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新疆北部阿尔泰山西段友谊峰一带发育的喀纳斯群碎屑沉积岩中保留了大量的古陆缘演化及沉积、变质等地质信息。采集了2个层位的碎屑锆石进行同位素年龄研究, 结果显示:2套碎屑岩的锆石U-Pb年龄分布特征相近, 最年轻的岩浆锆石年龄分别为546±4 Ma和545±4 Ma, 代表了沉积时代的下限;较老的锆石年龄可分为太古宙的3063±16 Ma、2548±18 Ma和2541±18 Ma, 古—中元古代的2223~1463 Ma, 新元古代的985~781 Ma, 据此推断, 沉积物源存在前寒武纪结晶基底;较新的锆石变质年龄为421~429 Ma, 与阿尔泰地区强烈的岩浆活动时间相近, 可能与地层遭受后期的热液变质事件有关。结合地质构造演化, 表明新疆北部地区大致经历了太古宙陆核形成阶段、Columbia超大陆形成和演化阶段、Rodinia超大陆汇聚和裂解阶段、震旦纪—寒武纪复理石沉积阶段, 以及加里东期剧烈岩浆活动阶段。  相似文献   
针对轨迹大数据的高效点-轨迹k近邻(point to trajectory k nearest neighbor, P2T_kNN)查询处理需求,提出了一种融合时空剖分和轨迹分段的轨迹组织方法,其核心思想是在对轨迹作时间剖分的基础上,利用离散全球网格系统(discrete global grid system, DGGS)在空间上进行再次剖分,从而利用两次剖分得到的时空单元编码来索引落入其中的轨迹片段。在此基础上利用分布式列式存储技术设计了面向轨迹大数据的P2T_kNN查询处理框架,提出了一种顾及轨迹数据空间分布的自适应空间单元搜索算法,即通过分析轨迹数据在给定时间约束下的空间分异特征,动态调整空间单元的搜索步长,从而提升了轨迹稀疏区域的处理效率。针对亿级轨迹的实验结果表明,该方法适用于轨迹大数据的P2T_kNN查询处理,在轨迹稠密与稀疏区域的平均查询响应时间均小于1 s。  相似文献   
在中国北方主要盆地铀矿地质调查工作中,煤田自然伽马异常作为主要矿化信息和找矿线索,为一系列铀矿床(点)的快速发现奠定了坚实基础。为进一步提高煤田资料铀矿二次开发的高效性和准确性,运用水成铀矿理论,以中国二连盆地ZS煤矿区典型铀矿点的发现为例,初步探讨了煤田资料的铀矿二次开发技术,提出了"异常筛选与选区分析、原位验证与环境判别、等时地层格架建立与沉积体系分析、综合分析与靶区定位"四位一体的煤矿区铀矿地质调查模式。这对中国北方含煤盆地铀矿地质调查工作提供了新的找矿思路和技术路线,具有较重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
掌握天然气水合物储层基础物性演化特征对提升天然气水合物资源勘查与试采综合实力具有重要意义。目前,天然气水合物储层基础物性模拟实验和测试仍然以人工制备的天然气水合物岩心样品为主,导致测试结果和模拟实验认识与天然气水合物资源勘查试采工程需求仍有一定的差距,亟需原位准原位物性测试数据进行对比校正。天然气水合物储层保压取心及其后续岩心保压转移与测试是积累准原位物性测试数据的有力手段。聚焦天然气水合物储层保压取心之后的岩心保压转移与测试,全面综述了国内外现有的天然气水合物储层岩心保压转移与测试系统的优缺点,深入分析了天然气水合物储层岩心保压转移与测试获得的基础性认识;综述国内天然气水合物储层保压取心系统研发现状,梳理与之配套的岩心保压转移与测试系统研发现状及其面临的挑战;针对面临的挑战,为发展中国海域天然气水合物储层保压转移与测试技术装备研发自主能力提出了建议。  相似文献   
二氧化碳和甲烷减排是控制全球增温最核心的手段,传统的人为碳排放计算主要依赖于在线监测和清单算法,2019年第49届1PCC全会明确了利用大气观测通过"自上而下"通量计算对排放清单进行支撑和验证,因此了解大气遥感碳监测发展趋势以及同化反演技术方法成为了中国应对国际气候变化事务亟待探明的重要问题.根据卫星遥感技术发展进程和...  相似文献   
以琼海市预报服务平台为例,阐述delphi语言在气象业务中的具体应用.  相似文献   
利用WorldView-2四波段卫星数据和电子海图数据,基于改进的耀斑改正算法和双波段比值算法,反演获得了3处典型海域的浅水水深。通过不同海域、不同耀斑条件下水深反演实验,探讨了RED,NIR波段在典型四波段水深反演中的作用和影响,发现在双波段比值法水深反演中,引入RED+NIR波段进行耀斑改正处理,可以增加珊瑚、海藻等绿色物质覆盖海底的反射率,有效地提高该类海域的水深反演精度。基于耀斑改正的多光谱水深反演方法,适用于中轻度耀斑条件下,水质较清澈的浅海水深反演,可在国内外典型四波段卫星数据水深反演中推广应用。  相似文献   
积雪对自然环境和人类活动都有极其重要的影响。积雪参数(雪面积、雪深和雪水当量)反演对水文模型和气候变化研究有着实际的意义。然而,目前森林区的雪深遥感反演精度一直有待于进一步提高。东北地区是我国最大的天然林区和重要的季节性积雪区之一,本文利用FY3B卫星微波成像仪(MWRI)L1级亮温数据和L2级雪水当量数据,以及东北典型林区野外实测雪深数据,对Chang算法、NASA 96算法和FY3B雪深业务化反演算法进行了验证与分析。结果表明:在东北典型林区的雪深反演中,Chang算法和NASA 96算法反演的雪深波动都比较大,当森林覆盖度f≤0.6时,NASA 96算法表现比较好,均方根误差值在3种算法中较小,但当f >0.6时,NASA 96算法失真严重。当考虑纯森林像元(f=1)时,Chang算法低估了雪深47%。当f≤0.3时,FY3B业务化算法始终优于Chang算法。整体上,FY3B业务化算法相对稳定,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
The extraction of object features from massive unstructured point clouds with different local densities, especially in the presence of random noisy points, is not a trivial task even if that feature is a planar surface. Segmentation is the most important step in the feature extraction process. In practice, most segmentation approaches use geometrical information to segment the 3D point cloud. The features generally include the position of each point (X, Y and Z), locally estimated surface normals and residuals of best fitting surfaces; however, these features could be affected by noisy points and in consequence directly affect the segmentation results. Therefore, massive unstructured and noisy point clouds also lead to bad segmentation (over-segmentation, under-segmentation or no segmentation). While the RANSAC (random sample consensus) algorithm is effective in the presence of noise and outliers, it has two significant disadvantages, namely, its efficiency and the fact that the plane detected by RANSAC may not necessarily belong to the same object surface; that is, spurious surfaces may appear, especially in the case of parallel-gradual planar surfaces such as stairs. The innovative idea proposed in this paper is a modification for the RANSAC algorithm called Seq-NV-RANSAC. This algorithm checks the normal vector (NV) between the existing point clouds and the hypothesised RANSAC plane, which is created by three random points, under an intuitive threshold value. After extracting the first plane, this process is repeated sequentially (Seq) and automatically, until no planar surfaces can be extracted from the remaining points under the existing threshold value. This prevents the extraction of spurious surfaces, brings an improvement in quality to the computed attributes and increases the degree of automation of surface extraction. Thus the best fit is achieved for the real existing surfaces.  相似文献   
By using the observed monthly mean data over 160 stations of China and NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data, the generalized equilibrium feedback assessment(GEFA) method, combined with the methods of EOF analysis, correlation and composite analysis, is used to explore the influence of different SST modes on a wintertime air temperature pattern in which it is cold in the northeast and warm in the southwest in China. The results show that the 2009/2010 winter air temperature oscillation mode between the northern and southern part of China is closely related to the corresponding sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) and its associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. Exhibiting warming in Northeast China and cooling in Southwest China, the mode is significantly forced by the El Nio mode and the North Atlantic SSTA mode, which have three poles. Under the influence of SSTA modes, the surface northerly flow transported cold air to North and Northeast China, resulting in low temperatures in the regions. Meanwhile, the mid-latitude westerlies intensify and the polar cold air stays in high latitudes and cannot affect the Southwest China, resulting in the warming there.  相似文献   
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