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森林植被动态变化信息的遥感检测   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文以云南省泸水县为例,探讨了利用遥感技术从LANDSAT TM图像中检测森林植被动态变化的方法。该方法,首先对1988年的LANDSAT TM图像进行几何校正,并将1999年的L ANDSAT TM图像与其配准。其次,分别从1988年和1999年的L ANDSAT TM图像中提取植被指数。然后,将1999年的植被指数减去1988年的植被指数,得到植被指数差值图像。最后,利用目视识别的方法,在植被指数差值图像上确定森林植被增加和减少的阈值,从而提取出森林植被的动态变化信息。由于云和雪的影响,造成一些伪变化的信息,为此,进一步将云和雪的信息提取出来,并将这部分伪变化信息掩模掉。该研究表明,此法可以简单有效地将森林植被的动态变化信息予以检测.  相似文献   
为探讨通过人工诱导获得驼背鲈成熟亲鱼的途径,在室内水池进行驼背鲈驯养研究;用口服和注射性激素、控温、控光、营养强化、模拟生态条件等方法处理驼背鲈以诱导其性腺发育。结果表明,控光和模拟生态条件不能有效诱导性腺发育;激素、控温和营养强化相结合可诱导驼背鲈性腺发育并成熟。对其中1 组诱导成熟的亲鱼(雌、雄各1 尾)进行人工催产后,亲鱼自然产卵受精,孵出仔鱼2 万尾。驼背鲈在驯养条件下生长较快;通过人工控制和诱导可达到性腺发育和成熟,性腺发育速度较快。  相似文献   
平南幔源包体中橄榄石的显微构造研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平南玄武岩中的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体的平衡温度为930~980℃, 平衡深度为59~74km, 包体中橄榄石的扭折带滑移系多为(010) [100], 但也有(001) [100]的滑移系类型; 斜方辉石的滑移系为(100) [001], 它们均为高温低应变速率下的滑移系, 说明该区的上地幔主要是在高温低应变速率条件下经历了塑性变形作用.橄榄石位错组态多样, 有自由位错、位错壁、位错弓弯、缠结、{110}滑移带, 反映了上地幔的塑性变形特征.根据位错壁的大小估算, 上地幔差异流动应力为24.5~42.1MPa, 流动速率为2.93×10-17~8.36×10-16s-1, 有效粘度为1.72×1023~2.80×1024 Pa·s, 特征与中国东部新生代上地幔较为一致, 反映同处于拉张环境.   相似文献   
利用MICAPS系统上的实时报文资料,以物理量场诊断为动力相似的主要依据,综合热带气旋移动路径及登陆范围来订正,以人机结合方式完成梧州及贺州地区的热带气旋暴雨24h落区预报工具在MICAPS系统上的移植,直观形象地显示预报结果。该工具利用1979~1980年7~9月、1995年7~9月3a的热带气旋实例进行试报,1997~1998年7~9月试运行,均取得较好的预报效果,目前已可以在后汛期台风季节中投入准业务试用。  相似文献   
The Salawusu Formation of Milanggouwan section in Salawusu River Valley includes 7 layers of paleo-mobile dune sands, and 4 layers of paleo-fixed and semi-fixed dune sands. Their structures have been observed and their grain size, surface textural features and several main chemical elements have been analyzed. The results showed that: 1) Some of the aeolian structural characteristics of these dune sands are similar to that of the recent dune sands. 2) They are also similar to the recent dune sands in grain size components, and parameters of Mz,σ, Sk and Kg, as well as in several main chemical components. 3) The scattergrams of Mz-σ and SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE and the probability curves of grain size showed that these paleo-dune sands are different from paleosols and fluvio-lacustrine facies, but are consistency with recent dune sands. 4) Quartz sands have well roundness and surface textural features such as dish-shaped pits, crescent-shaped pits, pockmarked pits, upturned cleavage plates, siliceous precipitates and siliceous crevasses, indicating that they had been carried for a long time by the wind. As the 11 layers of paleo-dune sands possess the aeolian characteristics in structure, grain size, surface textural features and chemical elements, the origin of their formation should be attributed to eolation.  相似文献   
萨拉乌苏河流域萨拉乌苏组沙丘砂沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面萨拉乌苏组含7层古流动沙丘砂、4层古固定-半固定沙丘砂.对这些沙丘砂的沉积构造观察以及粒度、扫描电镜和常量化学元素分析结果表明:(1)这些沙丘砂具有与现代沙丘砂相似的风成沉积构造特征;(2)粒度及其参数——Mz、σ、Sk和Kg,以及主要化学组分SiO2、Al2O3和TOFE也与现代沙丘砂相近;(3)Mz-σ、SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE散点图和概率累积曲线显示这些沙丘砂与萨拉乌苏组中的河湖相、古土壤差别明显,而与现代沙丘砂一致;(4)石英砂颗粒具有良好的磨圆以及碟形坑、新月形坑、麻坑、上翻解理薄片、硅质沉淀和硅质裂纹等表面结构特征,反映其曾受持久的风力搬运作用.沉积构造、粒度、石英砂颗粒表面结构和化学元素等多个方面具备了与现代沙丘砂类似的风成特征,证明这些沙丘砂的成因是风成的.  相似文献   
青藏高原现代气候与环境存在着明显的区域差异。高原西北部的西昆仑山甜水 海地区是高原上气候最干旱的区域。作者于1995年6月在该区海拔4840m的湖盆首次打钻取芯(TS95孔),获得57m湖泊岩芯,经对样品的实验室测年和多项环境指标分析,表明,TS95孔岩芯覆盖了距今240-17ka间的时间尺度。期间,经历了倒数第二次冰期,末次间冰期,末次冰期早期,末次冰期间冰阶和末次冰盛期几个气候变化阶段。岩芯中  相似文献   
Monitoring and minimizing tourist’s water consumption is essential for the sustainable development of mountain destinations in the world. However, available data and a generally accepted protocol on such measurement are still limited. This study uses water footprint accounting to quantify tourist’s water demand in the Liming valley, a World Heritage site and a rapidly growing tourism destination in Northwest Yunnan, China. Both the water for direct and indirect use is taken into account based on the consump...  相似文献   

This study investigated the late Quaternary climate and environmental characteristics of two tributary valleys (Xingmu and Depu Valleys) in the Parlung Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples collected from moraines at the mouth of Xingmu Valley produce a wide age range from 13.9 ka to 76 ka. The ages measured from the lenticular sand are consistent with the relative geomorphic sequence of the landforms. Lenticular sand layers below the moraine were dated to 37.9 ka and 44.7 ka, indicating that fluvial processes were likely dominant in the valley during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The outer moraine ridges at the valley mouth were formed during 13.9 ka and 26.5 ka, corresponding to MIS2. At Depu Valley, OSL samples from two sets of lateral and terminal moraines close to the modern glacier, provide ages from 1.4 ka to 29.2 ka. The paleosol layer widely developed during 2.6 cal ka BP and 8.7 cal ka BP in the study area, reflecting a relatively warm condition during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   
In geotechnical practice, it is of considerable importance to assess the behavior of vertical–lateral coupled loading piles in multilayered soil deposits. This study deals with a semi-analytical formulation for the performance of a pile suffering from combined vertical and lateral loads. The emphasis is on quantifying the mobilization of the subgrade reaction provided by the layered soil stratums. In the proposed method, subgrade reactions, correlated with both the accumulative axial load transfer and side resistances depending upon the pile–soil interaction, are abstracted as a series of nonlinear springs in both vertical and lateral directions. On account of this, an alternative transfer matrix method is applied to characterize the pile reaction along the depth under the identified boundary conditions atop the pile; meanwhile, the condition of static equilibrium, between two specific pile segments located at the border of soil layers, is also essential. On this basis, validation of the solution is conducted by comparing with observations from experiments and predictions obtained from other existing methods. In addition, the influence of properties in shallow soil layer and the vertical load on the lateral response of the pile is also discussed. The results indicate a reduction in the lateral displacement and the maximum bending moment within the pile with the increase in the shallow soil stiffness, but a growth with the increase in vertical load due to the “P-Δ effect.”  相似文献   
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