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为了研究考虑节点区组合效应后高层钢框架节点的抗震性能,根据钢框架节点在低周反复荷载作用下足尺模型试验研究成果,总结了各试验节点试件的滞回性能,包括节点的延性、耗能能力等指标.在试验滞回曲线的基础上,考虑试件强度、刚度退化等影响,建立了考虑组合效应的梁柱节点的恢复力模型,所建立的模型可以用于结构弹塑性时程反应分析和钢框架节点抗震设计.  相似文献   
"西边界潜流(WBUC)"是海洋环流中的重要现象,与表层环流相比,对次表层潜流的结构认识不足。本文利用SODA、OFES和ARGO资料,分析了北太平洋中的棉兰老潜流(MUC)和吕宋潜流(LUC)、南太平洋中的大堡礁潜流(GBRUC)和东澳大利亚潜流(EAUC)及南印度洋中的阿加勒斯潜流(AUC)的气候态空间分布特征,并且根据地转流反向的判据,分析WBUC的发生条件。  相似文献   
基于三角网渐进式简化的等高线多尺度综合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种基于三角网渐进式简化的等高线多尺度综合方法,实验结果表明,其不仅可以较好地保留地形特征,而且可以完全避免等高线相交现象的产生.  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of vulnerability is a core aspect of wetland vulnerability research. Taking Baiyangdian (BYD) wetlands in the North China Plain as a study area and using the ‘cause-result’ model, 23 representative indicators from natural, social, sci-tech and economic elements were selected to construct an indicator system. A weight matrix was obtained by using the entropy weight method to calculate the weight value for each indicator. Based on the membership function in the fuzzy evaluation model, the membership degrees were determined to form a fuzzy relation matrix. Finally, the ecological vulnerability was quantitatively assessed based on the comprehensive evaluation index calculated by using a composite operator to combine the entropy weight matrix with the fuzzy relation matrix. The results showed that the ecological vulnerability levels of the BYD wetlands were comprehensively evaluated as Grade II, Grade Ⅲ, Grade IV, and Grade Ⅲ in 2010, 2011-2013, 2014, and 2015-2017, respectively. The ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands increased from low fragility in 2010 to general fragility in 2011-2013, and to high fragility in 2014, reflecting the fact that the wetland ecological condition was degenerating from 2010 to 2014. The ecological vulnerability status then turned back into general fragility during 2015-2017, indicating that the ecological situation of the BYD wetlands was starting to improve. However, the ecological status of the BYD wetlands on the whole is relatively less optimistic. The major factors affecting the ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands were found to be industrial smoke and dust emission, wetland water area, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, rate of industrial solid wastes disposed, GDP per capita, etc. This illustrates that it is a systematic project to regulate wetland vulnerability and to protect regional ecological security, which may offer researchers and policy-makers specific clues for concrete interventions.  相似文献   
赵红艳 《湿地科学》2006,4(3):233-240
松嫩平原是中国内陆湿地集中分布区之一。该区湿地类型有沼泽、湖泊、盐沼和稻田,此外还有水库和少量泥炭地。概述了该区湿地的研究现状,并指出目前研究热点。重点探讨了未来本区湿地的研究趋势,主要体现在湿地生态系统结构、功能和过程研究,湿地的区域生态功能评价,湿地污染及其治理,退化湿地恢复和重建,湿地多样性与湿地保护,湿地资源综合利用,湿地对全球变化响应和全球变化对湿地影响,湿地-草地-盐碱地转换机制和过程和驱动力等方面。  相似文献   
谭春亮  宋殿兰  卢猛  冉灵杰 《探矿工程》2012,39(5):42-44,48
介绍了TGQ-30型取样钻机的结构设计、主要技术参数和特点;详细探讨了与该钻机配套的钻具及取样器;总结了该设备在我国南方低山丘陵地区应用取得的经验成果,提出使用过程中的注意事项。为该地区工作的进一步开展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
重庆大学危岩锚固工程简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆大学18层高层建筑物拟建在嘉陵江高陡斜坡脚下,斜坡上部陡崖为侏罗系上沙溪庙组巨厚层砂岩,岩石原生及岸剪裂隙发育,危岩直接威胁着建筑物。川地208队采用锚杆加固及涂抹砂浆水泥护坡综合防治工程,效果明显。  相似文献   
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