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本文对博白-岑溪断裂带西南段的米场黑云母花岗岩体及其包体进行了岩石学和地球化学研究.结果表明,米场黑云母花岗岩体暗色包体广泛分布,暗色包体中发育有碱性长石斑晶、暗色镶边的眼球状石英、针状磷灰石和包裹有内环带的斜长石等.寄主岩及暗色包体两者都为准铝质、高钾钙碱性系列岩石,其主要氧化物含量在Harker图解中多呈直线变异趋...  相似文献   
云南鹤庆锰矿位于扬子地台西南缘,对其岩石样品的碳氧同位素分析表明,上三叠统松桂组经历了一次海进和一次漫长的海退期。生物(藻类)代谢与海水发生同位素交换、古气候环境的变化和古海水深度的变化都使反演的古温度偏高;古盐度分析显示正常海相沉积特征,略低的盐度与碳同位素偏低有关。钻孔样品的氧同位素主要由盐度变化而产生一个高值范围,且对应碳同位素低值区,由于海平面下降,有机质埋藏率低导致碳同位素向负值漂移。根据以上分析认为,沉积时期的环境至少是一个半局限的浅海近陆源盆地,伴随扬子地台不断抬升,气候由潮湿、炎热转变为干燥的大陆性气候,锰矿的形成也是伴随海退海水变浅而沉积成矿。  相似文献   
The uplift is a positive structural unit of the crust. It is an important window for continental dynamics owing to its abundant structural phenomena, such as fault, fold, unconformity and denudation of strata. Meanwhile, it is the very place to store important minerals like oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Giant and large-scale oil and gas fields in China, such as the Daqing Oilfield, Lunnan-Tahe Oilfield, Penglai 19-3 Oilfield, Puguang Gas Field and Jingbian Gas Field, are developed mainly on uplifts. Therefore, it is the main target both for oil and gas exploration and for geological study. The uplift can be either a basement uplift, or one developed only in the sedimentary cover. Extension, compression and wrench or their combined forces may give rise to uplifts. The development process of uplifting, such as formation, development, dwindling and destruction, can be taken as the uplifting cycle. The uplifts on the giant Precambrian cratons are large in scale with less extensive structural deformation. The uplifts on the medium- and small-sized cratons or neo-cratons are formed in various shapes with strong structural deformation and complicated geological structure. Owing to changes in the geodynamic environment, uplift experiences a multi-stage or multi-cycle development process. Its geological structure is characterized in superposition of multi-structural layers. Based on the basement properties, mechanical stratigraphy and development sequence, uplifts can be divided into three basic types--the succession, superposition and destruction ones. The succession type is subdivided into the maintaining type and the lasting type. The superposition type can he subdivided into the composite anticlinal type, the buried-hill draped type, the faulted uplift type and the migration type according to the different scales and superimposed styles of uplifts in different cycles. The destruction type is subdivided into the tilting type and the negative inverted type. The development history of uplifts and their controlling effects on sedimentation and fluids are quite different from one another, although the uplifts with different structural types store important minerals. Uplifts and their slopes are the main areas for oil and gas accumulation. They usually become the composite oil and gas accumulation zones (belts) with multiple productive formations and various types of oil and gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
徐敬东  龚建新  文军 《冰川冻土》2012,34(5):1229-1235
乌鲁木齐河由南向北纵贯乌鲁木齐市区, 洪水成因主要为冰雪消融与降水形成的混合型洪水, 对城市危害较大. 为预防和减轻洪水对城市造成灾害, 依据水文站大量实测洪水、 气象资料, 并以河流地质资料为基础, 对洪水过程的渗漏损失量进行了估算, 对河流出山口以后山前区河流洪水演变、 洪水波的运动规律进行了分析. 乌鲁木齐河洪峰衰减量随洪水量级增大而增加, 但洪峰相对衰减量却随洪水量级增大而减少. 这种洪峰衰减损失与河流山前带地质结构及洪水到达乌拉泊站前所经山前冲洪积扇的砂卵砾石层分布有关. 连续发生数日洪水时, 由于出山口以后下垫面中含水量的增加, 相对衰减量会变逐渐减少. 相关关系分析表明, 利用乘幂关系可对河流出山口乌拉泊站的洪峰流量进行预报. 基于该关系对下游洪水过程的预报, 可以为下游水利工程、 城市防洪管理等提供决策依据.  相似文献   
萨拉乌苏河流域第四系岩石地层及其时间界限   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
根据对位于鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙漠东南部边缘萨拉乌苏河流域的米浪沟湾剖面岩石地层划分并结合年代测试结果,提出了如下一些看法1以组为代表的岩石地层单元的形成时间为离石组>150000aB.P.、萨拉乌苏组150000-75000aB.P.、城川组75000-10000aB.P.、大沟湾组-滴哨沟湾组10000-1000aB.P.、范家沟湾组1000aB.P.-现代.2以上岩石单元与黄土高原相同时期层系具有较好的对比关系离石组\萨拉乌苏组、萨拉乌苏组\城川组和城川组\大沟湾组在地质时代上依次与L2\S1(时限为140000aB.P.)、S1\L1(时限为80000aB.P.)和L1\S0(时限为11000-10000aB.P.)大体是等时的.3如以过去全球变化而论,则目前已经可以确切地将米浪沟湾剖面诸岩石单元与深海和大陆冰川最近地质时期的若干氧同位素阶段进行对比,以“”表示为离石组MIS6、萨拉乌苏组MIS5、城川组MIS2~MIS4、大沟湾组+滴哨沟湾组+范家沟湾组MIS1.显然,这一对比关系清楚地说明,我国沙漠万年时间尺度环境演变,与黄土的研究结果一样,在很大程度上受到北半球冰期间冰期气候波动的影响.据此,可以按气候地层进行划分,将离石组、萨拉乌苏组、城川组、大沟湾组+滴哨沟湾组+范家沟湾组的时代分别置于里斯冰期、里斯-玉木间冰期(末次间冰期)、玉木冰期(末次冰期)和冰后期。  相似文献   
根据场地周边环境条件,场地地层及工程特点,选择合理的深基坑支护体系和施工工艺.结合工程实例,对支护桩、锚桩、预应力锚索、土层锚杆联合支护设计方案及施工工艺做简要介绍.  相似文献   
利用过去近40年平定高速公路沿线(下称平定沿线)6个测站的地面气温和雨量等实测资料,分析了平定沿线气象条件对公路边坡病害的影响。结果表明:在全球气候变暖的大背景下,平定沿线区域的气温呈上升趋势,降水呈减少趋势,土壤冻结厚度变浅。但公路东、西段的小区域气候仍存在一定差异。可将公路沿线6个测站划分为东段半湿润区(泾川至平凉段)和西段半干旱区(定西至会宁段)。半干旱区的定西路段降雨量少、强度大;气温低,气温变率大,年气温倾向率(增温)较大;土壤冻结早,解冻晚,厚度深,表层冻融过程发生频繁。半湿润区的平凉路段,降雨量大,大雨及暴雨发生频次多,降水强度大;气温高,年增温率较高;土壤冻结晚,解冻早,冻结厚度薄。  相似文献   
The upper Permian Heshan Formation in Pingguo, Guangxi, China, is strongly enriched in lithium(Li) and niobium(Nb). The lower bauxite layer contains 0.02–0.04 wt.% Nb_2O_5(averaging 0.035 wt.%), and the overlying clay rock layer contains 0.06–1.05 wt.% Li_2O(averaging 0.44 wt.%), both of which exceed the cut-off grades for independent Li and Nb deposits and are therefore highly prospective. In this study, a preliminary discussion of the genesis of the Li and Nb enrichment is presented to serve as a reference for the investigation, evaluation, and prospecting for clay-and sedimentary-type Li and Nb ores in other regions. The preliminary conclusions are that:(1) The bauxite ore contains abundant anatase, which positively correlates with the whole-rock concentrations of TiO_2 and Nb, indicating that the Nb is hosted mainly in the anatase;(2) the cookeite content in the clay rock positively correlates with the whole-rock Li concentration, indicating that cookeite is the main carrier mineral of Li,and its genesis can be attributed to reactions between clay minerals(e.g., pyrophyllite and illite) and Li-Mg-rich underground brine or pore water and groundwater in coastal areas; and(3) provenance analysis of immobile elements(Al, Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf,and rare earth elements) suggests distinct sources for the Nb-rich bauxite and the overlying Li-rich clay rocks, with the bauxite and Nb originating largely from alkaline felsic rocks in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and the clay rocks being derived from peraluminous or moderately fractionated felsic rocks associated with Permian Paleo-Tethyan magmatic arcs.  相似文献   
人类的许多生产、生活活动均可能产生不同活度的放射性废物。其中高放废物由于具有放射性水平高,发热量大,并含有对生物极有害的α放射性的长寿命核素等特点,其安全处置倍受全球科学家和广大公众所重视。目前深地质处置被国际上公认为处置高放废物的最有效可行的方法。借鉴国外成熟的技术和经验,我国采用多重工程屏障系统(包括废物固化体、废物容器及其外包装和缓冲/回填材料)和适宜的地质围岩地质体共同作用来确保高放废物与生物圈的安全隔离。膨润土由于具有极低的渗透性和优良的核素吸附等性能而被国际上选作缓冲材料的基础材料。经过全国膨润土矿床筛选,高庙子膨润土矿床被选作我国缓冲材料供应基地,我国高放废物深地质处置库缓冲材料的研究以产自该矿床的深部钠基膨润土作为基本组成材料。本文介绍了高庙子膨润土矿床的地质特征以及高庙子钠基膨润土的基本特征。该膨润土与国外同类型材料相比具有蒙脱石含量高(75%左右),杂质矿物相对较少的特点,这对系统和深入研究该材料以开发我国缓冲回填材料技术,确保高放废物的安全有效处置具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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