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通过分析2018年2次典型降雨过程中大气可降水量(precipitable water vapor,PWV)的分布特征及其与实际降水量的关系,探讨PWV在预测降雨中的应用。结果表明,在降雨过程中,PWV的分布与实际降水量具有很好的相关性。PWV对降雨的发生具有一定的指示作用,在降雨发生前6~12 h,PWV开始增加;在降雨发生前1~2 h内PWV迅速上升;当PWV显著增加并保持高值时,预示强降雨的发生。PWV变化越快,降雨概率和降水量就越大。滑动平均处理结果进一步证明,强降雨发生前后,PWV会出现快速聚集和释放的现象,PWV可作为短期临近预报及天气分析等研究和应用的序列资料,为传统气象手段提供有力补充。  相似文献   
中巴资源卫星在红树林遥感调查中的应用研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用资源卫星信息提取技术,探讨中巴资源卫星(CBERS-1 CCD)数据在红树林资源调查中的应用能力。由于红树林群落间光谱特征的近似性和数据本身光谱信息的限制,给分类信息提取带来了困难。将红树林植被分布区与陆地植被分开,结合实地调查结果准确选取各群落训练区,采用神经网络分类法分类,获得了精度较高的分类结果。在此基础上,对主要群落的空间分布特征进行了简要分析。  相似文献   
在以Landsat ETM+为数据源,详细分析水体与背景地物的地表反射率及波谱特征的基础上,对比阈值法、谱间关系法、指数模型法和条件函数四种方法在城镇水体和山区水体提取上的差异.对两个研究区试验结果表明:MNDWI比值模型的水体提取精度最高,信息量相对完整,其他四种方法在细小水体的提取效果上也不如MNDWI.为验证结论的准确性,本文选取了福建省不同时期、不同地区的不同水体类型进行试验.其中城镇与山区的水体提取方法的优劣结果与上文的结论一致.湖泊与河口区的水体与前两种类型的水体的地表反射率值曲线不同,但这两个区域的水体与其他地物的MNDWI的反差值在几种提取方法中为最大.反差值越大越有利于水体与背景地物的区分.MNDWI在这两种水体类型的提取上也取得较好的效果.试验表明相对其他四种方法,MNDWI比值模型能够便捷、快速、准确地提取水体信息,且具有较强的适应性.  相似文献   
黄婕  高路  陈兴伟  陈莹  刘梅冰 《地理学报》2016,71(1):152-165
选取东南沿海五省(市)(上海,浙江,福建,广东和海南)79个站点1960-2012年前汛期(4-6月)的降水极值序列,将广义可加模型(GAMLSS)引入非平稳降水频率分析中,分析了降水极值的变化特征;运用主成分分析法分别构建综合气候指数和以温室气体排放量为代表的人类活动指数,同时考虑两类指数对降水极值序列变化特征的影响,运用贡献分析法和GAMLSS模型分析了气候因子和人类活动因子对降水极值变化的影响机制.结果表明:① 东南沿海降水极值增加趋势显著,变异性明显增强的区域主要集中在浙江东北部,广东中北部和西部沿海,福建东部等地区;② 人类活动的加剧与降水极值的变化显著相关,尤其在社会经济发达地区,在社会经济快速发展阶段(1986-2012年)人类活动对极端降水的贡献要明显大于发展缓慢阶段(1960-1985年),浙江和广东两省尤为突出;③ 浙江省东北部,福建省大部,广东西部沿海以及中北部地区是极端降水的高风险区,需加强对极端降水及其次生灾害的风险防范.  相似文献   
The ocean surface wind(OSW) data retrieved from microwave scatterometers have high spatial accuracy and represent the only wind data assimilated by global numerical models on the ocean surface, thus playing an important role in improving the forecast skills of global medium-range weather prediction models. To improve the forecast skills of the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System Global Forecast System(GRAPES_GFS), the HY-2B OSW data is assimilated into the GRAPES_GFS four-dimensio...  相似文献   
海面风场与3.2厘米微波散射特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海面风场遥感的基础工作之一是微波散射特性的研究。美国于一九七八年发射了一颗海洋卫星Seasat-A[3],卫星上载有微波散射计,它被用来遥感全球风场,其测量风速范围为3—25m/s,测风速的精度为±2m/s或±10%,海面上分辨率达50公里。在海洋卫星发射以前,他们对海面风速与海面微波散射特性之间的关系已作了充分的研究,这样才能判读星载或机载上所得到的遥感数据。国外在这方面做了大量的工作,积累了大量的数据。例如,美国学者格兰特和易普利将雷达散射计架在桥上俯视河水,找出了3.2厘米、1.25厘米、8.6毫米海面回波与风速的函数关系[1]。  相似文献   
Cai  Laixing  Xiao  Guolin  Zeng  Zhigang  Zhang  Xunhua  Guo  Xingwei  Wang  Shuping 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(4):1169-1187
The South Yellow Sea Basin(SYSB) has multiple sets of proven source rocks and good hydrocarbon prospects,but no industrial oil and gas has been explored at present.To solve this puzzle for petroleum geologists,we systematically investigated the marine hydrocarbon geological conditions based on cores and testing data from borehole CSDP-2,the first exploration well with continuous coring in SYSB.The qualities of source rocks are evaluated in detail according to organic matter abundance,type,and maturity.The reservoir characterization mainly includes porosity,permeability,and reservoir space.Displacement pressure test and stratum thickness are the main foundations for defining the caprocks.Then,the oil-source rock correlation in the Permian and stratum model are analyzed to determine the favorable source-reservoir-caprock assemblages.The results show that three sets of effective source rocks(the Lower Triassic,Upper Permian,and Lower Permian),two sets of tight sandstone re servoirs(the Upper Permian and Lower Silurian-Upper Devonian),and two sets of caprocks(the Lower Triassic and Carboniferous) combine to constitute the hydrocarbon reservoir-forming as se mblages of "lower-ge neration and upper-accumlation" and "self-generation and self-accumlation",thus laying a solid foundation for promising petroleum prospects.The three sets of marine source rocks are characterized by successive generation and expulsion stages,which guarantees multistage hydrocarbon accumulation.Another three sets of continental source rocks distributed across the Middle Jurassic,Upper Cretaceous,and Paleogene depression areas,especially in the Northern Depression,may supplement some hydrocarbons for the Central Uplift through faults and the Indosinian unconformity.The favorable Permian exploration strata have been identified in the Central Uplift of SYSB.First,the Lower Permian and Upper Permian source rocks with high organic matter abundance and high thermal maturity supply sufficient hydrocarbons.Secondly,the interbedding relationship between the source rocks and sandstones in the Upper Permian strata ensures that hydrocarbons have been migrated into the nearby Upper Permian sandstones,reflecting near-source hydrocarbon accumulation.Finally,the good sealing property of the Lower Triassic Qinglong Formation caprocks plays an indispensable role in hydrocarbon preservation of the Permian reservoirs.This conclusion is supported by direct oil shows,gas logging anomalous layers,and hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions.  相似文献   
Application of MODIS in ocean color is mainly based on bands 8-16 with the spatial resolution of 1 000 m.This spatial resolution,however,can not meet the application demand of inland waters where the areas are relatively small.With the assumption of the black water at shortwave infrared(SWIR) wavelengths(>1 000 nm),we first propose an atmospheric correction method for bands 1 and 2 with their spatial resolution of 250 m,and we then establish a quantitative retrieval model for suspended sediment concentratio...  相似文献   
对水管倾斜仪、垂直摆倾斜仪和伸缩仪的灵敏度测试方法进行了研究,并将激光干涉技术应用于灵敏度测试,不仅提高了测试精度,而且测试结果也可与国家计量标准溯源.  相似文献   
以重庆市测绘产品质量检验测试中心为例,分析测绘仪器检定工作模式及其存在的不足之处,采用C#语言和SQL Server数据库设计开发测绘仪器检定信息化管理系统,实现了仪器检定的仪器交接、数据采集、数据处理、证书编制、信息查询等整个流程规范化、程序化,极大地提高了工作效率.  相似文献   
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