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华北东部中生代构造体制转折峰期的主要地质效应和形成动力学探讨 总被引:85,自引:10,他引:85
华北中生代构造体制转折始于 15 0~ 14 0Ma ,终于 110~ 10 0Ma ,峰期是 12 0~ 110Ma ,总体上是由挤压构造体制转化为伸展构造体制 ,由EW向转变为NNE向的盆岭构造格局。但是转折过程有复杂的细节和多次挤压与伸展的转变 ,边缘与克拉通内部、北缘与南 (东 )缘之间在时间和空间上也有一定的变化。南 (东 )缘的挤压构造以 2 30~ 2 10Ma为主 ,然后在 130~ 110Ma期间达到构造转折的剧变期。北缘则似乎表现出 2 30~ 2 10Ma和 180 ( 170 )~ 16 0 ( 15 0 )Ma两期挤压构造 ,130~ 110Ma是构造转折的峰期。盆地的演化有多样性 ,燕山地区前晚侏罗世时期呈现出北东东向褶皱逆冲带与挤压挠曲盆地带相邻并存的盆山结构 ;而后晚侏罗世时期呈现出北北东向裂谷盆地与断隆相间的盆岭结构 ;晚侏罗世后时期则呈现出北东—北北东向盆地与“活动”断隆相间 ,并受北东东向褶皱逆冲带控制的盆山结构。大别山南北隆升历史完全不同。深部结构的研究表明 ,华北东部的岩石圈在古生代末期已有减薄表现 ,在中生代急剧减薄 ,地幔和下地壳发生大规模置换 ,至 130~ 110Ma到达顶峰。新生代以来又有加厚的趋势。中生代构造转折不具典型造山带特征 ,可能与周围块体夹击引发的区域性大规模地幔隆起有关 相似文献
云南罗平中三叠世安尼期生物群的发现及其意义 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文介绍了云南罗平地区新发现的罗平生物群的产出层位、生物面貌、保存特征、古地理位置及其研究意义。该生物群产于关岭组二段薄层泥晶灰岩中,地层对比和化石鉴定表明其时代为中三叠世安尼期,以鱼类为主,伴生有爬行类、两栖类(?)、棘皮动物、节肢动物(甲壳类、昆虫等)、双壳类、腹足类以及植物化石;化石保存完好,分布广泛,埋藏方式独特。罗平生物群无论在丰度、分异度及化石保存上都极为罕见和独特,对研究埋藏学、古生态学、古地理以及三叠纪海洋生物尤其是海生爬行类都具有极为重要的意义。 相似文献
南海盐度对南海夏季风响应的初步分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为分析南海盐度对南海夏季风的响应情况,采用1967-2001年共35年的月平均海洋同化数据(SODA)等资料,利用合成等分析方法,探讨了南海上层盐度与净淡水通量、风应力、Ekman抽吸速度的关系以及不同海域盐度对南海夏季风爆发以及季风强度的响应.结果表明,随着南海夏季风建立,南海北部、东部的盐度降低,南部盐度增加.在强季风年,南海北部沿岸、东部盐度偏低,南海南部马来西亚以北海域盐度偏高;弱季风年南海盐度异常分布则为北部、东部盐度偏高,南部盐度偏低.南海上层盐度对南海夏季风爆发和季风强度的响应均与南海的净淡水通量、风应力、Ekman抽吸速度存在密切关系. 相似文献
温度、氮浓度和氮磷比对长心卡帕藻(Kappaphycus alvarezii)吸收氮速率的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
分别在室内培养箱、海滨室外跑道池和不同自然海区,通过一次性和半连续添加营养、以及检测海区水质和藻体生长的方法,研究了不同氮浓度、温度和氮磷比条件下,长心卡帕藻氮吸收速率的变化和氮吸收速率随时间变化,以及栽培该藻的环境生态贡献。小型实验、中试放大和海区规模栽培结果表明:(1)在10—50μmol/L范围内,该藻吸收氮速率随氮浓度增加而增大;(2)当氮浓度一定时,氮磷比在1—50范围内对该藻吸收氮速率没有产生显著影响(P>0.05);(3)温度对该藻吸收氮速率有显著影响(P<0.05),其中温度在28℃时氮的吸收速率最高;(4)尽管一次性添加营养实验中长心卡帕藻吸收氮速率随时间变化表现出先快后慢的趋势,但是进一步的半连续添加营养实验证实,导致吸收速率下降系底物氮浓度限制,而不是藻本身吸收能力下降,结果还显示卡帕藻具有连续吸收同化无机氮能力;在自然光温度变化和不受底物浓度限制条件下,该藻藻体去除无机氮效率最大维持在0.3μmol/(gFW·h);(5)海南陵水黎安海湾水质数据显示,栽培该藻去除海水富营养化和净化水质作用显著,其去除海水富营养化的年贡献为33t氮素。 相似文献
Elucidating the influence of dams on fluvial processes can inform river protection and basin management. However, relatively few studies have focused on how multiple factors interact to affect the morphological evolution of meandering reaches. Using hydrological and topographical data, we analyzed the factors that influence and regulate the meandering reaches downstream the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). Our conclusions are as follows. (1) The meandering reaches can be classified into two types based on their evolution during the pre-dam period: G1 reaches, characterized by convex point bar erosion and concave channel deposition (CECD), and G2 reaches, characterized by convex point bar deposition and concave channel erosion (CDCE). Both reach types exhibited CECD features during the post-dam period. (2) Flow processes and sediment transport are the factors that caused serious erosion of the low beaches located in the convex point bars. However, changes in the river regime, river boundaries and jacking of Dongting Lake do not act as primary controls on the morphological evolution of the meandering reaches. (3) Flood discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s result in greater erosion of convex point bars. The point bars become scoured if the durations of these flows, which are close to bankfull discharge, exceed 20 days. In addition, the reduction in bedload causes the decreasing of point bar siltation in the water-falling period. (4) During the post-dam period, flood abatement, the increased duration of discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s, and a significant reduction in sediment transport are the main factors that caused meandering reaches to show CECD features. Our results are relevant to other meandering reaches, where they can inform estimates of riverbed change, river management strategies and river protection. 相似文献
大别山-苏鲁碰撞造山带构造几何学、运动学和岩石变形分析 总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14
按照构造几何学特点和运动学特征我们把大别山-苏鲁造山带的分为三个构造单元:南部,中部和北部。造山带南部为一套构造堆叠体系;中部为一个混合岩穹窿,浅变质的砂岩、板岩和片岩构成了大别山-苏鲁造山带的北部构造单元。造山带南部的构造堆叠体系主要由前陆褶皱带构成:未变质的新元古代-早三叠世的沉积地层;由“宿松群”北部和苏北地区的“海州群”构成的高压变质岩石单元及含柯石英和金刚石的超高压变质岩石单元。造山带中部的混合岩穹隆由大别山地区的罗田穹隆和苏鲁地区的莱西-栖霞穹隆构成。同样大别山北部的浅变质“佛子岭-卢镇关群”和胶东地区浅变质的“蓬莱群”构成了造山带北部的构造堆叠体系。同时大别山和苏鲁两个构造地体均经历了相似的多期构造变形:沿NW—SE向矿物拉伸线理发育的上部指北的剪切变形代表着造山带主变形期的变形;早期向南逆冲的韧性剪切变形和沿中部混合岩穹隆边缘发育的重力滑脱变形体系,后者代表了混合岩穹隆形成时的垂向缩短作用。正是由于构造几何学和多期变形的可对比性决定了这两个变质地体具有相同的地球动力学背景。 相似文献
地震灾害预测和应急模拟系统的设计与应用——以永安市城市应急系统为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城市防震减灾是地震潜在频发区提高自然灾害防治能力建设的重要方面。本文结合福建省永安市城市防震减灾信息管理系统的建设,探讨设计防震减灾数值模型,分析模型集成的关键技术,构建了地震风险评估、建筑物易损性评价、生命与财产损失估算、救援与救灾管理调度等模型和基于GIS开发的震害预测和应急模拟系统。该系统在福建省永安市的实际应用表明,通过对地震灾害预测结果的分析,可加强城市抗震中的薄弱环节,为灾区政府应急响应和制订对策提供决策支持辅助信息,从而显著提高城市防震减灾的综合能力。 相似文献
在分析汶川特大地震后安县2008年5~7月份的流行病学数据的过程中,作者探索了安县震后疫情地理分布、疾病构成、易感人群及其时序变化等特征的地理流行病学方法,并给出了有关专题地图、过程曲线和统计表格。它们能够形象、直观、准确地反映安县震后的疫情态势地理分布,进而使防控工作有的放矢、对症下药,收到事半功倍的效果。在此基础上,作者分析了地理流行病学方法的固有优势、实施关键、应用模式,以及今后的防治方向。为确保震后疫情流行病学数据在空间性、时效性和完整性上的质量,今后对地理流行病学方法的研究,应该从目前的疫情现状描述层次,尽快地向疫情分析预测、防控决策支持等层次延伸。 相似文献
本文采用中国沿海地区13个探空站2010~2014年实测地表温度Ts与平均温度Tm数据,利用傅里叶级数分析法精化中国沿海地区Tm模型,并将2015年探空站实测Tm数据与精化模型进行对比检验。结果表明,精化模型在Tm探测方面具有更高的计算精度,其计算大气可降水量的误差概率分布趋近于正态分布,具有较强的稳定性。 相似文献
WEI Lei-hua HE Hong-lin JIANG Han-chao XU Yue-ren WEI Zhan-yu GAO Wei ZOU Jun-jie 《地震地质》2015,37(4):1096-1114
As an important technology to paleoseismologic research, trenching has been used to identify paleo-earthquakes recorded in strata, combined with dating technology. However, there have been some bigger uncertainties and limitations. For instance, subtle strata in loess sediment cannot be interpreted only by naked-eye, which seriously affects identifying paleo-earthquake horizon and time. Therefore, how to improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of paleo-earthquake identification is the important problem we are currently facing. Dongyugou loess section, located in the northeastern corner of Linfen Basin, Shanxi Province, cuts across the Huoshan piedmont fault. The section exposes not only the well-developed loess sequence, but also several obvious faulting events. Thus, this loess section is a better site to make a high resolution study to improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of paleo-earthquake identification. Based on the high-resolution grain size and magnetic susceptibility analysis, and associated with visual interpretation by naked-eye, we made a high-resolution stratification of Dongyugou loess section, including high-resolution thickness of each stratum and its upper and bottom boundaries. Based on the high-resolution stratification and their comparison between two fault walls, we identified three earthquake events, which occurred after formation of u5-7, u4 and u2, corresponding to their stratification depth of 7.1m, 4.7m and 2.9m in hanging wall. Based on results of OSL dating and average sedimentation rate of hanging wall, we estimated that the three events occurred around 45.8ka(between (48.1±1.5)~(43.2±2.5)ka), 32.8ka(between (35.0±2.4)~(30.6±1.3)ka) and 23.3ka(between (26.4±0.8)~(20.9±0.7)ka). According to the thickness difference of three loess-paleosol sedimentary cycles between two fault walls, we calculated the coseismic vertical displacements of the three events as 0.5m, 0.4 and 1.3m, respectively. Compared with other segments of the Huoshan piedmont fault zone, we found the southernmost segment is the weakest, with longer recurrence interval of about 11ka and lower vertical slip rate of 0.048mm/a. The high-accuracy grain size and magnetic susceptibility analysis offers an effective method for reducing the uncertainties of the paleo-earthquake research in loess area. 相似文献