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随着地形高差增大、地貌单元多变、近地表模型复杂,目前被广泛应用的初至折射静校正的精度已无法满足精细勘探的要求。初至层析静校正技术,由给定的初始模型进行正演,用射线追踪方法得到初始模型的初至波,利用该初至波和实际拾取的初至波进行比较,计算地表模型的修正量,反复迭代求得准确的地表模型。山西省国阳新能股份有限公司二矿390水平九采扩区地表标高940~1100m,地貌单元复杂,在对该区资料处理时,利用初至层析折射静校正,经9次迭代计算后,真实地刻划出近地表模型。在二种静校正技术对比中,初至折射静校正不但近地表模型精度低于层析折射静校正,而且其叠加剖面精细程度也远低于层析静校正,如在初至折射静校正叠加剖面同相轴上呈现的凹凸形态,在层析静校正叠加剖面并无显示,且后者剖面的信噪比也比前者明显提高。  相似文献   
城市三维可视化快速建模与浏览系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息时代的到来,虚拟现实做为信息技术发展重要驱动力越来越多地应用到城市建设领域中来。本文分析了虚拟现实技术如何在城市尺度上进行快速建模和浏览,并通过具体案例对该技术进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
成矿理论与勘探实践证明,东部一些老矿由于勘探深度、范围的限制以及认识上的局限,在矿区深部、周边仍有一些矿未能发现和查明,其中相当一部分仍具有找矿潜力;而寻找西部新的煤炭资源是国家“稳定东部发展西部”战略需要。针对中国东西部不同的地质条件和勘探目标,其地震勘探野外施工方法及资料处理原则有所差异;而资料解释在东部以查明地层赋存形态、煤层赋存范围、构造发育特征为主,西部则以寻找煤系地层波阻抗差异明显、连续性好的反射波组为解释重点。地震勘探技术在中国东西部的二个典型地震时间剖面佐证了其在深部找矿的应用效果。  相似文献   
以流线、流面、汇点的概念为基础,对稳定流双井干扰和直线隔水边界附近涌水量理论公式进行对比分析,提出了二个虚拟界面,其中虚拟界面Ⅰ,运用流线、流面的性质,流线方程等给出证明;虚拟界面Ⅱ则通过半无限条形降落漏斗的分析,应用元流和总流的能量方程得到流量为零,流线为零的平面。在同样条件下,条形无限涌水量是半无限潜含水层涌水量的二倍。应用总流能量方程对三种情况水头损失的分析,解释了这种关系存在的合理性,得出虚拟界面Ⅱ,并以此得出该界面内的最大残余水头计算公式。将基坑降水运用虚拟界面简化为扇形,条形半无限含水层,从而实现单井预测,该方法应用到昊华水泥厂基坑降水中,预测效果理想。  相似文献   
Singular physical or chemical processes may result in anomalous amounts of energy release or mass accumulation that, generally, are confined to narrow intervals in space or time. Singularity is a property of different types of non-linear natural processes including cloud formation, rainfall, hurricanes, flooding, landslides, earthquakes, wildfires, and mineralization. The end products of these non-linear processes can be modeled as fractals or multifractals. Hydrothermal processes in the Earth’s crust can result in ore deposits characterized by high concentrations of metals with fractal or multifractal properties. Here we show that the non-linear properties of the end products of singular mineralization processes can be applied for prediction of undiscovered mineral deposits and for quantitative mineral resource assessment, whether for mineral exploration or for regional, national and global planning for mineral resource utilization. In addition to the general theory and framework for the non-linear mineral resources assessment, this paper focuses on several power-law models proposed for characterizing non-linear properties of mineralization and for geoinformation extraction and integration. The theories, methods, and computer system discussed in this paper were validated using a case study dealing with hydrothermal Au mineral potential in southern Nova Scotia, Canada.  相似文献   
In this paper, an inverse mapping is used to transform the previously-derived analytical solutions from a local elliptical coordinate system into a conventional Cartesian coordinate system. This enables a complete set of exact analytical solutions to be derived rigorously for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function, and excess pore-fluid pressure around and within buried inclined elliptic inclusions in pore-fluid-saturated porous rocks. To maximize the application range of the derived analytical solutions, the focal distance of an ellipse is used to represent the size of the ellipse, while the length ratio of the long axis to the short one is used to represent the geometrical shape of the ellipse. Since the present analytical solutions are expressed in a conventional Cartesian coordinate system, it is convenient to investigate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pressure around and within many different families of buried inclined elliptic inclusions. The major advantage in using the present analytical solution is that they can be conveniently computed in a global Cartesian coordinate system, which is widely used in many scientific and engineering computations. As an application example, the present analytical solutions have been used to investigate how the dip angle of an inclined elliptic inclusion affects the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pore-fluid pressure when the permeability ratio of the elliptic inclusion is of finite but nonzero values.  相似文献   
DS600和MAX6612是MAX(美国美信公司)新出的两款模拟温度传感器产品。这两款芯片在性能上各有其优越性,本文主要就其特征、参数、结构、功能等分别进行了研究,并结合实践情况进行了试验和应用。  相似文献   
ISoil-fo~gEnvironmentandMainSoilTrocsThesoLItheastQinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)PlateauwheretheHengduanMoUnains,eastempartoftheThmalayanandNyainqentanglhamoUnainsarelocatedextendsfrom25'to34"Nand92'to1O5'Ewithanareaof5OO,OOOkm',oraboutone-fiffooftheentireQinghai-XiZangPlateau.ItisatransitionalzoneofdeePdisseCtedmoUntainseXtendingsoutheastWardpenpherallowlandsandwichedin-betWeenSichuanBasinandcentralYunnanPlateau.Whletheterrainofthesmponinclinestosoutheast,thealtitudeofthevaIleysraises…  相似文献   
近年来,作者发展了七种以上重要找矿指示元素的野外快速分析法,此乃其一。文中提出一种新的金样冷浸技术,引进了新的光导光度检测方法,样品经溴化钠—硫酸—过氧化氢冷浸,用经丙酮—MIBK处理的泡沫塑料富集金,经混合解脱剂解脱并直接取解脱液用改进的微珠析出法或用光导光度法测定。取10g样品,可测定0.0005-50g/t范围内的金。方法简便、快速,可在普查分队驻地进行,每一工作日可测定80多个样品,由于废弃了王水分解样品和泡沫塑料的灰化,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
渗流域内应用拉普拉斯变换(LT)建立相应的有限分析(FAM)方程,顾及渗流域内地下水流的初始条件和边界条件,可在LT空间构成一个封闭的以水头像函数为变量的线性方程组。将此方程组所得的解,通过Stehfest数值反演公式,可归化为时间域的解(水头)。由于时间t被隐含在数值方程内,从而克服了传统数值法按时段(△t)逐步迭代的缺陷,提高了计算效率,也为用嵌入法建立地下水流管理模型提供了一条捷径。  相似文献   
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