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During the whole 20th century in China, especially the latest 50 years, we have gotten much geological information about geological mapping, geophysics, geochemistry, mineral exploration,remote sensing, environmental geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology and oceanic geology etc. by our geologists and explorers. All the information has been accmnulated and can be used as a dcision-making foundation for the future plan of geological survey. The spatial database of geological survey ex-tents has been established by using computer technology. The database contained all kinds of exploration sections and collected about 160 000 records in this database. This paper introduces the data construc-tion ,contents and applying systemof this database, and trys to let people know what kinds of geological survey were finished, when the exploration were carried out, and how and where you can get this infor-mation.  相似文献   
基于比较理论推导建立的4个煤层渗透率计算模型,对我国煤层气盆地已有物性参数进行计算,以预测其煤储层渗透率。将模型预测结果与现场试井渗透率数据进行对比分析,得出了4个模型的预测精度,在此基础上研究了煤储层渗透率动态预测模型对我国煤层气部分区块的适用性。计算结果表明:在煤层气开发后期,汪-张模型的适用性较好,预测结果与现场数据基本一致,对煤层气开采有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
时志强  王美玲  陈彬 《古地理学报》2021,23(6):1067-1081
中国北方烧变岩分布广泛,见于以昆仑山—秦岭—大别山为界的中国北方地区多个沉积盆地边缘,但地质学家对其研究较为薄弱。野外调查显示中国北方烧变岩主要以4种方式分布: (1)大面积连片分布,(2)沿山脉走向的线状分布,(3)沿河流下切河谷分布,(4)为第四系黄土覆盖。烧变岩主要为侏罗系、石炭—二叠系煤层自燃所致。各类型的烧变岩在中国烧变岩区不同程度发育,具瓷化结构、白化结构、烧熔结构、残余构造、气孔构造、微柱状节理、角砾状构造、垮塌构造、裂缝充填等结构和构造。其颜色以砖红色、赭红色、棕色、钢灰色最为典型,岩石中发育鳞石英、方石英、堇青石、铁堇青石、莫来石等典型高温矿物。中新世以来,中国西部、北部地区构造活动强烈,干旱气候加剧,烧变岩也主要形成于这一时期,但煤层自燃与构造运动、环境变化、古野火事件的耦合关系还鲜有提及,其所蕴含的各种地质信息值得在今后的研究中予以关注。  相似文献   
利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)系统观测了黄铁矿片、板状晶体的微结构,发现在水热条件下生成的黄铁矿片、板状晶体具有正方形、矩形等多种形貌。其中,正方形较多,矩形次之,另可见到一些其他不规则形状。黄铁矿片、板状晶生长完好,未见缺陷。经测定多数四边形片状黄铁矿的两组边分别平行(010)和(100),其生长晶面为(001);个别四边形片状黄铁矿的两组边分别平行(010)和(101),其生长晶面为(101),矩形片状黄铁矿长轴生长方向为001。在水热条件下黄铁矿以多形貌出现,黄铁矿的片、板状晶体多数是沿(001)面生长的结果,(001)为黄铁矿片、板状晶体的主要二维生长面,并沿001方向扩展,构成了二维晶体。  相似文献   
Proterozoic mafic dykes from the southwestern Vestfold Block experienced heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism, characterized by spotted or fractured garnet‐bearing aggregates in garnet‐absent groundmass. The garnet‐absent groundmass typically preserves an ophitic texture composed of lathy plagioclase, intergranular clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides. Garnet‐bearing domains consist mainly of a metamorphic assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, K‐feldspar, quartz and Fe–Ti oxides. Chemical compositions and textural relationships suggest that these metamorphic minerals reached local equilibrium in the centre of the garnet‐bearing domains. Pseudosection calculations in the model system NCFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) yield PT estimates of 820–870 °C and 8.4–9.7 kbar. Ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating reveals that the NW‐ and N‐trending mafic dykes were emplaced at 1764 ± 25 and 1232 ± 12 Ma, respectively, whereas their metamorphic ages cluster between 957 ± 7 and 938 ± 9 Ma. The identification of granulite facies mineral inclusions in metamorphic zircon domains is also consistent with early Neoproterozoic metamorphism. Therefore, the southwestern margin of the Vestfold Block is inferred to have been buried to depths of ~30–35 km beneath the Rayner orogen during the late stage of the late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic collision between the Indian craton and east Antarctica (i.e. the Lambert Terrane or the Ruker craton including the Lambert Terrane). The lack of penetrative deformation and intensive fluid–rock interaction in the rigid Vestfold Block prevented the nucleation and growth of garnet and resulted in the heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism of the mafic dykes.  相似文献   
本文介绍了利用膨润土、钙质造纸废渣制备轻质保温材料的研究,分析了膨润土在轻质保温材料制备中的作用,优选出制备轻质保温材料的配方和工艺。该材料的导热系数为0 .171 W/m·K,抗压强度约为9 .37 kg/cm2 ,容重为0 .49 g/cm3 。  相似文献   
根据钻井、测井和地质等资料,对鲁西南地区石炭纪—二叠纪含煤岩系进行了层序地层学与聚煤作用研究。识别出以区域不整合面、古土壤层底面、海侵方向转换面、下切谷砂体底面为代表的4种类型的层序界面;划分出本溪组、太原组、山西组和下石盒子组中的4个三级层序,从下到上依次为SⅢ1、SⅢ2、SⅢ3及SⅢ4。通过对比研究不同层序的含煤性及煤层的发育特征后认为,形成于分流间湾沼泽环境的SⅢ3煤层发育最好,形成于潟湖与沼泽环境的SⅢ1及SⅢ2煤层发育次之,SⅢ4没有煤层发育。在同一个层序内部,泥炭聚集速率与可容空间增加速率之间的平衡状态决定了煤层的厚度,这种平衡状态保持较长时间是煤层形成的基本条件,而与泥炭聚集有关的可容空间的持续增加需要基准面的不断抬升,因此,发育较好的煤层最可能形成于海侵体系域末期,如SⅢ3的TST末期的3号煤层。  相似文献   
黄河源区陆面过程观测和模拟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陆面过程对黄河源区水资源变化有重要的影响,探索黄河源区陆面过程和水分循环特征的关联机理有十分重要的意义.首先简述了黄河源区气候变化背景和陆面过程的基本特征,并详细介绍了近年来在黄河源区开展的一系列陆面过程野外观测试验及相关研究主题和研究进展;进一步给出了在野外试验观测资料分析、卫星遥感、数据同化应用和数值模拟等方面取得...  相似文献   
Copper is a moderately incompatible chalcophile element. Its behavior is strongly controlled by sulfides. The speciation of sulfur is controlled by oxygen fugacity. Therefore, porphyry Cu deposits are usually oxidized (with oxygen fugacities > ΔFMQ +2) (Mungall 2002; Sun et al. 2015). The problem is that while most of the magmas at convergent margins are highly oxidized, porphyry Cu deposits are very rare, suggesting that high oxygen fugacity alone is not sufficient. Partial melting of mantle peridotite even at very high oxygen fugacities forms arc magmas with initial Cu contents too low to form porphyry Cu deposits directly (Lee et al. 2012; Wilkinson 2013). Here we show that partial melting of subducted young oceanic slabs at high oxygen fugacity (>ΔFMQ +2) may form magmas with initial Cu contents up to >500 ppm, favorable for porphyry mineralization. Pre-enrichment of Cu through sulfide saturation and accumulation is not necessarily beneficial to porphyry Cu mineralization. In contrast, re-melting of porphyritic hydrothermal sulfide associated with iron oxides may have major contributions to porphyry deposits. Thick overriding continental crust reduces the “leakage” of hydrothermal fluids, thereby promoting porphyry mineralization. Nevertheless, it is also more difficult for ore forming fluids to penetrate the thick continental crust to reach the depths of 2–4 km where porphyry deposits form.  相似文献   
对金属矿床成矿溶液的性质 ,特别是 pH值 (酸碱度 )的确定 ,是认识含矿溶液的成因、成矿条件和成矿机理的关键。目前对成矿溶液性质的研究主要局限在对围岩蚀变矿物包裹体的测定方面 ,并得出近中性热卤水成矿的结论。作者认为 ,多数围岩蚀变矿物的包裹体溶液不能代表原成矿溶液的性质 ,“近中性的热卤水成矿”的认识有误 ,应是酸性水形成的含矿溶液成矿 ,并从矿物包裹体溶液的特征、Roedder的高金属含量的矿物包裹体溶液的发现、氢氧同位素资料、矿物包裹体中高卤水溶液的起源以及成矿溶液的演化机理等方面论述了酸性金属含矿溶液的成因及成矿演化过程。  相似文献   
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