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The possible changes of tropical cyclone(TC) tracks and their influence on the future basin-wide intensity of TCs over the western North Pacific(WNP) are examined based on the projected large-scale environments derived from a selection of CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models. Specific attention is paid to the performance of the CMIP5 climate models in simulating the large-scale environment for TC development over the WNP. A downscaling system including individual models for simulating the TC track and intensity is used to select the CMIP5 models and to simulate the TC activity in the future.The assessment of the future track and intensity changes of TCs is based on the projected large-scale environment in the21 st century from a selection of nine CMIP5 climate models under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(RCP4.5)scenario. Due to changes in mean steering flows, the influence of TCs over the South China Sea area is projected to decrease,with an increasing number of TCs taking a northwestward track. Changes in prevailing tracks and their contribution to basin-wide intensity change show considerable inter-model variability. The influences of changes in prevailing track make a marked contribution to TC intensity change in some models, tending to counteract the effect of SST warming. This study suggests that attention should be paid to the simulated large-scale environment when assessing the future changes in regional TC activity based on climate models. In addition, the change in prevailing tracks should be considered when assessing future TC intensity change.  相似文献   
霍飞  江志红  刘征宇 《大气科学》2014,38(2):352-362
本文首先利用最大协方差分析方法,探讨青藏高原积雪与中国降水之间的联系,发现中国夏末秋初(8~10月,简称ASO)降水与前期及同期高原积雪有着显著联系,当春夏季青藏高原西部多雪时,其后ASO中国长江及其以南地区多雨,而东部沿海的狭长区域少雨。进一步引入最大响应估计等方法,研究中国区域降水对高原积雪异常的响应及其可能的物理机制,结果表明,冬春季高原多雪异常可持续到夏季,并通过改变地表热力状况,导致ASO南亚高压减弱,同时在高、低空激发出两支波列:高层200 hPa波列沿中高纬西风急流传播,自高原经蒙古到达日本呈现明显的“负—正—负”位势高度异常传播,日本上空为气旋性异常环流;低层850 hPa波列起于高原,经孟加拉湾至中国南海,沿着西南气流传播,导致台湾附近的反气旋性异常环流,其西侧的偏南气流,将南海丰富的水汽输送至中国南部湖南、广西;而高层中心位于日本的气旋性异常环流西侧的偏北气流利于北方天气尺度扰动向南移动,它们为长江中下游及其以南地区多雨提供了有利条件。进一步计算定常波波数也表明,高层西风急流与低层西南季风气流作为波导,有利于高原上空的扰动沿着高、低空2支通道向东传播。由于东部沿海浙江、福建为正位势高度异常区,低层反气旋性异常环流则抑制了该区域的降水。  相似文献   
云和辐射 (II):环流模式中的云和云辐射参数化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
赵高祥  汪宏七 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):933-958
这一部分论述了在环流模式中应用的各种云参数化和云辐射参数化方案。云参数化分为云的诊断和预报二大类,云辐射参数化则包活云光学性质的参数化和云整体辐射性质(反射率、透过率、吸收率和发射率)的参数化。  相似文献   
王必正 《大气科学》1999,23(5):590-596
利用Hilbert空间的Lions定理,对于在第一类边值问题,证明了水汽方程弱解的存在性和唯一性,并且利用弱解,指出了设计有限元方法的思路。  相似文献   
江苏省日照时数的气候特征分析   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
沈瑱  曾燕  肖卉  费松 《气象科学》2007,27(4):425-429
利用江苏省内66个气象站1960—1999年日照时数实测资料,分析了江苏省日照时数的气候变化趋势。结果表明,就整个江苏省平均而言,尽管在1960—1999年期间,省内年平均温度升高了0.6℃,但日照时数却呈明显的下降趋势;20世纪80—90年代年平均日照时数较60—70年代的平均值下降了164.7 h,下降幅度为7.35%;日照时数的下降主要表现在夏季和冬季,秋季和春季不明显;对日照时数气候变化的空间分析表明,局部地区与整个省域的气候变化趋势并不完全同步,大部分地区是下降的,个别地区则是上升的。  相似文献   
MM5模式中不同对流参数化方案的比较试验   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
应用MM5中尺度模式, 在60、20和10 km模式分辨率下, 分别选用4种不同对流参数化方案 (KUO方案、GRELL方案、KAIN-FRITSCH方案和BETTS-MILLER方案, 以下简称KU、GR、KF和BM方案) 对1996年8月3~4日石家庄暴雨过程进行数值模拟试验.模拟结果的对比分析及其与观测的比较表明:主要雨带位置对参数化方案并不是十分敏感, 但随分辨率提高, 雨带分布特征的模拟更接近实况; 当分辨率提高到10 km时, 虚假的降水中心也明显增加; 模拟的暴雨中心强度随分辨率的提高而增强并随参数化方案的不同有所变化, 但均比实况偏弱.分析还发现, MM5模式的GR、KF及BM方案的次网格降水对总降水的贡献率随分辨率的提高而减小, 而KU方案的情况则呈现出不合理的缓慢增加态势.虽然4种方案下模拟的水平环流特征有较好的一致性, 但模拟的云物理特征和垂直运动特征还是存在一定差别的, 这种差别对定点、定量降水和天空状况、地面气温、湿度等要素的准确预报都会产生影响.因此, 在预报和模拟中应考虑预报和研究对象的特点来选择对流参数化方案.  相似文献   
模式所需要的参数被合理地设置之后, 根据GAME/ Tibet (GEWEX亚洲季风试验/青藏高原试验) 那曲近地层观测站的资料, 将大气强迫变量代入SiB2(Simple Biosphere model version2), 文章模拟了该观测站地表能量收支。结果表明:SiB2能够较好地模拟青藏高原的能量收支情况, 净辐射、潜热通量和土壤热通量的模拟值和观测值吻合, 它们的相对误差分别为8% (低估)、6% (低估) 和3 %(低估)。同时, SiB2高估感热通量达40%。文章还给出了能量各分量的详细比较分析。  相似文献   
Extreme weather events include unusual, severe or unseasonal weather, and weather at the extremes of the historical distribution. They have become more frequent and intense under global warming, especially in mid-latitude areas. They bring about great agricultural and economic losses. It is important to define the threshold of extreme weather event because it is the starting point of extreme weather event research, though it has been of seldom concern. Taking extreme precipitation events in Anhui, China as an example, the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method is introduced to define the threshold of extreme weather events. Based on it, the spatial and temporal distributions of extreme precipitation events are analyzed. Compared to the traditional percentile method, DFA is based on the long-term correlation of time series. Thresholds calculated by DFA are much higher than the 99th percentile and the values are higher in the south and lower in the north. This spatial pattern is similar to the annual precipitation spatial pattern. There is an obvious increasing trend in the number of days with extreme precipitation, especially after the 1980s. This observation supports the point that more extreme events happen under global warming.  相似文献   
Following an earlier climatological study of North Pacific Polar Lows by employing dynamical downscaling of NCEP1 reanalysis in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM, the characteristics of Polar Low genesis over the North Pacific under different global warming scenarios are investigated. Simulations based on three scenarios from the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios were conducted using a global climate model (ECHAM5) and used to examine systematic changes in the occurrence of Polar Lows over the twenty first century. The results show that with more greenhouse gas emissions, global air temperature would rise, and the frequency of Polar Lows would decrease. With sea ice melting, the distribution of Polar Low genesis shows a northward shift. In the scenarios with stronger warming there is a larger reduction in the number of Polar Lows.  相似文献   
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