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近年来,淄博市国土资源局淄川分局将电子政务建设作为实现国土资源管理跨越式发展的一个突破口,加强领导、夯实基础、统筹规划、全面推进,努力提高信息化水平,转变了原有的工作模式,提高了工作效率,优化了依法行政的工作环境。  相似文献   

钙质超微化石是海洋沉积中最重要的微体化石之一,一直是海相地层划分与对比、进行年代地层学研究的重要手段,在第四纪地层及其年代学研究中发挥着重要作用。第四纪钙质超微化石记录中共存在10个主要生物事件和10个次要生物事件,据此可划分为6个化石带和7个亚带。通过与有孔虫稳定氧同位素地层学与磁性地层学对比,可以获得每个钙质超微化石生物事件的绝对年龄,从而提高生物地层学的年代分辨率。除了生物事件外,钙质超微化石定量分析也可为年代地层学的建立提供依据,如全新世的Emiliania huxleyi高峰带和晚更新世中布容期的Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica高峰带,等等。钙质超微化石的稳定同位素与有孔虫稳定同位素一样,可用来进行地层划分与对比,还可以用于古海洋、古气候研究。

基于遥感与GIS的乌审旗土地利用变化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以乌审旗1986-2005年5期TM影像为主要数据源,运用土地利用动态度和土地利用转移矩阵对土地利用的数量变化进行了研究.运用定量与定性相结合的景观空间格局分析方法,对土地利用景观格局特征的动态变化进行了分析,并利用社会经济数据对土地利用变化的人为驱动力进行了分析.研究表明:(1)20年间各土地利用类型经历着"涨势"与"落势"的波动.从各土地利用类型的转化方向来看.林地、草地和沙地相互转换频繁;耕地主要转变为林地、草地和沙地;水域主要向其他未利用地转换,其他未利用地主要向草地和沙地转换,工矿用地没有转出.从2005年各土地利用类型的转化来源看,耕地主要是由林地、沙地和草地转变而来;林地主要由沙地和草地转变而来;草地主要是由沙地和林地转变而来;水域主要是由沙地和耕地转变而来;居民地主要是由沙地、草地和林地转变而来;其他未利用地主要是由草地、水域和林地转变而来.(2)土地利用景观格局演变特征表现为:除居民点外各类景观斑块形状指数都呈增加趋势;除水域外,各类景观斑块密度下降、分离度减少;全旗景观优势度下降、多样性升高.(3)人为因素中的人口增长、经济发展以及生态工程的实施对土地利用变化起重要作用.  相似文献   
The change of impervious surface area(ISA) can effectively reveal the gradual process of urbanization and act as a key index for monitoring urban expansion. Experiencing rapid growth of the built environment in the 2000 s, urban expansion of Beijing has not been fully characterized through ISA. In this study, Landsat TM images of Beijing in 2001 and 2009 were obtained, and the eight-year urban expansion process in Beijing was analyzed using the ISA extracted by means of the vegetation-imperious surface-soil(V-I-S) model. From the spatial variation in ISA, the ring structure of urban expansion in Beijing was significant during the study period, with decreasing urban density from the city center to the periphery. In the ring road analysis, the most dramatic changes of ISA were found between the fifth ring and the sixth ring. This area has experienced the most new residential development, and is currently the main source of urban expansion. The typical profile lines revealed the directional characteristics of urban expansion. The east-west profile was the most urbanized axes in Beijing, while ISA change in the east-north profile was more significant than in the other five profiles. Moreover, the transition matrix of ISA levels revealed an increase in urban density in the low density built areas; the Moran′s I index showed a clear expansion of the central urban area, which spread contiguously; and the standard deviational ellipse indicated the northeast was the dominant direction of urban expansion. These findings can provide important spatial control guidelines in the next round of national economic and social development planning, overall urban and rural planning, and land use planning.  相似文献   
We separated tertiary egg membrane (TGM) from 2- and 25-day-old eggs of cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune, and revealed its ultrastructure, physical (solubility, barrier property) and biochemical (histology, histochemistry, nutritional components, bacteriostasis) characteristics. The results show that TGM could not be dissolved with natural seawater, alcohol, ether or hydrochloric acid (HCl), but it could be dissolved with 2-chloroethanol, diethylamine, and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The black TGM was more effective in blocking off mud particulates, microorganisms (Chlorella vulgaris, Vibrio alginolyticus) and lighter than the white TGM. The elasticity of black and white TGMs was 1.8 N and 1.5 N, respectively. There were some ink particulates and rod-shaped bacteria in the black TGM. The nutritional components were different between black and white TGMs: Lipid content was lower and protein content was higher in the black TGM. TGM could also inhibit the growth of Vibrio alginolyticus.  相似文献   
采用华山气象站1980—2007年的电线积冰观测资料和陕西省95个气象观测站资料,分析了电线积冰厚度与常规气象资料的相关性,并据此推算出各地距地面10m高度上历年标准的电线积冰厚度,用极值Ⅰ型推断30和50年一遇的最大积冰厚度。结合陕西省电力设计院设计经验、陕西省电网运行现状及历史电网冰灾事故调查情况,对陕西省电网冰区进行了初步划分。结果表明:最大积冰厚度与年雾凇日数、年雨凇日数有较好相关性;将全省分为6个积冰区,并分别绘制出全省不同区域30和50年一遇的1:500000积冰分布图。该结果已作为陕西省电力建设中电线积冰厚度设计的重要依据。  相似文献   
渤海AVHRR多通道海冰密集度反演算法试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了得到更精确的渤海海冰密集度反演参数,采用辽东湾不同类型海冰ASD实测数据,在分析光谱特征的基础上,针对NOAA/AVHRR数据确定出合适海冰密集度反演算法阈值。继而,基于线性光谱混合模型的多通道反演算法进行了一系列算法试验。同时实现了基于LandSat5-TM数据的渤海海冰密集度场反演,并利用该结果与AVHRR单通道和多通道算法得到的海冰密集度反演结果进行比对分析。定量误差分析结果表明,当单通道算法或组合算法中包含1通道时,与Landsat5-TM反演结果的平均误差为正值,包含2通道且不包含1通道时,平均误差为负值;同时使用这两个通道较只包含其一的各种组合算法的平均误差明显偏小;在各种组合算法中,1245四个通道组合反演的海冰密集度结果误差最小,可应用于渤海AVHRR数据海冰密集度反演。  相似文献   
呼图壁地下储气库部分区域地表垂直形变机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用在呼图壁地下储气库开展的2013~2015年7期二等水准测量获得的高差数据,对由于地表气井压力变化影响而发生的地下储气库地表垂直变形进行了分析。研究表明,呼图壁地下储气库区的地表变形除了构造成因引起的盆地下沉以外,其他主要形变成因来源有2个方面:一个是呼图壁地区的地下水超采影响着该地区的地表垂直变化;另一个是储气库集采气期间井口压力变化影响下的地表沉降,根据计算,储气库每MPa气井压力变化影响到的地表变化约为0.625~1.125mm。  相似文献   
A number of models have been established to simulate the behaviour of solute transport due to chemical pollution, both in croplands and groundwater systems. An approximate polynomial solution to convection–dispersion equation (CDE) based on boundary layer theory has been verified for the use to describe solute transport in semi-infinite systems such as soil column. However, previous studies have only proposed low order polynomial solutions such as parabolic and cubic polynomials. This paper presents a general polynomial boundary layer solution to CDE. Comparison with exact solution suggests the prediction accuracy of the boundary layer solution varies with the order of polynomial expression and soil transport parameters. The results show that prediction accuracy increases with increasing order up to parabolic or cubic polynomial function and with no distinct relationship between accuracy and order for higher order polynomials (\(n\geqslant 3\)). Comparison of two critical solute transport parameters (i.e., dispersion coefficient and retardation factor), estimated by the boundary layer solution and obtained by CXTFIT curve-fitting, shows a good agreement. The study shows that the general solution can determine the appropriate orders of polynomials for approximate CDE solutions that best describe solute concentration profiles and optimal solute transport parameters. Furthermore, the general polynomial solution to CDE provides a simple approach to solute transport problems, a criterion for choosing the right orders of polynomials for soils with different transport parameters. It is also a potential approach for estimating solute transport parameters of soils in the field.  相似文献   
The changing of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is closely related with the changing of global ice sheet,temperature and sea level. Knowledge of the past atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and its relationship with climate is an important method of predicting the future climate change. Coccolith derived long-chain alkenone carbon isotope is one of the important proxies to reconstruct past carbon dioxide, which is wildly applied in the reconstruction of the Cenozoic atmospheric carbon dioxide. In this paper, we focused on the method of alkenone-based atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, including the geochemical properties of long-chain alkenone, carbon diffusive model and the carbon isotope fraction. Then, we introduced the development of alkenone-based carbon dioxide proxy and its uncertainty. Coccolith cell geometry and growth rate have great influence on carbon dioxide fraction. Besides, there are some uncertainties about carbon concentration mechanisms in coccolithes, which may have some influence on alkenone-based carbon dioxide method to reconstruct ancient carbon dioxide more accurately. At the end, we summarized the Cenozoic carbon dioxide record with various proxies including alkenone carbon dioxide, boron isotope, palaeosol carbonate nodules and stomatal indices of fossil leaves.  相似文献   
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