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Tulsishyam thermal springs are located in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India with discharge temperatures varying from 39 to 42 °C. The pH of these thermal springs varies from 7.1 to 7.4, indicating neutral character. Though these thermal springs propagate through the near surface layer of Deccan basalt, detailed geochemical analysis of the thermal waters using Piper diagram suggests that the water is interacting with the granitic basement rock. Silica and cation geothermometry estimates have reservoir temperature in the range of 138 to 207 °C categorizing it into a low to moderate enthalpy geothermal system. Furthermore, the area has high heat flow values of 53–90 mW/m2 because of shallow Moho depth. The prevailing conditions suggest that the geothermal energy can potentially be exploited through an enhanced geothermal system (EGS). The study also indicates different mineral phases that may precipitate out of water during exploitation of geothermal energy and it should be taken into account while designing an EGS for the area.  相似文献   
The Azraq basin (the Badia region in NE-Jordan) is rich in its industrial rocks and minerals. Most of the commodities are concentrated in one area, which is the Azraq depression (El-Qa’). The climatic changes (wet and dry) of Azraq closed lake contributed in the formation of industrial rocks and minerals in the El-Qa’. Basalt, pyroclastics, zeolites, diatomaceous earth, bentonite, palgorskite, porcelanite, saline brines, chalk, limestone, and gypsum are the potential industrial commodities. The basaltic rocks are of high alkalis content and good homogeneity and are of good potential use in constructions and cast basalt. The scoriaceous pyroclastic material proved to be of excellent properties for use as lightweight aggregates, cultivation purposes, and for the production of pozzolanic cement. Smectite-rich beds (bentonite) from Ein El Badia could be used as binder, absorbent, and additives for feeding farm animals. Palygorskite is potential for use in drilling mud, paint, pharmaceuticals, and as a filtering medium. The diatomaceous earth deposits are Moler type and could be used as filter aid and absorbent. Zeolites are efficient for agricultural purposes, animal waste, and wastewater treatment plants. Saline brine is exploited in the Azraq mudflat area for table salt. Porcelanite could be used as an absorbent of hazardous elements, abrasive, and filler. The softness and high purity of chalk enable its use as filler and in the lime production. The large limestone concretions are of high quality for use as a building stone. Gypsum (gypcrete) could be used after the removal of the undesired chert impurities. The Badia region is a highly potential area for future exploration and mining industry in a manner that achieves the required outcomes and minimizes impacts on ecosystems.  相似文献   
We summarize the ASCA observations of the two Galactic superluminal sources GRO J1655–40 and GRS 1915+105, focusing on theabsorption line features.The high spectroscopic capability of ASCA enabled us to detectiron-K absorption line features from both objects. This is direct evidence for the presence of highly ionized plasma in a non-spherical configuration around a black hole, and is considered to be a unique signature of superluminal jet systems. The candidate of the line-absorber would be a part of an accretion disk at a distance of 109-11 cm from the central X-ray source.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙区沙漠化土地防治区划   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
毛乌素沙区在自然条件、沙漠化程度和变化趋势及产业经济发展特征等方面具有明显的空间异质性,合理地进行区域沙漠化土地防治区划是因地制宜开展土地沙漠化防治工作的重要基础。选取自然条件、沙漠化发展过程及人类活动等方面12个指标,将毛乌素沙区划分为黄土高原与鄂尔多斯高原过渡区、毛乌素沙地腹地典型草原区和西鄂尔多斯荒漠草原区3个区、7个亚区、12个小区。在区域可持续发展战略的实施过程中,要根据亚区和小区的特点有针对性地进行沙漠化土地的防治,充分利用区域资源优势,优化产业结构,确保经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的稳步提升。  相似文献   
Satellite remote sensing is a proven tool for mapping landuse patterns and estimating vegetation biomass/carbon. Present study aims at estimating the potential of forests of Radhanagari WLS (Western Ghats, India) to sequester the atmospheric carbon-di-oxide, using ground based observations coupled with satellite remote sensing. The study area was stratified for dominant forest types based on the structure and composition of vegetation and elevation variations. Permanent sample plots were laid down in these homogeneous vegetation strata (HVS) to make different observations during time 1 and time 2. Carbon sequestration by plantations was also studied and compared with natural forests. Species and area-specific biomass equations were used for estimating carbon pool and sequestration. Among natural forests ‘mixed moist deciduous’ forests exhibited highest sequestration rate (8%), whereas, plantation as obvious had a comparatively higher sequestration rate than natural forests (20.27%). Total carbon sequestration by forests of the Radhanagari WLS between 2004 and 2006 is 78742.09 tons. Eligible land for reforestation activity under clean development mechanism (CDM) of Kyoto Protocol was identified using satellite remote sensing using 1989 and 2005 datasets and it was observed that the potential land that can be used for reforestation activity is 10080 ha.  相似文献   
Analyses of 72 samples from Upper Panjhara basin in the northern part of Deccan Plateau, India, indicate that geochemical incongruity of groundwater is largely a function of mineral composition of the basaltic lithology. Higher proportion of alkaline earth elements to total cations and HCO3>Cl + SO4 reflect weathering of primary silicates as chief source of ions. Inputs of Cl, SO4, and NO3 are related to rainfall and localized anthropogenic factors. Groundwater from recharge area representing Ca + Mg–HCO3 type progressively evolves to Ca + Na–HCO3 and Na–Ca–HCO3 class along flow direction replicates the role of cation exchange and precipitation processes. While the post-monsoon chemistry is controlled by silicate mineral dissolution + cation exchange reactions, pre-monsoon variability is attributable chiefly to precipitation reactions + anthropogenic factors. Positive correlations between Mg vs HCO3 and Ca + Mg vs HCO3 supports selective dissolution of olivine and pyroxene as dominant process in post-monsoon followed by dissolution of plagioclase feldspar and secondary carbonates. The pre-monsoon data however, points toward the dissolution of plagioclase and precipitation of CaCO3 supported by improved correlation coefficients between Na + Ca vs HCO3 and negative correlation of Ca vs HCO3, respectively. It is proposed that the eccentricity in the composition of groundwater from the Panjhara basin is a function of selective dissolution of olivine > pyroxene followed by plagioclase feldspar. The data suggest siallitization (L < R and R k) as dominant mechanism of chemical weathering of basalts, stimulating monosiallitic (kaolinite) and bisiallitic (montmorillonite) products. The chemical denudation rates for Panjhara basin worked out separately for the ground and surface water component range from 6.98 to 36.65 tons/km2/yr, respectively. The values of the CO2 consumption rates range between 0.18 × 106 mol//km2/yr (groundwater) and 0.9 × 106 mol/km2/yr (surface water), which indicates that the groundwater forms a considerable fraction of CO2 consumption, an inference, that is, not taken into contemplation in most of the studies.  相似文献   
中巴地球资源卫星影像具有广泛的应用价值,且数据量巨大,本文讨论构建一套完整的CBERSCCD产品生产系统,实现了对其几何精纠正产品、正射纠正产品和镶嵌产品的自动化和批量化生产。论文重点探讨了系统的核心——高效准确的影像自动配准功能,在此基础上实现了对CBERS数据的正射纠正、几何精纠正及产品镶嵌等功能。本文详细介绍了系统所采用的策略、生产流程及核心算法。该系统已在实际生产中得到应用,满足相关精度指标,完全适合中低分辨率遥感影像规模化生产。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地沉降史定量模拟和分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用Petrosys盆地模拟系统,定量和动态地模拟了珠江口盆地三个主要坳陷的沉降过程,论述了沉降速率的变化与生储盖发育之间的关联,认为珠江口盆地构造沉降史具有幕式、多阶段变化的特征。盆地第一幕和第二幕沉降是盆地发育的主要时期,奠定了盆地的构造格架,形成了盆地主要的沉积地层和油气资源。第三幕沉降为盆地的改造和完成阶段,是盆地区域盖层发育的主要时期。  相似文献   
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,司法部门过去的鉴定信息管理模式已无法适应以网络时代为特征的外部环境.为了加快司法部门的信息化建设,基于规范的软件工程要求,我们运用地理信息技术,采用B/S结构设计,开发了司法鉴定地理信息系统,为司法公正提供有力保障.采用B/S结构,系统功能主要基于浏览器上.所以,页面利用ASP.NET技术实现,既保证对浏览器的兼容性,又实现了网站的功能,能够完全满足法院的业务处理需要.  相似文献   
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