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An equatorial β-plane model which includes realistic non-uniform land-sea contrast and the underlying surface temperature distribution is used to simulate the 30-60 day oscillation (LFO) processes in tropical atmosphere, with emphasis on its longitude-dependent evolution and convective seesaw between Indian and the western Pacific oceans.The model simulated the twice-amplification of the disturbances over Indian and the western Pacific oceans while they are travelling eastward. It reproduced the dipole structure caused by the out-of-phase oscillation of the active centres in these two areas and the periodical transition between the phases of LFO. It is suggested that the convective seesaw is the result of interaction of the internal dynamics of tropical atmosphere with the zonally non-uniform thermal forcing from underlying surface. The convective activities are suppressed over Indonesia mari-time continents whilst they are favoured over the Indian Ocean and western Pacific warm waters, so there formed two active oscillation centres. The feedback of convection with large-scale flow slows down the propagation of disturb-ances when they are intensifying over these two areas, therefore they manifest a kind of quasi-stationary component to favor the ‘dipole’ structure. Whereas the disturbances weaken and speed up over the eastern Pacific cold water re-gion due to the interaction of sensible heating and evaporation with perturbational wind. Therefore the two major centers just show out-of-phase oscillation during onecycle around the latitudinal beltBy introducing the SST anomalies in El Ni?o and La Ni?a years into the surface temperature, we also show that they have significant influence on LFO processes. In an anomalously warm year, the LFO disturbances dissipate more slowly over the central-eastern Pacific region and can travel farther eastward; whilst in an anomalously cold year, the opposite is true.  相似文献   
口泉沟南水源地环境同位素研究和水资源评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了大同矿区口泉沟南区的水文地质条件,利用氢,氧,铀,硫,碳等环境同位素研究了口泉南与相邻的泉域和三层洞泉域的关系及地下水的补给来源;用有限元法进行了地下水资源评价和水位预报,证明在该区建立供水10^4m^3的水源地是可能的。  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - A systematical testing program on frozen Onsøy clay under isotropic loading and undrained shearing at different temperatures...  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部的吐木休克断裂带是中央隆起(前身是晋宁期碰撞造山带)的次级单元巴楚断隆与北部坳陷的次级单元阿瓦提凹陷之间的分界。本文以大量的地质和地球物理证据,证明它是一条内部结构复杂且切穿地壳的深断裂。结合区域构造演化恢复了断裂发育史,指出它经历过三期重大的冲断活动,分别发生在加里东期、海西期和新近纪。新近纪的冲断与巴楚断隆的南界断裂带有相同的构造样式,可分为两幕:中新世的冲断受制于南天山前陆冲断带的向南扩展,更新世的冲断主要受制于西昆仑前陆冲断带的向北扩展。吐木休克断裂带的东西走向段和北西走向段的构造特征尚有若干差异,前者在加里东期活动较强,反映了构造的继承性;北西走向段则是加里东期出现的新生构造,在海西期进一步发展,更新世时因被卷入西昆仑的前陆冲断作用,表现出强烈而复杂的变形。  相似文献   
采用野外观察、室内薄片鉴定及多项地球化学分析技术方法,对塔里木盆地柯坪地区上寒武统表生溶蚀型藻格架白云岩的特征及成因进行了研究。宏观上,藻格架白云岩呈丘状、透镜状夹于潮坪相白云岩层间,由于差异性溶蚀,发育了大量表生溶蚀孔。微观上,藻格架由富藻的泥粉晶白云石组成,而架间孔由浅色的亮晶白云石充填。藻格架泥粉晶白云石呈他形—半自形,镶嵌结构,具有暗红色—橙红色的阴极发光,较高的Na、K含量,较低的Fe含量;δ13C为-0.572‰~0.124‰、平均值-0.116‰,δ18O为-5.391‰~-4.983‰、平均值-5.240‰,表明其形成于准同生阶段盐度较高的相对氧化环境中。架间充填的亮晶白云石胶结物,呈半自形—自形中细晶,具有昏暗的阴极发光或者不发光,较低的Na、K含量,较高的Fe含量,δ13C值为-0.662‰~-0.251‰、平均值为-0.460‰;δ18O值为-6.639‰~-5.939‰、平均值-6.267‰,表明其形成于相对还原的埋藏环境。稀土元素分析结果表明,二者均具有LREE轻微富集、HREE亏损、Eu负异常特征,与海相泥晶灰岩稀土元素配分模式相似,揭示了其白云化流体均来自于原始的海水。在溶蚀作用方面,亮晶白云石胶结物相对泥粉晶白云石藻格架更易于溶蚀。前者在大气水表生溶蚀过程中,主量元素Ca、Mg丢失显著,Mg/Ca值由0.955降至0.007,微量元素Na、K丢失相对明显,Na/Ca值由原来的3.8×10-4降为1.9×10-4,K/Ca值由1.1×10-3降至检测限以下,而不改变稀土元素的配分模式。这些特征表明,表生溶蚀过程在元素特征上是一个去白云化的盐度降低过程,而这一过程中基本无稀土元素的带入带出。  相似文献   
Under the framework of meta-frontier, we employ the slacks-based measurement (SBM)-Undesirable approach to explore China’s provincial energy efficiencies and meta-technology ratios (MTRs) of eight major economic regions during 2000–2014. The results obtained show that: firstly, the SBM-Undesirable model involving a undesirable output of CO2 emission is more reasonable than the SBM model for measuring China’s provincial energy efficiencies. Secondly, there are severe imbalances of energy efficiencies between regions due to their imbalanced energy technologies. Thirdly, energy efficiencies of the southern, eastern and northern coastal regions are high with advanced energy technologies. Energy technology gaps between regional and meta-technologies of southwest, eastern coastal and northern coastal regions are shrinking; however, the ones of remaining regions are widening. Fourthly, energy technology of overall China has a U-shaped trend; however, the ones of provinces in each region are characterized as a club convergence.  相似文献   
本文用-正压模式,采用滞后平均法(LAF)对2000年热带气旋进行路径集合预报试验,并与基于热带气旋初始结构扰动的集合预报方法进行了比较分析,结果表明LAF方法对热带气旋路径预报具有较好的改进作用。但LAF的集合预报效果受模式本身误差的影响,在完美模式的假设下,LAF集合预报相对于控制试验的技巧水平20~40%。  相似文献   
湘西洛塔表层岩溶泉的生态环境类型及水文特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩溶石山区表层岩溶带的调蓄功能可有效控制石漠化的加剧并为严重缺水地区提供饮用水。文章以湖南洛塔为例,在大量的野外调查基础上,通过对洛塔岩溶区表层岩溶系统生态环境与表层岩溶泉水文特征的对比研究,按生态环境属性将表层岩溶泉分为三种主要类型:森林环境表层岩溶泉、石漠化环境表层岩溶泉及石漠化-森林过渡环境表层岩溶泉。详细论述上述三种表层岩溶泉的发育条件与水文特征:森林环境表层岩溶泉具有持续稳定的水文动态与流量;石漠化环境表层岩溶泉流量与降雨量相对应,动态极不稳定;石漠化与森林过渡环境表层岩溶泉流量排泄峰值具有随泉域植被覆盖率增加而缓和的趋势。按照环境类型对表层岩溶泉进行分类,可直观地显示其特殊的水文特征,有助于岩溶泉的合理开发和综合利用。  相似文献   
The interpretation of climatic information from stalagmites has traditionally been a complex research problem, with oxygen isotopes playing a particularly important role in global climate change studies. This study investigates the relationship between oxygen isotope composition of the atmospheric in precipitation and cave drip water at Panlong cave in southwest China on seasonal timescales of variability. Time series seasonal variability was derived from Panlong cave in Guilin by collecting daily precipitation samples for stable isotope analysis during 2012. Results indicate that δ18O of precipitation contains a clear seasonal variation whereby higher values are mainly distributed during winter and lower values during summer. Seasonal variations in water sources affect the precipitation δ18O values. Drip water δ18O also displayed a seasonal cycle which is attenuated relative to δ18O of precipitation. Drip water time series display seasonal cycle ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 ‰ relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, which mainly follow the precipitation δ18O seasonal cycle. Seasonal variation in drip water δ18O supports interpretations of the stalagmite δ18O record as a paleoclimate proxy sensitive to the local environment. This monitoring experiment revealed that drip water must be transported through the epikarst in approximately 1.5 months during cold periods, and <0.5 months during warm periods. Different residence time percolation is mainly affected by the atmospheric precipitation amount, depending on whether soil moisture reaches saturation.  相似文献   
朱焕来  陈岩  王卫学 《地质科学》2022,57(4):1324-1335
为了研究含油气盆地源外斜坡区油气分布规律,在源外斜坡区断砂配置运聚机制及有利分布区研究的基础上,通过砂体连通分布区和砂体所在地层顶面砂体输导油气汇聚区,确定油气成藏期砂体输导油气分布区;通过断裂填充物泥质含量与断裂侧向封闭所需的最小填充物泥质含量的相对大小,确定油气成藏期河道砂体上倾方向断裂侧向封闭部位,二者叠合建立了一套源外斜坡区有利于油气运聚的断砂配置分布区预测方法,并将其应用于渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷有利于油气运聚的扣村断裂与沙一下亚段砂体配置分布区的预测中。结果表明:有利于油气运聚的扣村断裂与沙一下亚段砂体配置分布区主要分布在其东部,有利于西北歧南次凹沙三段源岩生成油气在扣村断裂附近沙一下亚段内聚集成藏,与目前扣村断裂附近沙一下亚段已发现油气主要分布在其东部相吻合,表明该方法用于预测源外斜坡区有利于油气运聚的断砂配置分布区是可行的。  相似文献   
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