较短,70后相对较长。⑤ 能力、组合及权威制约中的房价、婚姻状况、学历、福利分房及下岗等因素对职住地变迁表现出明显代际差异,因子女上学及同事关系等组合制约对就业地变迁无显著群体差别。  相似文献   
Based on the simulation with SWAN wave model and data of ERA-Interim from 1979 to 2016, how the waves propagate globally and why swell pools distribute in the eastern ocean were investigated in this study. The simulation results show that waves from North Pacific and North Atlantic mainly propagate southeastward or southward and swells generated in Southern Ocean spread northeastward. The waves from high latitude regions spread along the east coast and encounter in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic to form swell fronts around equator and then turn eastward. As the weak wind field with numerous swell inflows, swell pools are generally located on the eastern side of the ocean basin, where the swell index S are greater than 0.9 calculated using ERA-20 C data for the period of 1981–2010. Another remarkable feature is that swell pools move southward and split into two parts in winter, while they move northward and merge together in summer.  相似文献   
The compliant vertical access riser(CVAR) is a new riser concept with good compliance; it can significantly reduce operating costs by eliminating the need for additional machines to operate wells directly on the platform. In this study, we determined the optimal riser parameters in terms of the stress and riser weight by optimizing the CVAR, and we compared the optimization results. A two-dimensional nonlinear static CVAR model was deduced according to the principles of virtual work and variation, and the model was verified using MATLAB. Design of experiments and Kriging method were used to reduce the number of sample calculations and improve the modeling accuracy. An appropriate selection of the multi-objective optimization problem(MOP) and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm helped to optimize the CVAR design. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II was used to solve the Pareto frontier of the optimization model in order to provide decision makers with more choices for the optimization results. After optimizing the riser parameters, the geometry of the riser was smoother, and the stress and stress differences were greatly reduced; the maximum equivalent stresses at the top and bottom were reduced by 36.6% and 44%, respectively. In addition, the stress difference in the buoyancy block area was reduced by 20.9%, and the weight of the riser was increased significantly by 28.1%.  相似文献   
Sea ice is a sensitive indicator of climate change and an important component of climate system models. The Los Alamos Sea Ice Model 5.0(CICE5.0) was introduced to the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC_CSM) as a new alternative to the Sea Ice Simulator(SIS). The principal purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of these two sea ice components on simulations of basic Arctic sea ice, atmosphere, and ocean states. Two sets of experiments were conducted with the same configurations except for the sea ice component used, i.e., SIS and CICE. The distributions of sea ice concentration and thickness reproduced by the CICE simulations in both March and September were closer to actual observations than those reproduced by SIS simulations, which presented a very thin sea ice cover in September. Changes in sea ice conditions also brought about corresponding modifications to the atmosphere and ocean circulation. CICE simulations showed higher agreement with the reference datasets than did SIS simulations for surface air temperature, sea level pressure, and sea surface temperature in most parts of the Arctic Ocean. More importantly, compared with simulations with SIS, BCC_CSM with CICE revealed stronger Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC), which is more consistent with actual observations. Thus, CICE shows better performance than SIS in BCC_ CSM. However, both components demonstrate a number of common weaknesses, such as overestimation of the sea ice cover in winter, especially in the Nordic Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Additional studies and improvements are necessary to develop these components further.  相似文献   
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