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兰晓青  陈文 《大气科学》2013,37(4):863-872
利用NCEP-NCAR 再分析资料分析了2011~2012 年冬季发生在欧亚大陆的一次异常低温严寒事件的大气环流演变过程以及可能的成因。这次低温事件,主要出现在2012 年1 月下旬至2 月上旬,持续大约3 周左右,非常强的低温异常覆盖了几乎整个欧洲以及东亚的西伯利亚、蒙古国和我国东北、华北等地。这次低温事件的演变与对流层北极涛动(AO)由正位相转变为负位相的时间相匹配,意味着AO 可能发挥重要作用。进一步分析表明,前期行星波的异常上传导致平流层发生爆发性增温现象,极夜急流减弱,AO 位相首先在平流层由正变负;在2~3 周左右的时间内,平流层AO 异常信号逐渐下传,使得对流层AO 也转为负位相;随后,乌拉尔山阻塞高压异常发展,极区的冷空气不断向南爆发,先后在东亚和欧洲造成剧烈的降温,导致低温严寒事件。因此,考虑平流层环流的异常可能有助于提高欧亚大陆冬季低温严寒事件的预测能力。  相似文献   
根据潍坊酸雨监测站2003~2006年的酸雨监测资料,分析了酸雨的季节变化特征,同时研究了酸性降水与气象条件的关系.统计得出,在186个降水样本中.pH值小于5.6的酸性样本39个,占21.0%,pH值大于等于5.6的样本147个,占79.0%;酸雨在秋季出现频率最高.春季较少;酸雨多出现在夜间,菲酸性降水多出现在白天,酸性物质多集中在大气边界层中上部,而碱性物质多漂浮在大气边界层的中下部.分析得出,酸雨的形成与大气的污染物浓度、混合层的高度、风向风速,以及降水量和雾有密切关系.  相似文献   
利用湖南中医药大学附属二医院2008年消化内科脾胃疾病湿热内蕴证与同期长沙市气象要素观测资料,通过回归分析,对脾胃疾病湿热内蕴证与气象要素的相关性进行了研究。结果表明,湿热内蕴证与气温、降水量、相对湿度呈正相关,与气压呈负相关,与风无显著相关。  相似文献   
温晓清  沙奕卓  雷勇 《气象科技》2008,36(2):240-243
二等标准水银温度计(简称温度计)检定结果的不确定度,直接影响温度量值传递的检定结果.针对我国省级气象计量单位现用的温度计量标准,从温度计的测温原理、检定方法、测量不确定度分量人手,根据JJFl059-1999<测量不确定度评定与表示>规范的分析方法,利用2007年检定数据,对一套温度计的检定结果进行不确定度评定.通过对检定结果的不确定度评定,梳理出一套清晰的分析步骤和科学方法,同时也为省级气象计量部门定期接受技术监督局的计量标准考核,提供误差分析范例.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Meng'entaolegai In-rich Ag-Pb-Zn deposit is located in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. It is one of the In-richest deposits in China. Large amounts of quartz and sulfide minerals constitute a hydrothermal quartz-sulfide vein deposit within a Hercynian acidic granite massif, which occupies an area of about 400 km2. Thirty-six orebodies, controlled strictly by the E-W trend faults, are found in the orefield of 6 km in length from east to west and 200 to 1,000 m in width from south to north. The ore minerals are mainly galena, sphalerite and pyrite, and subordinate chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, cassiterite and stannite with many Ag-minerals. The gangue minerals are mainly quartz, calcite, sericite and chlorite. Economic components of the deposit are dominated by Pb andZn (reserves of Pb and Zn are 0.17 Mt and 0.37 Mt, and their grades are 1 % and 2.3 %, respectively), with Ag, Sn, In and Cd (1,800 t Ag, >2,000 t Sn, >500 t In and 1,800 t Cd) as by-products. Indium is highly enriched in ores and its contents are 9 to 295 ppm in ores and 85 to 2,660 ppm in sphalerite. Analytical results show that the ore-forming fluid of this deposit contains 0.8–3.5 ppm In and 4–36 ppm Sn, and the two elements show a very good positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.8672, while the correlation between In and Zn in the ore-forming fluids, with a correlation coefficient of 0.5723, is not as good as that between In and Sn. This indicates that indium has an affinity with tin in the ore-forming fluids. The authors think that this is probably the main reason why those In-rich deposits spread over the world are simultaneously enriched in tin.  相似文献   
基于小波变换与小波包变换的降噪方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在模拟地震记录信号中加入信噪比为17的高斯白噪声,然后分别采用小波降噪和小波包降噪方法,对含噪信号进行降噪处理。在不同降噪阈值下,比较降噪后信号的信噪比。结果表明:在同一降噪阈值下,小波包降噪后信号的信噪比高于小波降噪后信号的信噪比,而且采用wbmpen方法给定的阈值明显可以提高降噪后信号的信噪比。  相似文献   
在前人工作基础上,侧重研究石英脉型金矿床成矿的地质背景,建立了该类型金矿的成矿模式。进而开展三轴温压条件下的成岩成矿实验,构造形变特征及其与成矿物质活化、迁移、富集之间的相互关系的模拟实验。实验结果表明:(1)该区岩石、矿石在高温高压条件下,产生塑性变形(褶皱)和脆性变形(破裂);(2)在变形过程中使成矿物质活化、迁移和富集,形成顺层及穿层的含金石英脉,并在多期多次变形过程中使成矿物质叠加富集;(3)在褶皱(背斜)轴部形成富矿体。模拟实验结果与所建立的该类型金矿构造控矿和成矿模式非常相似。实验资料的力学分析表明,由轴压所产生的构造附加压力大大地提高了实际围压,从而促进了岩石流变、变形和物质的迁移,由此促进含矿流体向构造附加压力小的部位定向迁移、充填和成矿。构造附加压力是促进该区金成矿的重要动力条件。  相似文献   
祁连山区黑河流域季节冻土时空变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
季节冻土的时空变化对地—气水热交换、地表能量平衡、地表水文过程、生态系统及碳循环等有着非常重要的影响.利用黑河流域11个气象站40多年的气温数据和5 cm深度处的土壤温度数据,建立了月平均气温与土壤冻结天数之间的关系.同时应用月平均气温与冻结天数的相关关系和5 km网格化月平均气温及30 m分辨率的DEM数据,编制了黑河流域逐月季节冻土分布图,并按其空间分布特征,将逐月地表冻融状态划分为:完全冻结、不完全冻结和不冻结3种.系统研究了黑河流域2000-2009年逐月季节冻土分布及冻结概率的时空变化特征.在季节分配上,黑河流域完全冻结面积最大值出现在1月;不完全冻结面积最大值在11月;而不冻结面积最大值在6月和7月.在年际变化上,完全冻结状态的离差值在冷季变化大,暖季变化小;不完全冻结状态在一年的回暖期和降温初期,年际变化较大;不冻结状态分别在4月和10月变化较大.冻结概率在1月达到最大值,6月和7月降低到最小值.在空间分布上,黑河流域季节冻土的逐月分布与变化和冻结概率主要受海拔高度控制,纬度的影响次之.  相似文献   
To restore China’s degraded ecological environment, the government has launched an environmental restoration project named the “Grain for Green Project” (GGP) in 1999. From 1999 to 2010, the government will spend 40 billion dollars to convert 147 million ha of croplands and 173 million ha of wastelands into forestlands and grasslands in 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. A primary goal is to replace cropping and livestock grazing in fragile areas with trees and grass. Given the tremendous scale and great number of participants in the project, the attitudes of the affected farmers and the future development in the area where GGP is implemented have a direct influence on the success of the project. To gain a clear idea about the farmers’ attitudes towards the project and put forward the development models for the forestlands converted from croplands, two case sites in the mountain-gorge region in Nujiang River are selected as the study areas, and the methods of field survey and semi-structured interview are adopted to make interviews with more than 100 households in 2002 and 2003 in order to quantify the farmers’ opinions about the GGP and how it has affected their livelihood, socio-cultural and industrial structures, etc. The results are as follows: 1) the project has a certain influence on the farmers with better economic basis and exerts greater influence on the farmers living in the low-elevation regions than on those living in the regions with middle-high elevation; 2) the production models of the local farmers has changed from cultivation and animal husbandry to forestry and sidelines due to the project and the income structure has changed from animal husbandry as main income source to state subsidy and sideline as main income sources; 3) the reduction in the grain income and decrease in the quantity of livestock because of the project have led to the diminution in the total income of the farmers; 4) the project has resulted in changes in the lifestyles and architecture styles of the local farmers, and the traditional “huotang” culture has gone away after the implementation of the project; 5) energy utilization has changed from firewood to methane and electricity in the wake of the implementation of the project. The above-mentioned study results have indicated that the GGP has truly exerted influence on the livelihood and production of the local farmers. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a research into the development models in the forestlands converted from croplands to resolve the problems of the farmers’ livelihood and production. The study results will provide some references for the sustainable development of the mountain-gorge regions.  相似文献   
The fast processing, seismic damage data extraction and loss evaluation from RS imagery acquired immediately after a destructive earthquake occurs, are important means for compen-sating the insufficiency of seismic damage information from ground-based investigations and provide an important basis for emergency command and rescue. The paper introduces the method of emergency seismic damage assessment using remote sensing data and its application to the great Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurring in southwest Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. The practical effectiveness of the method is also evaluated in the paper.  相似文献   
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