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《湘绮楼日记》记录的湖南长沙1877-1878年寒冬   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在对清代王运所著的《湘绮楼日记》中长达40余年(1869—1916)的冬季(12月—2月)天气记录进行整理之后,从王运在湖南长沙、衡阳一带记录的30多个完整冬季之中,提取了一个特殊的寒冬——1877—1878年冬天(记录于长沙境内)。将这年的天气记录与日记中其他年份进行比较,其寒冷程度可以明显地体现在以下几个方面(1)降雪——降雪日数14天,为最多的年份之一,且降雪次数最多;(2)积雪——积雪日数在27天以上,为历年之最;(3)冰冻——根据该年日记记录,冰冻的严重程度和持续时间均超过其他年份;(4)《日记》作者感受——王运留下了大量对“寒”、“暖”的感应记录,这一年有历年最多的“寒”记录(15条)和最少的“暖”记录(0)。由此可以得出结论1877—1878年冬天是《湘绮楼日记》中所仅见的、异常寒冷的严冬。文中对这年当地冬季严寒的天气过程和气候特点进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
This paper reports a study for the seismic performance of one large‐scaled (1/15) model of 30‐story steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐concrete core wall mixed structure. The study was implemented by both shaking table tests, in which the similarity ratio for lateral and gravitational accelerations was kept to 1:1, and numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis. The test observations presented herein include story displacement, interstory drift, natural vibration periods, and final failure mode. The numerical analysis was performed to simulate the shaking table test procedure, and the numerically obtained responses were verified by the test results. On the basis of the numerical results, the progressions of structural stiffness, base shear, and overturning moment were investigated, and the distributions of base shear and overturning moment between frame and core wall were also discussed. The test demonstrates the seismic performance of the steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐core wall mixed structure and reveals the potential overturning failure mode for high rise structures. The nonlinear analysis results indicate that the peripheral frames could take more shear forces after core wall damaged under severe earthquakes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Biochars generated at various temperatures might show significant differences in sorption for organic contaminants. In this study, a series of biochars, generated from pyrolyzing maize straws at different temperatures, were systematically characterized. The characterization results showed that with increasing pyrolysis temperature, the surface areas, micropore areas and aromaticity of biochars were enhanced. Batch experiments were conducted to study methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene sorption to biochars. The results indicated that the sorption capacity of benzene to biochars was higher than that of MTBE. The higher pyrolyzed temperature of biochars resulted in a stronger sorption affinity for target compounds, and the dominant sorption mechanisms varied for biochars pyrolyzed at different temperatures. The sorption to biochars pyrolyzed at 700 and 800 °C performed a high adsorption capacity, which indicated that they might be a promising sorbent to remove MTBE and benzene from water. Biochar pyrolyzed at 400 °C showed transitional sorption mechanisms from partition to adsorption for MTBE and benzene. Pore-filling was a possible sorption mechanism to biochars pyrolyzed at high temperature.  相似文献   
大巴山位于四川盆地北部、秦岭南缘,以发育大规模的中生代逆冲推覆构造为世人瞩目,其地壳尺度结构与构造特征对于理解扬子克拉通和华北克拉通的碰撞过程有重要意义.本文基于深反射地震剖面和宽角反射与折射地震数据的约束,结合地质与钻井资料,通过重磁场分析拟合解释,对四川盆地北部—大巴山地壳尺度的构造进行综合研究,建立了地壳断面结构与构造模型.模型显示,四川盆地北部基底和沉积盖层变形差异较大,且上下地壳具有解耦性,上地壳向北延伸至紫阳断裂一带;而下地壳与上地壳拆离,向北延伸远至安康断裂一带.研究区莫霍面起伏较大,自南向北先加深后抬升,在大巴山下出现Moho的构造叠置,这种现象源于大陆地块(扬子克拉通)下地壳向大巴山—秦岭造山带下的俯冲.类似的现象也出现在西昆仑山下,即塔里木盆地下地壳向西昆仑山下俯冲,俯冲板片前缘出现Moho的叠置.  相似文献   
The extraction of underground ore body inevitably causes a large amount of land subsidence. Current reclamation technologies in China mainly focus on stable subsided land, which means most of the affected lands are submerged into water because of the high groundwater table in some areas, leading to the loss of soils and inefficient reclamation. Therefore, a new technology for reclaiming unstable subsiding land is being studied for restoring farmland as much as possible, based on a case study in northern Anhui, China. In consideration of the mining plan, subsidence processes in various stages were analyzed and some related factors such as vertical subsidence, post-mining slope, water area, and land use condition were also simulated. Due to mining activities, useful farmland has gradually decreased to merely 14.4 % of the pre-mining area. In this study, the following stages were modeled from pre-mining to post-mining: (1) percentage of farmland was 100 % in stage (a) (pre-mining), (2) 72.5 % in stage (b), (3) 67.3 % in stage (c), and (4) 14.4 % in stage (d) (post-mining). The results show that 86.6 % of cultivated land was submerged into water and lost its capacity for cultivation after coal mining. Reclamation plans for stages (b), (c), and (d) were made by a traditional reclamation method called “Digging Deep to Fill Shallow”. Based on scenario simulation of reclamation, the farmland reclamation percentages were improved to 78.3, 73.3, and 40.70 %, respectively. Taking the percentage of reclaimed farmland as the preferred standard, concurrent mining and reclamation for stage (b) and (c) could increase farmland reclamation percentages to 37.6 and 32.6 %, respectively, compared with the farmland reclamation percentage of post-mining [reclaiming the land in stage (d)]. The results reveal that optimum reclamation time should be at stage (b). Therefore, under current technical conditions, concurrent mining and reclamation could enhance the quantity of cultivated land and provide better land protection and food security in the mined areas with high groundwater table.  相似文献   
硼及硼同位素地球化学在地质研究中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
总结了硼及硼同位素的地球化学特征:(1)硼是易溶元素,主要赋存在地球表层,尤其是海水、海相沉积物及海水交代岩石中。其同位素组成δ11B值按顺序变化,封闭盐湖卤水(>40‰)>海水(395‰)>海相硼矿物(182‰~3173‰)>海相沉积物(139‰~252‰)>海水交代岩石(451‰~1085‰)。大陆水及陆相沉积物硼含量及硼同位素组成变化极大,并多以负值为主。海陆过渡构造带则具有过渡的硼丰度值和硼同位素组成。(2)11B较10B具有更活跃的地球化学性质,因此在水岩作用中具有明显的同位素交换。硅化交代作用中,岩石被硅化交代,释放硼,并优先释放重硼,同位素组成变轻;在脱硅反应中,岩石释放硅吸收硼,并优先吸收重硼,同位素组成变重。在封闭体系中,水溶液淋滤岩石中部分的硼,即可大量富集,并富集11B;在开放体系中,岩石硼被大量淋滤流失,δ11B值明显降低。由于水岩作用的结果,从新鲜海底玄武岩到正常海水,硼同位素值从-295‰到395‰逐渐升高。(3)变质脱水反应中硼被大量排出,并优先排出重硼同位素,进入流体相,因此随着变质程度由低到高,岩石中硼含量及同位素组成δ11B值由高变低。(4)在成矿研究中?  相似文献   
Based on the estimation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and carbon sequestration of the total conversion of marshlands (TMC), marshlands conversion to paddy fields (MCPFs) and marshlands conversion to uplands (MCULs), this study revealed the contribution to the global warming mitigation (CGWM) of paddy fields versus uplands converted from marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain (excluding the Muling‐Xingkai Plain on south of Wanda Mountain), Heilongjiang Province, northeast China. The results showed that the total area of MCPFs and MCULs was 504.23 × 103 ha between 1982 and 2005. The CGWM per unit area was 45.53 t CO2eq/ha for MCPFs and that was 23.95 t CO2eq/ha for MCULs, with an obvious 47.40% reduction. The MCPFs and MCULs ecosystems acted as the carbon sink all of the year. As far as CGWM per unit area is concerned, MCPFs mitigated the greenhouse effect which was greater than MCULs. And it was effective that the implementation of the uplands transformed into paddy fields in Northeast China with regard to marshlands protection and croplands (including paddy fields and uplands) reclamation.  相似文献   
研究并开发应用于水下自主航行观测平台的高可靠CAN总线技术,实现高可靠性、实时、单多帧、大数据量数据传输。具有很好的系统兼容性,能够同基于8051、PC104、ARM等不同硬件系统的CAN节点进行高速数据通讯,为复杂分布式系统集成提供极具应用价值的通讯网络。  相似文献   
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