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为探究三峡水库持续下泄清水条件下长江中游沙卵过渡段内卵石局部冲刷、搬运和淤积现象的成因,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,结合河道平面二维水动力模型,计算了研究河段内各级流量下的泥沙起动粒径分布,分析了上游来流、下游水位变化的影响,辨析了河床冲淤的成因。结果表明:①45 000 m3/s以上流量时,粒径大于30 mm的卵石可沿洪水主流带连续搬运;流量低于15 000 m3/s时,大粒径卵石只能沿枯期主流在浅滩河段局部搬运;流量介于两者之间时,水流对大粒径卵石的输移动力相对较弱。②三峡建库后,洪水量级削减而枯水天数增多,不利于卵石长距离下移,而水位下降不断溯源传递,促使枯水流路上原本稳定的区域开始冲刷。③局部淤积现象由枯期水动力增强所导致,与长江中游沙卵过渡段特殊的地貌和沉积环境有关。卵石局部冲淤调整可能在河段内多个位置长期存在,需引起关注。  相似文献   
大连地区场地土动力学参数初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过收集近年来大连地区地震安全性评价报告中土动力学参数的实验资料,统计分析粉质粘土、淤泥质粉质粘土、粘土、中砂、碎石、回填土和全风化板岩等7类土的实测动力学参数,给出了它们的动剪切模量比和阻尼比的统计值.然后,选取典型钻孔并建立了土层地震反应分析模型,分别运用本文统计值、94规范值(即原大连地震小区划的土动力学参数值)和袁晓铭等(2000)的推荐值进行土层地震反应计算,并将计算结果中的地表峰值加速度和反应谱形状进行了比较.结果表明,本文的统计值与袁晓铭等( 2000)的推荐值非常接近,而与94规范值有很大的差别.  相似文献   
High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 450 ka during late Quaternary from Core MD05-2901 off Middle Vietnam in the western South China Sea are re-ported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. Variations in Illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, while changes in smectite content present a higher frequency cyclicity. The provenance analysis indicates a mixture of individual clay minerals from various sources surrounding the South China Sea. Smectite derived mainly from the Sunda shelf and its major source area of the Indonesian islands. Illite and chlorite originated mainly from the Mekong and Red rivers. Kaolinite was provided mainly by the Pearl River. Spectral analysis of the kaolin-ite/(illite chlorite) ratio displays a strong eccentricity period of 100 ka, implying the ice sheet-forced win-ter monsoon evolution; whereas higher frequency changes in the smectite content show an ice sheet-forced obliquity period of 41 ka, and precession periods of 23 and 19 ka and a semi-precession period of 13 ka as well, implying the tropical-forced summer monsoon evolution. The winter monsoon evolution is generally in coherence with the glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with intensified winter monsoon winds during glacials and weakened winter monsoon winds during interglacials; whereas the summer monsoon evolution provides an almost linear response to the summer insolation of low latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, with strengthened summer monsoon during higher insolation and weakened summer monsoon during lower insolation. The result suggests that the high-latitude ice sheet and low-latitude tropical factor could drive the late Quaternary evolution of East Asian winter and summer monsoons, respectively, implying their diplex and self-contained forcing mechanism.  相似文献   
There are two types of temporally and spatially associated intrusions within the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP); namely, small uitramafic subvolcanic sills that host magmatic Cu-Ni-Platinum Group Element (PGE)-bearing sulfide deposits and large mafic layered intrusions that host giant Ti-V magnetite deposits in the Panxi region. However, except for their coeval ages, the genetic relations between the ore-bearing intrusions and extrusive rocks are poorly understood. Phase equilibria analysis (Q-PI-OI-Opx-Cpx system) has been carried out to elucidate whether ore-bearing Panzhihua, Xinjie and Limahe intrusions are co-magmatic with the picrites and flood basalts (including high-Ti, low-Ti and alkali basalts), respectively. In this system, the parental magma can be classified as silica-undersaturated olivine basalt and silica-saturated tholeiite. The equivalents of the parental magma of the Xinjie and Limahe peridotites and picrites and iow-Ti basalts are silica-undersaturated, whereas the Limahe gabbro-diorites and high-Ti basalts are silica-saturated. In contrast, the Panzhihua intrusion appears to be alkali character. Phase equilibria relations clearly show that the magmas that formed the Panzhihua intrusion and high-Ti basalts cannot be co-magmatic as there is no way to derive one liquid from another by fractional crystallization. On the other hand, the Panzhihua intrusion appears to be related to Permian alkali intrusions in the region, but does not appear to be related to the alkali basalts recognized in the Longzhoushan lava stratigraphy. Comparably, the Limabe intrusion appears to be a genetic relation to the picrites, whereas the Xinjie intrusion may be genetically related to be low-Ti basaits. Additionally, the gabbro-diorites and peridotites of the Limahe intrusion are not co-magmatic, and the former appears to be derived liquid from high-Ti basalts.  相似文献   
传统机器学习算法已广泛应用于矿产预测,但面对地质大数据的高维稀疏、不平衡小样本等特性仍缺乏有效处理和分析的方法,设计适合地质大数据特点的机器学习算法是智能矿产预测亟需解决的新问题。本文以内蒙古浩布高地区的铅锌多金属矿产预测为例,提出了一种面向地质大数据的半监督协同训练矿产预测模型。首先对研究区地质找矿信息和地球化学异常信息进行定量分析,提取断裂构造、二叠系地层、燕山期侵入岩、地层与岩体接触带、围岩蚀变及Pb、Zn、Sn、Cu地球化学异常共9种找矿因子。然后利用递归特征消除法优选找矿因子组合,不包括Sn异常在内的8个找矿因子组合被选为最优组合。最后,利用支持向量机和随机森林算法作为基分类器进行半监督协同训练矿产预测,绘制成矿概率分布图。ROC曲线和预测度曲线分析结果表明,半监督协同训练模型的AUC值和预测效率都高于随机森林和支持向量机模型。研究结果也为大数据环境下的智能矿产预测提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
为了对西藏错那洞电气石花岗岩源区进一步约束,利用显微镜、电子探针和激光剥蚀多接收等离子质谱仪,对错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石的形态、成分及硼同位素组成进行了研究.结果表明,错那洞电气石花岗岩中的电气石为碱族黑/铁电气石,直接结晶自富硼熔体,与熔体之间未发生明显的硼同位素分馏.电气石δ11B值主要在-6.91‰^-9.17‰之间,与大陆地壳平均δ11B值(-10‰±3‰)相近,表明错那洞电气石花岗岩主要源自变质沉积岩的部分熔融.然而,与起源于变质沉积岩的花岗岩相比,样品的δ11B值明显偏高,而与前人报道的雅拉香波淡色花岗岩(源自石榴石角闪岩部分熔融)的δ11B值相似.因此,错那洞电气石花岗岩源区中,除了变质沉积岩外,可能还混入了少量石榴石角闪岩.  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000752   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of environmentalegeological problems have been caused by over-exploitation of deep groundwater (i.e., confined aquifer water) in the North China Plain. In order to better understand the status of deep groundwater over-exploitation and the resultant environmentalegeological problems on a regional scale, the over-exploitation of groundwater has been assessed by way of the groundwater exploitation potential coefficient (i.e., the ratio of exploitable amount of deep groundwater to current exploitation), cumulative land subsidence, and long-term average lowering rate of the groundwater table. There is a good correlation among the results calculated by the different methods. On a regional scale, deep groundwater has been over-exploited and there is no further exploitation potential under the current conditions. The groundwater exploitation degree index takes the exploitation in 2003 as the reference for the calculations, so the results mainly reflect the degree of current groundwater exploitation. The results of over-exploitation of deep groundwater obtained by land subsidence data and long-term average rate of depression of the water table mainly reflect environmentalegeological problems caused by exploitation of deep groundwater.  相似文献   

考古遗址出土骨制品的研究对于揭示古代社会的动物资源获取和利用、手工业生产、社会组织结构等问题具有重要意义。国内骨制品研究目前多集中在农业区域,这些研究为探讨新石器时代至青铜时代的动物使用及其与社会发展、早期国家形成的关系等问题作出了重要贡献。然而,针对牧业社会骨制品的考察十分缺乏。新疆哈密地区巴里坤草原分布有大量古代牧业文化遗址,石人子沟遗址(43°31'12.8"~43°34'28.9"N,93°13'44.8"~93°16'49.1"E)是其中一处青铜时代晚期至铁器时代早期的大型聚落。本文从动物考古学视角研究该遗址2006年至2011年发掘出土的426件骨制品。结果显示,石人子沟遗址骨制品的原料主要为以羊(Ovis aries/Capra hircus)、马(Equus caballus)为主的家养动物和以鹿(Cervidae)为主的野生动物,其中羊的比例最高(69.7%),鹿(13.8%)、马(2.3%)次之,这与中原地区青铜时代农业文化遗址的骨制品多以牛为原料的情况明显不同。羊在骨制品原料中占绝对多数且大量使用羊距骨制品的现象是对石人子沟遗址以牧业为主的生业经济方式的直接反映。石人子沟遗址不同类型骨制品的制作各具特点,但整体表现出"省时省力"的特点,即对使用部位细致打磨,对非使用部位仅做简单处理。与中原地区商周时期大型制骨作坊规范化、规模化、产业化的骨器生产不同,石人子沟遗址未见专门的制骨场所,骨制品生产的操作链条也并不完整。遗址的骨制品生产可能是以家庭为单元进行的,产品的专业化、精细化程度也相对较低。该研究填补了我国古代牧业文化遗址出土骨制品动物考古学专门研究的空白,为进一步探究我国古代不同区域、不同生业经济基础下的制骨手工业面貌提供了重要资料。

The composite-drought index (CI), improved weighted average of precipitation index (IWAP), and the objective identification technique for regional extreme events (OITREE) were employed to detect China's regional meteorological drought events (CRMDEs) during 1961–2010. Compared with existing references, CI and IWAP both showed strong ability in identifying CRMDEs. Generally, the results of CI and IWAP were consistent, especially for extreme and severe CRMDEs. During 1961–2010, although the frequencies of extreme and severe CRMDEs based on CI and IWAP both showed weak decreasing trends, the two mean-integrated indices both showed increasing but not significant trends. However, the results of IWAP were more reasonable than CI’s in two aspects. Firstly, the monthly frequency of extreme and severe CRMDEs based on IWAP showed a clear seasonal variation, which coincided with the seasonal variation of the East Asian monsoon over central–eastern China, whereas the frequency based on CI presented a much weaker seasonal variation. Secondly, the two sets of results were sometimes inconsistent with respect to the start and end times of a CRMDE, and CRMDEs based on CI generally showed two unreasonable phenomena: (1) under non-drought conditions, a severe drought stage could suddenly occur in a large area; and (2) during the following period, drought could alleviate gradually in cases of non-precipitation. Comparative analysis suggested that the IWAP drought index possesses obvious advantages in detecting and monitoring regional drought events.  相似文献   
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